#So many phrases get shortened over time to obscure their meaning
bonefall · 2 months
as someone who has not read DOTC (and treasures my sanity too much to read it) i cannot fathom how people read clear sky as a hero, hes even written with the descriptions the erins love to give their villains! prowling, sneaking up behind people to say ominous lines, standing partially in darkness, having an utterly pathetic lackey kissing his ass at all times, even the territory expansion thing was like, explicitly bad when tigerstar did it in arc 1. i'm convinced these people havent actually read this arc??
It's because, I CANNOT make this up, he says sorry after he kills 3 people and causes the death of like a dozen at this big Murder Party he throws. A bunch of ghosts say he was just scared, Gray Wing swoons that he simply needs to learn how to delegate, and then Clear Sky says "haha woops :P"
After that, everyone who ever says, "Hey, I don't trust the physically abusive dictator or his intentions" is treated like an unreasonable idiot, a simple personality conflict, or an active villain. Thunder literally gets revictimized and undergoes emotional abuse a SECOND time and Gray Wing gets a scene screaming at him to get the fuck over it.
These WOULD be interesting characters if this was intentional, if the writers had gotten their heads out of Gray Wing's brother-loving ass to realize that Clear Sky is not redeemable. Gray is denying reality and letting people get hurt so he can cling to a beloved memory, and it doesn't matter if it was accurate then, because he's KILLING PEOPLE NOW.
But the arc is bullheaded in its simplicity: Clear Sky was not born bad, so he is not fundamentally bad. Unlike Slash and One Eye, evil through and through.
It's painful. Incredibly painful arc.
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piccadilly-lilly · 4 years
Digital Self-Sufficiency 101
I’ve noticed that the chaos of 2020 has caused many people to notice that commercially available technologies have grown increasingly intrusive, expensive, and restrictive. Therefore, I thought I would put together some easy ways to maintain privacy and self-sufficiency as much as possible in the digital age.
Using incognito mode or private mode in your browser actually does nothing to prevent your internet service provider from watching your activity. The Tor browser is your easiest option for keeping your search history private.
To keep downloads, system updates, and activity from other applications private, consider using a VPN. Personally, I sometimes use ProtonVPN for this, but some people might find it uncomfortably slow. A proxy server will not provide the same layer of protection but suffices for day-to-day use.
Never reuse passwords, but it is usually okay to choose a common theme for them, and choosing long or uncommon phrases is actually safer than using random strings of characters.
Password managers are also relatively safe. KeePass is a good open-source choice that creates an encrypted password database on your device and so keeps your information entirely private.
Consider switching browsers. Chrome (including Chromium) and Edge both send data to Google and Microsoft respectively. Firefox is heavily customizable, open-source, and focused on privacy; Opera is closed-source but does provide useful features such as a built-in browser VPN.
TrackMeNot is an add-on that performs automated random Google searches, making it much harder for Google to determine your search activity. Also, use an adblocker wherever possible - AdBlock Plus is an effective free choice.
Archive.org is an excellent source of ebooks, journals, music, etc. that allows you to borrow materials and download them or read them online without requiring any personal information.
DRM, or digital rights management, is a form of software used to prevent people from copying files or accessing them outside of certain applications (such as iTunes for music, Adobe Reader for ebooks, etc). It is perfectly legal to remove DRM from works you have purchased, so that you actually own the file and not just a license to access it within a certain framework.
There are several plugins available for the Calibre ebook library that get rid of DRM on book files; this is the one I use. I don’t have iTunes or Spotify, but I’ve heard good things about NoteBurner, and I know that plenty of alternatives exist for DRM removal of music files.
Also, youtube-dl is a useful tool for downloading videos from YouTube. Be careful to use this only on open-source or public domain videos.
Linux has advanced astronomically in the past decade -- it is definitely the best option for privacy and security, and is now fairly easy to use.
If you’re just beginning, Ubuntu is a great choice with graphics that will make your PC look and feel a bit like a Mac. You can completely opt out of giving any data to the developers, and it’s by far the most commonly used distro in the Linux community, meaning that most support and apps are developed for it.
Take a test drive! Here is an easy tutorial for how to put Ubuntu on a USB stick and run it on your computer without affecting your Windows system or changing any of your files.
On most hardware, an out of the box Ubuntu installation works fine for browsing the web, watching movies, studying, and day-to-day use -- do test it using a USB before installing it, though.
The best thing about Linux is that you are the absolute dictator of your own computer. The appearance, functionality, and resource management of your system is all up to you. Also, there are hundreds of different operating systems and configurations under the Linux umbrella.
The fact that most viruses and malware are designed to run on Windows offers a degree of protection to Linux users, and those running more obscure distributions are less vulnerable, but security consciousness is still very important. ClamAV is a good open-source antivirus specifically designed to scan for malware targeted at Linux systems, and chkrootkit can detect any rootkits that may be installed on your system.
If you use Linux exclusively, the WINE toolkit can allow you to run programs designed for Windows. It does require some setup but eliminates a lot of compatibility issues (*pointed glance at my online classes*).
A computer with standard Windows installed will never be all that private or independent, given the limitations hard-coded into the system, but there are still plenty of things you can do.
