#The Agricultural Journal of the Union of South Africa
hippography · 2 years
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Farm Animals in Health and Sickness 
Securing of fractious mule preparatory to shoeing or handling him. 
Method of control against kicking. 
The Agricultural Journal of the Union of South Africa, Vol. 1, No. 3, April 1911
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Francis Fukuyama — The End of History and the Last Man
Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama (born October 27, 1952) is an American political scientist, political economist, and author. He is a Senior Fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford. He is best-known for his book The End of History and the Last Man (1992).
By way of an Introduction:
The distant origins of the present volume lie in an article entitled “The End of History?” which I wrote for the journal The National Interest in the summer of 1989. In it, I argued that a remarkable consensus concerning the legitimacy of liberal democracy as a system of government had emerged throughout the world over the past few years, as it conquered rival ideologies like hereditary monarchy, fascism, and most recently communism. More than that, however, I argued that liberal democracy may constitute the “end point of mankind’s ideological evolution” and the “final form of human government”, and as such constituted the “end of history”. That is, while earlier forms of government were characterised by grave defects and irrationalities that led to their eventual collapse, liberal democracy was arguably free from such fundamental internal contradictions. This was not to say that today’s stable democracies, like the United States, France, or Switzerland, were not without injustice or serious social problems. But these problems were ones of incomplete implementation of the twin principles of liberty and equality on which modern democracy is founded, rather than of flaws in the principles themselves. While some present-day countries might fail to achieve stable liberal democracy, and others might lapse back into other, more primitive forms of rule like theocracy or military dictatorship, the ideal of liberal democracy could not be improved on.
The original article excited an extraordinary amount of commentary and controversy, first in the United States, and then in a series of countries as different as England, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, and South Korea. Criticism took every conceivable form, some of it based on simple misunderstanding of my original intent, and others penetrating more perceptively to the core of my argument. Many people were confused in the first instance by my use of the word “history”. Understanding history in a conventional sense as the occurrence of events, people pointed to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Chinese communist crackdown in Tiananmen Square, and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as evidence that “history was continuing”, and that I was ipso facto proven wrong.
And yet what I suggested had come to an end was not the occurrence of events, even large and grave events, but History: that is, history understood as a single, coherent, evolutionary process, when taking into account the experience of all peoples in all times. This understanding of History was most closely associated with the great German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel. It was made part of our daily intellectual atmosphere by Karl Marx, who borrowed this concept of History from Hegel, and is implicit in our use of words like “primitive” or “advanced,” “traditional” or “modern”, when referring to different types of human societies. For both of these thinkers, there was a coherent development of human societies from simple tribal ones based on slavery and subsistence agriculture, through various theocracies, monarchies, and feudal aristocracies, up through modern liberal democracy and technologically driven capitalism. This evolutionary process was neither random nor unintelligible, even if it did not proceed in a straight line, and even if it was possible to question whether man was happier or better off as a result of historical “progress”.
Both Hegel and Marx believed that the evolution of human societies was not open-ended, but would end when mankind had achieved a form of society that satisfied its deepest and most fundamental longings. Both thinkers thus posited an “end of history”: for Hegel this was the liberal state, while for Marx it was a communist society. This did not mean that the natural cycle of birth, life, and death would end, that important events would no longer happen, or that newspapers reporting them would cease to be published. It meant, rather, that there would be no further progress in the development of underlying principles and institutions, because all of the really big questions had been settled.
The present book is not a restatement of my original article, nor is it an effort to continue the discussion with that article’s many critics and commentators. Least of all is it an account of the end of the Cold War, or any other pressing topic in contemporary politics. While this book is informed by recent world events, its subject returns to a very old question: Whether, at the end of the twentieth century, it makes sense for us once again to speak of a coherent and directional History of mankind that will eventually lead the greater part of humanity to liberal democracy? The answer I arrive at is yes, for two separate reasons. One has to do with economics, and the other has to do with what is termed the “struggle for recognition”.
It is of course not sufficient to appeal to the authority of Hegel, Marx, or any of their contemporary followers to establish the validity of a directional History. In the century and a half since they wrote, their intellectual legacy has been relentlessly assaulted from all directions. The most profound thinkers of the twentieth century have directly attacked the idea that history is a coherent or intelligible process; indeed, they have denied the possibility that any aspect of human life is philosophically intelligible. We in the West have become thoroughly pessimistic with regard to the possibility of overall progress in democratic institutions. This profound pessimism is not accidental, but born of the truly terrible political events of the first half of the twentieth century – two destructive world wars, the rise of totalitarian ideologies, and the turning of science against man in the form of nuclear weapons and environmental damage. The life experiences of the victims of this past century’s political violence – from the survivors of Hitlerism and Stalinism to the victims of Pol Pot – would deny that there has been such a thing as historical progress. Indeed, we have become so accustomed by now to expect that the future will contain bad news with respect to the health and security of decent, liberal, democratic political practices that we have problems recognising good news when it comes.
And yet, good news has come. The most remarkable development of the last quarter of the twentieth century has been the revelation of enormous weaknesses at the core of the world’s seemingly strong dictatorships, whether they be of the military-authoritarian Right, or the communist-totalitarian Left. From Latin America to Eastern Europe, from the Soviet Union to the Middle East and Asia, strong governments have been failing over the last two decades. And while they have not given way in all cases to stable liberal democracies, liberal democracy remains the only coherent political aspiration that spans different regions and cultures around the globe. In addition, liberal principles in economics – the “free market” – have spread, and have succeeded in producing unprecedented levels of material prosperity, both in industrially developed countries and in countries that had been, at the close of World War II, part of the impoverished Third World. A liberal revolution in economic thinking has sometimes preceded, sometimes followed, the move toward political freedom around the globe.
All of these developments, so much at odds with the terrible history of the first half of the century when totalitarian governments of the Right and Left were on the march, suggest the need to look again at the question of whether there is some deeper connecting thread underlying them, or whether they are merely accidental instances of good luck. By raising once again the question of whether there is such a thing as a Universal History of mankind, I am resuming a discussion that was begun in the early nineteenth century, but more or less abandoned in our time because of the enormity of events that mankind has experienced since then. While drawing on the ideas of philosophers like Kant and Hegel who have addressed this question before, I hope that the arguments presented here will stand on their own.
This volume immodestly presents not one but two separate efforts to outline such a Universal History. After establishing in Part I why we need to raise once again the possibility of Universal History, I propose an initial answer in Part II by attempting to use modern natural science as a regulator or mechanism to explain the directionality and coherence of History. Modern natural science is a useful starting point because it is the only important social activity that by common consensus is both cumulative and directional, even if its ultimate impact on human happiness is ambiguous. The progressive conquest of nature made possible with the development of the scientific method in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries has proceeded according to certain definite rules laid down not by man, but by nature and nature’s laws.
The unfolding of modern natural science has had a uniform effect on all societies that have experienced it, for two reasons. In the first place, technology confers decisive military advantages on those countries that possess it, and given the continuing possibility of war in the international system of states, no state that values its independence can ignore the need for defensive modernisation. Second, modern natural science establishes a uniform horizon of economic production possibilities. Technology makes possible the limitless accumulation of wealth, and thus the satisfaction of an ever-expanding set of human desires. This process guarantees an increasing homogenisation of all human societies, regardless of their historical origins or cultural inheritances. All countries undergoing economic modernisation must increasingly resemble one another: they must unify nationally on the basis of a centralised state, urbanise, replace traditional forms of social organisation like tribe, sect, and family with economically rational ones based on function and efficiency, and provide for the universal education of their citizens. Such societies have become increasingly linked with one another through global markets and the spread of a universal consumer culture. Moreover, the logic of modern natural science would seem to dictate a universal evolution in the direction of capitalism. The experiences of the Soviet Union, China, and other socialist countries indicate that while highly centralised economies are sufficient to reach the level of industrialisation represented by Europe in the 1950s, they are woefully inadequate in creating what have been termed complex “post-industrial” economies in which information and technological innovation play a much larger role.
But while the historical mechanism represented by modern natural science is sufficient to explain a great deal about the character of historical change and the growing uniformity of modern societies, it is not sufficient to account for the phenomenon of democracy. There is no question but that the world’s most developed countries are also its most successful democracies. But while modern natural science guides us to the gates of the Promised Land of liberal democracy, it does not deliver us to the Promised Land itself, for there is no economically necessary reason why advanced industrialisation should produce political liberty. Stable democracy has at times emerged in pre-industrial societies, as it did in the United States in 1776. On the other hand, there are many historical and contemporary examples of technologically advanced capitalism coexisting with political authoritarianism from Meiji Japan and Bismarckian Germany to present-day Singapore and Thailand. In many cases, authoritarian states are capable of producing rates of economic growth unachievable in democratic societies.
Our first effort to establish the basis for a directional history is thus only partly successful. What we have called the “logic of modern natural science” is in effect an economic interpretation of historical change, but one which (unlike its Marxist variant) leads to capitalism rather than socialism as its final result. The logic of modern science can explain a great deal about our world: why we residents of developed democracies are office workers rather than peasants eking out a living on the land, why we are members of labor unions or professional organisations rather than tribes or clans, why we obey the authority of a bureaucratic superior rather than a priest, why we are literate and speak a common national language.
But economic interpretations of history are incomplete and unsatisfying, because man is not simply an economic animal. In particular, such interpretations cannot really explain why we are democrats, that is, proponents of the principle of popular sovereignty and the guarantee of basic rights under a rule of law. It is for this reason that the book turns to a second, parallel account of the historical process in Part III, an account that seeks to recover the whole of man and not just his economic side. To do this, we return to Hegel and Hegel’s non-materialist account of History, based on the “struggle for recognition”.
According to Hegel, human beings like animals have natural needs and desires for objects outside themselves such as food, drink, shelter, and above all the preservation of their own bodies. Man differs fundamentally from the animals, however, because in addition he desires the desire of other men, that is, he wants to be “recognised.” In particular, he wants to be recognised as a human being, that is, as a being with a certain worth or dignity. This worth in the first instance is related to his willingness to risk his life in a struggle over pure prestige. For only man is able to overcome his most basic animal instincts – chief among them his instinct for self-preservation – for the sake of higher, abstract principles and goals. According to Hegel, the desire for recognition initially drives two primordial combatants to seek to make the other “recognise” their humanness by staking their lives in a mortal battle. When the natural fear of death leads one combatant to submit, the relationship of master and slave is born. The stakes in this bloody battle at the beginning of history are not food, shelter, or security, but pure prestige. And precisely because the goal of the battle is not determined by biology, Hegel sees in it the first glimmer of human freedom.
