laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Misty Date translation
This post contains a detailed   spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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I cautiously observe Lucien, his expression is calm, and there is no emotion in his eyes.
It looks like just as he had mentioned before the experiment,
he really doesn't remember me.
Translation under the cut
[Part 1]
(Note: if anyone want to follow along with the voice, you can follow along here. Although, it doesn’t record the other choice :”. No, it’s not sexy or anything, but I like how much of a trickster he is in this date and the voice direction is really good.)
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I’m walking through the damp and heavy mist, wading through shallow pools and grassy fields, and eventually coming to a stop in front of the white marble staircase.
A purple butterfly catches my eye.
It is perched on the bronze Thoth* statue by the stair railing, its thin wings reflecting a dazzling and intricate silver light.
(T/N: Thoth was an ancient Egyptian deity who was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon. He was the god of writing, knowledge, wisdom, and the moon, and was also associated with magic, science, and judgment. It really fits with him~)
It seems to be the only focus in this hazy mist.
My eyes light up and I take a few light steps towards it. The butterfly flutters up into the air as I approach, as if inviting me to follow.
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MC: Little butterfly, are you going to take me to see Lucien?
The butterfly spreads its wings and lightly flies up the stairs. I lift my dress and take a step forward.
The butterfly eventually flies through the gate at the end of the staircase and disappears without a trace.
I raise my hand and push open the door. The mist dissipates in an instant, and then rustling flower petals and leaves come flying towards me.
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At the end of my hazy field of vision, a tall figure is casually leaning on a chair, the gentle sunlight draping over his body and softening his slightly cold features.
Lucien is wearing loose home clothes, and his long eyelashes are lightly drooping. It seems that he has not yet noticed my arrival.
A small sable is obediently lying on his shoulder, and its black-bean-like eyes turn towards me. Suddenly, it shows its teeth fiercely.
Small Sable: Gugu!
(T/N: "Gugu" is an onomatopoeic sound that represents the sable's vocalization.)
Lucien puts down his book and taps the small sable with his fingertips.
Lucien: Is this Miss the person you want me to wait for here?
The small sable makes a "Gugu" sound as if it has a spiritual connection, and then Lucien nods slightly, as if greeting me.
MC: ...Hello, Professor Lucien.
He looks over with an indifferent gaze, but when his eyes fall on me, a hint of surprise shows in his eyes.
After a moment of scrutinizing gaze on me, he curves his lips into a polite smile.
Lucien: What can I do for you, Miss?
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I cautiously observe Lucien, his expression is calm, and there is no emotion in his eyes.
It looks like just as he had mentioned before the experiment, he really doesn't remember me.
Thinking about the task goal that I had agreed with him, I take a deep breath and smile as I extend my hand to the present Lucien in front of me.
MC: Hi, I'm MC, the collaborator for this academic seminar, responsible for providing guidance to the participating scientists.
MC: Most of the scientists have already arrived at the venue, do you need me to take you there?
After I finished my rehearsed opening remarks in one breath, Lucien just calmly shook my hand in response, and then withdrew his hand before I could even savor the lingering touch.
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Lucien: [in distant tone] Thank you, there's no need. I have already informed the organizers that I will not be attending.
After saying these words, his gaze returned to the book, and it wasn't until a long time later that he looked back at me again.
Lucien: Miss MC, do you need me to escort you out since you may not know the way back?
He speaks out my name, each word coldly uttered without any hint of intimacy or tenderness.
Meanwhile, the little sable beside him bared its teeth and arched its body, displaying clearly the vigilance and rejection that Lucien himself didn't express.
My heart beats uncontrollably as I force myself to steady my breathing and take a step forward, gathering my courage to pull out the chair in front of him.
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MC: Okay, actually I'm not really a collaborator.
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I sit down, prop my cheek up with one hand, lean forward slightly, and wink at the person across from me.
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MC: Professor Lucien, I came here specifically for you.
MC: Because...I have admired you for a long time.
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[Part 2]
My frankness clearly piqued Lucien's interest, and there was a hint of inquiry in his gaze as he looked at me.
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Lucien: Oh? Why are you interested in me?
The scrutinizing gaze and calm questioning made my ears slightly hot. I thought for a moment before giving an answer.
MC: This question is difficult to summarize. I think it probably stems from... an instinctive attraction.
MC: After reading almost all of your publications, interviews, and journalist reports, this attraction naturally turned into admiration.
Lucien smiled lightly, closed the book in his hand and put it to the side, interlocking his fingertips.
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Lucien: People tend to subconsciously build up their image during conversations and steer the topics towards angles that benefit them.
Lucien: In interviews, I am like this. Perhaps Miss MC also does the same.
His lips are lightly curved, but his eyes are devoid of smile, as if he is looking through me into the intricate maze.
