#South Africa Jobs
alwaysbewoke · 2 months
The ulterior motive to keep Haiti in turmoil
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daily-bdoubleo · 7 days
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[Day 29] Hermitaday - Joel Smallishbeans! Just two guys thinkin about their favorite person (who they’re both completely normal about. Trust.)
Don’t ask me what they’re sitting on. I think they are beanbags. I realized I posed them sitting as I was doing final touches so I just eh and made a blob
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orcelito · 5 months
Genuinely hate being an American. The amount of pro-israel propaganda is insane. The knowledge that my tax money is going towards funding genocide makes me feel fucking livid. And no matter how many people protest it, they won't fucking Listen to us.
"Free country" my ass. Why can one man just decide to bomb another country without congressional agreement? You don't fucking represent me. Stop supporting the genocide!!!!!
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aardvaark · 3 months
what accent is sophie doing in the scheherazade job. and also why
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culmaer · 4 months
#nothing is more depressing than working on my cv#because I just don't feel like I have marketable skills#and so many of the writing and research posts I come across on job sites are like ''you'll be working alongside ai''#I even saw a copywriter post that said ''you won't be doing any writing or editing. you job will be to refine and improve ai prompts#so that the ai can more consistently produce the texts we need''#like hello#the person doing that job is literally making themself more obsolete by the day#so here's the plan#I need to take any job that pays vaguely well#and use that money to either do short corses#or save up to go so my masters#that conclusion is inescapable#just. for now I'm still stuck on step 1 : finding a decent job#and (perhaps I'm being too picky) but post covid I do not want to go back into anything in the tourism industry#it's too precarious and honestly just comes down to entertaining rich people which pushes me further left every time i think about it#I considered joining the communist party. but 1) they're still part of the tripartite alliance with the anc... which is a no from me#and 2) communist révolution should spontaneously happen in industrialised countries with surplus wealth when the proletariat arise#south africa does not have surplus wealth nor class consciousness really. it's still filtered through post apartheid racial groupings#which is unhelpful because the black bourgeoisie are not our allies just because they're black#and trying to impose communism in a society without the surplus wealth didn't work out too well throughout the 20th century#so what does that leave you with#parties like cope ? plagued by the same issues as the anc ? no thank you#(I did also study politics btw which is why I've even considered these career paths)#(although I haven't worked in politics or governance since graduation so maybe that doesn't even matter anymore it's been years)#all I want is a job that pays fairly and leaves me with enough free time to do my hobbies#I do not have the grindset I'll admit that#which is why I've enjoyed the art industry#but again. it just comes down to entertaining rich people in the small galleries which is needlessly stressful#and the larger non-commercial galleries and musea aren't hiring atm...#and that's it. rant over I guess since this is the 30th tag
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knowledge-applied · 22 days
Knowledge Applied - Virtual Assistant Jobs in South Africa
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Are you ready to pursue a fulfilling career as a virtual assistant jobs in South Africa? Look no further than Knowledge Applied, your reliable guide through the changing world of remote work. Knowledge Applied connects qualified workers with top-tier virtual assistant employment, providing a path to profitable possibilities in the digital sphere.
Why Should You Choose Virtual Assistant Jobs with Applied Knowledge?
Flexibility and Convenience:
Virtual assistant employment allows you to work remotely, giving you a better work-life balance. With Knowledge Applied, you can say goodbye to the daily commute and enjoy the freedom of working from your own home or any location with an internet connection.
Diverse Job Opportunities:
Whether you're a seasoned virtual assistant or just starting out in remote work, Knowledge Applied offers a wide choice of job possibilities to match your talents and interests. There is a virtual assistant function for every skill set, including administrative work, customer service, data entry, and social media management.
Competitive Compensation:
Knowledge Applied's virtual assistant positions provide competitive salary packages, guaranteeing that your hard work and devotion are recognized. With the opportunity for bonuses, incentives, and performance-based prizes, you may make a good living while pursuing your enthusiasm for remote work.
Supportive Community:
Join a thriving community of virtual assistants and remote professionals who exchange knowledge, advice, and support to help you succeed in your career. Whether you're looking for time management tips, productivity tools, or professional advancement possibilities, you'll discover a supportive network eager to help you every step of the way.
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Are you ready to dive into the world of virtual assistant jobs in South Africa?
Visit Knowledge Applied today to learn about virtual assistant employment opportunities in South Africa and take the first step toward a successful and rewarding career. With our efficient job-matching process, extensive support tools, and dedication to your success, you'll be well-prepared to excel in the fast-paced world of remote work. Join Knowledge Applied and explore limitless opportunities for professional development and progress as a virtual assistant in South Africa.
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euphorial-docx · 5 months
can’t wait for some of the people here, those who were silent and stayed friends with a zionist, to pretend they were always on palestine’s side after israel is found guilty of genocide by the icj.