The desire for recognition may at first appear to be an unfamiliar concept, but it is as old as the tradition of Western political philosophy, and constitutes a thoroughly familiar part of the human personality. It was first described by Plato in the Republic, when he noted that there were three parts to the soul, a desiring part, a reasoning part, and a part that he called thymos, or “spiritedness.” Much of human behaviour can be explained as a combination of the first two parts, desire and reason: desire induces men to seek things outside themselves, while reason or calculation shows them the best way to get them. But in addition, human beings seek recognition of their own worth, or of the people, things, or principles that they invest with worth. The propensity to invest the self with a certain value, and to demand recognition for that value, is what in today’s popular language we would call “self-esteem.” The propensity to feel self-esteem arises out of the part of the soul called thymos. It is like an innate human sense of justice. People believe that they have a certain worth, and when other people treat them as though they are worth less than that, they experience the emotion of anger. Conversely, when people fail to live up to their own sense of worth, they feel shame, and when they are evaluated correctly in proportion to their worth, they feel pride. The desire for recognition, and the accompanying emotions of anger, shame, and pride, are parts of the human personality critical to political life. According to Hegel, they are what drives the whole historical process.
By Hegel’s account, the desire to be recognised as a human being with dignity drove man at the beginning of history into a bloody battle to the death for prestige. The outcome of this battle was a division of human society into a class of masters, who were willing to risk their lives, and a class of slaves, who gave in to their natural fear of death. But the relationship of lordship and bondage, which took a wide variety of forms in all of the unequal, aristocratic societies that have characterised the greater part of human history, failed ultimately to satisfy the desire for recognition of either the masters or the slaves. The slave, of course, was not acknowledged as a human being in any way whatsoever. But the recognition enjoyed by the master was deficient as well, because he was not recognised by other masters, but slaves whose humanity was as yet incomplete. Dissatisfaction with the flawed recognition available in aristocratic societies constituted a “contradiction” that engendered further stages of history.
Hegel believed that the “contradiction” inherent in the relationship of lordship and bondage was finally overcome as a result of the French and, one would have to add, American revolutions. These democratic revolutions abolished the distinction between master and slave by making the former slaves their own masters and by establishing the principles of popular sovereignty and the rule of law. The inherently unequal recognition of masters and slaves is replaced by universal and reciprocal recognition, where every citizen recognises the dignity and humanity of every other citizen, and where that dignity is recognised in turn by the state through the granting of rights.
This Hegelian understanding of the meaning of contemporary liberal democracy differs in a significant way from the Anglo-Saxon understanding that was the theoretical basis of liberalism in countries like Britain and the United States. In that tradition, the prideful quest for recognition was to be subordinated to enlightened self-interest – desire combined with reason – and particularly the desire for self-preservation of the body. While Hobbes, Locke, and the American Founding Fathers like Jefferson and Madison believed that rights to a large extent existed as a means of preserving a private sphere where men can enrich themselves and satisfy the desiring parts of their souls, Hegel saw rights as ends in themselves, because what truly satisfies human beings is not so much material prosperity as recognition of their status and dignity. With the American and French revolutions, Hegel asserted that history comes to an end because the longing that had driven the historical process – the struggle for recognition – has now been satisfied in a society characterised by universal and reciprocal recognition. No other arrangement of human social institutions is better able to satisfy this longing, and hence no further progressive historical change is possible.
The desire for recognition, then, can provide the missing link between liberal economics and liberal politics that was missing from the economic account of History in Part II. Desire and reason are together sufficient to explain the process of industrialisation, and a large part of economic life more generally. But they cannot explain the striving for liberal democracy, which ultimately arises out of thymos, the part of the soul that demands recognition. The social changes that accompany advanced industrialisation, in particular universal education, appear to liberate a certain demand for recognition that did not exist among poorer and less educated people. As standards of living increase, as populations become more cosmopolitan and better educated, and as society as a whole achieves a greater equality of condition, people begin to demand not simply more wealth but recognition of their status. If people were nothing more than desire and reason, they would be content to live in market-oriented authoritarian states like Franco’s Spain, or a South Korea or Brazil under military rule. But they also have a thymotic pride in their own self-worth, and this leads them to demand democratic governments that treat them like adults rather than children, recognising their autonomy as free individuals. Communism is being superseded by liberal democracy in our time because of the realisation that the former provides a gravely defective form of recognition.
An understanding of the importance of the desire for recognition as the motor of history allows us to reinterpret many phenomena that are otherwise seemingly familiar to us, such as culture, religion, work, nationalism, and war. Part IV is an attempt to do precisely this, and to project into the future some of the different ways that the desire for recognition will be manifest. A religious believer, for example, seeks recognition for his particular gods or sacred practices, while a nationalist demands recognition for his particular linguistic, cultural, or ethnic group. Both of these forms of recognition are less rational than the universal recognition of the liberal state, because they are based on arbitrary distinctions between sacred and profane, or between human social groups. For this reason, religion, nationalism, and a people’s complex of ethical habits and customs (more broadly “culture”) have traditionally been interpreted as obstacles to the establishment of successful democratic political institutions and free-market economies.
But the truth is considerably more complicated, for the success of liberal politics and liberal economics frequently rests on irrational forms of recognition that liberalism was supposed to overcome. For democracy to work, citizens need to develop an irrational pride in their own democratic institutions, and must also develop what Tocqueville called the “art of associating,” which rests on prideful attachment to small communities. These communities are frequently based on religion, ethnicity, or other forms of recognition that fall short of the universal recognition on which the liberal state is based. The same is true for liberal economics. Labor has traditionally been understood in the Western liberal economic tradition as an essentially unpleasant activity undertaken for the sake of the satisfaction of human desires and the relief of human pain. But in certain cultures with a strong work ethic, such as that of the Protestant entrepreneurs who created European capitalism, or of the elites who modernised Japan after the Meiji restoration, work was also undertaken for the sake of recognition. To this day, the work ethic in many Asian countries is sustained not so much by material incentives, as by the recognition provided for work by overlapping social groups, from the family to the nation, on which these societies are based. This suggests that liberal economics succeeds not simply on the basis of liberal principles, but requires irrational forms of thymos as well.
The struggle for recognition provides us with insight into the nature of international politics. The desire for recognition that led to the original bloody battle for prestige between two individual combatants leads logically to imperialism and world empire. The relationship of lordship and bondage on a domestic level is naturally replicated on the level of states, where nations as a whole seek recognition and enter into bloody battles for supremacy. Nationalism, a modern yet not-fully-rational form of recognition, has been the vehicle for the struggle for recognition over the past hundred years, and the source of this century’s most intense conflicts. This is the world of “power politics,” described by such foreign policy “realists” as Henry Kissinger.
But if war is fundamentally driven by the desire for recognition, it stands to reason that the liberal revolution which abolishes the relationship of lordship and bondage by making former slaves their own masters should have a similar effect on the relationship between states. Liberal democracy replaces the irrational desire to be recognised as greater than others with a rational desire to be recognised as equal. A world made up of liberal democracies, then, should have much less incentive for war, since all nations would reciprocally recognise one another’s legitimacy. And indeed, there is substantial empirical evidence from the past couple of hundred years that liberal democracies do not behave imperialistically toward one another, even if they are perfectly capable of going to war with states that are not democracies and do not share their fundamental values. Nationalism is currently on the rise in regions like Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union where peoples have long been denied their national identities, and yet within the world’s oldest and most secure nationalities, nationalism is undergoing a process of change. The demand for national recognition in Western Europe has been domesticated and made compatible with universal recognition, much like religion three or four centuries before.
The fifth and final part of this book addresses the question of the “end of history,” and the creature who emerges at the end, the “last man.” In the course of the original debate over the National Interest article, many people assumed that the possibility of the end of history revolved around the question of whether there were viable alternatives to liberal democracy visible in the world today. There was a great deal of controversy over such questions as whether communism was truly dead, whether religion or ultranationalism might make a comeback, and the like. But the deeper and more profound question concerns the goodness of Liberal democracy itself, and not only whether it will succeed against its present-day rivals. Assuming that liberal democracy is, for the moment, safe from external enemies, could we assume that successful democratic societies could remain that way indefinitely? Or is liberal democracy prey to serious internal contradictions, contradictions so serious that they will eventually undermine it as a political system? There is no doubt that contemporary democracies face any number of serious problems, from drugs, homelessness and crime to environmental damage and the frivolity of consumerism. But these problems are not obviously insoluble on the basis of liberal principles, nor so serious that they would necessarily lead to the collapse of society as a whole, as communism collapsed in the 1980s.
Writing in the twentieth century, Hegel’s great interpreter, Alexandre Kojève, asserted intransigently that history had ended because what he called the “universal and homogeneous state” – what we can understand as liberal democracy – definitely solved the question of recognition by replacing the relationship of lordship and bondage with universal and equal recognition. What man had been seeking throughout the course of history – what had driven the prior “stages of history” – was recognition. In the modern world, he finally found it, and was “completely satisfied.” This claim was made seriously by Kojève, and it deserves to be taken seriously by us. For it is possible to understand the problem of politics over the millennia of human history as the effort to solve the problem of recognition. Recognition is the central problem of politics because it is the origin of tyranny, imperialism, and the desire to dominate. But while it has a dark side, it cannot simply be abolished from political life, because it is simultaneously the psychological ground for political virtues like courage, public-spiritedness, and justice. All political communities must make use of the desire for recognition, while at the same time protecting themselves from its destructive effects. If contemporary constitutional government has indeed found a formula whereby all are recognised in a way that nonetheless avoids the emergence of tyranny, then it would indeed have a special claim to stability and longevity among the regimes that have emerged on earth.
But is the recognition available to citizens of contemporary liberal democracies “completely satisfying?” The long-term future of liberal democracy, and the alternatives to it that may one day arise, depend above all on the answer to this question. In Part V we sketch two broad responses, from the Left and the Right, respectively. The Left would say that universal recognition in liberal democracy is necessarily incomplete because capitalism creates economic inequality and requires a division of labor that ipso facto implies unequal recognition. In this respect, a nation’s absolute level of prosperity provides no solution, because there will continue to be those who are relatively poor and therefore invisible as human beings to their fellow citizens. Liberal democracy, in other words, continues to recognise equal people unequally.
The second, and in my view more powerful, criticism of universal recognition comes from the Right that was profoundly concerned with the leveling effects of the French Revolution’s commitment to human equality. This Right found its most brilliant spokesman in the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, whose views were in some respects anticipated by that great observer of democratic societies, Alexis de Tocqueville. Nietzsche believed that modern democracy represented not the self-mastery of former slaves, but the unconditional victory of the slave and a kind of slavish morality. The typical citizen of a liberal democracy was a “last man” who, schooled by the founders of modern liberalism, gave up prideful belief in his or her own superior worth in favour of comfortable self-preservation. Liberal democracy produced “men without chests,” composed of desire and reason but lacking thymos, clever at finding new ways to satisfy a host of petty wants through the calculation of long-term self-interest. The last man had no desire to be recognised as greater than others, and without such desire no excellence or achievement was possible. Content with his happiness and unable to feel any sense of shame for being unable to rise above those wants, the last man ceased to be human.