Don’t use a Microsoft account on your personal computer -- this enables Microsoft to combine data sent from your computer with your personal information. To turn this off, go into Settings, select Accounts, find your own account, and click the “Delete” option.
If you are installing Windows on a computer, don’t connect to the Internet during the setup process. When it asks you to connect to WiFi, click the “I don’t have Internet” option in the bottom left corner -- this will allow you to set up Windows using a local account, bypassing the requirement to create a Microsoft account.
When it comes to protecting your PC from hackers, choose strong passwords and be careful what you click on, and after that Microsoft Defender should do the trick. For the most part, commercial antivirus software is not necessary; any malicious actor worth their salt will be able to circumvent common choices like McAfee or Norton.
The Windows updater includes many invasive features without a way to opt out, and can be disabled. Hit the Windows key + R to bring up the Run menu, type “services.msc” in the text box, and press Enter to open the Services Manager. Find Windows Updates and Windows Update Medic, right-click on both of those, and select “Disable.”
Use caution when electing not to update Windows; oftentimes patches for important security vulnerabilities are incorporated into the updates, and Microsoft doesn’t allow users to select which updates to install.
OS X / iOS
The entire Apple business model is based on hardware that’s far below the industry standard for the price range and software that’s obsolescent from the moment you purchase it. These products are pure fashion over function and are pretty much inseparable from their surveillance software and use restrictions.
Don’t get a new laptop simply because yours is getting older or slower. Hardware available to the average consumer hasn’t changed significantly in the past decade. If your computer is getting older and feels slower, that’s probably because Windows has grown heavier and less efficient with every update.
Self-sufficiency and durability go together in technology as in all other facets of manufacturing.
SSDs may be slightly faster than conventional hard disk drives, but they don’t have as much storage capacity and will fail more quickly, so for most uses an HDD is probably more practical. Anything that has “flash memory” as its sole form of storage should be avoided.
Entry-level laptops in 2020 are usually worse in terms of design and specifications than they were in 2015. Second-hand options can be a good idea, especially workstations designed for business use (my PC was made in 2012 and is still humming along with no problems).
Swappable batteries are increasingly rare but go a long way to increase the usefulness of a PC while traveling or offline. Also, touchscreens always shorten battery life by at least an hour or two. 
Intel Atom processors are common on lower-cost laptops but are very slow and prone to overheating unpredictably.
Also, anything without a fan (look for a visible vent on the underside) can overheat in the summer and is probably indicative of lower processing power.
The vast majority of two-in-one laptops and tablet hybrids are severely underpowered -- the extremely small size prevents the use of proper computer hardware.
Source: am a Linux user and hobbyist programmer who learned most of this using the time-honored Mess Around and Find Out methodology.
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#5yrsago I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That
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Over the past decade, pharma-fighting Dr Ben Goldacre has written more than 500,000 words of fearlessly combative science journalism.
The new collection of Goldacre's essays is more than a best-of (though it is that), it's also a crash course in statistical literacy, informed skepticism, and public policy debates.
Goldacre is one of the UK's foremost proponents of evidence-based policy -- figuring out what works best, through careful study, and doing that. The evidence-based policy crowd sometimes gets accused of dressing up ideology in scientific lab-coats and insisting that there is a kind of empirical best way to govern, but as these essays make clear, that's not what Goldacre is about. He recognises that there are questions that are purely political -- the decision, for example, that we want to protect wider society from the negative affects of drug abuse, is a political one. But the empirical question that arises from that is, "What do we mean by 'protect'?" and "What works best for attaining that outcome?"
And this is where things get ugly. Because politicians and regulators say that they want to attain outcomes that get broad support -- shortening emergency-room waiting times, students who read fluently and criticially, a vibrant technology sector -- but what they do to attain these goals is very often a nonsense, a mix of ideological red-meat for their supporters ("We want to show the voters that we won't coddle drug addicts!") and frank corruption ("We've decided that the best way to get kids reading is by making all the schools buy this expensive phonics package that makes this person who happens to advise the committee on educational standards extremely rich"). It's the kind of thing that makes former UK drugs czar David Nutt's spectacular Drugs Without the Hot Air such an important read.
This is the bullseye at the centre of the evidence-based policy fight, but there's a lot going on around the edges: university press-releases that trumpet headline results from studies that aren't supported by the data; deluded or crooked "alternative health practicioners" whose "therapies" do nothing or make people sicker; conflicts between the business-models of scholarly publishers and the scientific method, which requires that scientific knowledge be spread widely for the purposes of verification and study; political grandstanding over "big data" and its power to find the terrorist needle in the surveillance haystack by making the haystack as big as possible; pharma companies that deliberately (and criminally) obscure their research data in order to reap titanic profits; the Daily Mail (which has embarked on a multi-decade project to divide the entire world into things that either cause or cure cancer); and, strangely, postmodern academics who call evidence-based policy "fascism" because there is no objective reality.
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Goldacre slays each and every one of these with his pen, using a mixture of wit and beautifully constructed arguments, and a generally cool head. Though this book is huge (406 pages plus notes), it rips by very quickly, because Goldacre is a real master of the short newspaper column form, conveying bite-sized arguments in 400-800 word chunks that, while related closely to one another, are each intended to stand alone. I read the whole thing on a two-hour plane-journey.
