#TBD| Eliot x Jay
morgansmornings · 24 days
Closed starter for @ifyoucatchacriminal
Maybe it was the way she was woken up this morning that should have been a clue. No usual being pounced upon by her dog to be woken up. Waiting for her coffee pot to finish brewing as she went through her morning yoga routine. Maybe it was that it had been a little too quiet lately. A few weeks without the strange friendly shadow at the local haunt. The pool table felt emptier than normal. Without a heavy blue eyed playful glare paired with a lightly scared lipped smirk answering her snarky retorts with his own. She was a little down in mood if she let herself think longer than she meant to about him not being around. 
She had gone to see her parents recently. Another three day trip were she had to be at least civil with her father. Her mother doing what damage control she could while keeping her adopted sister out of the verbal battle field. After the fact she carried the guilt of her actions with her over the first few days back before bottling it up to collect dust on a mental shelf that would no doubt turn into stress baking when the season changed. 
Still she followed the flow of the day. Nothing else to do, but continue on with life and not get caught up on the details. 
Coming back to herself as she pulled into the driveway she should have noticed the bright orange charger parked down the street a ways. It stood out in the suburb she lived in. Should have seen the stark dark red against of white tile of her walkway that trailed around her house when she turned to follow up the stairs of her porch. Should have been prepared to find him standing at her dining room table when she rounded one of the few corners of her open floor planned house. 
Thick hair pulled into a half ponytail. The button up shirt she assumed he had been wearing folded over the back of another chair. Bloodied tank pulled up to expose the left side of his torso to the abundant light of the afternoon. Her first aid kit, fully stocked when she’d left that morning, laying open on the table. Him with a small sneer on his face shouldn’t have been as amusing as it was when he was twisted around clearly trying to stitch a cut along his left side. One that seemed to be enough out of reach to make this an ordeal vs a simple patch up and move on. 
“As nice as it is to see you, despite the blood all over my floor, would you like some help with that?” Jayden asked, keeping most of her body shielded away behind the wall in the stupidly rare case he hadn't heard her come in with how focused he seemed to be. More of just a precaution for if he threw something at her. She had learned her lesson the one time she had caught him off guard.
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"Or should I just get dinner started and ask later what kind of bar fight you got into this time?"
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