Following Nietzsche’s line of thought, we are compelled to ask the following questions: Is not the man who is completely satisfied by nothing more than universal and equal recognition something less than a full human being, indeed, an object of contempt, a “last man” with neither striving nor aspiration? Is there not a side of the human personality that deliberately seeks out struggle, danger, risk, and daring, and will this side not remain unfulfilled by the “peace and prosperity” of contemporary liberal democracy? Does not the satisfaction of certain human beings depend on recognition that is inherently unequal? Indeed, does not the desire for unequal recognition constitute the basis of a livable life, not just for bygone aristocratic societies, but also in modern liberal democracies? Will not their future survival depend, to some extent, on the degree to which their citizens seek to be recognised not just as equal, but as superior to others? And might not the fear of becoming contemptible “last men” not lead men to assert themselves in new and unforeseen ways, even to the point of becoming once again bestial “first men” engaged in bloody prestige battles, this time with modern weapons?
This books seeks to address these questions. They arise naturally once we ask whether there is such a thing as progress, and whether we can construct a coherent and directional Universal History of mankind. Totalitarianisms of the Right and Left have kept us too busy to consider the latter question seriously for the better part of this century. But the fading of these totalitarianisms, as the century comes to an end, invites us to raise this old question one more time.
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sciencespies · 3 years
Science alone won’t save humpback dolphins
Science alone won’t save humpback dolphins
There are fewer than 500 Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) remaining in South African waters. Science alone will not bring them back from the brink of extinction — we also need a multi-stakeholder Conservation Management Plan to boost their numbers.
This is according to the SouSA Consortium, a novel and highly-collaborative formalised network of 17 scientists and conservationists from 11 different institutions (including partners from academia, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and tourism) across South Africa focusing on the conservation status of the little-known humpback dolphin which can be found along the south and east coast from False Bay to Kosi Bay.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the Red List of Mammals of South Africa has listed the humpback dolphin as the first, and to date only, endangered marine mammal resident in South African waters. Hence, embers of the Consortium* conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to help them identify the actions that should be taken to improve the conservation of these dolphins. They did the analysis because the range, relative strength and interplay of the threats impacting the species in South African waters remain poorly understood, and setting clear priority actions is extremely challenging.
The findings of their study were published recently in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.
“Although environmental factors almost certainly play a role in the declining numbers of the species in our waters, individual threats and solutions are challenging to identify as the South African marine environment is undergoing significant changes, often as a result of human activities, such as coastal construction and pollution. There are also major changes in the distribution and availability of prey species,” says lead author and Associate Professor Stephanie Plön from the Department of Pathology at Stellenbosch University (SU) and the Bayworld Centre for Research and Education in Port Elizabeth.
“We concluded that no single cause for their rapid decline could be identified and that the cumulative effects of multiple stressors, which are difficult to pinpoint and mitigate, are impacting population numbers.”
Shanan Atkins from the School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand adds: “The main strength identified through our analysis is the diversity of specialist skills within the Consortium, while the main weakness is dealing with multiple impacts and engaging with policymakers and funders.”
“The fact that the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin’s ‘Endangered’ status is formally recognised nationally and internationally, presents a key opportunity to facilitate action with regards to governance,” says Dr Els Vermeulen from the Mammal Research Institute at the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pretoria.
The Consortium is hopeful that recent developments present important instruments that may help facilitate a shift for the conservation of the species, for example the newly declared Important Marine Mammal Areas.
However, the main threat to the conservation of the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin is the multiple and cumulative impacts of human activity in the coastal zone.
One example is “Operation Phakisa” that is likely to increase the noise level in the oceans generated by human activity. Operation Phakisa is an initiative established to stimulate economic growth in the marine environment and develop the Oceans Economy.
“An example of this is unregulated growth of industries under economic imperatives without fully understanding the possible negative impacts that increased activity in the marine environment will have on ocean life. Growth in sectors like oil and gas exploration, marine transport, harbour development and fishing/aquaculture will increase noise levels in the ocean, introduce additional pollutants and could result in unintentional habitat partitioning,” says co-author Dr Gwenith Penry from the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research at Nelson Mandela University.
“The Consortium is working towards high-level interdisciplinary engagement to ensure that any potentially harmful effects are appropriately mitigated,” she adds.
The Consortium hopes that their study can form the basis of a Conservation Management Plan that will ensure healthy gene flow in the population, prevent population segregation and improve habitat quality in critical coastal areas.
Plön emphasises that saving the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin will require a shift in our thinking from regarding these animals as “sentinels” that provide advance warnings to “indicators” of the health of the marine environment.
She says the Consortium will continue to engage with government to declare Indian Ocean humpback dolphins a priority species for conservation.
“For comparison, there are about 1 792 Black Rhino and 700-1 050 cheetah left at present,” Drs Tess Gridley and Simon Elwen from SeaSearch Research and Conservation and SU point out.
“We plan to engage more with stakeholders (public, government, legislators, parastatal organisations, educators etc.) through increased outreach and education and have a stakeholder meeting with invited conservation experts as well as experts from the sectors that are a threat to the species, e.g. tourism, coastal development, etc. to increase our involvement in governance and policy,” says Plön.
“The complex factors impacting this species in South African waters are very challenging and in order to find realistic and effective solutions going forward, we need all hands on deck!”
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
Valvulotome Report - 4 Valuable Trends to Note in valvulotome Forecast
Valvulotome is a new herbal supplement that has recently entered the mainstream marketplace. This company is focused on developing products that help people suffering from various types of heart diseases. valvulotome research reports are released each year and provide important insights into the future of valvulotome. valvulotome products can be found in different countries around the globe. valvulotome is currently licensed in the European Union.
In this valvulotome segment market analysis, we will look at valvulotome's growth prospects by projecting the overall sales volume for valvulotome in the future. The global cardiac valvulotome segment is estimated to increase at a very significant rate over the next five years, between now and 2021. In 2021, the global market is predicted to increase at a very significant rate and with the increasing adoption of strategies by key participants, the entire market is expected to increase over the subsequent decade.
One Valvulotome product in the cardiac valvulotome segment is the self-sizing device. The self-sizing device is a new type of valvulotome that provides the patient with a self-service option for changing the needle point location on the valvulotome. This allows the patient more freedom in the management of their condition and enables them to choose a point on the valvulotome that is most convenient for them to exercise. Valvulotome research refers to this as a self-service valve; this allows patients to choose a point on the valve that is convenient for them, such as the umbilical cord or a vein valve.
Valvulotome forecasts that over the next five years, there are three main trends impacting this global market segment. First, there is a trend where competitors will be forced to adopt new strategies to compete with Valvulotome. Second, valvulotome continues to experience significant increases in product quality due to improvements in manufacturing techniques and performance analysis software. Finally, valvulotome continues to improve in safety and performance. These factors have combined to drive substantial increases in demand for this product in the cardiovascular and interventional setting.
Based on our valvulotome forecast, there are three primary regions where this global valvulotome business is currently experiencing growth. These regions are: Central/South America, Middle East, and Asia/Pacific. Central/South America and the Caribbean are currently experiencing growth due to increased access to technology and the adoption of new standards by medical professionals. In addition, there are new wave of technologies in the area of biotechnology and new regions are entering the valvulotome industry.
Based on our valvulotome report, there are three types of manufacturers based on their location. There is a significant number of manufacturers located in Latin America, India, and China. Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Chile are seeing significant growth due to access to resources and technical know-how. On the other hand, Indian companies like Mahindra tractor and Mahindra farm equipment Corporation are seeing a strong response to the growing demand for this type of machinery.
Our forecast also shows four types of customers who typically buy valvulotome. These include: hospitals, physicians, developers/builders, and owners/operators of agricultural facilities. Our data indicate that this trend will only continue to increase as there are significant restraints in supply. Other areas of the world where valvulotome is expected to experience strong growth include Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines.
Our forecast further shows four categories of potential future regional challenges. These include the following: market drivers, medical device manufacturers, geographic location, and product manufacturers. Our data indicates that the overall valvulotome demand will likely remain high throughout the forested areas due to current and future restraint in supply. Also, we found a number of regions where valvulotome has already been established but are experiencing strong market growth due to new applications, technological developments, or international events. These regions include: Central/South America, Asia/Pacific, and Latin America.
