#Super lega
dannysboi · 2 months
I'm so tired but I must continue
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2stelle · 1 year
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Serotonina post flopinter 🤍
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curvascirea · 11 months
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Se avete avuto dubbi sulla super lega, questo dovrebbe toglierli
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts: Nobody Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, Ontology??? headcanons
saw people talking about more monstrous Nobodies a bit ago (okay it was a long while ago at this point, this has been in drafts for ages) and that reminded me to share some of my thoughts. it spiraled kind of out of control and now this post is ridiculously long. three parts: the physical side, the less physical side, and other thoughts. most of it’s under the cut. enjoy
The physical side
All of these apply to ALL Nobodies, not just the funny squiggly ones.
Alrighty, here’s my proposal: Nobodies don’t have any internal organs. Even the ones that retain their human form. They may look and act like they’ve got regular human body processes, but I like to think that it’s just a hollow imitation. This is why every single Nobody has an absolutely snatched waist
So they’d lack both their metaphysical hearts and their real hearts!
The Organization was founded by a bunch of researchers who got into this mess via unethical human experimentation so you know they tried to pin down the specifics of Nobody biology early on, but every time they tried to use any medical equipment it would come up empty or just straight up not work. And then none of them were willing to get vivisected for the cause lmao
I think the greater Nobodies (human-shaped ones) are made up of the same weird, rubbery flexible stuff that lesser Nobodies are, but just don’t have that flexibility because hey! They’ve got a human form to maintain! They may seem human, but on a biological level, they’re closer to the squiggly guys than an actual human. This is why it’s possible for Xemnas to turn greater Nobodies into Dusks. We never see him do it, but I doubt it’s an empty threat. I don’t think there were any other greater Nobodies in the Organization in the past, but he’s probably transformed one of the specialized Nobodies, like a Dancer or Dragoon, into one of the lowest-ranked ones, like Dusks or Creepers or something.
All Nobodies have the Nobody sigil somewhere on them. For lesser Nobodies it’s easily visible, but for greater Nobodies, it’s on their backs, and since they’re always wearing those coats, no one ever sees it.
If a Nobody is cut, they don’t bleed- instead, little wisps of darkness leak out of the wound, like what happens in the Org’s death animations but on a smaller scale. They can heal faster than regular humans thanks to ✨something something darkness and nothingness✨.
Though Nobodies are supposedly shunned by both light and darkness, they are more aligned with dark than light. Any Nobody can wield light, not just Roxas (as shown by Zexion in Chain of Memories), but it takes great difficulty. However, they can wield darkness with ease.
Nobodies do need to sleep as regularly as humans, but can last much longer without food or water. Rest? Yes! Nutrience? Unimportant
They have no body heat- that’s a corpse, baby!!! That does bring up some questions about thermoregulation. I don’t feel like thinking about it tbh. There’s lots of questions in this vein: can Nobodies get drunk? I think they probably can’t. In 358/2 Days, Demyx says “Wait, training!? That sounds like work, which means sweating. Which is gross.” and that... complicates things! I could chalk it up to how a lot of people in Organization XIII have a tendency to keep acting like they’re humans and nothing’s changed, even though it has.
Nobodies are “born” in any world in the Realm Between. Roxas first appeared in Twilight Town, but some might have shown up by Castle Oblivion, or even the Mysterious Tower (god bless). Showing up in The World That Never Was is probably the most common.
The less physical side
It’s quite an unlikely coincidence that every apprentice of Ansem the Wise had a standout, super strong heart that allowed them to retain their human forms as Nobodies. I think it had something to do with being stabbed by a keyblade, not just their wills alone. That would also align with 9-12 being tied to a keyblade legacy. A strong will is important, yes, but you only get to be human-looking if there was a keyblade involved.
In a Nobody, the most important part of this will is the will to live. Should that ever wane, they Nobody will begin to destabilize, and eventually, they will return to nothingness.
Nobodies have hearts, and they do not have hearts. They have feelings, and they do not have feelings. It’s like the observer effect in quantum mechanics. Anyone who can sense hearts or feelings or whatever will not be able to sense anything from a Nobody, no matter how far along in development that heart may be, reinforcing the belief that yeah there’s nothing there. But there is... and also there isn’t. Both statements are true. A friend described it as “Schrödinger’s Feelings” and it’s the most accurate “Schrodinger’s ____” joke I’ve ever seen made. Someone else described it as depression which is also accurate (source: i’ve had depression). There are bouts of emotion occasionally, but those emotions are dulled (and usually negative) and most of the time there’s only suffocating apathy.
There is some truth to the statement that Nobodies’ feelings are simply recreations of what they might’ve felt back when they had hearts, but it’s also bogus. Memories are important to the makeup of a Nobody, but that statement is often used as an excuse that covers up the reality that there was a feeling there. It’s very easy to lie to yourself when there’s mostly data supporting your argument and any evidence against is less common and easily disputed by “logic” like this.
The most prominent “feelings” in Nobodies are an intense sense of longing and dissatisfaction. For some, the longing is for a heart, but for others it is aimless. That was the idea behind all the Nobodies having little hobbies like cooking and puzzles and reading magazines in the manga. They’re trying to fill that void with anything they can.
In one of the novels, Demyx, #1 proponent of the idea that Nobodies do have hearts actually, gives us this:
I play and play, but I can’t make a satisfying sound.
In truth, I know I won’t be satisfied in all eternity.
If you don’t have a heart, there’s no such thing as satisfaction.
You don’t even think you want to be satisfied.
And yeah, the novels aren’t canon, but it’s still interesting to see and think about. Nothing you do is good enough to fill that emptiness, but you can barely bring yourself to care about it anyway. Yep, depression!
Nobodies are prone to a high amount of introspection. It’s an inherited trait all Nobodies share- if you manage to survive past humanity in a bizarre fucked up state like this, you’re naturally going to be thinking about it. However, they’re all also incredibly bad at it, and generally do a horrible job at self-reflection. This is just an unfortunate coincidence
A Nobody can regrow a heart if they make connections, and are seen and acknowledged by others. Pretty sure that’s just canon. HOWEVER, Nobodies cannot help each other grow hearts- this is why none of the Organization regrew hearts after 10 years of being around each other, and despite connections within the group. 0+0 is still 0, after all. That’s what makes the policy of going undetected on missions so insidious. They’re never allowed the chance to regrow a heart. I’ve already talked about it somewhere else, but this is why Roxas grows a heart so fast- he ignores that rule, for the most part. Axel’s interactions with Sora are also what kickstarts his heart growth.