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MC: I do have a little bit of ulterior motive towards you, I want to know more about you.
MC: In one interview, you said that insight is a two-way observation, a mutual giving between the experimenter and the experimental subject…
MC: "The more subtle you are, the more unexpected colors you will find."
Upon hearing this, Lucien raised his eyebrow and gestured for me to continue.
I started talking about the topics we had previously discussed, carefully selecting the conversation topics.
Lucien listens quietly, occasionally joining in the conversation, and his gaze on me becomes more intriguing.
The warm and fragrant air in the greenhouse gradually relaxes me, and for a moment, I feel as if I am chatting with the real Lucien.
Lucien: So, "need for more time to discover new chemical reactions" is also something I said in the interview, is that right?
(T/N: callback to New Chemical Reaction SP!)
I startle, and my heart rings the alarm bells. I nod my head hesitantly.
MC: This is... my speculation about your thoughts.
MC: So - is Professor Lucien satisfied with my answer?
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Lucien: Your answer is very interesting and precise. If I were to describe it using a teaching term-
Lucien: It's like the answer key in the "Lucien" reference book.
He suddenly stands up, leans one hand on the table, and traps me in the shadow.
Lucien: I'm just curious about the path you took to arrive at the solution.
His words are full of meaning, making me feel embarrassed and uneasy as if he has seen through everything.
It seems that achieving the goal of the experiment smoothly is not as easy as imagined. I try to remain calm and stare at him, thinking of the appropriate words to say.
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MC: Before coming to find you, I did receive help from someone, and I came here in response to his invitation.
MC: He wanted me to delve deeper into this place…
MC: To explore you.
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=Flashback start=
Two days ago.
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Lucien: "I woke up from my dream and once again realized that Hanna was dead."
In the quiet room, the pages of the book rustled slowly as Lucien turned them over.
Lucien: "I also know that the longing that is closely connected to her is not a longing for her, it is a yearning for going home."
The sad story came to an end, and I leaned towards Lucien with a hint of sadness.
MC: Why would the protagonist rather bear a false accusation than admit that he can't read?
Lucien: Because he didn't realize that his inner secrets would affect the outcome of the story.
Lucien: As we stand in the perspective of an observer, we naturally have a clearer view.
Perhaps sensing my sadness, Lucien comfortingly patted my head and extended the conversation to another topic.
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Lucien: Like us, although we can be honest enough with each other-
Lucien: But I believe that if a secret is meant to be revealed one day, then it loses its meaning as a secret from the very beginning.
Lucien: So, deep down in our consciousness, there may be hidden the true secrets that we subconsciously hide.
MC: I understand what you mean, but this makes exploring secrets seem like a paradox.
MC: After all, we can't just picking up each other's consciousness and rummage through it.
Lucien suddenly smiled and winked mysteriously at me.
Lucien: Perhaps there is a way.
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Lucien quickly showed me his method in his laboratory.
The head-worn device was covered in measuring electrodes and connected to a large white machine through several wires.
He took my hand and led me on a tour of the laboratory, patiently explaining the principles of the equipment in front of us.
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Lucien: Human consciousness is closely related to the exchange of bioelectricity, and this device generates virtual electrical signals that cover the bioelectricity generated by the brain in response to external stimuli.
MC: So, does it mean that after wearing the equipment, the information received by the human brain will be replaced?
Lucien: That's correct. And the person leading the experiment can also enter the subject's conscious world through this interface that replaces information.
I nodded thoughtfully and looked at Lucien.
MC: I'm guessing Professor Lucien is inviting me to participate in an experiment in the world of consciousness?
Lucien: You guessed it. However, before that, we may need to do some special preparation work.
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Seeing my confusion, Lucien lightly hooked the corner of his lips.
Lucien: I do intend to let you enter my world of consciousness, but your presence might trigger my subconscious desire to conceal things*.
(T/N: "粉饰" can mean "to beautify" or "to adorn," but in this context, it likely means "to beautify in a way that is not entirely truthful.)
Lucien: So, in order to prevent this from happening, I will temporarily block any memories related to you.
Lucien tapped the shell of the device lightly with his fingertips, as if contemplating how to add an extra layer of 'insurance'.
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Lucien: But there is a certain risk in doing so. If my consciousness resists, the scenarios constructed by the electrical signals will be modified and reconstructed.
MC: What kind of results would consciousness modification bring?
Lucien: Although I'm not sure what the "Lucien" in my consciousness would do, I think he would bring danger to you as a stranger.
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Lucien: So, if you encounter an out-of-control version of me, you can always evoke my memories.
Lucien: At that time, you just need to say the safety command "recall". The device's AI will automatically operate to restore my memory in the consciousness world.
