bicon-crange · 4 years
Greg’s Parents
Makin this small post because I keep seeing posts about Steven meeting his human grandparents and in them they are always great people- and I think you all forget that Andy was Gregs cousin? Who stayed closer to the family much longer than he did? And that Andy was awful? SO here’s a refresher! 
[WARNING: dialouge under cut is from Andy and from Gem Harvest so thinly veiled racism/xenophobia/sexism from that episode ect. ect. my point is the DeMayos probably aren’t good people]
On top of his literal first lines being to literally establish his bigotry:
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[ Peridot: Hey! Don't you touch our things! Pilot: You're hobettes? A hobo is a man's job. Lapis: Who's the human and what's he yelling about? Peridot: The real question is: where are my attack drones? *repeatedly presses a button on a remote* Pilot: Wait a minute. Those mysterious constructions, your weird appearance, your strange jewels. I know what you are. You're hippies! I heard about you on AM radio. What are you doin', comin' in here, socializin' this fine, American barn?]
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HE JUST... IS TERRIBLE. But another thing to note is that he is much more attatchted to the family than Greg is- which is why I assume his morals are more in line with Greg’s parents/family as a whole- considering when he talks about Greg leaving he says you thought you were so much better than US. Also he does get worse my god
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[Greg: How was I supposed to? I haven't seen you in years! Andy: And whose fault is that? You thought you were so much better than us, you just got in your van and drove away. Greg: That was like two decades ago! Steven: Uncle Andy, can I get down now? Andy: Oh, sorry, Steven. *puts down Steven* I ain't used to holdin' nephews. *turns to Greg* 'Cause I didn't know I had one! So, uh, which one of these girls is the wife? I gotta give her my condolences, right? *elbows Greg and laughs* Hey, come on. What, I gotta guess, here? *points to Garnet* It's gotta be you. I bet this useless lump needs a big girl to keep him in line. You're not big, I'm just saying. You're tall, not, you know. ]
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there’s still the implication that he is both close to the family and hurt by Gregs seemingly sudden and immidiate leave, implying that he also ignored Gregs obvious depression and unhappiness in the family.
HOWEVER this is also shown immidiately after when he expresses anger at Greg legally changing his last name, something else probably dear to these tradition-heavy people. ALSO GOING ALONG WITH THAT IS ANDYS XENOPHOBIA AND NOT SO THINLY VEILED RACISM... SO HEADS UP ON THAT IM SO SORRY MY FELLOW  LATINXS... I HATE THIS DUDE UNIRONICALLY NGL
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[ Andy: *surprised* Andy Demayo. Greg DeMayo. Steven DeMayo. We're the DeMayos. Greg: Actually, we're, umm... the Universes, now. Andy: *gets angry* You space walnut! You didn't even keep the family name? But you're goin' around givin' family property out like candy on... some... kind of... candy-givin'-out holiday?! Steven: You're telling me Universe isn't a real last name?! Greg: It is a real name. I had it changed. Andy, look, they just really needed a place.  They're alien refugees from space and- Andy: They're illegal aliens!? Wha...? You couldn't even marry an American?! Greg: What does that matter?! Steven: DeMayo's a much cooler name than plain old Universe. Andy: You turned your back on your family just so you could get in with a bunch of weirdo, hippie, Martian immigrants!? *points at Peridot and Lapis* You two, get the heck off my planet, out of my country, and out of my barn! ]
SOOOOOOO YEAH... not saying Greg’s parents would react the same way especially in reference to Steven himself being half-gem but this is one of the only frame of references we have for how Gregs family was other than them condemning his interests and forcibly shaving his head. Which again, not good signs.
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ANYWAYS THIS IS ALL BEFORE ANDY “CHANGES” for the better at the end of the episode so take this as you will, but he does mention that he stayed the way the family was for a long long time before they moved a bit further away for retirements sake/were too old to make the trip back. It’s likely they still hold these ideals and are just ... physically changed. SO THATS MY WHOLE POINT HOPE IT WAS CONCISE!!! good day to u!!
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