Hypothetically, since someone doesn’t have to remember a memory for Castle Oblivion to draw on it, the mechanics with the cards and the rooms could have been used to help Xemnas recall his past- considering how much time he spent talking to Aqua’s armor, I think that’s something he might’ve been interested in. HOWEVER! Since the Twilight Town card came from the memories on the other side of Sora’s heart, I propose that the properties of Castle Oblivion would have no effect on Nobodies. RIP.
Other thoughts
I’m not saying Ansem the Wise and Yensid were right about Nobodies! I do think they’re different from humans on a fundamental level, but demonizing them is Not Cool
On the idea that Nobodies aren’t meant to exist: Well. Just like before it’s total bogus bc the main perpetrators of that idea were either bigoted about it or liars or both but I think it’s a little more complicated than “everyone is flat wrong about this”. Nobodies are essentially naturally-occurring byproducts of Heartless. Most Nobodies (or, at least, the lesser ones, based on that one cutscene in kh2 where hearts rain down on The World That Never Was and we see a bunch of Dusks grasping for them) seem to have a drive to reclaim the heart they’ve lost- if reclaimed, that would mean they wouldn’t be a Nobody anymore. Creatures born in worlds of neither light nor darkness, created only through the destruction of another and only some of the time, who don’t even want to exist like this themselves... that’s what “Nobodies aren’t meant to exist” means to me, I think. BEAR IN MIND “MEANT” IS NOT THE SAME AS “DESERVE”
And then! There’s Nobodies who defy that! Or, uh, Nobody, singular. Roxas goes “bro I don’t care I want to exist as I am” and he does that (Naminé... didn’t really seem to share that opinion, if I’m remembering correctly. Probably because DiZ hammered it into her head that she didn’t deserve to exist). I wish we had seen something like that from one of the regular Nobodies- why should recompletion and/or regaining a heart be the ideal? Why do they have to die again in order to be “right”? It just further perpetuates that idea DiZ and Yensid pushed in kh2: Nobodies are Wrong and shouldn’t be around. Unless you’re special like Roxas or Naminé in which case it’s okay. But for everyone else it’s recomplete or bust... anyway this is a tangent I did not mean to go on with this post-
I think it’s interesting, how they’re made of nothingness and their existence is “nonexistent”. Nothingness is, as an element, something, as opposed to true nothing, which is the absence of anything. Nonexistence implies existence. It’s like how in math, sometimes an answer to a problem will be DNE-- that’s Nobodies, and “nothingness”. “Does not exist”, but in writing the answer, it does exist, as a nonexistent entity. As opposed to just... not having a math problem at all, and therefore not having a place to write a solution. That is true nothingness- all the Nobodies of people whose hearts weren’t strong enough to create Nobodies fall under this category. They don’t exist for real. Nothing as something vs nothing as nothing- ah fuck I just realized this is the second time I’ve used a math analogy for kingdom hearts. shit
in conclusion
that’s all of it. probably. i like nobodies a whole lot. now that i’m thinking about it i should’ve made this multiple posts instead of one huge one. if you read all of this you earn my undying love
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arcobalengo · 11 months
La Nato in guerra. Da Draghi a Meloni si corre a compiacere il bellicista Biden.
Di Alessandro Orsini.
L’Italia deve prepararsi a inviare i soldati in Ucraina. Ma è un processo complicato che richiede sei condizioni. In primo luogo, è necessario uno scenario complessivo, o condizione strutturale, che prenderebbe corpo ove la controffensiva ucraina defunga. Zelensky si troverebbe tragicamente indebolito e la Russia potrebbe puntare a Odessa o altrove. Il trambusto nel Pd è legato a questo scenario che conduce a Bonaccini, la seconda condizione per l’ingresso dell’Italia in guerra. Quando richiesto dalla Casa Bianca, Bonaccini dovrà spingere il Pd a votare per l’invio dei soldati. Una prova? È iniziata in Germania e durerà fino al 23 giugno la più grande esercitazione aerea della storia della Nato, la “Air Defender 23”. L’obiettivo dell’esercitazione è la guerra con la Russia. In sintesi, mentre la Nato si organizza per sparare sui russi, Bonaccini fa il suo lavoro per conto di Stoltenberg nel Pd. La terza condizione per l’invio dei soldati italiani è la fornitura ininterrotta di armi avviata da Draghi in base alla strategia dell’ingresso in guerra un passo alla volta. La quarta è l’uso del Pnrr per le munizioni che pone le condizioni necessarie per la trasformazione dell’economia italiana in economia di guerra. La quinta condizione è il giornalismo compiacente. Ai giornalisti è proibito rivolgere a Meloni e Bonaccini l’unica domanda che avrebbe senso fare: “Se richiesto da Biden, lei direbbe sì all’invio dei soldati italiani?”. I giornalisti mainstream fanno le domande importanti a cose fatte per evitare che i cittadini diventino consapevoli dei pericoli. La sesta condizione è la disponibilità di un finto tecnico che sostituisca Meloni nel caso in cui la richiesta dei soldati italiani determini una crisi di governo. Il che conduce al discorso da candidato premier che Draghi ha pronunciato a Boston. In quel discorso di propaganda bellica, Draghi, il tecnico più politico del mondo, ha ripetuto le parole di John Kirby e Biden. La Nato e l’Unione europea – ha spiegato Draghi – devono battersi per la sconfitta della Russia sul campo, senza peraltro spiegare come sconfiggere una super-potenza nucleare. Draghi si è detto contrario a un’attenuazione del conflitto, persino al cessate il fuoco e a ogni soluzione diplomatica. Il discorso di Draghi svolge due funzioni nel processo di costruzione dell’invio dei soldati italiani. La prima è garantire alla Casa Bianca che, se Meloni traballasse, il banchiere sarebbe pronto a prendere il suo posto. Così facendo, Draghi incentiva Giorgia a radicalizzarsi per dare a Biden più certezze, un fenomeno che prende il nome di “outbidding”. Draghi si estremizza e Meloni rilancia. La seconda funzione del discorso di Draghi è spaventare Salvini affinché sappia che, caduta Meloni, perderebbe la sua posizione preminente nel governo. È noto, per bocca di Massimiliano Romeo, capogruppo Lega al Senato, che Salvini è iper-critico verso la linea iper-estremista di Draghi. La morte di Berlusconi, colomba contro i falchi, favorisce la corsa verso la distruzione dell’Ucraina.
