#So they have to channel their inner romance guru
writingislife20 · 3 months
I want a book about post-apocalyptic world, it starts out with these four survivors, who are all in their early to mid twenties, with the oldest being 25. They are trying to find other survivors/find out what started the apocalypse. I want them to be traveling, getting close to where they think the apocalypse started and surrounded by a group of creatures (I’m thinking zombies, but if you can be more original, let me know.)
Just when they are starting to despair, a car horn sounds. A minivan careens into the circle, killing several of the horde of creatures. Adore is thrown open, and a preteen girl, picture her head out and screams at the top of her lungs “ GET IN!!!”
They start scrambling into the minivan, while the monster shuffle at them. When the last person gets in, the girl throws the door closed and yells, ” Step on it, Rosie, and don’t hit another building!”
They turned to see a nine-year-old girl in the driver seat, with a 13-year-old boy looking like he was about to hurl. They drive so fast that one of the passengers definitely gets close to sickness. The nine-year-old keeps giggling, and whoever’s point of view it is is death scared of this little girl.
They get driven to this camp area that has obviously been turned into a hideout, with a gate enclosing it. There, they are greeted with a gaggle of kids, ranging from 7 to 16, with two elderly women, and a girl who stands out as being the oldest and probably the leader. She seems to be a lot older, and is very confident, giving directions to everyone. She takes the four of them to a side room, and shuts the door. All four of them are pairing for some sort of shovel talk. None of them are expecting to see this girl. Sigh, Nina against the wall and ask “Are any of you homophobic? because I am not willing to deal with that during this whole thing.”
Turns out, this place used to be a conversion camp that flew under the radar, and this girl had been breaking her little sister out of it when this whole thing started. Most of the kids have been fine, as they’ve been on lockdown due to her entering, almost all the faculty was dead or had abandoned the kids when everything started. The only adults who were left were the lunch ladies and the grandmother of one of the kids, who had been there visiting her grandson.
This 19-year-old had been put in charge of a gaggle of kids, and three older women who did not know how to take care of that many children. She asked the team for help dealing with the kids, crying that she needed an adult.
The group of four look at each other. Only one of them has experienced with children, and that is with a few kids from daycare, who are arguably younger than these ones. All of them are grad students, who barely survived the apocalypse due to sheer dumb luck, antisocial behavior, and their ability to dodge people attempting to bite them (grad students get crazy and cranky when you tried to wake them up or take them away from their work). All four of them are human disasters, then they look at this kid, who didn’t even get the chance to go to college, who is begging for help, and looks like she’ll cry if they refused to help.
They all collectively decide that They will be the responsible one. all of their other friends are human disasters, so they have to clean up their behavior and take care of this girl and the many children she has under her care.  they know they’re going to help.
The problem is, they are all human disasters, who barely know how to cook. They are trying to be responsible, but they only have one brain cell, and it passes between them with no warning.
The rest of the story should be a mixture of comedy(these 20 year old trying to take care of a bunch of kids) and apocalyptic drama (these old ladies, trying to figure out why the apocalypse started, with a few appearances from Timmy, the grandson, who is seven years old and was sent there without the grandmother’s knowledge.)
Just, let the responsible grandparents figure out how the apocalypse started and why, while the grad students try to be responsible for 20 to 30 kids.
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soulsanitarium · 1 year
Mexico 🇲🇽 Three different films: Perdita Durango, Alucarda & La Tia Alejandra
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1. The film La Tía Alejandra (1979). 🎥Aunt Alejandra arrives to a familiar household consisting of two parents and three children. Immediately the woman’s presence begins to interfere with the couple’s happiness and also sexuality. Everything seems to be surrounded by an aura of mystery.
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Auntie teaches children witchcraft but when one of the children mocks her, she caused his death…She comes to a bathroom and makes the water so hot it burns the teenage girl’s body. Children hate the Auntie and she revenges. Husband starts to drink and is driven away from home. Finally Lucía, the wife, tries to save what is left and takes the active role.🔥👵You can compaire this movie to mother-child relationship in Carrie, or Psycho, depicted as abnormal and perverse. Lucía too desires independence and yearns to lead her own life, yet she is unable to break away from her “auntie’s” dominating influence. As a fantasy it is an important developmental step so that the separation - individuation process is completed and we can get distance to the mother. More interesting than average ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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2. 🎥Alucarda (1977): Constant screaming and overacting. Movie borrows a lot from Carmilla - Sheridan Le Fanu’s novel and films and the rest from Mother Joan of the Angels, TheDevils... Perhaps it is more interesting to look for the psychological side of the film.
