bushinto · 2 years
A Shrimp Really DID Fry This Rice
It’s your turn on cooking duty, and you know exactly what you want to make: delicious pizzas! The kitchens are well stocked today; *too* well-stocked, in fact, because there are way too many choices for toppings, with everything you can imagine from meat to veggies to more unorthodox choices like chocolate or mapo tofu. Will you and your cooking partner come up with a brilliant new recipe, or spend the entire time arguing over whether or not that pineapple belongs on the pizza? [Grants Authority +1]
Cooking, of course! What better way to create harmony between two people than to share a meal together? But, as with any meal, the one meant for Ryoma, Corrin, and any of Nohr or Hoshido who wish to join them must be prepared. And thus, the responsibility falls onto them. The two who happened to stumble into the kitchen during a large surplus, where the ovens are hot with all sorts of pies being made for every occasion. Ryoma happened to catch one on the way out, and after but a single glance, he knew it would be the perfect dish. Pizzas are large and ideal for sharing, and their versatility means there can exist a little something from everyone. This ensures that all who enjoy it have their own preferred taste, but more importantly, allows differences to come together. Unity is what pizza creates.
“Why don’t we try our hand at what that man just walked out with?” Ryoma asks, now that they’ve gotten there. The countertops and varied shelves are mostly in order, but a few key ingredients--like opened jars of sauce and half-cut sausages--lay out in the open. The prince is highly perceptive, sure, but even Corrin would be able to infer some of the recipe from their surroundings. “It appeared simple enough. Some kind of bread with cheese, and then topped with various meats and vegetables. I’ll admit this will be my first time with such a dish, but attempting new things is how we learn and grow.” 
And besides, even if they manage to fail miserably at the task, they can laugh their mistakes away and enjoy the unique experience they had. Ryoma has since come to grips with the fact that he is in a foreign land, and though he shall forever hold onto the values and the customs of Hoshido--for they are home to him--there must also be room in his heart for the outside world. By the time he leaves the academy, he will be a diplomat. He will have to not only interact with, but come to intimately know leaders from strange places. He will have to shake their hands, read their books, and above all, eat their pizzas. So why not get a little experience in at the academy? He’s here to teach, but nothing tells him he cannot also learn. This is how he will grow, how he will hone more than just his blade, so that he may be someone Hoshido can look to not only in times of war, but in peace as well.
Figuring Corrin would have no reason to disagree, he begins preparations right away. Sleeves roll to reveal a set of broad forearms, and he takes great care to thoroughly wash his hands before touching any food. First is the dough, he figures. That much he has made before, and can replicate with ease. Into a bowl goes some warm water, flour, oil, yeast, and a bit of salt and sugar. Ryoma, in spite of being a high prince, has no qualms with eating simple foods. He has eaten doughy delights a thousand times, and will a thousand times more. So the motions for how to produce them are, by now, muscle memory to him. He kneads and grinds, folds and massages, until the product slowly starts to take shape. It’ll be a while before they have anything they can really work with though, so his head turns to Corrin--watching for what she decides to busy herself with.
At this early stage in their dish, she has a free range of options available to her. Making the perfect sauce, mixing their desired selection of cheeses, prepping toppings of whatever kind she’d like--the possibilities are nearly limitless with pizza. And so Ryoma would be content to simply observe. To watch for what she decides to take up, which would maybe tell him something about her character. Is she quick to prioritize the foundational steps and work on the sauce? or maybe she has a vision for the finished product, and wants to pick out what will go on last? 
Either way, he’s probably reading too far into it. Force of habit, on account of, y’know, having her removed from his family a handful of times.
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