sotirednews · 1 year
PART ONE - Swindlin' Santos: A Clear & Present Danger to National Security
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by Jeff Menes
Welcome to part one of our two-part series on the infamous, supposedly-”Honorable” Congressman, George "Swindlin'" Santos. His breathtaking resume of alleged crimes jeopardizes national security (almost to a comical extent if Santos wasn't ruling MY country). Will he auction off America's confidential information to the highest bidder? To our worst enemy? Or just some random first-level goon? Let's delve into this clear and present danger in part one of our exposé.
Financial Incentives
It's no secret that George "Swindlin'" Santos loves financial incentives and fraud. He seems to have turned it into an art form. From pedaling Ponzi schemes to gouging guap from guardian angels, George Santos' rap sheet reads more like a daily planner. Who needs integrity when you have a thriving lust for money.
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Santos’ financial crimes: from stealing, to Ponzi schemes, to tax fraud - maybe next he’ll (insert your country here).
Divided Loyalties
According to the American Intelligence Journal, divided loyalties such as foreign ties are one of the leading causes of betrayal to foreign spies. It's a concerning fact when combined with Santos' apparent connection with sanctioned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. Add to that his apparent tacit support for Putin's War in Ukraine, and it's starting to feel like he's one step away from giving away America's secrets to the highest bidder–if he hasn’t already.
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Santos apparently has loyalties to Brazil, and (gulp) Russia. But what about (insert your country here).
Warning Signs
Those who have fallen under Santos' charm have learned that he's not the respectable politician he appeared to be. From "he was so sweet", to "he stole my life", former friends and acquaintances are now coming out and telling their stories of how they were taken for a ride by Santos' charm and charisma. The seemingly endless accounts of individuals who have been taken advantage of by Santos' charm and fraudulent schemes are not only a reflection of his deceptive nature, but also raise concerns about potential national security risks - posed by those such as Swindlin’ Santos who criminalized their way into the highest positions of power and influence.
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Santos’ record of betrayal spans from duping individuals, to scamming organizations, to…(insert your country here).
Conclusion: Let's move on. This is too much.
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