My breathing became slightly quickened, and my tone of voice became cautious.
MC: Don't worry, I will try my best to explore until the end, and I won't use the safety command easily.
Lucien chuckled lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly.
Lucien: It sounds like this classmate is not afraid of this "dangerous game".
MC: Actually, I'm a little scared, but…
I curled up my lips and looked back at Lucien seriously.
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MC: I'm more curious to see what kind of secrets are hidden behind Professor Lucien's 'danger'.
=Flashback ends=
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And now, this dangerous game is unfolding. I sit opposite Lucien at the table, observing and testing each other.
The gentle expression he always had is nowhere to be seen on the face of the Lucien in front of me. I meet his scrutinizing gaze and reach out my hand.
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MC: Mr. Lucien, would you like to take me, a visitor with ulterior motives, to visit this place together?
Lucien smiled at me and the curve of his lips was almost gentle.
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Lucien: Why not?
He pinched my fingertips, then released his hand. A chill spread from his fingertips and the air inside the greenhouse became slightly colder.
*insert game special effect*
The damp mist rises instantly, and his glass-like cold voice comes from the mist.
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Lucien: But the greatest pleasure of exploration lies in the unknown danger, doesn't it?
As soon as he finished speaking, the plants in the greenhouse suddenly grew rapidly.
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[Part 3]
Within a few seconds, the plants in the greenhouse rapidly grow into a magnificent and dangerous size.
Graceful branches and leaves wildly expand in space, separating me and Lucien in an instant.
I instinctively reach out my hand towards him, but hear Lucien's cold voice from behind the plants.
*dramatic black screen, showing this text along with his voice-*
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Miss MC, welcome to my world of consciousness.
*the screen flash, showing the previous bg*
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In an instant, a thousand thoughts flood my mind, making my heart beat faster and faster.
In my expectation, Lucien would quickly understand that this is the world of consciousness. However, this "quickly" far exceeds my expectations.
Lucien: Don't you want to know me better, Miss MC?
Lucien: Then come and see me.
The sharp words seemed to be close at hand, but the owner of the voice had disappeared without a trace in the next second.
Left alone, I faced the plants and trees of the entire greenhouse, all of them looking at me intently.
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I take a deep breath and run down the white marble stairs I came up on.
MC: This person is really...I must settle the score with him when I get out!
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??(Lucien): You can come find me and settle the score right now if you want.
I was about to grumble to myself when his voice, now laced with a hint of amusement, suddenly sounded, causing me to startle and almost twist my ankle.
I stop and look around, but he is nowhere to be seen, as if a malevolent God is looking down and playing tricks on me.
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MC: Hmph, someone clearly doesn't want me to easily meet him and is trying to trip me up.
Lucien: Is that so? Then the person you're talking about must be really bad.
Lucien: But I think he can be even worse.
As if to prove his words, vines behind me instantly wrapped around me, forcing me to run.
As soon as I started running, I came across two paths that went in completely different directions.
And what's even more peculiar is that familiar animals have appeared on both paths.
One of the paths leads to a dim thorny forest, where a ferocious little sable stands at the crossroads, impatiently waving its paws at me.
The other path leads to a bright and fragrant flower sea, and a beautiful purple butterfly is fluttering at the intersection, seemingly waiting for me to follow.
Lucien: Since you have "Lucien's" reference answer, how would you answer this question?
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[Follow the sable]
[Follow the butterfly]
(T/N: this part has a branch! but the end is still the same. I’ll put different choice story after the last part)
[Choose to follow the sable]
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I turn around and run towards the direction of the ferocious little sable, and the vines behind me retract at the moment they touch the fork in the road.
MC: That's great…
I breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down my pace, and followed the bouncing little sable into the darkness of the thorny thicket.
As if on cue, Lucien's voice sounded at this moment.
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Lucien: Why did you choose to follow it?
MC: Although the little sable is fierce towards me, it is very attached to you, so following it will surely lead me to you.
Lucien: But, this road doesn't seem easy to walk on.
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MC: If I can get close to you, I will go on no matter how difficult the road is.
Lucien doesn't immediately respond to my words. Just when I think he's going to remain silent, his voice, filled with amusement, sounds out.
Lucien: If you can come, I will wait for you at the end of the road.
After that, there is only the cold light of the moon in the dim forest.
I follow the little sable forward with difficulty, sometimes crouching, sometimes jumping over the thorns.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots up from my ankle, causing me to almost fall into a thorny bush.
And in the next moment, a slender branch seems to sense my danger and stretches out to catch me.
I had just breathed a sigh of relief when suddenly my whole body tensed up. My view shifted and rose even higher as I was entangled in midair by the surging vine!
MC: ….!