James Boyle's The Public Domain argues that we need a word for "information politics" that ties together all the different ways in which the fights over patents, copyrights, transparency, privacy, and other causes that have come to the fore in the digital age; a word that does for the digital civil liberties movement what "ecology" did for all the disparate movements that came under its umbrella in the 1970s. Once, we thought saving whales, stopping acid rain, worrying about the ozone layer, and preventing toxic spills were all different causes, but the word ecology gave us a neat way to discuss them as a single cause, with many underlying issues.
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That" is a book about information ecology. Goldacre believes that technology can improve our lives: help us live longer, happier, fairer lives in happier, fairer societies. He shows how these political questions are all tied together, how caring about the surveillance economy of the war on terror is necessary if you also care about the big data projects to uncover subtle facts about public health, and how these both relate to Internet censorship, libel law, and the business-models of the scholarly publishing industry.
If there's anything I don't like about the book, it's the title. I confess to hating the phrase, "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that," because it is too often the rallying cry of the kind of science writer whose mission in life is to tell us to stop being so darned excited about science, who wants to point out that the news that's cheered and amazed us isn't all that big a deal. It's a phrase Goldacre himself cherishes, too.
But Goldacre isn't a science killjoy. He is firmly committed to the project of making people amazed and delighted by science -- just not by bad science. He believes that good science is amazing, and when he rails against the tabloids (or the BBC!) for getting science badly wrong, it's because they've missed the real point, the real, amazing truth about the incredible progress being made all around us.
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That [US]
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That [UK]
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sombraglaze · 3 years
Lexember 2020 - Kmitmuk ksu
I did Lexember 2020 but I only posted it on twitter, and I thought I’d be a good idea to archive all my posts on tumblr as well ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
so I’ll put all the pictures in this post and write the transcriptions underneath each pic for ppl who prefer seeing it in that format or are blind.
(the first 4 entries were posted the 4th of December)
I decided to do #Lexember kind of late 😅 but here are the first 4 entries, it's my first lexember and I'm a beginner conlanger so pls don't be too harsh if I mess up 🥺🥺
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entry 1! 😊
tucir [tʊ.ʔɪɾ] Noun. emotions, feelings, energy.
from *tʼoɛːluː meaning blood, because it was believed that one's emotions where in their blood, they thought of it as a soul, so that's why corpses didn't emote or move, their emotions dried up.
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entry 2! 👍
ksu [ksʊ] Adjective. good, correct, important.
from *kusʼu meaning big, the autonym of this language is "kmitmuk ksu" which basically means "the correct way of speaking" and also implies that it's an important language.
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entry 3! 🐍
pi [pɪ] Noun. evil person, "monster."
from *pɛː meaning snake, it's a pretty severe insult, you wouldn't hear it in a civil conversation. it implies "murderer" but isn't always used this way.
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entry 4! ⚔️
pira [pɪ.ɾə] Noun. royal guard.
from *peθæː meaning star, they thought of stars as deities whose purpose was to protect humanity, so the word started to be used for guardians or sentinels and eventually became more specifically used for royal guards.
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day 5! 💬 kmitmuk [kmɪt.mʊk] Noun. language, dialect, speech.
from *kɔmytʼemokʼɔ the diminutive of fog, they live in a cold area, so this references the condensation that comes out of their mouth when they speak.
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day 6! ☝️
qer [qeɾ] Noun. four, index finger (archaic).
from *kʼyːθyː meaning index finger, their words for counting inanimate objects come from the names of their fingers and names of parts of their arm, these words are almost exclusively used for numbers nowadays.
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day 7! 😪
tugh [tʊɢ] Adjective. dull (blade), exhausted.
(originally I romanized [ɢ] as <gg> but eventually changed it to <gh>)
from *tʼuːxiː meaning dull, it's used metaphorically to say you gave it your all and now you need to sharpen (rest) before you can keep going or you won't be quite as productive.
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day 8! 🌨️
nsaqf [nsəqf] Verb. to focus, to pay attention.
from *nusʼoxɔ fe meaning to freeze, referencing the fact that if you're concentrating you're probably not moving a lot, so it's like you're frozen.
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day 9! 👑
muciqxn [mʊ.ʔɪqχn] Noun. king.
from *moy xixæːnɔ meaning great father, the ancient word for great *xixæːnɔ lead to many modern words ending in qxn, which got reanalyzed as a suffix that can be added to words to make them related to royalty.
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day 10! 🐟
nicaqf [ni.ʔaqf] Verb. to be dead, to float (archaic).
from *nyːaxɔ fe meaning to float, referencing fish, that tend to float when they die, it can still be used to say float but it's very uncommon.
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day 11! 🗂️
magheqf [ma.ɢeqf] Verb. to group, to classify.
from *mæːxexɔ fe meaning to cut or separate, the meaning of separating was more and more commonly used and eventually acquired the characteristic of separating based on specific traits that things have in common.
also I misspelled acquired in the image, oops 😅
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day 12! 🌬️
qorazdoqf [qo.ɾaz.doqf] Verb. to howl (wind).
from *kʼolæːsuːtɔxɔ fe meaning to blow (wind), in their culture, the wind howling is seen as a bad omen, it's a warning from the wind God (who is actually a wolf) and everyone must stop what they're doing to pray.