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👯‍♀️ Alucarda (a Dracula, Mircalla - Marcilla - Carmilla) deals with twinship -themes. Is she just a fantasy figure? Justine’s sadistic inner world?
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✝️Name ”Justine” is perhaps borrowed from DeSade’s novel. Is Alucarda just a channel for the aggression and shame, is it about Justine’s own sexuality? The film becomes more interesting if you look at it from different sides of one person.
Enlarge the image to see the borrowed dialogue
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💞We all have the need to feel a degree of alikeness with other people. Processes of internalization are motivated by and emerge as the self’s protection of its existence through increasingly advanced ways to ensure the object’s availability in the individual’s world of experience. Identification is an essential form of internalization processes. (Tähkä 1996 & Tähkä R.) What it means to be treated as human by others? ”What I really want is just a sister” can be a wish of a clone-like relationship. Heinz Kohut (1978) calls this phenomena a twinship-transference / - self-object. This longing can also be sexualized.
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☸️ In the Jungian psychology, in order to reach a relationship and integration of the Self for the individuation process, typically a person must face, reconcile, and assimilate two central components of the personal unconscious: 1) the Shadow, 2) Anima. Perhaps like in this scene (below) from Perdita Durango.
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3. 🌪This is for the friends of Santeria, black humor and 🩸 violence Perdita Durango, released as Dance with the Devil in the United States, is a 1997 Spanish/Mexican action-crime-horror film directed by Álex de la Iglesia, based on Barry Gifford's 1992 novel 59° and Raining: The Story of Perdita Durango. It stars Rosie Perez as the title character and Javier Bardem.
🎬The film is reminiscent of many great other films. Such as: Wild at heart, Badlands, True Romance, Natural Born Killers, Bonny and Clyde, Il Capitano…both Perdita Durango and Wild at Heart go back to original novellas by Gifford. Isabella Rossellini played PERDITA DURANGO in David Lynch’s WILD AT HEART.
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🔪Of course, real-life killer couples also come to mind, like: Homolkas, Sarah Jane and John Makin, Ian Brady & Myra Hindley, Mona Watson & Michael Howell, Suzan & James Carson…
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🎭In the movie Romeo (Bardem) is a self-styled Santeria guru who spends most of his time flitting from one crime to another. When Perdita and Romeo hook up, all Hell breaks loose. Actually Romeo steals the show from Perdita…he is just amazing Santeria priest…captivating like a Rockstar ⭐️ Gandolfini, Perez …casting is Great
😨😨😨😨Human sacrifices, sadism, kidnapping, rape, murder, featus trafficking …
😂😂😂 Funny but then suddenly again not…
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Furious magic
🔪🔪🔪🔪Violence - Hay drogas y mucha violencia
😆 Screamin’ Jay Hawkins has a role in the film
🐆 One of the rear male witch performances in the film that actually is really worth seeing !
Best quote:
Romeo Dolorosa : I'm going to dance with the devil under the pale moonlight!
Perdita Durango : Go fuck yourself, Romeo.
Romeo Dolorosa : What's wrong? It's from Batman.
Perdita Durango : Fuck Batman!
✂️✂️✂️! The original Spanish version runs 10 minutes longer and features more sex and violence and ends with some characters digitally morphing into the scene finale from Vera Cruz. 🇩🇪 edition was original 126Mins.
Recommended Source:
Reenkola, E. (2002). The Veiled Female Core. New York. Other Press.
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chouetteffraie · 5 years
Trick or treat !!
owo hello gabbi!!
trick or treat - what has been your greatest influence?
In my writing or in life in general? that’s a bit of a loaded question lol!