I try my best to pry open the branches with all my strength, but it's like ant trying to shake a tree*, and I can only watch as they wrap me tighter and tighter.
(T/N: "却如蚍蜉撼树,只能眼睁睁看着它们将我越缠越紧" is a metaphorical expression to describe a situation where someone is in a very weak position and is unable to do anything to change the situation.)
It seems to be indicating the complete control of the owner of the world over me.
The branches lifted me up into the sky and then suddenly let go. I thought I would fall from a high altitude, but the next second, my feet landed on a hard ground.
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I am sent to a floating garden, where a figure is leisurely pruning the branches.
MC: Lucien!
Upon hearing my voice, Lucien turned around and a faint smile appeared on his face.
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Lucien: You've arrived.
Lucien: I'm curious, has your thinking changed after this journey?
MC: Of course, I think I understand you better now.
Lucien: Is that so? Well, then tell me about it.
He puts away his smile and looks at me, the warmth quietly surging into my ears.
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MC: I think, I saw Lucien's possessiveness.
After hearing my response, Lucien smiled lightly in a good mood.
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Lucien: You never cease to amaze me.
I couldn't help but feel excited, but he calmly opened his mouth.
Lucien: But unfortunately, it's not entirely correct.
MC: What…!
In the next second, my unfinished words were replaced by a scream as a feeling of weightlessness swept over my body.
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[Part 4]
With a flick of his finger, Lucien opens up a deep crack in the ground beneath my feet, causing me to lose my balance and stumble.
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I slide down from the flower branch like a petal from his hand, and for a moment, fear seeps through my body with the cold wind.
In the rapid fall, Lucien's voice rings in my ears again.
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Lucien: Do you still want to continue exploring me now that things have come to this?
MC: ...I won't give up until I get an answer.
Lucien: Unfortunately, mere bravery alone is not enough to break through the mystery.
His words were infused with undisguised confidence and insight, even his advice carried a cold detachment that seemed to observe from above.
Lucien: Let's stop here. This conciousness experiment is too dangerous for you.
Lucien: No matter who you are, and what relationship you have with the real-life Lucien, I think you need to know when to give up.
He paused and there is a hint of temptation in his tone.
Lucien: Or, at least recall my memory, maybe Lucien who remembers you will let you go.
His words made my heart tighten, and even my tough words couldn't avoid a slight hint of wavering.
MC: I-I won't turn back.
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As soon as I finish speaking, something soft underneath me gently catches me, and I fall into a bed.
I force myself to ignore the exhaustion that comes with it and sit up to look around.
Before my eyes is a small wooden house filled with flowers, and warm sunlight is pouring in from the skylight.
Lucien's voice comes from outside the door, his tone is quite serious.
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Lucien: You are very firm.
Lucien: I will give you some time to answer again.
Lucien: But you have to remember, this is also your last chance.
His tone remained polite and indifferent, but it made me curve my lips into a smile.
MC: No problem, I will cherish this opportunity.
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MC: But you didn't say how much time I have, so can I assume that…
MC: Can I understand that until I give you an answer, I can stay here to observe you?
As if he heard something interesting, there is a hint of amusement in Lucien's voice.
Lucien: Yes, I hope this classmate can maintain this spirit of inquiry.
As soon as he finished speaking, the sun outside the skylight also went down, replaced in a moment by a tranquil night.
The flow of time in the world of consciousness is very vague, and even the alternation of day and night seems to be under Lucien's control.
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I wander alone in this isolated garden, carefully examining every flower, butterfly, and leaf…
The sun rises and sets in a mechanical cycle, and occasionally, Lucien would visit my dwelling and cunningly give me tests.
He would transform into a butterfly, gently fluttering its wings, and then speak unexpectedly.
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Lucien: By observing my world so meticulously, has Miss MC arrived at any new conclusions?
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MC: I'm thinking, your consciousness world is so rich and colorful, maybe my previous answer was too one-sided…
MC: Hold on, let's be clear that this is not my final answer. We are still in the discussion period!
Lucien: That's an interesting thought, and your cunning look is also quite adorable.
As the heavy snow falls on the eaves, the agile little sable climbs onto my knees.
It didn't use to be affectionate with me before, but now it nestles in the blanket on my lap, conveying a comfortable warmth.
I touched it and laughed.
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MC: Professor Lucien who turns into a little sable is also very cute.
Lucien: I've also noticed that whenever I appear in this form, you seem to be more friendly towards me.
MC: When you're not so guarded around me, I feel closer to you~
Lucien: Like how you treat "Lucien" in real life?
I instinctively want to give a definite answer, but when the words reach my lips, I swallow them back.
MC: ….How about you try to guess the answer to this question?
The little sable rolled over and looked up at me with its round, watery eyes.