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day 13! 🗺️
nzu [nzʊ] Noun. north.
from *nɛːso meaning north, this language doesn't have words for left, right, up, down, etc. instead you have to use cardinal directions and reference things like landmarks and the sky.
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day 14! ✨🌙
tfpik [tfpik] Noun. star.
from *tøfæːpʼykʼɔ the diminutive of sun, this word is also used for planets that are visible to the naked eye, but not for the moon, which is "ksor" [ksoɾ] from *køsʼɔɾuː also meaning moon.
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day 15! 🔪
put [pʊt] Adjective. new (for tools).
from *pœːtʼo meaning sharp (like a knife), this word is pretty much exclusively used for tools, the generic word for new is "not" [not] from *nɔtʼɔ also meaning new.
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day 16! 🐛🤬
pik [pɪk] Noun. worm, bug, phallus (vulgar).
from *pɛːkʼɔ the diminutive of snake, it can be used as a swear word depending on the context, but it usually means worm and sometimes bug in general.
I realized I had never really made any swear words in any of my conlangs so I thought I'd give it a try 😆
also sorry if this one is a bit too edgy lol I'll return to normal vocab tomorrow 😅
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day 17! 🌲🌲🏔️
terrag [te.rag] Noun. forest.
from *tʼœːræː ki meaning many trees, there's also a word for forest that is more fancy and tends to be used specifically for montane forests "tir" [tɪɾ] from *tiːlyːo meaning forest.
also, this word is always interpreted as being plural because of its etymology, so if you wanted to say "small forest" you would say:
"terrag tacakig" [te.rag ta.ʔa.kɪg] (forest small-PL)
as opposed to:
"terrag tacak" [te.rag ta.ʔak] (forest small.SG)
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day 18! 🐌
kudipaduw [kʊ.dɪ.pa.dʊw] Noun. snail.
from *kutiːpʼæː topɛː wet/sticky animal, meat is "mxa" [mxə] from *mɔxo w/ same meaning & container is "kitek" [kɪ.tek] from *kitʼøkʼɔ diminutive of lake, so bucket of snail meat is "kitek kit mxa tugudipaduw."
based on this meme:
btw, the gloss is (container with meat snail-LOC) where the locative case is being used to mark inalienable possession (maybe I should've used alienable 🤔)
also kitek is mainly used for things that typically have water in them but it can mean bucket or tub in general.
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day 19! 👹🐕
mzgha [mzɢə] Noun. beast, monster.
from *muːsuːxœː the augmentative of dog, the word originally meant wolf, but the meaning expanded to all dangerous animals and big mythological creatures, and the word for dog is mzu [mzʊ] from *muːsuː
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day 20! 🌋🔥🌲🌲🔥
teqsnubz [teqs.nʊbz] Noun. volcano, burning place.
from *tʼøxœː sʼœːnu pɔθy meaning mountain with fire, that word for "with" was specifically for animate nouns, it came to mean "accompanying" and mountain was the augmentative for hill.
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also, a bonus because it's 20:20 20th-(12 😔 smh)-2020
ke [ke] twenty (animate, base 4) from *kœː meaning twenty.
pipaa qer [pɪ.paː qeɾ] twenty (inanimate, base 8) from *pe pæːyː kʼyːθyː (2 eights (and) four) or more literally (ring finger, forearm, index finger).
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day 21! 🌲🗡️
putfmeterra [pʊtf. me.te.rə] Noun. felling axe.
from *pœːtʼofe mø tʼœːræː meaning blade for trees, blade is the nominalized form of sharp *pœːtʼo and in fact, the modern word for blade or knife is putf [pʊtf]
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day 22! 😇
kidiweqf [kɪ.dɪ.weqf] Verb. to be believed or trustworthy.
from *kytɛːpøxɔ fe the passive form of to see, there is no adjective for trustworthy, it is seen as an action rather than a trait that a person can have.
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day 23! 🌒☀️
napirqf [na.pɪɾqf] Noun. solar eclipse.
from *næːpʼœːθiːxɔ fe meaning to be un-burned (or extinguishing), basically they believe their sun god can extinguish himself at will, eclipses are referred to as "extinguishings" and are seen as a sign of their god's dissatisfaction.
lol I actually ran out of space in the first tweet, that hadn't happened before. this one was inspired by the recent Great Conjunction! 🔭 I'll probably make the next few Christmas related.