Schlein, che proviene dal movimento pacifista, è al centro di questa contesa geopolitica e deve dimostrare di essere una leader. Meloni ha già superato la prova. Quella di Schlein è resa ardua dalla presenza dietro le quinte di Gentiloni, super-falco della Commissione europea, al punto che si parla di lui come presidente del Pd al posto di Bonaccini per rafforzare la componente guerrafondaia contro quella pacifista. Gentiloni non ha smentito la notizia. Vorrebbe diventare presidente della Repubblica. Per accreditarsi, deve dimostrare di essere pronto a calpestare gli interessi nazionali dell’Italia per curare quelli di Biden.
🔴 Per ricevere tutti gli aggiornamenti segui Giorgio Bianchi Photojournalist
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seokcalibur · 1 year
wonwoo after school hours
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written in both tagalog & english !
pairing: wonwoo x yn
warning(s): none
a/n brainrot kay wonu lang talaga and first time 'ko magsulat in tagalog so hhh pero super 'onti lang naman nung tagalog parts pero please don't judge huhu ayon lang lov u all sabay-sabay tayo mabaliw kay wonu 🫶🏻
also ! not proofread !
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wonwoo and you were schoolmates, however, you take different courses so your buildings are a bit far from each other.
whenever your classes will end, you'd find wonwoo sitting by the lounge area with his lega crossed against one another while reading his papers. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion while his bag sat beside him.
a smile would often tug at the corners of your lips at the sight of him, a sense of relief washing over you. after all the dreadful hours of taking your major classes, you would still see wonwoo waiting for you patiently even though he is busy as much as you.
"wonwoo~" you softly called out, earning his attention almost right away.
a soft smile came to his lips as he stood up with his papers in his hand. he opened his arms wide, welcoming you into a big and tight hug. just what you need after a long, tiring day.
"pagod?" he softly asked. you nodded in returned while still nuzzling against the crook of his neck. he chuckled and massaged your back for a bit before you decided to pull away.
your university was strict with skinship or public display of affection in general, therefore you and wonwoo doesn't really get too clingy with one another unless the two of you were alone or with your friends.
"uwi na tayo?" you looked up at him as the bottom of your lip jutted.
then and there, wonwoo tried his very best to not kiss you, fully aware how strict your university was. he only released a hearty chuckle and nodded.
"wait lang, baby. ayusin 'ko lang gamit 'ko," he told you before turning his back and taking out his case folder to place his papers back inside.
you swayed on the balls of your feet back and forth as you patiently waited for him. when he was done, he stood up straight and pulled his bag over his shoulder. much to your surprise, he suddenly held out his hand towards you.
"ano 'yan?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.
wonwoo chuckled at how adorable you looked. "give me your bag, baby. i'll carry it."
immediately, you shook your head and pulled your bag closer to yourself. "nope! nu-uh. ako na rito."
"kulit talaga," he said with his low-tone voice and stood firmly in front of you, indicating that he won't leave unless you give your bag to him.
if it was any other day, you would've fought over it but this day took a toll on you as piles of school work were given and your social battery was also drained.
a huff escaped your lips before reluctantly giving your bag to him, earning a small "yay" from your boyfriend.
"now lang 'yan."
"sure sure. whatever you say, baby."
the two of you started walking towards the guard house, walking so close with little to almost no distance apart yet your hands weren't intertwined with one another. the both of you were so wrapped up in your own little world, not noticing how your schoolmates and classmates were trailing behind you, silently gushing over how adorable you two were.
eh sino ba naman na hindi kung ganito madadatnan mo kapag uwian? it was always those couples from those strict universities ang cute tignan.
"bye, ate!" you and wonwoo simultaneously said as you neared the security guard who was in charge by the front gate.
"bye, mga anak. ingat kayong dalawa ha."
the two of you smiled and nodded as you exited. the moment yiu stepped outside, wonwoo slowly intertwined his fingers into yours, catching you off-guard. a small smile started to creep in, looking down at your hands that was currently enveloped by his.
it was a cold afternoon. buzzing jeepneys. screams and hollers from left and right. smokes from vehicles mixing in with barbecue engulfs the two of you, yet you two couldn't be bothered as you walked towards the train station with your hands softly swaying back and forth.
kung palaging ganito lang ang tapos ng klase, baka araw-araw ka pang pumasok ng may malaking ngiti at baka naging suki pa ng recit.