In my writing, I don’t have a specific influence I can attribute “my style” to- partially because I don’t know what my style even is lol. I mean, one of my favorite authors is Sarah Dessen and I think I picked up her way of making the narrator seem like it was inside the main character’s head, using sentence fragments sometimes and just making thoughts “interrupt” the narrative to add to that depth? She’s a teen romance writer so I may have made her sound more eloquent than others might think she is…I also am really into reading older books and American Classics like The Jungle and Slaughterhouse Five, so when I’m trying to be more serious about what I write I try to channel my inner Classic Literature Guru and imitate what I’ve read (adding in some spice of course.)
In my life in general, I’d have to say my teachers probably? They were really the only adults/authority I could count on to give me a stable demonstration of how to act and what’s appropriate…I’ve always been “mature for my age” but I think part of that is because I molded myself to be what they expected of students? Not even in a bad way! But because I was a good student and craved the approval of my teachers I think my personality was shaped by my academic prowess and reaching the responsibility + quality expectations teachers set for me. Now I’d say I’m pretty responsible, careful and attentive because of it!
tl;dr I’m a HUUUUGE teacher’s pet and will be until I die, most likely
Halloween asks!
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selfhelpskillss · 4 years
Top 5 Dating Books For Women – Subtle Tactics That Will Make Him Yours 2020
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Years after years, new dating books for single women flood out fruitfully and constantly, in every single language, on every single platform. 
Have you read Steve Harley’s best-seller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man which offers love wisdom to traditional well-settled men? 
Have you encountered Jenna Birch’s The Love Gap that educates you to step up your love game on the analysis of men’s psyche?
Is Michael Todd’s Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex your bedside book?
If you’re a dating book connoisseur, you must have realized two stereotypical mainstreams involving the style and the content of these pieces.
On the one hand, they concentrate on how to work out men’s psyche and how to control their lust and desire. 
On the other hand, they highlight girl’s power, self-love, and egoism delicately and enthusiastically at the same time, to give women a make-over they’ve always deserved, to knock off the false and outdated conceptions that rob off their appeals and charms. 
Among such a large library of life-hacks, it’s inevitable we’ve had to combat many biases to synthesize a list of top dating books for women regarding all genders’ life perspectives. Let’s pull the trigger, shall we?
Top 5 Dating Books For Women – When Innovative Lifestyles Go Beyond Books
Infatuation Scripts – Clayton Max
Infatuation Scripts – Clayton Max
No matter how much he said he loved you…
No matter how many boxes you’ve ticked on his ideal type list…
He just didn’t choose you in the end!
Have you ever wondered why not even a single man you have believed that you would make a perfect partner for him?
Clayton Max is here to solve your dilemma via his multimedia program Infatuation Scripts with clever day-to-day scripts springing from his applied psychology research background and over a decade of expertise in giving dating advice for women. 
Flipping through the pages, you will gradually brush off all those desperations of being worthless, and discouraged that can eventually kill your faith in love between humans just because those guys you have met chose another girl over you. 
The art of seduction isn’t trapped inside a trite and hollow writing style but is scientifically depicted via established journals and research orbiting the topic infatuation instinct. 
If the copy has anything more to offer besides the chemistry establishing the mode of love within a man’s brain, it must be Clayton’s devotion to the audio clips and video lessons in an attempt to reach out to as many single girls as possible.  
How will women enter men’s mode of love, especially if they’re still unable to do so despite being men’s perfect on paper partners? 
How to activate infatuation triggers further to make him fall head-over-heels for you and realize you’re his long-awaited Miss Right? 
Clayton presented augmented profound insights over decades about heart tucking words, the core values of his blueprint, in the form of specific scripts, Curiosity, Investment, and Uncertainty.  
Will it be the Cliffhanger or Curveball script that will exert a halo image of you into his mind? 
Should it be the Investment or Temptation script which would make your exes beg for a second chance? 
What can you do to fuel his interest in you, and later on, his desire for you? 
What’s revolving inside your man’s head?
With a series of 13 tutorial videos and three free-of-charge bonus packages, Infatuation Scripts goes beyond the conventional concept of dating books for women. 
The book will not take you on a drive through a dreamy land full of sweat talk and sugary words though, so yeah, you are not likely to find any deep quotes for your Pinterest or Instagram backdrop once placing the order. Yet we do believe the wide ranges of the author’s real-life consultancy that he has covered inside the materials would definitely resonate more with your daily pains and agony to stop relationships from hitting rock-bottom. 