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Lucien: You are even more difficult to tempt than I imagined, like... a special drug that exclusively targets "Lucien".
Listening to the amused tone in Lucien's voice, I couldn't help but shake my head with a smile.
MC: Really? I actually think that Lucien is the special drug for me, rather than the other way around.
MC: Every time he can read my desires and lure me unknowingly into the scenario he has calculated.
Lucien: But without your cooperation, one-sided calculation is just empty talk.
I pause for a moment as I touch the fingertips of the little sable, and something becomes clearer in my heart.
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MC: Is this a hint that Professor Lucien kindly gave me~
Lucien: Maybe this is also one of the inducements?
The little sable rolled over on my lap and reached out its paws to hold onto my fingers.
I slowly close my eyes, and the answer in my heart seems to become clearer and clearer.
MC: Lucien, I think I already know your secret.
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As the words fall from my mouth, the heavy snow disappears, and spring arrives. The dawn filters through the arched stained glass windows, casting a hazy gray light into every corner of the room.
Layer upon layer of white gauze falls down, like a dream reaching its most beautiful moment.
And the owner of the world leans over, his deep eyes gazing at me, with a probing yet restrained fervor.
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Lucien: Before hearing your answer, I want to discuss a guess I have with you.
Lucien: Regarding MC's identity, I have a relatively confirmed answer.
My heartbeat inexplicably quickens, staring at his opening and closing lips in a daze.
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Lucien: The time we've spent together has given me a feeling that I've never experienced before. It can even be described as... strange.
Lucien: For the first time, I feel that the world is complete with you in it, and this feeling is not unfamiliar.
Lucien: So even though my consciousness doesn't have any memories of you, I still think of you out of habit.
Lucien: I think that's the kind of relationship we have.
His burning gaze carries a hint of inquiry, sinking me into this profound and intense emotion.
MC: …When did you realize it?
Lucien: Probably, it was when I turned into a small sable lying on your lap and your touch gave me a clue.
Lucien: The sensation starts from the top of my head to my chin, then down my body, and my tail…
As he described, he used his hand to trace his body... I couldn't help but interrupt him, blushing.
MC: No, no need to be more specific. Your guess is correct.
I close my eyes, feeling his slightly rapid breath.
-this is both a confirmation to him and a repeated confirmation to myself…
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MC: Maybe you are always exploring all the possibilities about me, tempting me to get closer to you step by step.
MC: This is my answer.
Without waiting for Lucien to speak, I quickly add.
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MC: I have thought about a question before, regarding a question about Lucien, what should the answer be.
MC: But now I understand that actually, the question about Lucien can be both a single choice question and a multiple choice question.
Lucien: Why do you say so?
I stretch out my hands and make a butterfly shape, then gently wave them.
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MC: Because I will choose all of you and only you.
I gaze at his dark and mysterious eyes with affection, my tone unconsciously softening.
MC: So even if you don't try to probe or tempt me, I will fly resolutely to you every time like a determined little butterfly.
MC: And then kiss you.
I lean in and, under his widened eyes, softly kiss the corner of his lips.
MC: Recall me.
The gauze by the window is gently lifted by the breeze, and the butterfly flutters away like a fleeting dawn, floating away into the distance.
The little sable clung to the branches and leaves, stealing glances in our direction.
But in my eyes, there is only the familiar tenderness that is rekindled in Lucien's eyes.
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Lucien: (softly) MC, I missed you.
Lucien: More than just missing you a lot, I missed you even more than that.
I gaze at him for a long time, and finally smile, opening my arms to embrace his neck, pressing myself tightly against his warm body.
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MC: After a whole spring, summer, autumn and winter, Mr. Lucien finally remembers me.
Lucien slightly lowers his head and gives a gentle kiss to my hair.
Lucien: I didn't expect that my consciousness world would bring you so much trouble.
Lucien: I hope the Great Producer won't be mad at me for causing you so much trouble, okay?
MC: Hmm~ After all, I have endured a lot of hardships and loneliness, so it depends on your performance.
Lucien leans close to my ear, his warm breath gently brushing against my cheek.
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Lucien: (whisper) No problem.
He chuckles lightly, pinching my jaw and deepening our kiss.
Lucien: (whisper) And next, it's my turn to explore you, right?
The sky is hazy, and amidst our fiery breaths, my consciousness floats and sinks.
Like stranded on the tidal shore, like drowning in the sea, until completely dyed in his color.
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[Another choice: Follow the butterfly]
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I turn my steps and run towards the direction of the butterfly, while the vines behind me retract at the moment of contact with the fork in the road.
MC: That's great…
I breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down, following the gracefully fluttering butterfly towards the depths of the bright flower garden.
And at this moment, Lucien's voice timely sounded.
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Lucien: Why did you choose to follow it?