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #299 - Sonic Youth, Daydream Nation, 1988
Il mese delle scelte con doppia voce cantante maschile e femminile termina con un disco epocale. E poche volte l'aggettivo calza a pennello come questa volta, in un disco, doppio, che accumula tutte le idee di una generazione del rock alternativo americano, per un lavoro discografico seminale da cui fioriranno artisti e idee prorompenti degli anni a venire. La storia degli artefici di questo disco inizia qualche anno prima, nel 1981, a New York. Al Noise Festival organizzato dalla galleria d'arte White Columns, quando Thurston Moore sta suonando con la sua fidanzata, Kim Gordon, e vengono notati dal comnpositore e musicista d'avanguardia Glenn Branca. Tra loro nasce subito un'intesa, e uno dei collaboratori di Branca, un chitarrista dalle idee molto originali, Lee Ranaldo, si unisce al gruppo, che una volta trovato un batterista, Richard Edson (ma ne cambieranno decine nel corso degli anni) formano un gruppo a cui danno un nome composto dal nome di Fred "Sonic" Smith, membro degli MC5 e fondatore della Sonic's Rendezvous Band e futuro marito di Patti Smith, con quello del musicista reggae Big Youth, amato da Kim Gordon: nascono così i Sonic Youth. Dopo un primi ep, titolato Sonic Youth, nel 1983 pubblicano il primo disco, Confusion Is Sex, nel 1983: portano sul vinile il selvaggio modo di esibirsi nei locali, tra feedback come se non ci fosse altro effetto musicale, rumorismo preso dalla lezione di Branca, tessiture di chitarra stranianti frutto delle accordature del tutto personali degli strumenti, riff minimali e ripetitivi, in una congestione tra punk e avanguardia che li renderà unici, aggiungendo quel tocco rock decadente tra Velvet Underground, Stooges e MC5, tanto amati da Moore. Sono anche super combattivi e non la mandano a dire a nessuno, e il primo ad accorgersene fu il famoso critico Robert Christgau, che sul Village Voice definì il loro suono e quello di altre band emergenti Pigfuck, alchè la band dedicò la sanguinosa e niente affatto edulcorata una nuova versione di Kill Yr Idols in I Killed Christgau With My Big Fucking Dick, prima che i due si riappacificassero. Il primo grande disco è del 1985, Bad Moon Rising, che in alcune canzoni, come gli otto minuti fatali di I Love Her All The Time e soprattutto Death Valley '69, epocale, fanno capire che nessuno è uguale a loro. Moore ha l'abitudine di cambiare di continuo metodi di registrazioni, anche lo stile di produzione, e di cambiare con la stessa frequenza batteristi. Evol del 1986 li lega all'etichetta SST, e dopo un altro album grandioso, Sister, del 1987, si cimentano in un progetto alternativo, chiamato Ciccone Youth, dove rifanno pezzi storici di Madonna, Robert Palmer e parodiano l'hip hop, che in quegli anni stava salendo alla ribalta. E qui hanno un incontro particolare: Nick Sansano è un produttore hip hop, che li vede suonare. Non ha mai prodotto rock, ma si innamora così tanto del loro modo vivo e potente di esibirsi che accetta di produrre il loro lavoro, registrato ai Greene St. Recording, a SoHo, New York. Moore cambia stile di "progettazione" e con la band, che alla batteria stavolta ha Steve Shelley, inizia a suonare jam session improvvisando, carpendo di volta in volta le parti più interessanti. per la prima volta, hanno mezzi economici e tecnici per registrare più tempo, e nel mese che si prendono per farlo scrivono tantissime canzoni, che vanno a finire in un doppio album che, come accennato, è uno dei grandi dischi degli ultimi decenni: Daydream Nation (1988).
È un disco densissimo di stili, significati, idee, e basta la copertina, un rifacimento con una candela reale del famoso quadro Kerze di Gerhard Richter, per capire che è un disco di fattura ideologica potentissima. È un disco che sperimenta ogni cosa, dal pop di Kissability alla potenza dei brani iniziali, le ormi leggendarie Teenage Riot (It's time to go 'round\A one man showdown teach us how to fail\We're off the streets now\And back on the road on the riot trail) e Silver Rocket. Le voci di Moore e Gordon si alternano ai brani, Kim è fantastica e intensa in Cross The Breeze, ma alterna altri registri vocali ed interpretativi, per una prova super dove si pone persino ironica in The Sprawl. Lee Ranaldo e la sua chitarra non sono mai stati così visionari come in Eric’s Trip che prende ispirazione dal monologo di Eric Emerson nel film Chelsea Girls di Andy Warhol e Hey Joni, un omaggio alla loro maniera fantasiosa di Hey Joe di hendrixiana memoria ma dedicata a Joni Mitchell e che nel testo allude al leggendario Neuromancer di William Gibson, il libro cult del cyberpunk. Un messaggio vocale con voce stentorea di Mike Watt dei Minutemen compariva quasi dal nulla in Providence con in sottofondo il piano suonato da Thurston Moore, assolo di piano registrato a casa di sua madre usando un walkman, il suono di un amplificatore Peavey Roadmaster surriscaldato e un paio dei suddetti messaggi telefonici lasciati da Mike Watt, che chiamava Moore da un telefono pubblico di Providence, Rhode Island, doppiati l'uno sull'altro. The Wonder si ispira ad una lavoro dello scrittore James Ellroy, maestro della crime fiction. Sul disco, in omaggio (o sberleffo) ai Led Zeppelin del mitico IV, ogni componente della band ha un simbolo che lo contraddistingue. Il disco è un'ovazione di critica e pubblico sin dall'uscita, e campeggia nelle prime posizioni dei dischi migliori dell'anno 1988. A distanza di anni, è unanimemente considerato il punto più alto del rock indipendente americano. Subito dopo, firmano con la Geffen, e come succede sempre, vengono accusati di altro tradimento dai fan della prima ora. Ma questa è un'altra storia, che nulla toglie alla bellezza e all'importanza storica di questo album capolavoro.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 6 months
Yaampun terakhir nulis minggu lalu ya. Masih sangat hepi bahkan lagi diare pun ngapdet Tumblr. Tapi setelah hari Kamis itu, semua berubah. Aku lupa Jumat ngapain, kayanya ngelanjutina nyuci carius tubes. Terus Sabtu kelas 16 pagi, pengajian, baca di Gladstone Link terkait Islam di Indonesia (¿). I know ku anaknya emang random banget, kayanya Jumat malamnya juga nonton Balibo itu deh, atau itu Kamis malam ya lupa. Terus Minggu kelas 16 lagi (setelah kesiangan 1 jam karena ternyata BST berubah jadi DST), DILANJUT BACA EMAIL MASUK DECISION LETTER DARI G-CUBED YANG SUPER LAKNAT, lalu ngopi sama Ketua PPI Oxford baru terpilih di Opera. Pulang ngapain lupa. 