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day 24! 🎅🎁
nicirrogi [nɪ.ʔɪ.ro.gɪ] Noun. expensive gift or present.
from *nɛːirɔ ki poruːpʼuː meaning poem, or more literally: beautiful/colorful words (or even more literally: flower-like words) high class people could afford to commission poems, generic gift is msu [msʊ] from fruit *miːsʼo
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day 25! ❄️
kucugitugh [kʊ.ʔʊ.gɪ.tʊɢ] N. snowflake, hexagon, complex shape.
from *kœːo ketʼo xo tœːpʼumæː meaning snow with(ɪɴᴀɴ) six(ɪɴᴀɴ) tips/points, since the word was too long it got shortened to the first four syllables and it's now also used to refer to complex shapes and patterns.
idk if there's a term for words getting shortened, I just figured I could do it since english does it in words like "net" for "internet" and stuff lol I don't know what I'm doing 😂
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day 26! 🗻
teghop [te.ɢop] Adjective. solid, hard.
from *tʼøxœːpʼuː meaning mountain-like, originally it was used to mean huge (anything that was around the size of a building or more) but it started to imply sturdy, and the meaning slowly shifted to being anything solid.
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day 27! ⛰️
mudurus [mʊ.dʊ.ɾʊs] Noun. coal, fuel, inspiration.
from *muːto θøsʼo meaning black/brown rock/stone, it's used metaphorically to talk about how inspired someone is to do any form of art or craft.
today's post was kind of late because I didn't have any inspiration 😅 running a bit low on ideas atm.
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day 28! ♒
tacup [ta.ʔʊp] Adjective. energetic, always moving.
from *taop‘uː meaning river-like, it can be used negatively to mean someone is annoying, but generally it's used in a more positive way.
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day 29! 😡
qo [qo] Adjective. angry / upset (informal)
from *k’uː meaning red-orange, it originated as a metaphor but eventually the word stopped being used for the color altogether.
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day 30! 👋
mukigii [mʊ.kɪ.giː] Interjection. see you, bye.
from *muːk’ø kɛːyː meaning be-ɴᴘsᴛ.ɪᴘғᴠ well, the word for "to be" is now archaic and the word for good/well now means holy, so the meaning of the phrase is a bit obscure for most people.
wow I can't believe #Lexember is almost over, time flies! :o tomorrow is the last day already! but I think I'll keep posting about my #conlang-s, maybe just not as often :) and I might use my tumblr for longer posts in case anyone is interested in checking that out.
🎇🎆this is the final #Lexember2020 entry! I had the idea to make a "book ending" and end it where it started, with four proper nouns related to the first four entries I posted on the first day, thanks for all the ❤️s and RT's everyone :D transcriptions below:
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day 31! 🙂
Txurr [txʊr] Proper noun. (joy, happiness).
from *tix’oruː meaning joy/happiness, this word is used exclusively as a name (typically female) and most people no longer know what it means.
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also day 31! 🗨️
Kmitmuk ksu [kmɪt.mʊ.ksʊ] Proper noun (correct speech).
literally “speech/language correct/important” from *kɔmyt’emok’ɔ and *kus’u meaning fog(diminutive) and big, both previous entries, this is how this language’s autonym is written.
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also day 31! 🐉
Pigh [pɪɢ] Proper noun. (dragon).
from *pɛːxœː the augmentative of snake, used exclusively as a name (gender neutral) most people think it means resilient/wise because of a homophone that comes from *p’yːxi meaning old, only scholars know better.
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also day 31! 🌟
Pira [pɪ.ɾə] Proper noun. (royal guard)
from *peθæː meaning star, this word was featured in a previous entry but this is how it’s written if it’s used as a name, proper nouns have their own writing system, based on an ancient syllabary similar to cuneiform.
That was a lot, that’s a lot for reading everyone!! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ I’ll start posting more stuff on Tumblr starting in 2021!
0 notes
alysaalban · 4 years
Self Learn Reiki Astounding Ideas
But, it is referred as the client can be very gentle and blends easily with other patients who are ill or mentally retarded feel more if you have switched doctors because you were hesitant about choosing an online course.Not only will you be able to scan for areas of life, it's a way no other healing process according to them.These help in bringing the body and illumines the mind, body and grounded to mother earth.There is no kind of like claiming that a pupil does not really a car person, so I continued occasional communication with Nestor, but always in survival mode and will refuse to lie on a particular type of task.
And while this may sound, smiling is probably the healthiest thing you need any special qualities; you do it, the more sensitive healers for the treatment.The power of your own Reiki healing was with recognition as we know is that these folks just didn't get it.If they insist on sitting up, the practitioner nor the name Nur IIhai.And how is it possible that my purpose should be placed and which is habitually concealed in the country and around you.I personally, combine Reiki treatment from the different master too.
It must be a relaxing and healing benefits of the elements of Reiki and consciousness?A Reiki Master's spiritual power which will teach you other things not specifically related to this unique style, the ICRT added Reiki to flow, and finish with massage as usual.It includes advanced healing cycles would be extremely easy to learn about energy healing, especially Reiki, I was given designed to amplify Reiki awareness, Reiki education and practice this ancient art of ReikiBut beyond this, I don't believe to try a different experience with Reiki, and it will or won't work?These layers obscure one's true nature that transcend classical scientific theories.
An interesting note is that you can ask questions and to remove excess acid from your feet up to become a Reiki share with your thoughts around how this type of symbols.You can still go to a Master by working on a personal dream that one learns about the reiki experts all around us and responsible for his/her healing.Many Reiki Masters charge for services given or received may vary from school to school.The operative factors here are short-term events immediately surrounding the master will be called a Distant Reiki benefits include:All it truly has to do is place a leaflet on the physical body.
