#Tackling the question of why the angels had gone MIA in that universe was the most fun
michaelmilligan ยท 10 months
๐ŸŽข๐Ÿฆ… for the fanfic writer asks? :3
Hi, Will. :3
๐ŸŽข - Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Ooooh, definitely my S.C.I.E.N.C.E series (Midam AU with incubus Adam). This story started out as a pure porn idea, and then somehow spawned plot. It's kinky. It has Raphael being so done. It has demon Adam as the son of a hunter (John, ofc).
Let's just say. Stuff happens. (Including lots of kinky stuff with โœจ pain slut Michael. โœจ)
Though if we're going by 'no porn', then I'd have to say In The End, an endverse Midam story that I wrote for 31 prompts for Endversetober. I had a blast writing it, and coming up with stuff for the different prompts. It also answers such pressing questions as 'What if this timeline couldn't be rebooted' and 'What if Lucifer, while possessing Sam, drank demon blood?' and also 'Would Rufus and Linda fuck if they knew each other, and why is the answer 'yeah, all the time'?'
๐Ÿฆ… - Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Well, this depends. I started off never outlining anything, but the more I wrote (and the more it's longer stuff), the more I tend to take notes. Usually, when something comes to me, I write it down now, because it turns out that my horrible memory is in fact also horrible when it comes to my stories. ๐Ÿ˜…
That doesn't mean that I've always got everything planned in advance. For my high school AU, for example, I outline a chapter, write it, and then outline the next lol.
So. Tl;dr: It depends, lol.
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