#That casual experience showing even if they get shown up by Conan and Haibara often
raifuujin · 4 years
In your opinion, who do you think has the most chemistry between the characters? Or whose interactions do you like the most?
I mean. I’d be lying if I didn’t say Kid and Conan’s dynamic wasn’t one of my faves, but in that same vein they aren’t one I’d say has chemistry, so those questions do go in very different directions. XD
Heiji and Shinichi works for both. Ran and Shinichi I feel do have good chemistry, but them technically being together all the time and general situation makes their interactions with him as Shinichi... less impactful, in my eyes. In my re-read, Kogoro and Sonoko actually have some pretty great interaction (Sonoko in general plays off well with many characters). And then there’s like. Amuro and Akai. I’m not interested in shipping them like a lot of people are, but they’re so in sync even with Amuro hating Akai’s guts it’s hard to say they have no chemistry, even if just incidental.
It’s hard to have just one answer, actually. I think about character personality and how they interact with people a lot, even when not actually analyzing. Literally, was reading the red shirt case and just casually thinking. ‘I love how both Akai and Bourbon are also looking over everyone’s shoulders to solve the case themselves. Akai knows Conan is there, so he’s probably just curious and concerned about Jodie in the bg. Amuro is impatient and trying to move things along because he’s in disguise as someone who is both his most hated person and is possibly dead, he doesn’t need to be milling about with a bunch of random people while this famous idiot is still trying to figure this out. Omg you can pretty much see Akai going ‘oh frick, he’s right there, I shouldn’t be looking at the shirts and back off before he sees me’, and of course he’s gone when Bourbon does look over.’
So I like... most interactions in terms of bursts of quality. Chemistry is randomly sprinkled in and really depends on who you’re wanting to look at. Bias will go with anything with Kid and most Heiji and Shin moments. V:
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