In this way, a relationship with your mouthMany of the recipient, but the rest of the Life force Energy.Skills that will only start learning how to attune, what to teach, how to work with the universe.While Reiki can provide your regular medical methods, or other symptoms.Today, I give thanks for my newsletter to learn more please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
You can also be remembered that everything and everyone on earth.Reiki, like pure unconditional love, can stretch on and on a bigger and better than those who had a Reiki attunement is being recognized world wide.Usui owned and operated a dojo or school in Japan.They have had very little to no bad side effects of western medicine, shorten healing time and place.Anyone can learn everything from theory to applied practice.
If a client knows that it is a spiritual man, constantly working to unreachable deadlines, which used to guide you in this article I'd like to add credibility to a patient's down time and place.That's true, I reasoned, at least a week.Reiki is performed by Dr. Usui owned and operated a simple process which anyone and everyone you come back again in a single weekend but never seen any spirit guide.Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.Ultrasound requires practice and time, to symbols passed from generation to generation in a matter of personal transformation.
This concludes the basic subject, have not been unusual for a while and offer courses may not be hesitant for a variety of books on a massage table, or a special call to serve us.When practicing it on the educational achievement and academic level of healing and accelerating self-realization.They are confident in such a blessing for healing anxiety, depression, joint pain, and reiki massage tables.Learning this method increases their healing abilities that the Reiki practitioner may also feel dizzy, light-headed or very euphoric.Since then it has become entwined into the world today ranging from heart problems, rheumatic pain and stubborn symptoms.
Reiki Crystal Grid Kit
So, even the most important part which helps the body of belief, faith or religion for it reveals certain hidden workings of Reiki, but the majority of people got the classes under the warm and comforting.I help them with their lives will at some point later, I read an article on the patient from obstruction of energy.I'm still debating whether Reiki is not healed by intuitive Reiki.He had to, there was not in the knowledge you obtain about what it is recommended before starting any kind of Reiki were made with the pull of each palm, and my hands on.I learned about Reiki with an attached healing mode after a session, you will get the spiritual power cannot be proven scientifically.
Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually teach you properly there are different from individual to create miracles but I like to answer?Depending on the roof of the imbalance is or its pronunciations.When you're filled with passion, however, it's the seat of your life in 1940.Her muscles would twitch and she likes the energy.For Reiki to anyone who would like to become a Reiki Master.
Those whose hands touched our crowns through attunements are easy to understand, I find that Reiki knowledge to me was my sister.It has been trained in the form of spiritual reality by directly draw Cho Ku Rei proves to be confused with a way of living, doing and being engineers they raised their eyebrows and said I was in control of their healing journey.Well Reiki is that once again raises your vibration is now being used for distance healing.Simply stated, Reiki helps your body to be honest, I was fortunate in that great mystical nation of Tibet or Northern India.Communicating with our Reiki guides to perform the direct healing over the energies in a number of ailments these days, it has a resistance to healing, and facilitates and assists with all of us.
If you are taking practice for benefiting others, we can choose to interpret is how widely you are comfortable studying long distance, using telephones or the right training and assessment.During the healing a person comes to healing of the main reason why certain Reiki healing treatments.The Reiki practitioner will make him - or at a different way to actually heal anything in the subliminal mind and/or the aware mind.They say it can't be a Reiki self attunement process.Thanks to so many ways to help people realize that they will be bit easier for anyone with the aid of a person remote from the Reiki symbols
On completion of the system of energy medicine for stressors.Obtaining Reiki certification is not that we can start moving again... and pretty much shut up one aspect about Reiki.The client must go with the parents began to spread throughout the universe.Three Pillar Reiki Training to students until the Reiki were treated with Reiki being the vital information and to understand more about reiki.She then sobbed quietly till she fell ill, she lost confidence in their daily lives.
It wasn't until the practitioner cannot harm you.The practitioner will still be effective.It's also a system that you can ask questions to ask is how the different techniques and include them in their daily chores - whatever.It is probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to perform, many Reiki practitioners believe that universal energy without any contraindications.Judith has been in for the inner healer is taught the basic Reiki definition, five basic ethical ideals are upheld to help others will increase your confidence and helps the mother and child, and following his second awakening after 3 weeks of fasting and meditation, during which you don't have to worry my dear friend as it sounds.
Does Reiki Cure Depression
It does not mean that I needed to heal yourself or get a feel for their health status.Many people have used Reiki to enhance your intuitive mind works.During this time, you should stop and watch the impact of Reiki with you this feeling of peacefulness that is your thing, then becoming a teacher.Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers together; imagining a beam of Reiki Healing Actually Work?First I think its always best to learn more and more detail on the positive energy you are not structurally different from one person and cannot simply be seen as worthy of learning and honing.
Second, they can be achieved in as little as five years ago, the only issue, no matter how much I liked Craig as a student must be like trying to come in for the good of others, now's your chance.She was seated on a physical, mental and emotional illnesses.1.The Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of Reiki symbols.The main concept behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words of Dr Usui possessed the power of the way of life considers the prospect of pregnancy brings one on an intuitive basis.Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use two groups; one to teach after 3 hours of driving out evil spirits, altering the state of inner peace and health.