Langsung deh Senin kemarin pusing dan nangis aja si Asri nih. Paginya jam 9 ku email spv dan postdoc terkait paper yang ke-reject ini. Si postdoc langsung whatsapp ngajak ketemuan karena kayanya dia khawatir aja sih. Terus Bang Reybi juga ngajak ngopi karena malamnya ku tantrum dramatis di stori insta. Udah janjian kerja di library Exeter sama Puspa sebetulnya, tapi jadinya cuma makan Sasi’s aja sama dia. Pas di Opera sama Bang Reybi ku MENANGIS HUHU. Padahal beneran lagi BAHAS SAINS!!! Kaya Bang Reybi nanya “emangnya apa Non komennya?” terus pas recounting langsung BANJIR?! Kayanya karena ku belum sepenuhnya processing my emotion di hari Minggu itu. Ku gatau apakah ini aku sedih? Atau upset? Atau biasa aja? Kayanya pas hari Minggu lebih ke kesel sih dan mau “sok kuat” “gapapa kok yang kemarin kena reject pertama lebih menyedihkan Non”. Padahal nggak. Yang ini lebih menyedihkan karena ku betulan udah yang NGERAPIHIN BANGET dan BEKERJA SANGAT KERAS untuk resubmission ini. Bukan berarti yang versi pertama nggak bekerja keras ya, tapi lebih kayak… yang resubmission ini TUH UDAH BAGUS BANGET gitu loh (menurut aku, the author, tentu saja). Literally ku bisa bilang 10x lebih bagus dari first submission. TERUS AFTER ALL THOSE WORK masih aja ga nembus?  
Dan lebih ke frustrated aja sih. Betulan kaya jalan nabrak tembok aja terus. Setelah semua usaha. Kayak... YAALLAH kenapa sih.... Terus tapi setelah kemarin ngobrol sama postdoc dan dibales email juga sama spv semalam, bisa lebih lega karena bisa putting blame in other people aja HAHA yaitu: the editor. Emang beda ya, inilah pentingnya ngobrol sama orang yang sudah mengalami proses ini berkali-kali dan bahkan menjadi editor juga. Mereka ngejelasin gimana si editor jurnal ini super-problematik: nggak nyari 3rd reviewer (there are reasons why peer-reviewers itu minimal 3 dan jumlahnya ganjil), terus entah kenapa dari 2 reviews yang SUPER BEDA DECISIONNYA ini (satu decline dan satu accept with MINOR REVISION mind you) (dan yang nge-accept ini adalah orang yang juga ngereview first submission-ku, which means he knew how this manuscript has evolved BETTEr than the NEW Reviewer#2 yang super-mean), si editor decided to take the DECLINE recommendation? Kayak Bro, make your own decision juga?? That’s what you’re getting paid as an editor for??? Hhhhh. 
Terus ya setelah ngobrol sama postdoc juga, we agreed that si Reviewer#2 ini juga problematic dalam interpreting our words. Somehow dia ngambil kesimpulan sendiri aja gitu yang cukup jauh dan ekstrim dari apa yang kita tulis. Contoh: jelas-jelas nih ye, DI section 5.6. (yang dia suruh hapus karena “ABSURD. MANA ADA MULTIMILLION OIL COMPANIES WOULD MAKE THEIR DECISION BASED ON YOUR FINDING”), we didn’t FUCKING SAY ANYTHING ABOUT OIL COMPANIES SHOULD USE MY FINDING TO MAKE ANY DECISION WHATSOEVER??! Ku cuma bilang “OK, jadi dari study ini kemungkinan besar Hg di source rock gaakan ngefek ke produced hydrocarbon, avoiding the cost of extra-facilities for Hg removal”. JUJUR KURANG TONED-DOWN APA LAGI SIH ITU KALIMAT??! Harus di-spell out juga uncertainties-nya berapa??! Dan beneran ku bikin section ini (awalnya gaada di first submission) karena salah satu reviewer di first submission ngerasa “impact ni paper bisa di-explore lagi ke industry, ga cuma sains aja”. HHHHHHHHHHHHHH. APASIH. Haha jadi getting worked up lagi sekarang pas nulis ini. 
Anyway. Iya. Cukup lega dari kemarin udah ngobrol dengan banyak orang. Dari Bang Reybi yang super-practical & helpful & penuh solusi (karena coming from-nya adalah dari sincerity kayanya kasihan kali ya melihat aku sedih), sampe jadi ranting bareng postdoc dan spv yang emang lebih paham medan perangnya dan problem apa aja yang ada di peer-review system dan science publishing YANG SUPER MAHAL ini. Teman-teman di insta juga mungkin mau bantuin tapi karena kami datang dari dunia yang sangat berbeda agak susah ngasih support kaya gimana… tetap terima kasih banyak (emoji salim)… Ada juga teman sesama PhD yang mostly reply “WAH KEJAM BANGET REVIEWNYA” “Wah pedas sekali” à ini sangat validating bahwa bukan aku aja yang ngerasa itu komen sangat harsh…, terus teman-teman PhD lain yang sharing experience kena reject juga (making me realise bahwa I’m not alone experiencing ini)… teman-teman yang ga PhD juga shared dari experience mereka capek aja sama hidup in general, yang udah nyoba berkali-kali tetep ga berhasil juga. Iqbalpaz yang w tumpahin semua di chat dm insta & ngingetin buat booking konseling (salim). Yang sharing betapa helpfulnya konseling buat mereka… Yang nge-salut-in aku karena mau keluar dari comfort zone Indo buat ambil PhD ke Oxford… Pokoknya berbelas-belas replies itu betulan makasih banget banget banget. Just the fact that you guys took your time to READ MY POST (harus nge-pause dulu kan buat baca teks2 kecil itu), apalagi sampe nge-REPLY. Pokoknya semoga kebaikannya kembali ke kaliannn. 
Dah gitu dulu aja berterima kasih-nya. Tapi lesson learned-nya adalah: kalau buat diriku sendiri sepertinya memang harus bilang dan cerita ke luar kalau lagi sedih. Jauh lebih cepat leganya. Dulu awal-awal PhD (2021 awal), aku kalau frustrated terhadap sesuatu cuma di-bottled up aja, dan betulan ngilang. Ga apdet stori. Ga texting siapapun. Semuanya dipikirin sendiri. Ngeri deh. Kenapa ya,, apa karena ngerasa gaada safe space buat sharing ya. Dan masih ngerasa yang “ga enakan”, mikirnya “duh kalau gw ngepos gini apa nggak kaya orang ga bersyukur ya”. Setelah konseling pertama di 2022 sepertinya mindsetnya mulai berubah. Dan ya emang 2021 gapunya teman juga sih. Sekarang Alhamdulillah ada lah beberapa teman yang bisa dicurhatin. 