The research team projects that the Cardiac Valvulotome market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 B. Braun
 LeMaitre Vascular
By Type
 Expandable Cardiac Valvulotome
 Over the Wire Cardiac Valvulotome
By Application
 Ambulatory Surgical Centers
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Cardiac Valvulotome 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Cardiac Valvulotome Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Cardiac Valvulotome Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Cardiac Valvulotome market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Cardiac Valvulotome Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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The “Corruption” Narrative: Who’s Afraid of Isabel Dos Santos? And Why? The words they use to describe her are nasty, cliché, but all too familiar. They call her “Princess,” “Oligarch,” and accuse her of “embezzlement” “peddling influence” etc. The truth is that Isabel Dos Santos, the richest woman in Africa, has for decades been on the hit list of the most powerful people in the world.  In the first month of 2020, the international media has doubled down, taken aim, and decided to go for the kill. And who are the hitmen? The same folks who brought you the Panama Papers, the shady International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The outlet with ties to the Democracy Fund of the United Nations, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is repeating their same old mantra. They accuse independent leaders around the world, from Russia, China, Latin America, and Africa of being “corrupt.” They display in rather convenient “leaks,” as if it is somehow shocking, that the leaders of countries with massive populations and resources in-fact possess lots of wealth. The international audience is led to the conclusion that the targeted leader should be removed. Misuse of government funds and other malpractice is certainly a plague rampant in many developing countries. When nations are working to raise themselves out of poverty, shady practices often become a kind of way of life as the population learns to “take care of each other.” The result is often widespread inefficiency. But what is the obvious goal of these Soros, USAID backed ICIJ operations? To keep intact the corrupt, monopolistic global financial order that exists by selectively targeting those who challenge it. The deeply corrupt global order where Wall Street and London bankers rule the world, keeping it poor so they can stay rich, pushing policies of “de-regulation” and “free markets” that have failed over and over, never gets called into question. “Corruption” charges were used to oust Dilma Roussef, to imprison Lula Di Silva who would have won the 2018 election according to every poll, and install autocratic free market demagogue Jiar Bolsanaro in Brazil. “Corruption” allegations are constantly used to stir up opposition to the Putin government by forces who were quite satisfied with the free market looting during the Yeltsin-era, and dislike that Russia has been restored as an economic power and energy exporter. Leftist Vice President Christina Kirchner in Argentina was also hit with a series of “corruption” charges by supporters of the IMF and the free market policies, who attempted to undo her progressive reforms during the Mauricio Macri. Meanwhile, many politicians in the “free” western capitalist countries have offshore bank accounts, take care of their relatives and business associates, and otherwise engage in notably corrupt behavior. The President of the United States is pretty obviously tied to a chain of “Trump Hotels” around the world, and many questions have been raised about that since the 2016 elections. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son conveniently got a well paying job at a Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian Natural Gas corporation, at the very moment when the USA was backing the “EuroMaiden” events that toppled President Yanukovych. An Oil Rich Country, Kept Poor by Western Capitalism Angola is not a poor country. It has lots of oil. Its natural gas potential is just being realized. It has minerals and a vast population. However, poverty is widespread in this southern African nation. Until 1975, Angola was a colony of Portugal. The population lived as colonial slaves, worked to death, kept in poverty, as their resources were utilized to line the pockets of Portuguese businessmen. The People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) was formed in 1956 to throw off the colonial chains. The MPLA was a Marxist-Leninist political organization backed and armed by the Soviet Union. It waged a guerilla insurgency, fighting Portuguese troops, right up until the Carnation Revolution.  When the fascist government of Portugal fell in 1975, colonial territories were granted independence. The MPLA took power as the elected government of a newly free Angola. Immediately following independence, the apartheid government of South Africa invaded Angola. Over 65,000 Cuban soldiers were sent to support the MPLA in fighting off this and subsequent invasions by the apartheid regime. Cuba continued to maintain a military presence in Angola to support the MPLA. At the time of independence, the United States government had already been arming and training a group of terrorists and extremists called the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) that conducted assassinations and other acts of violence against the MPLA.  UNITA at first claimed to be Maoist Communists and had relations with China, but by the late 1970s they were Evangelical Christians and advocates of western capitalism. The United States was their primary supporter, and anti-communism was their rallying cry. The leader of the CIA trained and armed UNITA terrorists like  Jonas Savimbi. Savimbi murdered civilians, bombed schools and hospitals and committed horrendous atrocities. Savimbi was a practitioner of witchcraft and a literal cannibal, who ate the corpses of MPLA soldiers. The horrendous atrocities of Jonas Savimbi has been well documented, but this did not stop the Reagan White House and other US administrations from embracing them as freedom fighters. The goal of the MPLA was to peacefully develop Angola into a prosperous socialist country. This was not possible in a state of total civil war, as US-backed terrorists ravaged the country for 27 years. Even when peace was finally declared in 2002, the United Nations noted that Angola was littered with landmines, and most of its bridges and essential infrastructure had been destroyed. “Angola Starts Now!” In 2002, with peace declared, the MPLA declared “Angola Starts Now!” and began to eradicate poverty and economically develop the country. Their efforts were aided significantly by the highest oil prices in world history. The GDP increased at a staggeringly high average of 11.1% from 2001 to 2010. China worked with Angola to build new railways connecting previously isolated parts of the country. The capital city of Luanda became a prosperous business center. Millions of Angolans were lifted from poverty. Who was key in making all of this happen? Isabel Dos Santos. Isabel is the daughter of the country’s first elected President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos. It is largely because of her efforts that Angola now has a state controlled mobile telecommunications corporation, Unitel. She also helped to set up Banco de Fomento Angola and Banco BIC, two private banks based in Angola. These are banks subsidized with state oil profits, that have provided loans allowing the domestic economy of Angola to flourish. Isabel Dos Santos has traveled around the world working to bring foreign investment into her homeland. In 2016 Isabel Dos Santos moved out of the private sector and was named as the director of Sonangol, the state-run oil company that remains at the center of the Angolan economy. Much like Putin did in Russia with Gazprom and Rosneft, Sonagol is a “national champion.” It is a state-controlled energy corporation utilized to create economic growth and stabilize the market. It was with Sonangol’s proceeds that the mining and agricultural sectors were stimulated. Nigeria is now the top oil exporting country in Africa. It has been a playground for Chevron, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and Exxon-Mobile for years. Nigeria has a few billionaires, but the population is overwhelmingly poor and illiterate. While lots of oil is extracted and lots of profits made by western corporations, nothing like Angola’s economic boom of 2002-2014 has ever happened in Nigeria, despite decades and decades in the oil business. The successes of Angola cannot be blamed on high oil prices alone, but rather on state central planning, utilizing oil proceeds to eradicate poverty and construct. Isabel Dos Santos has spent very little time working in government. She prides herself on her success as a businesswoman in the private sector. Her dynamic leadership and strategic management of private companies, in coordination with state central planners, created all kinds of spectacular results. “There are thousands of people whom we gave their first job,” she told BBC. When a new President took office in 2017, the Wall Street Journal celebrated Isabel Dos Santos’ departure. It accused her of running “turgid bureaucracy.” American oil companies were angry that she “required that they buy supplies from select domestic firms.” Dos Santos enforced environmental laws, and would not privatize the newly discovered natural gas resources that “by law belongs to the government.” Immediately before  the ouster of Isabel Dos Santos from Sonangol, Total, BP, Haliburton, and Exxon-Mobile had terminated their relationship with the state-run firm. It appears that the big oil bankers almost demanded her ouster from the new administration of President Juan Lourenço and their wish was granted. A Failed Administration Scapegoating Its Predecessors Lourenço promised to usher in an “economic miracle” with his free market reforms once elected. The opposite has occurred. Unemployment has risen. Strikes and social unrest are also increasing. 28% of Angola’s population lives on less than $1.90 per day. Lourenço has signed on with the International Monetary Fund, known for pushing deregulation and Milton Friedman style economic reforms in exchange for “development loans.” Since he cannot fix the economy, Lourenço seems to be focused scapegoating his predecessors, who presided over huge economic achievements. President João Lourenço calls himself “the terminator,” and he has worked hard to single out members of the Dos Santos family and their allies for prosecution. 45 cases are currently in court, and Isabel Dos Santos is now among those facing charges, as is her younger brother. However, a BBC article published on January 16th seems to have revealed that the campaign against Santos isn’t simply about retaliation against the Dos Santos family. During  an interview, Isabel Dos Santos “declined four times to rule out” running for the Presidency. Later she told a Portuguese network “it’s possible” that she may intend run for head of state in 2022. And what else, she could very well win, despite massive huge efforts to besmirch her reputation with the convenient “Luanda Leaks” presented by the Soros, USAID tied outlet. To Angolans who have endured decades of civil war followed by miraculous amounts of growth, the name “Dos Santos” is associated with the legacy of the anti-colonial struggle, as well as a decade of exciting hope. The “Iron Lady” Southern Africa Needs? Indicating why she might consider a Presidential run, she told BBC “President Lourenço is fighting for absolute power. There’s a strong wish to neutralize any influence that [former] President Dos Santos might still have in the MPLA…. If a different candidate would appear [ahead of the 2022 presidential election] supported by former President Dos Santos or allies linked to him, that would really challenge [Mr Lourenço’s] position because his current track record is very, very poor.” In fact, Isabel Dos Santos could be the kind of leader that Southern Africa desperately needs. Her father was a guerilla fighter who fought the Portuguese and went into exile. Her mother was a Russian Communist. While the MPLA backed away from Soviet-style Marxism-Leninism in 1991, it remains a Democratic Socialist Party, and its members are dedicated to building a society where all Angolans have what they need. Already, from both the private sector and as the head of Sonangol, Dos Santos has put into practice a successful implementation of policies that could be called “petro-socialism” i.e. using state-run oil profits to centralize and build up an economy. On the northern end of the continent, Libya flourished under such policies. The Islamic Socialist government of Moammar Gaddafi built the world’s largest irrigation system, “the man-made river.” Libya had the highest life expectancy on the African continent until 2011 and had achieved universal housing and literacy. Libya worked hard to suppress Al-Qaida and terrorist groups and provided financial support to the Irish Republican Army, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, and many other socialist and anti-imperialist forces around the world. In his final year, Gaddaffi openly spoke of establishing an African currency and an African bank, laying the basis for independence from western financial power. All of this culminated in the USA funding an uprising against him, and NATO bombing campaign that destroyed the country. During Gaddaffi’s leadership, Africans from across the continent piled into the Libya where the state provided them with employment. Now, in a war-torn, newly impoverished and destroyed post-Gaddafi, pro-western Libya, Africans are trying to get out on rafts, and drowning in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe. Russia and China were both deeply impoverished countries at the beginning of the 20th Century, but it was with state central planning, mobilizing the population and rationally organizing the economy that they became superpowers. Both countries have learned the lessons of the Soviet Union’s demise, and recognize the need for foreign investment and a private sector, which will  allow more entrepreneurialism. However, Russia and China continue to get stronger because they have not fallen into the trap of “profits in command” and the chaos of the market. All across the developing world, the absolute failure of Milton Friedman-style economics can be seen. Even the Bretton Woods institutions now admit that they have been “too Neoliberal.” All out “free trade” Adam Smith-style capitalism is not the answer, for Angola or any other country. If Isabel Dos Santos, a savvy businesswoman was elected, carrying with her a family name that is associated with better times, and resilient leadership, she could very well turn things around. As Russia becomes more involved in helping strengthen African countries, and  as China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank works to build infrastructure to help the development of independent economies, Isabel Dos Santos has great potential as a leader. With her strength and boldness, she could bring economic growth, financial independence, and hope to millions of people, not just in her own country, but throughout the region.
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gravalicious · 5 years
[Richard] Coudenhove-Kalergi’s argument for a European union mirrors the world view of internationalists and liberal progressives of his era. A united Europe was paramount for political reasons, or simply to prevent a repetition of the First World War. This was the argument for peace. A united Europe was desirable also for cultural reasons, as history seemed to indicate that Europe was a spiritual unity owning a specific Weltanschauung.  This was the argument for civilization. In addition, the 1920s added a third, economic argument; for as Europeans compared their own states to the rapidly growing economies of the United States and the Soviet Union, they concluded that both enjoyed the advantage of being able to organize their economies on a continental scale, whereas Europe was politically divided and suffered economically from numerous trade barriers. This economic perspective then gradually turned into a geopolitical one, which touched the sensitive issue as to whether Europe would be able to regain its place as a dominant power on a par with the other ones. From this perspective, Africa was seen as a natural or necessary part of Europe’s geopolitical sphere, a part that needed to be more strongly connected to Europe, and one that needed to be exploited by united European forces in order to be properly and adequately used. As the intellectuals of the 1920s argued in favour of a European union or federation, their arguments implicitly or explicitly addressed Africa. Europe could develop its fullest economic and political potential only through Africa. Africa was mainly looked upon as a great provider of natural resources and agricultural produce, but also as a reservoir for hydroelectric power. Sometimes, Africa also was seen as the solution to Europe’s demographic problems; it was widely agreed that Europe was overpopulated, and the continent would be greatly helped if surplus population could emigrate and settle in the ‘empty’ territory south of the Mediterranean. As Coudenhove-Kalergi (1929: 3) stated in his essay ‘Africa’: ‘Africa could provide Europe with raw materials for its industry, nutrition for its population, land for its overpopulation, labour for its unemployed, and markets for its products.’