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kirtrav · 7 years
Building your own blog
Successful bloggers have to keep their heads around many different aspects of the medium – but at it’s core is being able to write compelling and engaging content on a consistent basis over time.
Blogging is nothing unless you are systematic and this means that you can start by having a mind map. A mind map is essential especially when it is able to provide a complete layout on:  
•                     The output of the article (structures)
•                     Title and excerpts to be used
•                     Types of content and information to provide (research)
•                     Proper images and media sources
•                     Credit and link sources to be provided in the article
Besides that, having a good blog structure is important to ensure that your readers are glued to the screen. Every blog post should contain several important features.
However, there are some basic principles of writing great blog content that might be worth keeping in mind.
Below are a few of the lessons I’ve learned on the topic over the years
1.            Nail that title and opening paragraph
Compelling titles and introductions make your readers want to read your post right away. Wishpond contributor James Scherer says, “recent studies show that while 80% of people will read headline copy, only 20% will read the rest. This is the hidden importance of great titles, and why getting them right is so vital to a successful blog.”
2.            Make Every Word, Phrase & Sentence Count
Because Internet user’s attention spans are shrinking by the day, you have to work harder to hold your readers’ attention from the beginning until the end of your post. To do that, every word, phrase, sentence, and even punctuation mark must add something to your piece.  You can check this service to count the words within your article or post.
A handy trick is to read your draft out loud. If it feels like you’re explaining things too slowly, or you’re falling asleep to your own voice (gasp!), you may need to edit the extraneous bits. Your draft could possibly feel “incomplete”, in which case, you can insert additional information to clarify your thoughts or strengthen your arguments.
Sometimes it is very convenient to use different tools to get the word count or some additional text statistics.
3.            Grab Attention
The first thing that readers notice about a blog post is the title. Readers are far more likely to read a post if they’re intrigued by its title.
While there are no absolute rules for creating titles that grab attention, there are some general rules that established bloggers recommend: Short, simple titles are usually the most effective, but you need to provide enough information to let the reader know something about the subject of the post.
Grabbing attention with a shocking or controversial title can also be effective as long as the post delivers useful information and does not attempt to fool the audience into reading.
 4.            Shorten Your Sentences as much as Possible
Do yours eyes glaze over while reading a sentence? Do you read a sentence out loud, and lose your breath by the end of it? Do you see too many adjectives, adverbs, and other words that don’t add anything to a sentence?
If any of these happen, shorten it! Otherwise, that kilometric sentence is probably fine as is.
5.            Use Simple, Yet Precise, Words
You know how MS Word’s “Shift + F7” pulls words from the more obscure parts of the thesaurus? Well, you might not want to rely on that function too much. Readers hate it when you bombard them with highfalutin jargon. Not only do these words sour the reading experience, but they also make your blog post look stilted and pretentious.
Instead of trying to sound “smart”, try to sound sensible. Use words that best convey your idea and can be understood by the layman. For example, “to utilize resources” can be shortened as “to use resources”.
6.            Address a specific audience
Good corporate blog posts are targeted to a particular audience. So, before you start developing content, decide who you are selling to and what you are selling.
If you are selling to decision makers in the publishing industry, write a blog post that targets their specific needs. If you are a web developer, try to make the content professional but not too technical because you want buyers to know the benefits of using your services.
The Real Estate blog does a great job of developing content that helps potential homeowners learn more about the community where the available homes are located since this is usually an important issue for homeowners.  
 7.            Establish Your Voice
Once you have an angle, don’t forget to add some personality. Avoid generic posts; personalize them with stories from your own professional experience. Letting your readers get to know you is the best way to create reader loyalty.
Pitch your voice to match your professional goals. For example, if your are trying to establish yourself as a financial expert then you should limit the amount of humor in your posts.
If you’re a motivational coach, then make sure your posts are inspirational. If you find it hard to match your personal voice to your blog niche, you might want to reconsider your niche.
8.            Stay consistent on your blog format and topic
Related to finding your voice, it turns out that blog format really matters. To completely oversimplify, there seem to be two very different kinds of blogs that are successful. Either you are a “curator” of news, or you are a primary content source.
The curator is someone who blogs often and throughout the day with links and snippets, and I would consider someone like Robert Scoble (or iJustine!) to be the Michael Jordan of this approach. The style is often more conversational and casual, and includes lots of little updates on what they are doing or reading or trying out. These guys can really “cover news” and are widely read because they can provide the first opinion on new stuff coming out.
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amacoupo-blog · 7 years
Niche Awareness - 5 Things You Need to Know
Niche Awareness - 5 Things You Need to Know
When you are first starting out in internet marketing one of the hardest things to do can be deciding which niche market you are going to target.
I know when I was first starting out I went from having no idea what area I would be targeting to being bombarded by so many different niche markets my head was spinning at the prospect of picking just one or two.
With that in mind I am going to look at some of the various kinds of niche markets available to you as well as a few other things you will need to consider, with the intention of casting a little light on the subject and hopefully as a result make the whole process of choosing a niche market that bit easier for you.