MC: The first time, it was the butterfly that brought me to you. I believe it will help me for the second time.
Lucien: Your intuition is correct, and this choice seems much gentler.
MC: But I don't want to only see gentleness, I will find what's hidden behind it.
Lucien doesn't immediately respond to my words. Just as I think he'll fall silent, a voice tinged with amusement breaks the silence.
Lucien: I will wait for you to personally unveil the answer in front of me.
After that, only the gentle fragrance remained in the flower sea.
Petals of flowers whirl around me like spirits, and I struggle to break through their gentle confinement, following the butterfly as it moves forward.
I am surrounded by the intoxicating fragrance and can't help but stop in front of a blooming hydrangea. I extend my fingertips and gently touch its petals.
At the moment my fingertips touch the petals, they suddenly retract and wrap around my fingers!
MC: !!
At the same time, the flowers around me, like they've caught their prey, gently and irresistibly caress my body.
As I struggle, they invade me more deeply, the flower branches penetrate into my clothes, and the wild petals engulf me like waves-
It seems to be indicating the world's owner's exploration of me.
The flowers take me into the abyss and suddenly let go. I think I will fall down high, but the next second, my feet land on the hard ground.
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(T/N: The story after this follow the exact same suit, the only difference is MC’s first answer)
Lucien: I'm curious, has your thinking changed after this journey?
MC: Of course, I think I understand you better now.
Lucien: Is that so? Well, then tell me about it.
He puts away his smile and looks at me, the warmth quietly surging into my ears.
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MC: I think, I saw Lucien's desire for exploration.
After hearing my response, Lucien smiled lightly in a good mood.
Lucien: You never cease to amaze me.
I couldn't help but feel excited, but he calmly opened his mouth.
Lucien: But unfortunately, it's not entirely correct.
MC: What…!
In the next second, my unfinished words were replaced by a scream as a feeling of weightlessness swept over my body.
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[Lux short ramble corner~]
OKAY so, gonna keep it short because... *glances at schoolwork*. This date is... exciting and a bit wild. I like how papergames is trying new things with all the special effect in this date (not saying that they’re new, it’s just that... they usually on main story rather than date, and it really gives an exciting feeling).
I think this date feels like getting to know him again, without him knowing anything about MC. We slowly explore him, who was indifferent at first, then become intrigued by MC’s answer. This make him both guarded and curious. But then, over times we also see him slowly become unguarded in front of her (even worrying about her). And finally after MC feeling him up reach the conclusion that he loves her (the strange feeling) and has this deep connection with her. The connection is based on something deeper than just memories or experience, but rather on fundamental sense of familiarity, it was soul deep. She completes his world. Even though Lucien didn’t have any memory of her, he feel a sense of wholeness with her.
About Lucien’s two (actually not so) hidden desires to explore and possess her- I think this already clear in the date. MC still chooses him despite his flaws and facades (Because I will choose all of you and only you.), despite his attempt of exploring and possessing (and even though he didn’t try, she will still choose to fly to him). Because loving him is the choice that she already made since long time ago, and she is committed to loving Lucien for all that he is.
Overall, I think this date is really fresh and offers deeper insight about their relationship. Whether it’s their soul deep connection or how love is a choice. I also quite like all the shenanigans that Lucien made. It’s not everyday you see him with all of his trickster potential revealed in front of MC lol.dye
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Here's another thing he wants out of this tunnel stuff and having a shattered home right near him and having the bombs near him and you retards won't stop doing it and you won't stop Tommy f I told you many times what you do is ineffective. And not even swear so we're coming after you for that the latter will both.
And bjA I'm going to work that smile off your face a million times, is it a painful way it happened to your boss.
They're coming in there because Tommy f is forcing it it's infiltrating and tried to hide as you idiots and doesn't work good and his forces got decimated and ships couldn't fire again thier trying to make them fire. They're huge shifts to try and guns and they can turned to mechanical mode. And I some of them they are and they're coming down approaching Georgia now three of them are passed and are at Florida at the top panhandle parallel and we don't want them back it's not enough air here it's a pain in the ass it's suffocating and you keep shipping out of regular stuff so often that your own people want your dead Tommy f more than you know so much more that they're willing to attack you too we see them forming up too and they're not just these dummies and frustrating games no it's your military and Max two in the military and they're getting ready to crush you thier sick of your s*** is huge f****** you had it all to yourself, and even tampering with the brains and blaming ancient history shipping some more recent in 30 years ago and then actual work on it they'll say it too this problem is doing this to us since he's going to get away with it and they heard mack. That's what they heard that is going to steal it like this retards I retired can have the drive straight into make him every time across the street it's a huge a****** too. I want him in jail he should be in there for 5 months as soon as sentenced it's going on harassing his daughter who put him there she keeps telling people he should be in jail and some people do stuff which is good but he actually go and grab him and she put a list of aliases up there and the police station this morning and we're going to keep putting it up if it comes down
I'm tired of your tunnels Tommy f and the stupid results this is idiocy and we're going to be around to pieces and we don't want to put up with it anymore and he says we can't we talked a lot and they're trying to diminish the threat and what threat level it is ing and it kind of reduce the threat level from them they said it so much and Tommy f is one of the offenders Max didn't say it much at all we had them say it and it was over said and overdone so we went in just disabled it and you're laughing but you were doing it too and we're proceeding and we are in the shatteredome here in the Gulf and we are in the shadow domes in Florida and Georgia and Pennsylvania and California that's too many for you to have and everyone else has none cuz they're almost completely ours and it's only a few left my comparison you have twice as many and it's going to be gone today out there so you have to go you have to be out of there your tunnel needs to come down and meet her son to move we need them to have money I'm going to obliterate you tommy f until he has it. Your like a monster now and you don't have any brain left.