Peo Hansen and Stefan Jonsson - Bringing Africa as a 'Dowry to Europe': European Integration and the Eurafrican Project, 1920–1960 (2011) [Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, (13), 3, 443-463]
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Global Croplands Expand Earth’s population grew from 6.4 billion to 7.7 billion people during the past two decades. Experts project global population will approach 10 billion by 2050. That’s a lot of new mouths to feed. In a world where food producers already face serious challenges—including climate change, urbanization and development of farmland, and ongoing human conflicts—growing populations put extra pressure on farmers and ecosystems to produce enough food. New mapping from the Global Land Analysis & Discovery Lab (GLAD) at the University of Maryland could help. Researchers there have assembled detailed maps of global cropland change. According to the GLAD team analysis, the total land area covered by crops has increased , since 2003 by 9 percent, or 1 million square kilometers (about 400,000 square miles). That’s an area about the size of Egypt. Half of the new cropland replaced other natural vegetation such as grasslands or forests. The other half came from the recultivation of abandoned farmland or conversion of pastures. The new maps, which show changes between 2003 and 2019, are based on imagery collected by Landsat satellites and were published in the journal Nature Food. By adding NASA data on the net primary productivity of croplands, the researchers also estimated whether cultivated areas grew more or less productive over time. Net primary productivity is a measure of how much energy plants store through photosynthesis. In the hands of farmers, economists, conservation groups, and policymakers, such information could make it easier to balance food production needs with the preservation of ecosystems, the protection of biodiversity, and efforts to sequester carbon and slow climate change. “People have used satellites to map cropland extent before. What distinguishes this effort is that we are showing change over a long period of time,” said Peter Potapov, the co-director of GLAD and the lead author of the study. “We also do it in a way that is consistent across international borders so we can compare what is happening in different regions or countries in a meaningful way.” Most previous attempts to map and compare farmland relied on the compilation of local or regional data via methods and definitions that varied significantly. With 530,000 square kilometers of new cropland, Africa added the most of any continent. South America followed with 370,000 square kilometers of new cropland. Southwest Asia and Australia saw increases, though much more modest ones. In North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia, total cropland stayed roughly the same. However, some of these areas saw significant shifts in where farmland was located. In the United States, a trend toward new corn, wheat, and soybean plantings in Great Plains grasslands offset the abandonment of significant amounts of land in the eastern U.S. In China, farmland increased in arid areas of the west even as rapid urbanization and a growing aquaculture sector nibbled away at it around eastern cities and coastlines. The researchers noted that Russia began abandoning large amounts of farmland following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, when the government ended subsidies that had made it possible to raise crops on subpar land. The Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia had the opposite experience. The breakup of the Soviet Union led to large increases in croplands as these states became more integrated into global markets. Ripple effects of that breakup also affected the agriculture sector in Cuba, leading to a loss of subsidized access to fuel and fertilizers and a transition to a less-mechanized style of farming that contributed to farmland reductions over time. Saudi Arabia saw widespread abandonment of farmland for different reasons: groundwater scarcity prompted authorities to lift subsidies for wheat farmers and limit wheat exports. The expansion of cropland looks somewhat different when accounting for population changes. Since global population increased by more than one billion people, the amount of cropland per person declined slightly from 0.18 hectares in 2003 to 0.16 hectares in 2019. Likewise, net primary productivity (NPP) increased by 3.5 percent due to more intensive farming practices. NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using data from Potapov, Peter, et al. (2022). Story by Adam Voiland.
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rs12345 · 3 years
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Ceemarket research was launched during the year 2021 and the launch celebrations lasted for six weeks. ceemarket now has a total of seventy-six market segments across seven continents. The major functions of ceemarket are its establishment of the European Common Market (ECM), coordination of European policies aimed at the integration of the economic units of the Union, adaptation of the Common European System of regulation for the Single Market, harmonization of technical regulations for the Common Market, the formation of a European agricultural market, protection of intellectual property rights, the creation of a European market for the services sector, and creation of a European Investment Bank (EIB). The main objective of the EIB is to help the creation of a truly integrated Europe. These objectives are manifested in the European Union (EU) acquis communique, its accession to the European Convention for the Cooperation of the Agencies for the Consolidation of the European Economic Area (CACEA), and its determination as a first stage of the enlargement process of the EU.
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summary : The research team projects that the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
SNF Group
Donau Chemie
PCC Rokita
Sachtleben Chemie
By Type
Disinfectants and general biocidal products
Antifoam and defoaming chemicals
Scale and corrosion inhibitors
pH conditioners
By Application
Municipal wastewater treatment
Municipal water treatment
By Regions/Countries:
North America
United States
East Asia
South Korea
United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
New Zealand
South America
Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the USP of the report?
Global Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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thembnko · 3 years
THE world needs Africa
Covid-19 has devastated all economies but incidences in the United States of America have profoundly shocked that nation and the world. South Africa and Africa have the lowest infection and death rates while struggling with health services and infrastructure whereas the US has together with China the best in the world. Wuhan in China is known as the first city where the initial cases were reported in December 2019-February 2020. They claimed 76,000 lives. But quickly since April 2020 discrepancies in both cases and deaths divided the US and China and the rest of the world and now South Africa and Africa. By October the world had 47 million people diagnosed with the coronavirus and 1.2 million have died. Three weeks after the 3 November US presidential elections where Joe Biden won Donald Trump by 253 electoral votes against 214 there were 172,935 new cases recorded in the US and 2,146 deaths. The country recorded more than 100,000 cases per day every day for over a fortnight. When a Centre for Disease Control map showing all US towns and cities are Covid-19 hotspot the shock was even more. The deaths total was the highest daily figure since May. Yet, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health could control exposure to workers. It has 164.6 million workers 1.17 million of whom in 2.2 million farms work in agriculture exporting to China and the rest of the world. But it had a “hierarchy of controls” where elimination or vaccination, testing, and engineering solutions occupied the top whereas the World Health Organization has in priority protection through masks and the maintenance of social distance of 1.5 meters. In violation it had workers working similar shifts grouped together all the time in transportation and the workplace as well as in the places where they stayed. The result was catastrophic.
These developments make the case for the South African government to quickly adopt a new Development Plan in place of the currently existing as Vision 2030; formally adopt the idea of African Renaissance which must inform the new Development Plan; and encourage the African Union to adopt a new continental vision to replace Agenda 2063. It must be recognized that new national planning is necessary to address not only the reorganization of basic industries to make them compete but is primarily about giving the state new capacities. Therefore, additionally, the South African government must prepare to manage a large immigration from Europe and the US of healthy or tested and Covid-19 negative citizens into South Africa from the end of 2021. After the Presidential Elections the US recorded more than 200,000 Covid-19 cases daily and 195,000 deaths. A total of 76,000 farmworkers were diagnosed. Covid-19 not only has changed relations between countries permanently and profoundly affecting trading and traveling. It decimated the US and left the European Union leaderless. Any state lagging now behind with entirely new planning is destined within 10 years to have rampant unemployment, inequality, and extreme poverty. Health for the entire population will collapse and labour will be displaced removing productivity and domestic consumption. Social and political instability will increase. Marginalisation and racial discrimination that threatened to come from the US and Europe within the six months of Covid-19s outbreak dissipated after the much more deadly second wave in November.
Debt in the world especially Africa exponentially grew. The basis for improving South Africa’s and Africa’s contribution to world knowledge affecting mainly economics which already is negligible as a result of colonialism and apartheid faced permanent removal since all published articles in journals and newspapers in economics and their future, lessons from the Great Depression, impact on international relations came from only Europe and the US that are more affected by Covid-19. That also very directly threatened the extraordinary gains made in democracy since 1994 including Africa’s. The knowledge is apart from being negligible internationally domestically confined to historically white universities and academics.
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will lead a rich few in the world to hoard money and seek safe sanctuaries with no government able to stop them if Covid-19 continues. A catastrophe in other words no government can control will result if South Africa does not assert itself onto the world stage providing leadership. All the proposals made thus far by the IMF and several economists on the future do not address South Africa’s and Africa’s need for the world to change. They only become relevant to Africa when they discuss the need of repayment of debt yet more than in any other period before Covid-19 has crystallized extreme poverty and world inequality and highlighted glaring inequalities in health. That very drastically exposes that despite its relatively high national expenditure on health, education, and infrastructure when compared to all of Africa South Africa is as a result of Covid-19 on the brink of a disaster.
While the whole of Europe is coordinated and has ready regional institutions for that for new trade and military cooperation Africa still has to create the institutions. That calls for very strong and urgent leadership. Additionally, South Africa has to identify the immediate areas for intervention. Those areas are
• trade, innovation, and local entrepreneurship
• national security and defence
• IT
• human resource
• Intra-Africa immigration and mobility
Africa must be provided with leadership and consulted very consistently to resolve issues of tensions with some African states that arose during Covid-19, build enthusiasm for the African Renaissance, and make Africa an inclusive part of any process of the African Renaissance.
The hardcore premises of this view are US dominance is over; Africa is ready for the world, and currently trade favours no country.
The cost of Covid-19 in human lives and social upheaval, its economic impact is unprecedented. Many governments imposed a lockdown of business and citizens for undetermined periods from March-October 2020. They lowered strictness in November which allowed the retail sector to bounce relatively back but a second wave of Covid-19 hit in November. Stricter regulations were reapplied and for the first time in the history of human kind all countries blocked the citizens of other countries from reaching their borders shutting down airports totally. The first wave disrupted supply and shook demand. Financially, public firms accumulated a considerable amount of corporate debt. Extremely few countries in the world have had deep debt levels that arise out of extraordinary circumstances they could not control or they never anticipated. Those countries are only in Europe and include the US. Trillions of US dollars in loans were repaid by US individuals, municipalities, and businesses within a very short time of two years from 2008-2010 during the 2008 Financial Crisis. About 1,159 transactions under several facilities the Federal Reserve established like the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper to meet investors’ demands for redemptions and to foster liquidity in the money market were worth $990.2 billion. The facilities were used for the funding of purchases of eligible ABCP to provide the US economy with liquidity after in March of 2008 the New York Stock Exchange lost $678 billion in rapidly withdrawn investments. No country in Africa has the facilities. The crisis happened after a US company - Enron - was involved in large scale corruption. Now debt in advanced economies is set to reach 125 percent of GDP by the end of 2021 and to rise to about 65 percent of GDP in emerging market economies according to the IMF. But though emerging market economies debt is lower the failure and ability to repay is higher. In December the IMF revised its global GDP forecast higher at 5,4 percent. An assumption is financial conditions which eased following the release of the April 2020 World Economic Outlook are to remain broadly at 2020 levels. This indicates the body sees no fundamental change in the world economy despite Covid-19. It projected growth which was at -4.9 percent in 2020. Proposals informing this analysis of the impact show it is massively miscalculating and South Africa and Africa need to take a stand against it for not driving world growth away from the symptoms of an unfair and unequal world economy Covid-19 exposes. It has an unreliable measure of world economic growth. More than 150 countries and territories eased Covid-19 related travel restrictions according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization by December but that did not revive the world’s economy. The IMF had a 1.9 percentage points below the April 2020 WEO forecast when the world only had two months of the Covid-19 pandemic. It assumed Covid-19 had a more negative impact on activity in the first half of 2020 whereas given the nature of the disease of still virulent mutations into unknown variants and making any development of an effective vaccine not a near possibility its elongated impact drastically increases illness and death and negative economic consequences. Europen economists show universal social distancing results in the loss of output of 25 percent. If restrictions on labour supply reduce effective hours worked by 30 percent the impact on output would be 20 percent. Covid-19 regulations reduced hours worked per working age adult by 25 percent. Over 60 percent of working hours were from home compared with a total of roughly 10 percent in 2017-2018. Extended illness, death, and economic slowdown into 2021 will increase each of the percentages by 50 percent.