Life is a hot mess already, so what more do you fear to lose but hitting that order button when Clayton offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee with a box of multimedia materials at a cost less than one night out?
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Passion Phrases: Obsess His Mind, Capture His Heart – Carlo Cavallo
Passion Phrases: Obsess His Mind, Capture His Heart – Carlo Cavallo
Why do men come on strong, but then he grows cold and pulls away from you?
The more love you give him, the less he gives back, why is that?
You’ll find the reasons why men always want a break-up no matter how smitten they used to be with you in this comprehensive dating guideline Passionate Phrases by Carlo Cavallo, a 14-year women dating guru. Take your cocktail and get drunk inside the mesmerizing science approved male psychology reports, with a romantic stream of the language of love as the cherry on top. 
After hundreds of coaching sessions and years of academic research, Carlo has finally revealed the keys to boosting relationship’s intimacy and commitment via the study of intrusive thoughts and compulsive thinking. 
This is a great piece that focuses on men’s psyche on chase and hunt instincts rather than highlighting obscure dating advice for women. Its uniqueness stands out from the majority of so-called dating guides for ladies thanks to the notes the author has jotted down carefully according to the precious sharings of thousands of his male clients. 
Once you have mastered how to tap into men’s seeking system and successfully flipped their obsession switch, they’ll no longer friendzone you with lame excuses like “wasn’t ready for a relationship” and “timing wasn’t right”.
And to be able to flip that obsession switch and enter a passionate phrase where you’re cast with a glowing effect deep down the subconsciousness of his mind, you’ll need to swipe from the start to the end of Carlo’s blueprint. 
Do you want to initiate a conversation with your crush? Here’s a 3-Step Formula.
Do you want to get your crush to ask you out? Here’re the Attentive Phrases.
You want your distant fiancé to keep his proposal? Here’re the Hoop Phrases.
Carlo’s finesse tips on the language of love will unveil powerful moves instrumental to heating up dull romance parties and preventing dead-end relationships overnight.
His scripts, applicable to dialogues, emails, messages, and even video chats, are deciphered as pleasantly surprising but charmingly working for any woman in daily lives. 
If your love life’s on the verge of falling apart, if you’re struggling to start a fling or if you want your fiancé to secure his fading commitment, then wait no more for this 90-day money-back guaranteed Passion Phrases digital package. You’ll also be given six bonus reports exclusively compiled by Carlos himself at a price like a steal.
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The Devotion System – Amy North
The Devotion System – Amy North
She couldn’t believe it…
Her best friend was sleeping with the man that she thought she wanted to spend her entire life with…
And that’s how a heart-broken Amy North, a Youtube influencer, a renowned Canadian dating and relationship coach, kicked off her arduous cycle of perusing every woman’s guide out there on the Internet. This later inspired her to publish her own journals after coming across the most psychologically advanced attraction techniques developed by the most eminent Havard professors. 
After 5 years of intensive research and real-life women dating consultancy, Amy put out her The Devotion System publication, not merely a dating book for single girls, but also one mighty beginner book to teach women’s self-love and men’s psychology that voices out to a mass audience. 
No matter whether you’re a 20-year-old relationship virgin, a U30 rational successful girl, a lonely 40-year-old soul with a mid-life crisis or a calm and collected U50 madame, no matter if you’ve just broken up or hosted a tasteless marriage life, regardless of your gender, Amy’s holistic, non-sugar coated dating advice can still share something true to each of your stage of life.
So, how to start all these cool tricks? 
What if you can’t find a way to make a man treat you as his soulmate, his S.P.A.R.K of life, his most treasured possession? 
May you find the light after devouring the art of texting flirtation via The Devotion System’s Language of Love, Monogamy Message, and Phone Phrenzy. They’re tools to help you grasp the gist of becoming irresistible to a commitment-phobic playboy, a dream guy, or even a cold-hearted ex. 
One unique point, Amy has successfully laid out a scientifically-backed game of men’s psychology. She doesn’t produce false promises, undoubtedly, via the way her male audiences still stay and confess their insecurities and fantasies with her, despite the overall low-key men condescending language in her publication. 
