#Sunday September 28 2023 Whodunit with Chris
magicbysunlight · 6 months
Whodunit 5.9 with Chris
always the first 5 minutes after waking up before the sun you're like arhhhhhh. should i cancel?
arc shoes, sportiva little wide. tes! for fun. 2 frozen waters. drink a bunch when wake up and when leaving for hike. little wine. vanilla ice cream. 1/4Ib prochutto. blueberries! wild mushrooms. 2 small cheese. container of fig preserves. 5 draws be thin stiff. hike in with harness and shoes. if backpack, bring mine not yours. basket is great not suitcase. ropes separate
mantras and socks and tape not good enough for trad. took socks off and the tape is not good enoug.
toes hurts like crazy
ankle too
but definitely less so than daves
toes just as much tho
sweater for after good. can sleep in
need to footboard, edge sizes shapes slab and such. practice angels and such!
dyneema cord v good. 5 draws is probably good. maybe no locking biner. yeah just dyneema big sling and 1 photon.
( foot board take a rock and stand on it with an angeler and maybe add weight and do a step ups. or bolt it to the wall?!!?!
run thursday
set friday
sat this
felt worked
on my rest week or after yeah after my balance has not been as good
been sleep deprived for weeks
dirt need less sugar
more water
p1 micro
.3 n2 n2 n3 .2 traverse.3 n3 sum liek that
p2 dihedral
.5 undercling good feet every once in a while but didn't trust feet! gully with narrow to wide hands very nice
p3 roof
good holds all around and can compress and expand in the chimney. big reach. big 4 before pully out of the roof but can probably find something
p4 hands corner left
lead again to right i think
p6 got lost traverse past bolts up to ledge on left
p7 ran up chris waist belay
0 notes