The IMFs including projections by economists from the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London show developing countries will be hard hit. About 51 percent who represented a majority a CfM-CEPR panel of macroeconomic experts on the European economy predicted a 2-5 percent decline in the level of potential euro area GDP and the European Central Bank forecasted growth of 1.4 percent in five years’ time throughout the pandemic suggesting for economists ‘a permanent loss in the level of GDP.’ Nearly 40 percent of the economists predicted a small or negligible cost in GDP with 21 percent predicting a potential decline by 2 percent or less and only 19 percent saw no decline at all.
In a paper titled Post-Covid-19 potential output in the euro area Ethan Ilzetzki highlight five key reasons why Covid-19 will have persistent effects. The first is supply chain disruptions that have reduced productivity and only monetary policy interventions would prevent them from leading to larger negative shocks. Second, new entrants to replace firms that failed due to Covid-19 may take time to build fresh capacity and markets. Already an ECB bank lending survey conducted between 21 September and 6 October 2020 from a total of 143 banks who gave a response rate of 100 percent reveal the banks’ rejection rate for loans in the euro area for enterprises increased in the third quarter of 2020 to 3 percent. Third, unemployment tends to be persistent as workers’ skills deteriorate and their attachment to the labour force weaken. Fourth, corporate debt overhang may now create a lesser incentive to invest in productive capital. From research Ilzetzki finds no historical support for post-crisis growth with very large debt levels. Even Africa in the 1980s had to first have its debt of $97 billion addressed through the IMFs High Indebted Countries Initiative for its countries to start growing from 1995. Fifth, low demand will lead to disinvestment in capital and innovation. Demand depends upon very large financial resources for it to be created after a crisis. From the First World War Europe and the US depended upon the US's £1,000,000,000. US bank rates remained unchanged at 4 percent to create access to capital. Growth was fueled by the discovery of new oil fields in Palestine. The war had production decline by 42,028,000 barrels. Britain gave the US the exploration rights in Palestine following a convention between the two countries. This then means there has to be during Covid-19 new production. From all the publications thus far there is no indication from where it will come or that it must take place. Demand after the First World War also depended upon the US shoring up Japan as a new destination for investments and productivity. US investments in Colombia of $170,000,000 created railways, funded other public works, and sent up wages. Imports vastly increased and banks managed voluminous assets which they dispersed easily. To this list must be added the sixth which is that weak technology development which currently has many US and European companies focused upon will very drastically reverse gains in growth Africa has been seeing since 2000. Africa’s growth in 2018 cushioned the world’s from recession according to the IMF's WEO 2019 amidst the US’s trade tensions with China. Africa grew at 4,5 percent but has that growth now threatened by lack of development comparatively of webinar facilities to drive production and facilitate political decisions. All economists on Covid-19 favour the implementation of new technologies to add potential to growth and improve health. There is however no study of the long-term effects of Covid-19 a national planning exercise needs. Ilzetzki says ‘it is difficult to come by’ it.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Sunday, May 23, 2021
As US schools resume testing, large numbers are opting out (AP) Standardized tests are returning to the nation’s schools this spring, but millions of students will face shorter exams that carry lower stakes, and most families are being given the option to forgo testing entirely. With new flexibility from the Biden administration, states are adopting a patchwork of testing plans that aim to curb the stress of exams while still capturing some data on student learning. Some of the nation’s largest districts plan to test only a fraction of their students as many continue to learn remotely. In New York City, students must opt in to be tested this year. In Los Angeles, most students are not being asked to take state exams this year. Other districts are scaling back questions or testing in fewer subjects. As in the past, parents are polarized. Some are demanding tests to get a sense of their children’s progress. Others see no need to put their children through that kind of stress.
Their Own Private Idaho: Five Oregon Counties Back a Plan to Secede (NYT) Political divisions in Oregon can to a great degree be measured by a river, the Deschutes, which winds its snaky, circuitous way through the state’s midsection. The river divides the high prairies of the eastern half—agricultural and politically conservative, largely—from the wetter, woodier western half, which has long been more populated and more liberal. The statewide shutdown orders that accompanied the coronavirus pandemic last year deepened those divisions, crippling businesses at a time when some rural counties had few cases. The protests and riots over race and police conduct in Portland, the state’s largest city, widened the gap further still, and the defeat of former President Donald J. Trump, who won most counties but still lost the state by a big margin after President Biden’s strong showing in the cities, capped off a litany of frustrations. This week, all of that led thousands of east-bank residents to a single resonant but highly improbable word: secession. A majority of residents in five eastern counties said in nonbinding votes that they would like to leave Oregon and join with their more like-minded conservative neighbors further east in Idaho. “Those of us in rural Oregon are written off,” said Mike McCarter, a retired agricultural nursery owner who has led the secession drive.
After an absence, New England’s ticks are back—and hungry (AP) A late-summer drought virtually eliminated ticks in parts of New England but they’re back with a vengeance this spring. Dog ticks, which do not carry Lyme disease like deer ticks do, have been especially active since early spring in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. And people who’ve been getting outdoors because of the pandemic are discovering the arachnids on themselves and on pets. The busy spring for ticks has been sending more people to the emergency room in Maine. Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported 176 tick-related emergency department visits for the week that ended May 16. Last year, there were 91 tick-related ER visits in the same week. “Tickborne diseases remain a serious threat in Maine,” Maine CDC said in a statement.
COVID-19 deaths in Latin America surpass 1 mln as outbreak worsens (Reuters) The death toll from COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean passed 1 million people on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, with the pandemic worsening in the part of the world with the highest per capita death rate. From the dusty highlands of Bolivia to the Brazilian metropolis of São Paulo, the pandemic has swamped underfunded healthcare systems after spreading fast across nations where many people survive hand-to-mouth and have been unable to enter lockdown. With cases falling in Europe, Asia and North America, and flat in Africa, South America is the only region where new infections are rising rapidly on a per capita basis, according to Our World in Data.
Lula Starts to Rekindle Old Magic in Brazil Souring on Bolsonaro (Bloomberg) They came by the dozens in solicitous clusters from the left but also the center and right to a Brasilia hotel suite this month. They smiled and fist-bumped. They tweeted. The man whose attention they were seeking, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, received them, pope-like, surrounded by exhilarated aides. Lula, the Brazilian shoeshine boy who founded the Workers’ Party, became an epoch-defining, wildly popular president, then was jailed for corruption and cleared by the supreme court, is emerging as the main challenger to President Jair Bolsonaro in next year’s election. As the country of 212 million reels from the death toll and upheaval caused by Covid, driving down Bolsonaro’s approval to 24%, interviews with a dozen political leaders indicate that Lula, who was president from 2003 through 2010, is rapidly uniting a vast chunk of the political spectrum around his expected candidacy. As his Workers’ Party president, Gleisi Hoffmann, said in an interview, after pressing for more vaccines and aid to the poor, “Our main role is to organize as many forces as possible to face the greatest evil that is Bolsonaro.”
BBC faces questions of integrity after Princess Diana report (AP) British broadcaster BBC, seen as a respected source of news and information around the world, is facing questions at home about its integrity following a scathing report on its explosive 1995 interview with Princess Diana. Britain’s justice secretary said Friday that the government would review the rules governing oversight of the BBC after an investigation found that one of its journalists used “deceitful behavior” to secure the interview and the corporation obscured this misconduct for 25 years. Princes William and Harry, Diana’s sons, excoriated the BBC late Thursday, saying there was a direct link between the interview and their mother’s death in a traffic accident two years later as she and a companion were being pursued by paparazzi.
Bienvenidos! Tourists invited to rural Spain to save dying villages (Reuters) Instead of the traditional sand and sea holidays, foreign tourists are invited to enjoy the charms of the Spanish countryside, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday, launching an ambitious plan to save Spain’s dying villages. The 10 billion euro ($12.18 billion) plan aims to save rural life in a nation where 42% of villages are at risk of depopulation compared to a European Union average of 10%. From Monday, Spain will open up to tourists from outside the European Union deemed low-risk for coronavirus, notably Britain and Japan, who will not be required to show a negative test. The left-wing government plans to increase internet access in rural areas, improve transport routes, offer grants for young entrepreneurs and small businesses and launch a rural Erasmus educational scheme. Sanchez said that Spain’s 47 million people occupy just 12.7% of the land, compared to 67.8% of the territory populated in France and 59.9% of German territory.
2 separate China quakes cause damage; 3 dead, dozens hurt (AP) A strong, shallow earthquake shook southwestern China near the border with Myanmar, killing at least three people and injuring more than two dozen, while a separate, more intense quake early Saturday collapsed a bridge and caused other damage in central China. The first, 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit Yunnan province late Friday. The second 7.3 magnitude quake occurred hours later in the southern part of Qinghai province, about 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) to the south, according to Chinese measurements. While no deaths have been reported so far in Qinghai province, the quakes tore up roads and bridges, with one collapsing completely, broken into segments.
After the Cease-Fire, Gaza Wakes to a Sea of Rubble (NYT) The skies above Gaza and Israel were silent for the first time in 10 days on Friday night, after a truce between Israel and Hamas, the militant group that runs Gaza, took effect early Friday. But while Israel could quickly rebound, with the authorities reopening roads around Gaza that had been closed during the conflict, the scale of the destruction in Gaza will not allow a return to normality for some time. Central thoroughfares in Gaza City looked like a dystopia. A sea of rubble, several yards high and dozens wide, spread across several streets, blocking half their breadth. A vast crater filled a wide intersection, a burst sewage pipe gurgling at the bottom. A burned-out white car, hit by an airstrike this week, remained on the same spot at the seaside traffic circle where it was struck, forcing drivers to edge around it. Israeli airstrikes killed more than 230 people, destroyed more than 1,000 housing and commercial units, rendered more than 750 uninhabitable, and displaced more than 77,000 people, according to tallies compiled by Gazan officials and the United Nations. Seventeen clinics and hospitals were damaged, as well as three major desalination plants, power lines and sewage works, leaving 800,000 residents, or nearly half the population, without easy access to clean drinking water, the United Nations added. More than 53 schools were damaged.