That’s how in The Devotion System will you find out…
Men’s latent desires and sexual lust… 
How to get them to understand you via their dull limbic system with Forever Attraction?  
Subtle tactics to apply Love Refreshment techniques for cheating-proof?
On top of those, the most surreal while practical content in this program must be every single letter devoted to teaching you how to embrace your own existence, from the P.A.S.S technique to the way Amy channels out every reader’s Inner Marilyn Monroe. 
You don’t need to be pencil-thin like top models!
You don’t need to be born naturally charming!
You don’t need to have Marilyn Monroe’s face!
Coming as a ground-breaking discounted digital bundle set including three bonus materials and an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee, The Devotion System is a colorful lifelong portrait that you wouldn’t regret buying ever.
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Addict Him To You – Mirabelle Summers 
Addict Him To You – Mirabelle Summers
A warm hug, laddies…
If your man abandoned you on your engagement night!
If your 5-year boyfriend would rather jug himself with Pornhub than have sex with you on your Candice Swanepoel’s Bondage Teddy!
Why on earth are men so commitment-phobic that make us women so stressed about long-term relationships?
Maybe the answer you’re longing for after all these years has already lied inside the dating expert and two-time Amazon bestseller Mirabelle Summers’ guide-to-guide digital blueprint Addict him to you. With over a decade of giving dating tips for women and hearing out their grievances, Mirabelle’s most treasured traits pop up from her heartfelt real-life stories. 
Addict him to you isn’t a rigid and dry scientific journal about men’s psychology, if men reading is your ultimate goal. But that does nothing to do with the fact that this is a well-researched piece. 
Along the journey to this dating guide, you can get yourself engaged in audios of Mirabelle’s interviews with different walks of life in different social situations.  
And this in turn screams out…
You won’t have to embarrass yourself trying failed tactics and so-called manipulative words on a variety of men to see the effects clearly. You’re a woman of high dignity and you own that grace!
But how do you start to change things, to up your dating skills without playing the mind game?
Be prepared, ladies, because Mirabelle is about to unwrap the harsh truths about a man’s deepest secrets and fantasies, and why he lies saying “I love you” when he’s still eyeing on your cousins and your best friends with the Human Lie Detector!
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as Mirabelle can help you turn a commitment-phobic man into a Primal Hunter who yearns for you with her subtle psychological Hold Me Tight triggers.
The best part? The Myth-Busting for women that lead you to will feel empowered and know how to make your essence shine after Mirabelle pulls back the cascade inside your mind about your role in a breakup and how to make up with your man afterward using the honey trick, unconscious mistake, or urgent response.  
Ladies, be an irressitible woman with all the charms and the life-long partner every man has ever dreamed of with this 60-day money-back digital dating blueprint Addict him to you. And have we told you about the four free bonuses and a 24-hour open email address that links to Mirabelle exclusively to get any more intimate?
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How To Make Him Desire You – Alex Carter 
How To Make Him Desire You – Alex Carter
Want to learn the art of invoking the deepest desire within a serial womanizer, a rude ex or your dream man, and make you his new addiction?
Alex Carter, a dating guru and professional pick up artist with over 200 successful clients, has come to the scene and will turn you into a man’s one and only eye candy through his bold but persuasive dating guideline of How To Make Him Desire You after 469 days in harbor. 
Instead of engraving a false outer illusion of your portrait onto a man’s eyes, Alex has put out comprehensible daily scripts for you to knock out the impulsive part of any guy’s mind under the form of simple text messages, an 11-word or 17-word string maybe. 
Each of his coined phrases will represent a different object and life situation. 
the Race to the Aisle phrase is intended to bring out commitment mood that turns a serial womanizer into your husband, or the Shake my Heart phrase will send adrenaline spikes down his spine and awake a feeling of refreshed love for you if he’s currently into another woman. 
Some of Alex’s techniques are rather manipulative once they toss and turn a man’s biological obsession and chase instinct (Butter me Up or Ultimate Fascination phrases), so How To Make Him Desire You is pretty controversial compared to the other modern dating guidelines on this review list. 
But which woman wouldn’t want to be adored?
Which woman wouldn’t want to be the only apple of her man’s eyes?
