#Sorry for never posting I'm sf busy
lapithai · 2 years
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Cute photos I wanted to share with fellow Roman lovers. Cave canem merch and the famous carbonized pompeii bread plush- Items are from the special Pompeii exhibition in Japan! The exhibition is still ongoing so you can get these via proxy if you’d like. 
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acourtofthought · 11 months
So do you have a theory about Papa archeron's deal with koschei? Could it have to do something with Lucien or herself? Elain being a seer. I think she knows more than she has told anyone. I have a theory that Eris may be helping her train? Maybe he's the elderly fae whose gardens. She's helping. Also cause he is the most likely to tell her about the night courts inner secrets. My other thought is on her ex Grayson and his family. Could they have been working with koschei all along. Giving him women. Elain did say that they needed a women's touch. And if it's a retelling of bloudend. The Welsh story. Sorry if I misspelled. Wouldn't it be a love spell with her and Grayson. Also would foreshadowed Elian telling them not to hurt Grayson. And when Rhys asked Azriel if he was spying on Lucien. He said no. Than Rhys asked him about Grayson. Azriel said if Lucien kills Grayson. That wouldn't bother him. Or something like that. I used to be team Azriel and elain. Now Lucien and Elain after carefully rereading. They both are have similar personalities. Except Lucien is an extrovert. Elain clutch her fork white knuckles. Lucien clutched his fork during one of first dinners with the inner circle. I believe it was directed towards amren. And his knuckles turned white too. Just my thoughts. And I need a new acotar book. I actually have a feeling we will see Bryce and Elain have a friendship. Hopefully in crescent City three. Bryce gets along with everyone and I feel elain being by herself. That's whose she's going to naturally go towards. Maybe help her with her gardens and cooking. Bryce likes to keep busy. I also could see Elain making Bryce her favorite foods. Elain still hasn't found her self. Bryce is lost in another world. Naturally, I feel they will understand each other without having to speak. Sorry for the long posts
No apologies necessary!
Honestly, I never thought there was all that much behind the deal Koschei made with Papa Archeron.
In order to gain the Bone Carver's aid in the war, Feyre had to obtain the Ouroboros (not sure if I spelled that right) simply because he wanted to know if she'd do it. Rhys also made a bargain with the weaver (I don't think we ever figured out what deal that was). So that's two "Death Gods" who agreed to bargains that weren't all that big a deal.
I imagine it's something similar for Koschei. Maybe he wanted something that he hasn't had in long time, being trapped at the lake. Papa Archeron was the "Prince of Merchants" so I'd think there would be some physical item he traded for Vassa's temporary freedom.
I know there are some theories that it somehow involved Elain but I really don't know that two people can enter a bargain while involving a third person who has no say in whether they want to be part of that bargain.
I also think Lucien is aware of what the bargain was and he doesn't seem all that worried that it has anything to do with Elain:
"Is she really - ?"
"Yes. But your father, ever the negotiator..." A sad, small smile toward that burnt grass. "He managed to cut a deal with Vassa's keeper to come here. Temporarily, but...better than nothing."
I can't imagine he's not been informed of exactly what the deal was, especially since he's now been living with Vassa. Either when he met up with Papa Archeron and Vassa or during his time with her, I imagine he learned of the trade and if it was something for him to worry about because it has something to do with Elain, he would be more concerned.
Not to mention in SF, SJM retconned him meeting up with Vassa and Papa Archeron while they marched to battle and made it so he was at the lake with Papa Archeron. Again, the bargain is something he should be aware of, all things considered.
I have noticed similarities for Elain and Lucien as it aligns with the fairytale of Blodeuwedd however I see Az as being involved rather than Graysen. It's possible we'll see Elain finally stand up to him at some point in her book but I'm hoping we don't see that she's heavily pining for him anymore.
I do agree that Elain and Lucien have been written as being extremely compatible though! It's entertaining to see how similar their mannerisms are in completely different scenes where they aren't even together. I think it's be fun when we finally see them interact for real and those similarities are super evident.
