#That extra 5000 a year would be spent on alimony and child support
coochiequeens · 4 months
That poor woman. She has a second kid on the way and her husband pulls this
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Ok time for another round of the TIM checklist
He came out when the attention was on a woman in the family ✅️
He is not out in public so he's still enjoying straight male privilege ✅️
Spent a lot of money on gender affirming clothes ✅️
Those gender affirming clothes aren't even feminine yet practical like a pair of women's jeans ✅️
He spent in on panties and bras when he doesn't even have boobs ✅️
He had a boner while wearing women's panties ✅️
He made up a statistic about how much women spend on clothes a month to justify it ✅️
He then spends three times that amount when his wife in her last trimester ✅️
Claimed its OK because it came from "his" money ✅️ No sir when you have one kid another one on the way large purchases need approval from both parents
When she called him out on why he has more money i.e. male privilege, she took time off for maternity leave and he has the fatherhood advantage, he claimed to be triggered to try to make her feel bad for hurting his feelings ✅️
Not planning on any what ifs ✅️ like what if the there's a complication during the birth and they have more medical bills than they expected? What if recovery takes longer and they consider spending on a cleaning lady or getting take out or prepared meals?
This should be the real trans bingo
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