Which woman wouldn’t want to have a voice and sometimes take the lead?
Which woman wouldn’t want to make her date head-over-heels for her at first sight?
The materials did a great job in emphasizing the girl’s power engaging emotionally stimulating words under text hypnosis/mesmerizing messages. Those words are so powerful that sometimes they’re toxic to the man’s feelings, thus making them over-clingy and exposed to vulnerability. 
Yet How To Make Him Desire You will be women’s best wing girl in arousing the deepest lust inside men’s impulsive mind without too many heavy theories and not requiring any changes in your outer appearances. 
Not to mention, it actually works on men who are not that into you or haven’t developed any romantic spark for you yet after countless real-life testimonials. 
So, how about giving it a try at a discount with a 60-day money-back guarantee, a lifetime subscription warranty, and two bonus controversial reports of Alex Carter that cannot be found elsewhere on the market?
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Bottom Line
The books we’ve gone through are proof of one true saying from Marlen Dietrich, a German-American actress: “What a man notices first about a woman is whether she notices him”. 
You notice his psyche, and he will notice your worth. 
You stir a tug-of-war string to his heart, and he will realize you’re his deepest lust and desire. 
The greatest dating books for women aren’t something too heavy on scientific facts or gender bias, but a collection of good real-life testimonials that do wonders for every walks of life at each appropriate stage. 
Whether you would cooperate these dating secrets into your way of texting, video chatting, talking, or saluting, remember you can only own them, and even better, improvise them if you practice hard.
Before sending Self Help Skills best wishes, would you like to enlighten us with your own version of favorite dating books for women? Waiting for your comment down below!
source https://selfhelpskills.net/dating-books-for-women/
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kp-reading-blog · 7 years
Death's Dancer by Jasmine Silvera is a Unique Paranormal and Multi-Cultural Thriller
Death's Dancer by Jasmine Silvera is a fascinating science fiction novel about life and death and dealing with strange circumstances no one ever really expects.
Praise for Death's Dancer
"Sparks fly when a mighty sorcerer recruits a dancer to help unravel a supernatural mystery… A spirited, sexy paranormal romance."
- Kirkus Reviews "DEATH’S DANCER weaves suspense and romance into a story as smart as it is sensual. Godsdancer Isela Vogel is anything but stereotypical, and like the Gods she dances for, those who move around her are rarely ordinary. When Isela is drawn into the circle of a powerful necromancer, author Jasmine Silvera deftly choreographs the action using lush depictions of Prague's storied scenery and deliciously dark humor. A thrilling debut."
- Camille Griep, Author of Letters to Zell and New Charity Blues
A Message from Jasmine Silvera
I grew up checking out every urban fantasy book in the library, re-reading my favorite comic books hundreds of times, and sneaking romance novels in between. When I sat down during NANOWRIMO to write, after two years of living in Prague, I suppose it’s only natural they all got mixed up in the resulting novel, Death’s Dancer. Death’s Dancer is the first novel in a series revolving around the world ruled by necromancers, in which humans can command the power of gods through dance. It follows aging dancer Isela as she enters the supernatural world after being assigned to work with a powerful necromancer, Azrael. "Issy and Az" are more than a match for one another - as strong willed and stubborn as they come — and I wasn’t surprised by the sparks that flew between them. The sequel, Dancer’s Flame is forthcoming in October 2017. For readers who love a little mystery with their magic and romance in the mix, this novel is for you.
About Death's Dancer
"Weaves suspense and romance into a story as smart as it is sensual... A thrilling debut." -Camille Griep, Author of Letters to Zell & New Charity Blues
Isela Vogel dances on borrowed time: a degenerative hip threatens her successful career bringing the favor of the gods to her patrons. One big job could set her up for life; if it doesn't get her killed. The Necromancer Azrael must harness the power of a god to stop a killer, and that requires a dancer.  Capricious gods and scheming necromancers are the least of Isela's worries. If she and Azrael fail, it will cost more than her life. If they succeed, she will lose everything she loves.  And then there's the danger of falling for a Lord of Death.