Boko Haram Leader, Responsible for Chibok Schoolgirl Kidnappings, Dies (WSJ) Abubakar Shekau, the fundamentalist warlord who turned Boko Haram from an obscure radical sect into a jihadist army whose war with the Nigerian state has left tens of thousands dead across four nations, has died, according to officials, mediators, phone calls intercepted by a West African spy agency and internal intelligence memos seen by The Wall Street Journal. His death, which Nigeria’s military has erroneously reported at least three times before, was confirmed by five Nigerian officials who detailed how he detonated a suicide vest during a confrontation with rival insurgents to avoid being taken alive. It removes one the world’s most brutal and effective terrorists, who plunged four nations, including Africa’s most populous, into a religious war. Globally, he was best known for kidnapping nearly 300 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok on the night before their final exams.
Volcano erupts near Congolese city of Goma; residents flee (AP) Congo’s Mount Nyiragongo erupted for the first time in nearly two decades Saturday, turning the night sky a fiery red and sending lava onto a major highway as panicked residents tried to flee Goma, a city of nearly 2 million. There was no immediate word on any casualties, but witnesses said that lava already had engulfed one highway that connects Goma with the city of Beni in North Kivu province. Mount Nyiragongo’s last eruption, in 2002, left hundreds dead and coated airport runways in lava. More than 100,000 people were left homeless in the aftermath, adding to the fear in Goma on Saturday night. “We are already in a total psychosis,” resident Zacharie Paluku told The Associated Press. “Everyone is afraid; people are running away. We really don’t know what to do.”
Fungi (Scientific American) We are likely to think of fungi, if we think of them at all, as minor nuisances: mold on cheese, mildew on shoes shoved to the back of the closet, mushrooms springing up in the garden after hard rains. We notice them, and then we scrape them off or dust them away, never perceiving that we are engaging with the fragile fringes of a web that knits the planet together. Fungi constitute their own biological kingdom of about six million diverse species. Fungi break rocks, nourish plants, seed clouds, cloak our skin and pack our guts, a mostly hidden and unrecorded world living alongside us and within us. That mutual coexistence is now tipping out of balance. Fungi are surging beyond the climate zones they long lived in, adapting to environments that would once have been inimical, learning new behaviors that let them leap between species in novel ways. While executing those maneuvers, they are becoming more successful pathogens, threatening human health in ways—and numbers—they could not achieve before. Surveillance that identifies serious fungal infections is patchy, and so any number is probably an undercount. But one widely shared estimate proposes that there are possibly 300 million people infected with fungal diseases worldwide and 1.6 million deaths every year—more than malaria, as many as tuberculosis. Just in the U.S., the CDC estimates that more than 75,000 people are hospitalized annually for a fungal infection, and another 8.9 million people seek an outpatient visit, costing about $7.2 billion a year. For physicians and epidemiologists, this is surprising and unnerving. Long-standing medical doctrine holds that we are protected from fungi not just by layered immune defenses but because we are mammals. That may have left us overconfident.
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hippography · 2 years
Tumblr media
“Chesney”, Thoroughbred Stallion, 2nd at Bloemfontein and 2nd at Witwatersrand.  The property of Messrs. Anderson Bros. 
Photo: T. Brittain. 
The Agricultural Journal of the Union of South Africa, Vol. 1, No. 5, June 1911
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researchedetc · 3 years
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summary : The research team projects that the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 SNF Group
 Donau Chemie
 PCC Rokita
 Sachtleben Chemie
By Type
 Disinfectants and general biocidal products
 Antifoam and defoaming chemicals
 Scale and corrosion inhibitors
 pH conditioners
By Application
 Municipal wastewater treatment
 Municipal water treatment
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in CEE Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Nano Calcium Carbonate Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
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sciencespies · 4 years
Researcher Identifies the Last Known Survivor of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Researcher Identifies the Last Known Survivor of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
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In July 1860, a ship called the Clotilda docked off the shore of Mobile, Atlanta, under the cover of darkness. The 110 men, women and children onboard, all kidnapped from West Africa, were distributed to slaveholders despite the fact that Congress had outlawed the international slave trade more than 50 years earlier.
The Clotilda was, in fact, the last documented ship to transport people from Africa to slavery in the United States. And now, reports Sean Coughlan for BBC News, a British historian has identified the ship’s last known survivor.
Hannah Durkin of Newcastle University used genealogical data and a single newspaper interview to piece together the story of Matilda McCrear, who died in 1940 at the age of 81 or 82—three years after the death of Redoshi, a woman whom the historian had previously identified as the last survivor of the transatlantic slave trade.
Describing her research in the journal Slavery & Abolition, Durkin notes that McCrear does not seem to have appeared in any film footage; nor was she mentioned in any books. No obituaries mark her death. Instead, Durkin relied largely on an interview that appeared in the Selma Times-Journal after McCrear tried to claim compensation as a Clotilda survivor in 1931. The article, which Durkin discovered while researching Redoshi, is problematic; as Durkin notes, it was written by a white woman who “reveals a dismissive attitude to McCrear that elides much of her family’s suffering.” But the piece nevertheless offers key insight into McCrear’s often-heartbreaking biography.
She belonged to the Yoruba people of West Africa and was just 2 years old when she was captured by traders and brought on board the Clotilda along with her mother, Gracie; sister Sallie; and two other unnamed sisters. Two of her brothers were left behind in Africa, providing “rare insight into the Middle Passage as a site of maternal loss,” according to Durkin.
Upon their arrival in the United States, McCrear, Sallie and Gracie were purchased by slaveholder Memorable Walker Creagh; her two other sisters were sold to a different owner, per Newcastle University, and McCrear never saw them again. Gracie was sold to Creagh as the “wife” of a Clotilda survivor named Guy, though it is likely that their association “was random and part of a wider practice of selling off Clotilda survivors as ‘breeding pairs,’” writes Durkin.
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Redoshi seen in “The Negro Farmer: Extension Work for Better Farming and Better Living”
(Department of Agriculture / National Archives)
Because McCrear was so young during the journey from Africa to America, most of her knowledge of that time period was passed down from her mother. But she had a distinct memory of fleeing into a swamp with her sister to escape her captors and hiding for several hours until the overseers’ dogs sniffed the girls out. McCrear would have been 3 years old at the time, her sister 11. That they went “to such lengths to escape captivity,” according to Durkin, “brings to light the miserable treatment that they endured even as young children and shows how profound was their sense of dislocation and desperation to return home.”
McCrear was still a young child when the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was adopted in 1865, but her family continued to work as sharecroppers, likely of cotton, for a landowner. As McCrear grew older, she displayed a determined, even defiant streak. She changed her last name from that of her former owner—Creagh—to McCrear; wore her hair in a traditional Yoruba style; and, though she never married, had a decades-long relationship with a white German man. Together, they had 14 children.
“McCrear’s long-term relationship with Schuler should be read as a major act of resistance to racist laws forbidding black and white people from marrying that were in place throughout the South until the U.S. Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional in … 1967,” writes Durkin.
When she was in her 70s, McCrear traveled 15 miles from her rural cabin to the County Courthouse in Selma, Alabama, hoping to obtain financial assistance as a Clotilda survivor. She knew that Cudjo “Kossola” Lewis, another survivor of the ship, had received compensation, and asked that both she and Redoshi be granted similar benefits. Her plea, however, was dismissed, and she ultimately died in poverty.
Johnny Crear, McCrear’s 83-year-old grandson, tells Newcastle University that he was completely unaware that his grandmother had been on the Clotilda prior to Durkin’s research.
“Her story gives me mixed emotions because if she hadn’t been brought here, I wouldn’t be here,” he says. “But it’s hard to read about what she experienced.”
Researchers discovered the remains of the Clotilda along the Mobile River last year. As Allison Keyes reported for Smithsonian magazine in April 2019, the ship’s captain, William Foster, had ordered it taken upstream, burned and sunk to conceal evidence of his crew’s illicit actions. Though the Clotilda’s survivors were freed by Union soldiers in 1865, they were unable to raise enough funds to return to Africa. Instead, the men and women pooled their wages and purchased a plot of land nearby. Dubbed Africatown, the society was rooted in its residents’ “beloved homeland,” according to Smithsonian.
“I knew what that ship represents, the story and the pain of the descendant community. I’ve heard the voices; I can look them in the eye and see the pain of the whole Africatown experience over the past hundred plus years,” Kamau Sadiki, a diver involved with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Slave Wrecks Project, told Smithsonian last year. “They have been very resilient. The Clotilda should be known by everyone who calls themselves an American because it is so pivotal to the American story.”
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
wilson corp Review
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The research team projects that the Corp Protection Insecticides market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 Basf SE
 Monsanto Company
 Sumitomo Chemical
 The Dow Chemical
 FMC Corporation
 E.I. Dupont De Nemours
 Adama Agricultural
 Bayer Cropscience Ag
 Syngenta Ag
 Nufarm Limited
By Type
 Foliar Spray
 Seed Treatment
 Soil Treatment
By Application
 Grain Crops
 Economic Crops
 Feed Crops
 Industrial Raw Material Crops
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Corp Protection Insecticides 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Corp Protection Insecticides Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Corp Protection Insecticides Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Corp Protection Insecticides market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Corp Protection Insecticides Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global O-Chlorotoluene (CAS 95-49-8) Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global PUR Hot Melts Adhesives Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Feed Testing Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
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Global Croplands Expand Earth’s population grew from 6.4 billion to 7.7 billion people during the past two decades. Experts project global population will approach 10 billion by 2050. That’s a lot of new mouths to feed. In a world where food producers already face serious challenges—including climate change, urbanization and development of farmland, and ongoing human conflicts—growing populations put extra pressure on farmers and ecosystems to produce enough food. New mapping from the Global Land Analysis & Discovery Lab (GLAD) at the University of Maryland could help. Researchers there have assembled detailed maps of global cropland change. According to the GLAD team analysis, the total land area covered by crops has increased , since 2003 by 9 percent, or 1 million square kilometers (about 400,000 square miles). That’s an area about the size of Egypt. Half of the new cropland replaced other natural vegetation such as grasslands or forests. The other half came from the recultivation of abandoned farmland or conversion of pastures. The new maps, which show changes between 2003 and 2019, are based on imagery collected by Landsat satellites and were published in the journal Nature Food. By adding NASA data on the net primary productivity of croplands, the researchers also estimated whether cultivated areas grew more or less productive over time. Net primary productivity is a measure of how much energy plants store through photosynthesis. In the hands of farmers, economists, conservation groups, and policymakers, such information could make it easier to balance food production needs with the preservation of ecosystems, the protection of biodiversity, and efforts to sequester carbon and slow climate change. “People have used satellites to map cropland extent before. What distinguishes this effort is that we are showing change over a long period of time,” said Peter Potapov, the co-director of GLAD and the lead author of the study. “We also do it in a way that is consistent across international borders so we can compare what is happening in different regions or countries in a meaningful way.” Most previous attempts to map and compare farmland relied on the compilation of local or regional data via methods and definitions that varied significantly. With 530,000 square kilometers of new cropland, Africa added the most of any continent. South America followed with 370,000 square kilometers of new cropland. Southwest Asia and Australia saw increases, though much more modest ones. In North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia, total cropland stayed roughly the same. However, some of these areas saw significant shifts in where farmland was located. In the United States, a trend toward new corn, wheat, and soybean plantings in Great Plains grasslands offset the abandonment of significant amounts of land in the eastern U.S. In China, farmland increased in arid areas of the west even as rapid urbanization and a growing aquaculture sector nibbled away at it around eastern cities and coastlines. The researchers noted that Russia began abandoning large amounts of farmland following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, when the government ended subsidies that had made it possible to raise crops on subpar land. The Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia had the opposite experience. The breakup of the Soviet Union led to large increases in croplands as these states became more integrated into global markets. Ripple effects of that breakup also affected the agriculture sector in Cuba, leading to a loss of subsidized access to fuel and fertilizers and a transition to a less-mechanized style of farming that contributed to farmland reductions over time. Saudi Arabia saw widespread abandonment of farmland for different reasons: groundwater scarcity prompted authorities to lift subsidies for wheat farmers and limit wheat exports. The expansion of cropland looks somewhat different when accounting for population changes. Since global population increased by more than one billion people, the amount of cropland per person declined slightly from 0.18 hectares in 2003 to 0.16 hectares in 2019. Likewise, net primary productivity (NPP) increased by 3.5 percent due to more intensive farming practices. NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using data from Potapov, Peter, et al. (2022). Story by Adam Voiland.