Terus ku juga mulai sekarang akan reach out ke teman-teman yang kelihatan dari postnya lagi sedih atau upset. Kalaupun gabisa bantu ngajak ngopi atau ngobrol banget, minimal nge-reply stori mereka aja validating what they’re feeling (apalagi kalau cewek ya yang sangat rentan blaming themselves, and feeling guilty, just for complaining misalnya), kadang kalau bisa ya ikut nganjing-nganjingin juga, dan letting them know aja that I’m here for them whenever they need me. 
Lah jadi panjang ni post. Dah gitu aja dulu. Ini mau pulang deh. 
VHL 16:17 31/10/2023 
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
@an-ungraceful-swan's DTYIS!
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This was super fun even if Linh looks weird for a reason I cannot describe. I tried to keep it as close to the original as possible, as you can probably tell from the background lol. This is also the first time I've cut off lega in the middle of a piece. Normally i'd just put people to the edge but again as close to the original as possible
Tags and original below the cut
Look at me knowing how to use tumblr mobile and add a readmore <- disproportionately proud of myself
Anyway the original version:
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Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @oracle-cookies @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @ahyesitsshmeegus @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @arson-anarchy-death
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colonna-durruti · 9 months
Alessandro Gilioli
Certo che la politica è strana, a volte proprio paradossale.
Prendete il reddito di cittadinanza.
I primi a parlarne, una ventina di anni fa, erano quegli sfigati della sinistra radicale, gli unici che iniziavano a occuparsi dei nuovi poveri intermittenti e precari mentre la sinistra storica e il sindacato guardavano solo ai dipendenti e ai pensionati.
Ovviamente in quella fase la proposta veniva esclusa da tutti gli altri come infattibile, adolescenziale, sovietica, insomma non scherziamo - e comunque “non ci sono le coperture” (le coperture non ci sono mai quando si tratta di redistribuire, mentre si trovano in un attimo per le spese militari, bah).
Poi sono arrivati i 5 stelle, che l'hanno fatta propria, quell'idea – e, intendiamoci, hanno fatto benissimo: la sinistra storica continuava a guardare ai dipendenti e ai pensionati.
I 5 stelle poi hanno preso una valanga di voti in uggia alla casta e alla loro seconda legislatura sono andati al governo con la Lega, che per natura è esattamente il contrario del reddito di cittadinanza, uèla faniguttun va' a laura'.
Ma il contratto per andare al governo era chiaro: voi leghisti fate quello che vi pare con gli immigrati, noi 5 stelle ci occupiamo del sociale dove la sinistra per anni se n'è infischiata.
Così, in sostanza, è arrivato il reddito di cittadinanza in cambio del decreto Salvini.
Il Pd era contro. Non solo contro il decreto Salvini: anche contro il reddito di cittadinanza.
Poi la storia è andata avanti, si sa, in qualche modo.
Si è sfaldato il contratto gialloverde causa ubriachezza molesta di Salvini in spiaggia, è arrivato il Conte 2 che sosteneva di non avere mai conosciuto il Conte 1, ma soprattutto è arrivato il Covid. E tutta la letteratura economica basata sui dati di realtà concorda che senza il Reddito di cittadinanza sarebbe stato un disastro sociale colossale per il Paese, forse esiziale.
Quindi poi anche Draghi non lo tocca. Perché ha il M5S in maggioranza, certo, ma anche perché sa benissimo che per sopravvivere il capitalismo ha bisogno di pace sociale e possibilmente di consumatori non del tutto incapienti.
Poi alle elezioni vince la destra più a destra di ogni possibile destra, con dentro la Lega che prima aveva votato per il reddito di cittadinanza ma adesso vuole abolirlo, mentre il Pd che aveva votato contro ne diventa strenuo difensore al fianco dei 5 stelle.
Siccome poi questa raffazzonata destra non è solo stronza ma è anche un po' scema, la notizia dell'azzeramento del Rdc arriva ai percettori attraverso una gelida comunicazione sms, con invito a rivolgersi per sopravvivere i servizi sociali dei loro comuni – i cui sindaci hanno un'immediata sincope.
Una cosa di banale buon senso, di minima solidarietà interclassista e di ovvia utilità sociale nasce super minoritaria e sbeffeggiata, poi diventa verosimile grazie all'onda anticasta che gonfia i grillini alle urne, poi diventa legge per uno scambio sulla pelle dei migranti, quindi salva il Paese dalla catastrofe durante la pandemia, infine viene abolita per puntiglio ideologico e insipienza pragmatica da una coalizione che ha dentro un partito che pure l'aveva fatta diventare legge.
Certo che la politica è strana, a volte proprio paradossale.
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2stelle · 1 year
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kralovna-ne-stesti · 2 months
Předevčírem jsme byli s jeho částí rodiny na večeři na takovém místě, kde to probíhá formou švédských stolů. A nesu si odtamtud pár vjemů.
Jedna paní stála za mnou, když jsem si brala jídlo, a já ji neviděla. Jako vždy mi to trvalo, a když jsem si jí všimla, omluvila jsem se, že zdržuju. A ona úplně flegmaticky: "V pohodě, v klidu, nikam nespěcháme." To se mi fakt moc líbilo, úplně mě hodila do klidu.
Pak tam přišel pár s dítětem. Paní ke mě seděla bokem a pokaždé, když jsem si šla pro jídlo, se na mě divně, možná odsuzovačně dívala. To mi zase náladu kazilo, i když to, co ona si o mě myslí, mě absolutně nezajímalo, přes názory (cizích) lidí jsem se už přenesla. Paní evidentně jenom pila, (kupa prázdných sklenek na víno po stole), a můj apetit se jí asi hnusil, no co.
Potom tam přišel pár, na který jsem se dost dívala. Oba mobili v ruce. Strašně moc smutný. Já bych ty krámy fakt už zakázala, kolik neštěstí a utrpení už kvůli nim bylo... jiní lidé naštěstí (aspoň většinu času) mluvili mezi sebou.
Líbilo se mi, že tam byla i jedna paní s dcerou, oblečené jak na cestě do sámošky mezi těmi honosnými stoly a při bluesu linoucího se z repráků, a mě to přišlo boží, že spolu vyrazily a takhle krásně strávily čas.