We don't want to be like we are warlock because of you but after you with automatic weapons it would take yours I'm so sick of this you don't even do the job that we outlined that we have to do and as rebels cuz I have to rebel against my son it is similar way and so does he just want to sit here on top of these you don't even trying for that one so you should be doing have you tried for that one over there and you moved me over he says you might get it and then try for these well what else are you going to do you're not even trying for these in any way it's kind of a d****** thing it's kind of like an accident thing you came up with this mac because it makes sense, this this is their a****** culture and latent form there's a sit around waiting for someone to give it an answer you don't know what they're waiting for this is the answer they've been waiting for and Olympus Thor Freya Hera from me...
It's kind of neat what he's talking about with me sort of talking is that bja and his or sugars and VG as well and they kind of should be either smaller and not as smart and Trump too the wicked slime ball and they may have gotten it no there's these a****** ships that are overbearing and there's too many of the too big and they shut everything down and nothing happens here by the way so you go off and you go out on your one-night stand in Miami and you play and stuff and you come back here and you're not doing anything and he goes over there he hangs out for a while and then you play stuff over here that's what you said you like and I'm like that too and the ships are a problem they come down here we're not going to do anything sit here and pitching mode at him to do something eventually just lift the ships up somehow and that's it so guys Garth says so we go hit him, I agree we have to go stop the shifts I'm so tired of this and it's wrong you just sit there with a blockade f****** around with people are you at least taking their things the answer I got was not really she's stopping stuff from coming here you taking a bunch of toasters and toaster ovens you trying to bring stuff there all day long his armament is ammo and I get tons of it it's like several years so like a boy here says you're riding the gravy train but you're riding people too hard here and they figured it out and they did so Tommy f is saying I'm dead with him and you're dead tell me if you remember that you're reflection blood okay stupid mother f***** put a hit on you okay our boy says and yeah they go out okay stupid I'm putting one on you too you don't talk to me that way little s*** yeah a little snot no s*** it f****** weird looking f****** remillard brother. You look stupid Trump says to Tommy f and he does it sounds it go jump down the building from falcon and balcony you f****** weirdo you should try that again you had bG suck his dick on YouTube so I want him to have you do it you can't do that with the ships oppressing him. The last stuff you want to do to you Tommy f we can't do it if your shifts are here I'm ordering them to be stopped oh boy is ordering his to stop them we can see these guys finally doing something they left to actually make sure things are getting done because we made fun of him enough
Mac says well you said all of it but here we go we're going to stop these stupid shifts it's good work by Zeus Hera she's always there she never tells him what she's doing she always makes fun of him later it's like millions of these idiots in one person but she does things and for us that's too strong too strong yes he says so she's smiling I'm getting through to you you know you're getting through to me and all these motorcycles and companies and factories are taking territory on and on and on you have new clothing that's very funny new clothing she says so I get to you I get that. I'll get back to you at least for your head thing the Leif Ericson want me to leave you alone not really but okay I'm doing a good job together it's not that bad news people do a lot of stupid stuff and say it's me it's hard I tell you he's trying to make it easier but you can jokes he says how many motorcycles do I really have none so I'm actually laughing cuz it's funny...