Thank you for your message and have a great night!
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Hello- I'm here for the match up! It's my birthday today (31/10) so I want to try something and saw your post. I've never done this before so hopefully these are acceptable-
--- I'm a student, an art student. I'm very straightforward when I wanted to but at the same time I can be a bit oblivious when I don't catch the vibe of the room. Since I'm a uni student, I tend to create a lot of ideas that I wanted to do but I tend to divert my attention to other things when I too excited to calm down. I also procrastinate sometimes when I'm too tired to do any works that I'm not feeling confident about them but I still try to work them somehow with easier alternatives with extra additional things that are unnecessary but they works. I like to draw and I'm addicted to mocha coffee, pairing with some side mushroom soup (it's my fav childhood food). I also loves to daydreams a lot but when it comes to something I love, daydream for example makes me unknowingly delaying some of my works. It is quite often occurs to me too when I draw something and it doesn't come up like I wanted to, I'll just close my sketchbook and make useless small talks with anyone nears me to eat the disappointment away. I often not a person to complain a lot since I mainly keep everything to myself most of the time but I hate when people doesn't flushed the public toilet after they have used it. Just why? Second pet peeves is when people borrow my stuff without permission. Just please ask. I'm not even mad. What do I see myself in 10 years, I probably be a lecturer, teaching people some art and creative department stuff while having my own art café as a side business (hopefully.) My favorite pet is cat since I've one and he's a bit crazy but cute. The things I don't like in someone are when the person doesn't care or at the very least acknowledge that I'm trying to be their friend or get to know them, they just flat out ignored and being selfish. Second, a person who just flat out ignored when I'm trying to apologize for my mistakes sincerely and a person who just doesn't want to reason and discuss with me when I've done or they've done something wrong. For me, even a small percentage, communication is important since I'm a simple minded person and I can't read people. It's frustrating because I can trust the person so blindly and get hurt easily. Sorry for the rough end. 😂
Preferably the skellies or the old monsters since I think experienced monsters could actually help me get my human's butt moving and chase my dream. I tried to avoid Alphys' or Undynes' since I don't want to break what they are officially. It feels weird for me like a third wheel or something. Maybe just me. Sorry again for the long text. Hope you have a nice day!
Let's go :D You got a triple tie, and I had difficulties to chose ahah. You could had have HT Toriel, HF Papyrus or SF Sans. After some reflexion, I think the one that suit you the most is...
Of the three, he is the one that relates most to your creative parts. Nox is also an artist, even if he's working in jewellery. He loves drawing too and wants to open a real business. Maybe you could do something with both your brains engaged in this.
He is not the nicest skeleton, but he is pretty straightforward. When he want to say something, he says it. Surprisingly, he is quite oblivious too and terribly gullible. He fears most of surnatural things even if he says otherwise and will almost cry if you drag him into a haunted house. He also likes his S/O oblivious because he likes to play of this. However, it's pretty easy to do the same thing with him, so you can have your revenge when you want.
He doesn't like procrastination, but thanks you have Rus on your side to avoid getting lectured every time he sees you doing nothing. However, Nox likes to be occupied and, just like you, he has mostly the hands full all the time, doing three things at once and even more. He's good at the communication thingy, even if his advices are half good half terrible. He tries very hard to be there when you need it, and he waits for the same thing. Nox has a lot of ennemies and even if he's acting like he's dealing with everything, he sometimes feel the need to talk.
Nox LOVES coffee. He loves coffee in all it's form. He will introduce you to all the kind he knows, mostly the most expensive you have ever seen. He's ok with mushroom soup too and will highly encourage you to do since Rus is absolutely hating this. The look of betrayal in Rus eyes is priceless. He's a clean skeleton and always ask before borrowing something, so he's fine with your pet peeves.
The others are nice too, but I think Nox is matching more!
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