Ke konci tam přišel ještě jeden zajímavý pán. Opět tam vůbec vizuálně nezapadal, zarostlej s tričkem od nějaký divoký kapely, a nesl si s sebou krabici lega pokojovek, to bylo taky strašně super.
A za celou několika tisicovou večeři za celou rodinu jsme platila já. Protože.
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unodistratto · 3 months
I super quattro più il campione delle lega
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putriraha · 4 months
Keresahan bekal optimisme
Namanya manusia, naik turun perasaan itu adalah hal yang biasa terjadi. Semangat lantas down lagi itu hal yang sering banget dihadapi, tinggal berapa banyak semangat dan downnya. Ya semoga banyak bangkitnya ya ketimbang jatuhnya.
Keresahan seorang dokter umum di usia seperti ini ternyata lumayan ya. Sebagai dokter umum di usia 27, perempuan dan belum menikah, itu hal yang cukup aman sebenernya, melihat temen-temen bahkan kakak kelas juga masih pada anteng buat ambil sekolah atau nabung buat ambil spesialis. Ngga begitu terpressure kalau masih dalam lingkungan nakes dan lingkungan pertemananku. Tapi ini cukup menjadi aneh, ketika berada di lingkungan baru yang banyak orang sepuhnya, bukan dari nakes, dan bukan dari kelompok yang ambis sekolah atau kerja. Akan jadi "Melongo moment" "kok bisa ya belum nikah?" dan kadang komentarnya cukup bikin sakit di hati. Tapi its okey emang circle kita beda haluan ya bung.
Tidak hanya itu, jadi dokter umum di institusi itu juga lumayan jadi pr ya, kalau sekolah harus nunggu eligible dulu, ya harus satgas dulu, sekolah militer dulu, naik pangkat dulu, baru bisa pengajuan buat ambil tes sekolah, baru tes. Tapi sekali lagi ini juga bukan pr banget sih, setidaknya ikuti alur yang ada. Sambil nyiapin diri mulai belajar, nyiapain bahasa inggris dan nyari info ke kakak kelas, temen angkatan atau adik kelas yang uda disana duluan. Sambil nyisihin gaji buat tabungan. Agak merasa keterlaluan banget, mengingat ada temen yang pontang panting kerja cabutan sana sini buat nabung sekolah juga.
Ternyata di usia segini pressurenya lumayan ya. Buat aku yang lumayan ndak banyak ambil pusing, masih cukup toleran, ya di tengah kegundahan ini masih bisa menjadi pendengar di antara teman-teman yang sudah berkeluarga dan temen-temen yang berperang dengan diri sendiri. Jadi bisa dapet dua sudut pandang sekaligus buat sama sama belajar. Berumah tangga itu ngga mudah, punya anak itu ngga gampang, dan masih single juga ngga asik. Semuanya punya problem masing-masing yang ngga bakal ada kelarnya.
Tapi masing-masing kondisi selalu punya cara buat bahagia, buat nikmati betapa ya hidup ini berwarna banget, ngga selamanya sedih juga, ngga selamanya seseneng itu juga.
Kemampuan memiliki hati yang lapang emang harus dilatih sedini mungkin sih, karena kemampuan itu yang setidaknya membuat kita ngga gampang sumpek menghadapi dinamika kehidupan yang cepet ini. Apalagi akses terhadap kehidupan orang lain bisa dengan mudah kita buka di akun medsos mana saja. Kecuali orangnya super introvert kaya aku hehe, nyari di instagram pun cuma ada foto langit, tanaman dan ya dengan caption yang sulit ditebak. hahaha. Ya karena aku merasa aku bukan orang yang penting-penting amat untuk membagi setiap momen kehidupanku untuk konsumsi khalayak ramai yang mungkin kenal aja ngga begitu.
Sesekali kadang share pencapaian hidup, meski seringnya, justru kadang nerima dm temen yang harinya ngga seberuntung aku. Ya di satu sisi seneng gitu atas pencapaian hidup yang pada beberapa fase aku hampir dibuat babak belur, jadi kaya lega aja ketika hasilnya sesuai ekspektasi bahkan lebih, so, share it to the post. Kadang jadinya malah bikin temen sedih. Mungkin itu juga kenapa ngga semuanya aku share.
Soal share kesedihan, dulu aku sering nulis perihal ini, meski konteksnya aku ngga sedih sedih amat, disini aku belajar bahwa ada beberapa orang mendekat hanya untuk sekedar tahu masalah kita apa, bukan untuk ngebantu, alih alih gitu, kadang buat bahan obrolan. Untuk orang-orang yang suka ngomongin orang, ini bisa jadi bahan goreng nasi kali ya. Dan mereka ngga ngerasa bersalah sama sekali uda ngomongin masalah orang lain ke orang lain hahaha. Jadi, emang bener ngga semua orang perlu tahu apa yang kita rasain, ngga semua orang perlu tahu mau kita apa. Karena itu semua hanya berarti penting buat temen temen terdekat kita doang.
Sejauh ini bersyukur dan bangga dengan diri sendiri, aku tahu jalan hidup di tahun ini luar biasa banget. Tantangannya nambah, secara jabatan nambah dan punya anggota itu menantang banget. Gimana caranya bisa handle anggota yang mayoritas lebih tua dari kita, gimana caranya bisa membagi kerjaan yang efisien mengingat ngga semua SDM mumpuni. Nguras energi dan pikiran iya banget. Tapi justru pengalaman inilah yang bikin aku akhirnya belajar banyak untuk bisa mengerti keadaan orang lain, tanpa minta dimengerti balik.
Ngga ada revolusi yang aneh aneh selain terus bergerak ke arah lebih baik. Jangan nyerah dan mundur sebetapa sulit jalan yang sedang dan akan dijalani.
Terus bekerja keraslah secara berkelas, mungkin hasilnya ngga sekarang, tapi kalau rajin, konsisten dan penuh komitmen, insya Allah itu semua akan berakhir indah.
Tuhan ngga pernah ngasih tengadah tangan hambaNya dengan kekosongan. Yakin deh.
Selamat bergerak dan melanjutkan cerita hidup dengan baik ya!