An Interview with Isela Vogel
[Interviewer] I follow Headmaster Divya Sauvageau up the stairs from the foyer to the inner doors of the Praha Dance Academy in the capital city of Czechia. Sauvageau has run Europe’s premier dance school single for over twenty years, from its early days after the end of the godswar. It is one of a few sanctioned facilities where goddancers are trained and perform under the careful supervision of the Allegiance of Necromancers. The building itself - and the renovation - was a gift from the Necromancer Azrael to the Academy as a symbol of his commitment to allowing mortals to maintain their ability to communicate with their gods. Today I’ll meet one of the rising stars of this esoteric art: a recent graduate of the academy who is rapidly making a name for herself. DIvya pauses before the door to a sun-lit practice studio. A a pair of young dancers remain at the barre near the window, closest to the piano. I’ve followed dancing my journalistic career, but there is nothing like goddance and the dancers who perform it. The though their physical bodies are like most other professional dancers, there is something unusual about the way they occupy the space - it’s a bit discomfiting. Headmaster Sauvageau clears her throat. The pair look up and the casual intimacy of their interlude falls away. The male, statuesque and blonde, is Kyle Bradshaw, a familiar face from the performance posters for the Academy ballet, where he also performs. “Headmaster,” he says in passing, before assessing me cooly with dark eyes. When I turned back, the remaining dancer is pulling on leg warmers and sliding a water bottle back into her bag. She doesn’t smile, not exactly, but her eyes are amused. She shrugs into an oversized sweater and rises. She is compact and muscular, more than I expected, with a frame less delicate than a ballerina’s. But when she moves, something as simple as crossing to the chairs the headmaster’s escort procures, I’m caught staring. “Miss Vogel,” Headmaster Sauvageau makes the introduction. We sit. She accepts the presence of my recorder with a nod and waits, straight spine and slim elegant neck poised as a bird awaiting flight. She sits, neither preening with attention of an interview or made nervous by it, rather waiting in a place of stillness that makes me fumble for my pen and notepad. With quick math I determine she can’t me much older than 20, though her demeanor is that of one much more mature. I explain that this is just short Q&A to introduce her to the donors and future clients and she is free to skip any questions she didn’t care for. She nods again, and I feel I’ve been given permission to begin. [Interviewer] What is your greatest fear? [Isela Vogel -IV] That I won’t fulfill my potential. [Interviewer] What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? [IV] I’ve never been a morning person. [Interviewer] Which living person do you most admire? [IV] Headmaster Savageau, is an enormous source of professional inspiration and admiration. She’s a mentor and a friend. [Interviewer] What is your greatest extravagance? [IV] I've been known to splurge on expensive red wine. [Interviewer] What do you most dislike about your appearance? [Interviewer's note: For a moment her glaze flickers downward and I am reminded of the ways in which she differs from traditional ballerinas. I think she will pass on this question, but she speaks. ]
[IV] I don’t spend a lot of time focusing on what i don’t have. My patrons are content with my results. [Interviewer] Which talent would you most like to have? [IV] Dancing can be hard on the body, to be able to heal myself from injury would come in handy. [Interviewer] What do you consider your greatest achievement? [IV] Graduating at the top of my class at PDA and beginning my professional career at the place I love. [Interviewer] What is your most treasured possession? [For the first time emotion reaches through the poise and a slight smile brightens her face]
[IV] I have a pair of Chuck Taylors - they are my oldest brother Mark’s when we left the US - eventually he outgrew them and they got handed down to my other brother Toby then to me. Sounds silly, but they remind me of home and family. [Interviewer] Who are your heroes in real life? [IV] My mom and dad. It was so brave of them to leave everything behind to bring our family here, to Prague, to start a new life. [Interviewer]What is your motto? [IV] "Om Bolo Sat Guru Maharaja Ki—JAI!” It’s an old sanskrit mantra my mom uses at the end of her classes. It means roughly “we honor our divine inner teacher.” [Note from the Marketing Department] The rest of her answers are just as short; it’s not going to make very thrilling reading for our donors. Perhaps we should consider her for a photo series instead. She *is* remarkable when she moves. We predict big things for Vogel. Perhaps some media training is in order.
Just Who is Isela Vogel?
Isela Vogel is a dancer trained to channel the power of gods through dance for her patrons. Death's Dancer catches her years after this interview, facing the end of her career due to an injury.
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