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savageboar · 11 months
watched a video about south african flight 295 and im just like
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forensicfield · 2 years
South Africa’s Stupidest Criminal: Thomas Ngcobo Is Arrested After Going To Police Station For Job Query
Law enforcement officers in the South African province of Mpumalanga were perplexed when a crook who had been evading capture for seven years, one day just strolled into the police department. No, his intention was not to surrender. instead, he came to...
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collinsareer · 2 days
Collins Career Solution
Phone: 068 576 1532
Address: Pretoria West, Pretoria 0183, South Africa
Website: https://collinscareersolution.co.za/
Welcome to Collins Career Solution, your go-to platform for job seekers and employers in South Africa. At www.collinscareersolution.co.za, we connect top talent with leading companies across various industries. Our user-friendly website offers comprehensive job listings and efficient hiring solutions. Join us today to advance your career or find the perfect candidate!
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jobcare · 1 month
How to Apply for Jobs in South Africa
Jobcare.co.za is a news portal that helps their readers to get information on various trending news and opportunities around the globe. More especially on South Africa.
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credasmigrations · 6 months
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Come and de­lve right into the bustling world of data scientist jobs in South Africa. You'll learn about promising career opportunities, gain some insights into potential salaries, and receive helpful advice­ on visa processes.
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chaos-coming · 6 months
Just bought my tickets for South Africa!! I'm spending an ungodly proportion of my savings on this trip to kruger np but its totally worth it and i see it as one of those once in a lifetime things that you just do and think about the financial repercussions later
Some people my age are buying houses lmao i'm placing all my bets on living with my parents and getting a job over the summer
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rimaakter45 · 7 months
Employment Opportunities: Job Market in KwaZulu-Natal
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Pietermaritzburg, the capital city of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, is a vibrant and diverse urban center with a rich history and a growing economy. As the city continues to develop, so does the demand for a skilled and motivated workforce. In this article, we will explore the current Jobs in pietermaritzburg, highlighting key industries, notable employers, and strategies for job seekers to navigate and succeed in this dynamic environment.
Key Industries:
Manufacturing and Industry: Pietermaritzburg has a strong manufacturing sector, with companies specializing in textiles, furniture, and automotive components. The region's strategic location and infrastructure make it an attractive hub for industrial activities.
Agriculture: The surrounding areas of Pietermaritzburg are known for their fertile soil, making agriculture a significant contributor to the local economy. Opportunities abound in farming, agribusiness, and related industries.
Education and Research: The city is home to reputable educational institutions, including the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Job seekers with backgrounds in education, research, and academia can explore opportunities in these institutions.
Healthcare and Social Services: The healthcare sector is a crucial part of Pietermaritzburg's economy, with hospitals, clinics, and social service organizations providing employment opportunities for medical professionals, support staff, and administrators.
Information Technology: As technology continues to play a pivotal role in global business, Pietermaritzburg has seen a rise in IT-related jobs. Software development, network administration, and other tech roles are in demand.
Notable Employers:
Msunduzi Municipality: The local government offers various job opportunities in areas such as administration, infrastructure development, and public services. Check the municipality's website and job portals for current vacancies.
University of KwaZulu-Natal: As a major educational institution, the university employs a diverse range of professionals, including lecturers, researchers, administrative staff, and support services. Job seekers can explore vacancies on the university's career portal.
Private Sector Companies: Pietermaritzburg hosts a range of private companies across different industries. Some notable ones include textile manufacturers, automotive suppliers, and agribusiness firms. Keep an eye on job boards and company websites for openings.
Job Seeking Strategies:
Networking: Establishing connections within the local business community and attending industry events can provide valuable insights and open doors to potential job opportunities.
Online Job Portals: Utilize online platforms like Indeed, CareerJunction, and LinkedIn to search for and apply to jobs in Pietermaritzburg. Many employers use these platforms to advertise their vacancies.
Skill Development: Identify the skills in demand within your desired industry and invest in relevant training. This not only enhances your employability but also positions you as a valuable asset to potential employers.
Professional Development: Join professional organizations related to your field, attend workshops, and stay updated on industry trends. This demonstrates commitment to your profession and can enhance your credibility.
Resume and Cover Letter Optimization: Tailor your resume and cover letter for each application, emphasizing relevant skills and experiences. A well-crafted application increases your chances of catching the attention of employers.
Pietermaritzburg offers a diverse range of job opportunities across various industries. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to switch careers, the city's dynamic job market has something to offer. By staying informed, networking, and investing in your skills, you can navigate the job market in Pietermaritzburg and build a rewarding career in this thriving South African city. Please visit here Jobs in pietermaritzburg for more information.
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faultfalha · 9 months
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The strange and spectral quiet of the desert in South Africa had been broken by a machine, shimmering with kinetic and potential energy. Kinetiko had come to form a joint venture, to produce something beneath the surface. That was only the beginning. Something much bigger, much older was about to be unearthed, something that would change the fate of the land forever. A LNG production was inevitable, but what else would be found....?
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