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salmankhanholics · 6 months
★ Trade experts explain why no Hindi or Pan-Indian film clashes with Salman Khan’s films at the box office: “He’s 100% an ORGANIC star; clashing with him can prove SUICIDAL”!
Nov 7, 2023
Salman Khan’s Diwali release Tiger 3 is nearly a week away and the excitement is tremendous. What’s interesting is that it’ll have a solo release of sorts, as no other Hindi or Pan-India South film is clashing on the same day. In fact, Salman Khan has not faced a clash since 2010. The last time that happened was when his 2009 action super-hit film Wanted was released on the same day as Rani Mukerji-starrer Dil Bole Hadippa.
Dabangg (2010), Ready (2011), Bodyguard (2011), Ek Tha Tiger (2012), Dabangg 2 (2012), Jai Ho (2014), Kick (2014), Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015), Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (2015), Sultan (2016), Tubelight (2017), Race 3 (2018), Bharat (2019), Dabangg 3 (2019) and Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan (2023) released with no competition. Antim (2021) faced a collision with Satyameva Jayate 2 (2021) but then it didn’t feature the superstar in the lead.
Other stars haven’t been that fortunate. Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale (2015) and Raees (2017) were released alongside Bajirao Mastani (2015) and Kaabil (2017) respectively. SRK is at his best position arguably right now and yet, his next film Dunki will have to share screens with Salaar on Christmas 2023. Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha clashed with Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan last year. Salman’s last few films have not done well and yet, no one is ready to come on the same Friday as him.
We asked trade experts about this rare phenomenon. Trade veteran Taran Adarsh said, “He has a huge following and is a darling of the masses. The business he has generated over a period of time in mass pockets is phenomenal. Though he has had a rough patch, he's the pied piper of Bollywood.”
Trade analyst Atul Mohan, in agreement, exulted, “Salman is a very big hero of the masses. He has always had such a huge fan following; Shah Rukh Khan ka aisa following ab bana hai. Aamir Khan never had such a mass pull. Salman’s craze is one of a kind. Hence, filmmakers are wary of clashing their films with him. Itna bada hero hai, kaun takkar lega iske saath?”
Girish Johar, producer and film business analyst, remarked, “Salman is the only superstar who people want to see on screen. He has the maximum on-screen superstardom out of all the actors. It’s a very critical factor. He’s also not on our social media every time, going to malls, opening ribbons, dancing, etc.”
He continued, “Unfortunately his films have not worked as he hasn’t paid much attention to the storytelling, packaging, direction, etc. He has that power that if he gets these things right, then there’s no stopping him. That’s why many are wary of clashing with him as they know that at least in the opening weekend, their film will get butchered.”
Raj Bansal, the owner of Entertainment Paradise cinema hall in Jaipur, explained, “Salman Khan is an action hero. When no one was doing action, he was the only action excelling in this genre. Somewhere, his confidence shook and he also did non-action films like Tubelight (2017), Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (2015), etc. Only Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015) worked in this regard. But even when his films were gadbad, they still made Rs. 100 crores plus. There was a time when the hit films of Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn did Rs. 100 crores. But Salman’s flop films do Rs. 100 crores even today! And his hit films have done more than Rs. 300 crores. It’s thanks to him that the industry realized the true potential of a Hindi film. Hence, clashing with him can prove suicidal.”
He also said, “He’s 100% an organic star. Even Sunny Deol is.”
Girish Johar added, “If he moulds himself to the sensibilities that cater to his fans and also provides intelligent content, then sky is the limit. I think Tiger 3 will do well. It ticks all the right boxes.”
Taran Adarsh also said along the same lines, “Tiger 3 being a brand and essaying a role that is much-loved, I am sure it’ll have a great run and a huge opener.”
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vanbasten · 1 year
discussione interessante sugli stadi moderni, soprattutto dopo che ieri i telecronisti stavano lodando lo stadio del tottenham. io francamente sono d’accordo con chi, per un progetto futuro, propone una via di mezzo, ovvero qualcosa che spinga verso la modernità e renda tutto più ‘comodo’ ma che allo stesso tempo non guasti quella che è l’esperienza di andare allo stadio e tifare.
perché si tratta, appunto, solo di quello: non servono infrastrutture super accessoriate con biglietti che seguono la logica dei pacchetti, con cena al ristorante intervallo al lounge bar etc, perché questo tipo di cose essenzialmente creano una barriera tra te e la partita, e l’atmosfera elettrica che dovrebbe pervadere tutto lo stadio viene smorzata. in sintesi, a mio parere stare seduti al ristorante e guardare la partita da dietro un vetro è esattamente l’opposto di quello che si dovrebbe intendere con l’espressione “andare allo stadio”.
naturalmente questo non vale per ogni cosa che renda l’esperienza più piacevole, come sedili comodi e coperture per quando piove, ma c’è un’integrità del calcio dal vivo (l’unico calcio che esisteva tra l’altro, per moltissimo tempo, l’unico calcio che per certe realtà ancora esiste) che non si deve perdere, qualcosa che esiste fin dagli inizi e che caratterizza lo sport intero. ne abbiamo avuto prova con le partite a porte chiuse durante la pandemia, comunque.
a mio parere poi questa spinta capitalista verso i ristoranti da centinaia di euro e i bar super forniti allo stadio va pari passo con quella tendenza a far diventare tutto un circo mediatico dove tutto è in vendita e tutto deve essere impacchettato per invitare la gente a spendere e a consumare. si è completamente perso di vista, in molti casi, il motivo per cui la gente va allo stadio e si interessa a seguire una squadra, che ha molto più a che fare con la fede calcistica e i rituali del viverla direttamente. lo stesso motivo per cui pagano influencer per venire a farsi la foto con la sciarpa della squadra o regalano biglietti da sogno a celebrità a cui non potrebbe fregare di meno di stare lì (altri segnali di questo sono ad esempio la cazzata del tempo effettivo e l’idea sempre costante degli show prima durante e dopo le finali. la super lega non la menziono nemmeno).
non so che rumore faranno gli stadi quando i prezzi di tutti i biglietti si gonfieranno ulteriormente, già adesso un posto lontano e scomodo è quasi inaccessibile
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