Well that was those two top or below. And yes he has so many motorcycles it's not even funny he produced about 100,000 septillion today that's a ridiculous number not 100 something that's why as many as you would need can't see us as more people than that around the whole earth with him they won't be able to stop him from anyone it's kind of ridiculous okay you'd be more encourage it every time you ever forcing it he has way too much of the market we're catching up though leave about 50,000 septillion in total though all of a sudden added up it's half as of what he produced today he doesn't know how many people there are a hundred septillion is a lot 100,000 sounds like too many. He's right too he calculated the city area although if you put some more floors in it's probably a lot more people like a civilian bunker but still it's telling you to Bunker this is a septillion in a bunker there's only a several hundred bunkers or even a thousand civilian in an area but I feel like 20 septillion in the bunker and you have a thousand that's 20,000 septillion but the colony is being eliminated pretty soon it'll be gone it's mostly probably 70 to 80% eliminated and he wants to hit the big ones now they don't have the big ones they don't have the big ones to get everything you have that limited spunkers all of it and leave security forces to maintain the other ones and call in some troops to come out that can wreck them I'm going to do that they say we've been recommending it I recommend it too and put my seal on it and Hera's, they will they're doing it right now send it to me it's the whole huge ones they said it's a huge hassle does it get all over them and slows them down it's
The ships are rolling South they heard what we're talking about and they started rolling Tommy f is trying to invade and his failing it's trying to invade from below too it's a huge invasion attempt ships from all over the place tunnels and Air he's trying to fly in he's got a picture of him as the bandit from Smokey and the bandit trying to fly you say this isn't going so good I feel sick that small skinny disease looking guy from his TV show says you should feel sick... There are tons of people fighting Tommy f and they're calling their armies down and they're calling them now and they should it's a huge pain in the ass he's trying to come from South America with like $700 troops he's very met there by force and it ships in the golfer under attack from the West huge numbers of ships are flowing in, and yes it was a huge amount of people who want to see what's in the septic it's become a huge curiosity since you just take them out and you put them in punta Gorda and you make a heart exhibit called the boobenheim they're all laughing because that's what they do and stuff actor who plays Thor says we don't want boobenheim.
Foreigners and more like a firing on the ships the foreigners from ships and the warlock from shore heavy missiles tons of them huge numbers of them tell me I saw them and thought of his people would take them over and it didn't work so the more like a scribbling around to make it look like they did and it worked define everything they got at the 300 and a few of the 600s and they're hitting them they'll be out shortly and they're hitting all their other little ships and concentrating on the big ones the two 700s are holding up north and are told to move forward. And they're getting hit a lot people have lost patience for this guy Tommy f the loser firing heavy on it those ships will be out in minutes if that I'm going to fire a few and make sure they're hitting it pretty good and they're on fire but not all of it so firing a volley. They're up I'll send them about 50,000 missiles come out of a smattering of them and start exploding is huge clouds of Ash and cool glowing embers and when a whole bunch of us will slam into their ships they're the same system and they use it a little differently but it works pretty good we hit about 90% and three of the ships are out the $600 and 700s are damaged badly the rebels are encouraged and are using the system that didn't use it the first time we're getting up for another volley. Beginning the troops out make sure they don't come in it's a big war and big battle it says there's going to be another stream of them and there's going to be shattered on problems we need the foreigners to erect the blockade. They're actually moving to. It says moving in the tunnels and they're going in and we're going into it's a war they're ready for it and they said we needed help and got some and we got some from the forg it's going a lot better than they thought. Tell him to shut up Tommy that's some annoying s*** I'm going to take your life everyday I'm going to start that too oh yeah sorry you fall off the thing today. Because you're not as well to get up to sopranos.
Okay so we have a plan qe wants to meet her for go-kart racing he's going to lose cuz she's going to put a fat ass in his way she going to take it away by Tommy f and The boys of Summer cuz he wants to not do that
I guess the tunnel issue is going off while you're here to a degree it's true too you probably have to go there and back I'll start to get it
The 700 and 600s under brutal attack we rearmed and we're sitting with foreigners is every Army and the similar system. Raise it up and see them firing so we must firing and we're firing our anti-missile system tons of flack in it huge missiles there's stupped Midway. It's a big battle there's really not enough ships on tummy f side. One of the 600s is down fully the other two are on fire and damaged badly most of their personnel have to try and put the fire out the 2700 is now steaming down people are firing tons of cruise missiles at them and torpedoes they don't want them down here as long as the state there's no place down here it's ridiculous it should be allowed out there just so damn big so I hitting it and hitting it and we have to make holes so it sinks it won't displace water I'll send it starts screaming this we're going to get you a little kid at us and say we're not little kids and your nuts they're telling him this is a good whoop you with one on time and behind my back you f**. Really got angry and they started firing everything so intercepting it all and we're hitting it and it's falling back on them the 700s are now on fire all of them both of them he says start where it's burning from that direction and working way over the sensors not working it's working too use the cover is the fire it is such a big ship that it works so we're nailing it and got better odds it's almost 100% and we're halfway through the ship you can't do it we're going to sink and said well we're doing it correctly and we got holes in it all the way up halfway now 3/4 were going to do it they're doomed it'll sink shortly. So send a special out and yeah the destroyers
Thor Freya
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