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indiavacancyjob · 4 years
General Knowledge Question Answer | Set – 04
For cracking any competition exams, the general knowledge and current affairs are mandatory. General Knowledge is an essential part of any competitive exam, so we thought of a system that will help people in General Knowledge.
General Knowledge Question Answer
  Q. The number of major languages, recognized in the Indian Union as the official language, is 22 Q. The oldest rocks in India are reported from Dharwar region, Karnataka Q. Which of the following groups of rivers originate from the Himachal mountains? Beas, Ravi, and Chenab Q. Which of the following groups of states has the largest deposits of iron ore? Bihar and Orissa Q. Which of the following union territories of India has the highest density of population per sq km? Delhi Q. Which atomic power station in India is built completely indigenously? Kalpakkam Q. The south-west monsoon contributes ____ of the total rain in India. 86% Q. The Shimla Convention is an agreement that sets Boundary between India and Tibet Q. The oldest oil field in India is the ____ field, in ____ Digboi, Assam Q. The oldest oil refinery in India is at Digboi, Assam Q. The oldest mountains in India are Aravalis Q. Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet? Brahmaputra, Indus, and Sutlej Q. B. C. Roy Award is given in the field of Medicine Q. In which year was Pulitzer Prize established? 1917 Q. Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2000 was awarded to the former President of South Africa along with Grameen Bank of Bangladesh Q. The prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award was conferred upon Ms. Kiran Bedi for her excellent contribution to which of the following fields? Government Service Q. Which of the following societies has instituted an award for an outstanding parliamentarian? G. B. Pant Memorial Society Q. Which is the highest gallantry award in India? Param Vir Chakra Q. Which state gives Mewar award? Rajasthan Q. Who is the first Asian Winner of the Nobel Prize? Rabindranath Tagore Q. The first Indian to receive Noble Prize in Literature was Rabindranath Tagore Q. The first recipient of Rajiv Gandhi’s ‘Khel Ratna’ award is Vishwanathan Anand Q. Pulitzer prize is awarded for outstanding work in the field of Literature and Journalism Q. Saraswathi Samman is given annually for outstanding contribution to the literature Q. What is the predominant type of Indian agriculture? subsistence agriculture Q. The Radcliffe line is a boundary between India and Pakistan Q. Which of the following has a potential for harnessing of tidal energy in India? Gulf of Cambay Q. The typical area of sal forest in the Indian peninsular upland occurs On the Malwa plateau Q. The state has the largest area of forest cover in India is Madhya Pradesh Q. The year ____ is called a Great Divide in the demographic history of India. 1921 Q. The only private sector refinery set up by Reliance Petroleum Ltd. is located at Jamnagar Q. The only state in India that produces saffron is Jammu and Kashmir Q. Three important rivers of the Indian subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarover Lake in the Great Himalayas. These rivers are Brahmaputra, Indus, and Sutlej Q. The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to Red soils Q. The northern boundary of the peninsular plateau of Indian runs parallel to the Ganga and the Yamuna from Rajmahal hills to a point near Delhi Q. Which of the following food grain crops occupies the largest part of the cropped area in India? Rice Q. The Paithan (Jayakwadi) Hydro-electric project, completed with the help of Japan, is on the river Godavari Q. The percentage of irrigated land in India is about 35 Q. The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is North of the Equator Q. The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called The Palghat gap Q. The principal copper deposits of India lie in which of the following places? Hazaribag and Singbhum of Bihar Q. The Yarlung Zangbo river, in India, is known as Brahmaputra Q. The Salal Project is on the river Chenab Q. The only zone in the country that produces gold is also rich in iron is Southern zone Q. The percentage of earth surface covered by India is 2.4 Q. The present forest area of India, according to satellite data, is Decreasing Q. India’s highest annual rainfall is reported at Mawsynram, Meghalaya Q. The refineries are Mathura, Digboi and Panipat are set up by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Q. The study of soils is called Pedology Q. The sediment deposited at the base of the glacier is called Till Q. The smallest division of geological time scale is Stage Q. The smallest state, population-wise, in the world is Vatican City Q. The shortest day (longest night) in the southern hemisphere is June 21 Q. The smallest glaciers are Mountain or Alpine glaciers Q. Which of the following is measured on the Richter scale? Intensity of earthquakes Q. The term used to describe the combined effect of all shortwave losses in Earth albedo Q. The study of day-to-day variations in weather called is called Meteorology Q. The soils whose parent material tend to be rich in sand are Spodosols Q. The second largest continent in the world is Africa Q. The temperature increases rapidly after Ionosphere Q. Which of the following is concerned with the study of characteristics, origin, and development of landforms? Geomorphology Q. The soils common to the southeastern USA are called Ultisols Q. The Suez canal connects the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea Q. The uppermost epoch of the Neogene period is the Pliocene epoch Q. The slow downslope movement of soil and sediment because of frost heaving and thawing is called Frost creep Q. The smallest country of the world is Vatican city Q. The smallest annual temperature range occurs in the Equatorial tropical climate zone Q. The short term variations of the atmosphere, ranging from minutes to months are called Weather Q. The tide produced as a consequence of the moon and the sun pulling the earth in the same direction is called Springtide Q. The tropical cyclones with maximum sustained surface winds of 33 ms are called Hurricane Q. The typical soil of the tropical region, formed by the weathering of laterite rock, which promotes leaching of the soil is Laterite soils Q. The troughs of the waves are where the jet stream of waves is closest to the Equator Q. The Palaeozoic era contains ____ periods. Six Q. The northern portion of the western coastal plain is called Konkan plain Q. The number of a topographic map is 47A/16/NW. Its scale must be 1 : 25,000 Q. The radiation belts are zones in space around the Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn Q. The periods of different eras are further divided into Stages Q. The production of wheat has increased mainly due to increase in yield per hectare Q. Which of the following is not a Kharif crop? Mustard Q. The shape of the earth is Oblate Spheroid Q. The tertiary winds on the north of the Alps (Europe) are called The foehn Q. The tropical easterlies wind lie at 0-30? latitude Q. The transport of warm air toward the poles and cold air toward the equator is due to the development of waves Q. The sulfites are a mineral group that contain one or more metallic elements in combination with the sulfate compound ____ SO4 Q. The names of the scientists, Newlands, Mendeleev, and Meyer are associated with the development of Periodic table of contents Q. The ridges of the waves are where the jet stream of waves closes to the Poles Q. The rate at the change of temperature is called Temperature Gradient Q. The obscuring of one celestial body by another, particularly that of the sun or a planetary satellite Eclipse Q. The river Sutlej, on which the Bhakra Dam has been built, originates from Rakas lake in Tibet Q. The process of destruction or dying of fronts is called Frontolysis Q. The Palaeozoic era starts at ____ million years ago and ends at ____ million years ago. 570, 225 Q. The reaction is carbonate and bicarbonate ions with mineral is called Carbonation Q. The process of particle detachment by moving glacial ice is called Plucking Q. Which of the following is concerned with the description and mapping of the main features of the universe? Cosmography Q. The process that creates the deep oceanic trenches is called Plate tectonics Q. The rainfall in the peninsular interior averages about 650 mm a year Q. The hardest form of carbon is Diamond Q. The most important ore of aluminum is Bauxite Q. The number of electrons presents in H+ is Zero Q. The hottest part of the gas flame is known as Non-luminous zone Q. The human body is made up of several chemical elements; the element present in the highest proportion (65%) in the body is Oxygen Q. The number of waves made by an electron moving in an orbit having a maximum magnetic quantum number is +3 4 Q. The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in Pune Q. The maximum number of covalent formed by nitrogen is 4 Q. The formula C6H5-CO-CH3 represents Acetophenone Q. The metal that is usually extracted from seawater is Mg Q. The inert gases are ____ in water Sparingly soluble Q. The molecular formula of phosphorous is P4 Q. The percentage of sun’s radiation reflected into space is about 36 percent Q. The progressive wave theory regarding of tides was put forth by William Whewell Q. The platform and the basement rock together form Craton Q. The planet with the maximum number of natural satellites (moons), so far discovered is Jupiter Q. The river Jordan drains into the Dead Sea Q. The ratio of land to ocean in the southern hemisphere is 1 to 4 Q. The polar diameter is ____ to the equatorial diameter. Less Q. The ratio of the weight of water vapor to the total weight of air (including the water vapor) is called Specific humidity Q. The process of soil development is called Pedogenesis Q. The Panama canal links North America with South America Q. The Rhine river of northern Europe empties into The North sea Q. 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Recent Government Job Vacancy
General Knowledge Question Answer | Set – 04
Posted: April 18, 2020 For cracking any competition exams, the general knowledge and current affairs are mandatory. General Knowledge is an essential part of any competitive exam, so we thought of a system that will help people in General Knowledge. Table of Contents hide 1 General Knowledge Question Answer 2 Recent Government Job Vacancy General Knowledge Question Answer   0 comments
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