#Tav Bartlett
7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 30/11/2023
Sunday Morning
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SECOND WIND ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 2
Ripped by wolfman1405, cazsu Performed by cazsu (Piano, Vocals), wolfman1405 (Guitar, Bass, Backing Vocals), Andrew Garrison (Tenor Saxophone), Tav Bartlett (Piano Solo)
And so, November comes to an end, with autumn officially over, and the holiday season just a day away. My 22nd birthday passed, the blog has been going without break in schedule for about half a year, and 2023 is almost coming to an end. I get a bit sentimental thinking about it, and felt it only fair to close the month out with a rip that sits close to me. Sunday Morning as featured in the King for Another Day tournament.
Y'know, for the first few years of my SiIva watching, it was really easily for me to filter things out based on my interests - I'm sure a lot of current SiIva viewers still operate this way. I adressed this back with Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston and waterwraith pokos, but there are simply so many moving pieces of the channel operating at once, that its easy to miss a lot of things along the way. And during Season 1, 2 and 3, SiIva's reverence for Kara's Flowers/Maroon 5 was part of that - I brushed it off as Chaze's silly gimmick and didn't really pay the rips themselves much mind. Yet part of what made the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 so special, was that this sort of self-selecting felt far harder to do - the tournament was a community event that asked ALL of us to participate, and part of that participation was to collectively listen to and appreciate all of the various demo tracks released by each participant. Despite their prevalence on SiIva, I had very little knowledge of Adam Levine and Maroon 5 - until suddenly, rips like Sunday Morning made me gutted that he was eliminated from the tournament so early.
And like, I get it - He never truly had a fighting chance specifically due to viewers like me. SiIvaGunner is a celebration of pop culture with a particular fascination and fixation on video game music, and the overlap between that nerdy audience and fans of 2002 Pop Rock album "Songs about Jane" by Maroon 5 realistically didn't have all too much overlap. But this arrangement was my first time ever hearing Sunday Morning, and it absolutely enamored me.
The jazzy feel of cazsu's piano playing and wolfman1405's bass are immediately gripping whilst also clearly establishing the song's tone as different from the original, punctuated to cazsu's vocal performance. I vividly remember just how much the performance spoke to me, specifically for how truly earnest it felt: it reminded me of Season 1 and the performances by Nick Oleksiak in rips like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover), and further reminded me of how much of a fan initiative SiIvaGunner truly is. The vocals are fantastic, but not in the sort of overproduced, perfectly-pitched studio mixed way that studio albums like Songs about Jane typically are - the vocals, when push comes to shove, feel like that of a human being, one who loves the song they're covering. That much appears to be evident, if nothing else: a commenter on the YouTube upload noted that the arrangement even takes elements from the song's original demo tapes.
Its hard for a rip made by wolfman1405 to ever disappoint, and his additions to the arrangement are unmistakeable. Yet its cazsu's performance that sells it all for me, paired with the context the arrangement slotted into - as part of the biggest SiIvaGunner event in its entire history, and as a celebration of everything the channel had accomplished in that time. It did really get me emotionally, and it was effectively the first in a set of dominoes that led to me becoming far more interested in music culture as a whole, outside of the comfortable little bubble I'd set up for myself within SiIvaGunner and VGM. Today, I'm running a blog entirely about all of the little nooks and crannies of the SiIvaGunner channel - ones I'm familiar with, ones I only discovered recently, and ones from submissions that I'd never even heard of.
Put simply, it was thanks in large part to King for Another Day tournament that I truly opened up in terms of my music tastes. And I owe so much of it to Sunday Morning, to Adam Levine, to Maroon 5 - and to caszu, wolfman1405, Andrew Garrison and Tav Bartlett.
Thank you.
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malocclusive · 26 days
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I don't even travel with Wyll.
He just popped up when I thought Mizora MAY have had something to say, in a "Don't talk to me or my son ever again" fashion
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