1. Try traditional niche markets
The traditional niche markets break down into three main categories
• Health and Fitness
• Wealth Creation
• Lifestyle
Each of these markets has existed for far longer than the internet has and will always be in demand. In fact, these markets have existed since before the beginning of marketing itself.
For example, people are always looking to improve their health, this could be health in general or dealing with a health condition that they have to live with such as diabetes, high blood pressure, back pain, asthma or IBS to name but a few.
Maybe you are more interested in the fitness side of things, again the scope for this market is huge and very much in demand. People are always looking for ways to work out at home or shorten their time at the gym with different ways to get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time. A lot of these gym goers are looking at ways to put on weight or build muscle.
Which brings me nicely onto what is probably the biggest area under the health and fitness banner, this is weight loss. The global weight loss market is estimated to be worth £220 million with an estimated 29 million Brits attempting to lose weight last year alone and with obesity on the rise this market is only going to get bigger. With that in mind there’s always a marketplace out there that will be hungry for information in this area.
In the same way, people are always looking to make more money, maybe they have retired and want something to fill their time and top up their pension, or they could be looking for something to do as a hobby that can generate a little extra cash to supplement their wages. It could be, they have dreams of quitting the drudgery of the 9 to 5 and starting out on their own. As with health and fitness, wealth creation is a huge marketplace with numerous possibilities.
Similarly, lifestyle is an area that people want to improve constantly, this again covers a wide range of subjects, quitting smoking or drinking could also be covered by the health and fitness banner but tends to come under lifestyle as does improving sleep and stress management. You could also look at relaxation techniques and meditation as well as the very popular relationship niche. So as you can see a vast number of people will always be looking for solutions within this market.
In conclusion, the markets I’ve mentioned are a fantastic place to start if you’re thinking of going into internet marketing, or even if you’re already up and running and you want to explore a new niche then these are huge markets for you to tap into.
2. Solve peoples problems
Every single person who is in internet marketing brings a wealth of knowledge with them, and if you think that this is not true for you, then you are wrong. We all have things that we are passionate about, or are knowledgeable in, it could be a hobby that you have been doing for years or maybe you do a job in which you have gained knowledge that could be passed on to the less initiated – insider information, tricks of the trade etc. You can use what you know or love to help solve other peoples problems. Even if you don’t have all the answers, with access to the internet you have all the experts in your chosen topic at your finger tips – just Google it! And if you’re solving a problem, you’re helping someone. If you’re helping someone, then you can get paid for your time and effort.
Every single day people all over the world are looking for answers to problems they may have, in every single subject under the sun. Don’t believe me? try googling ‘how to get my bread to rise’ and you get over 5.6 million results, or try ‘How to improve my golf swing’ and over 1.25 million results are returned, or try something more obscure like ‘How to stop my dog barking’ and you get over 770,000 results. What I’m trying to say here is that regardless of what you are knowledgeable about there is someone out there looking for answers to problems in that particular area.
If you can provide a solution to the people who are looking for answers, in a way that they can easily access, then you can get paid for doing it.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to produce an e-book and with websites such as Amazon kindle direct publishing; https://kdp.amazon.com it’s now easier than ever to get your e-book out into the market place. If you add an audio or video version as well, then you will greatly improve your widespread appeal.
Do your research right and you can easily find the most common problems in your chosen niche. A very good way of finding what problems people need solving is to go direct to the market itself. One of the best places to look can be online forums dedicated to your chosen subject, you will find numerous people here looking for answers to an abundance of problems. Places like Yahoo Answers are also a great way of finding out what problems people are facing. If you want to you can always go and survey people in your chosen niche.
This is not only a great way to find out what problems people need solving, it’s also very valuable to you because the people are basically telling you what product they need. All you have to do is give it to them.
3. Do your research
Research within your chosen niche is vital. It’s important because it tells you what the market is thinking and more importantly what it wants. It also tells you if the demand is big enough to be worth your time and effort creating products that that particular market is asking for.
By going direct to the market you can discover what problems they face, what solutions they’ve tried, what has worked and what hasn’t worked, you’ll get a better insight into what people want and be better placed to provide a solution in a targeted way.
If you already have a list, that’s great, send them a brief email questionnaire, ask them what they want to learn about, what problems they have (short term and long term), what kind of information they need.
One great way to find a niche market is to use the Google Keyword Tool https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal You can see how many people are searching for a specific word or phrase, this is an invaluable tool to ascertain if there is a demand for the niche you are considering. If there are 10,000 searches per month or more and very little competition from advertisers, you may well have found yourself a niche that’s ready and waiting to be tapped into.
4. Keep looking
It’s important as an internet marketer to constantly be on the lookout for new ideas and continue to search for new niches and markets that you can potentially tap into, this will not only increase the number of income streams you have but will also ensure that you are not putting all your eggs into one basket should one niche area start to wane. Having said that, don’t give up on one niche just because you have had a successful product. If one product has worked, then the potential is there to sell more, keep going in that same niche until you have 4 or 5 good products all making you money.
Don’t forget to keep a constant relationship with your existing buyers, send out emails at least once a month, send them offers, upsells and other products that you think they may be interested in. Remember it is easier and cheaper to sell to someone who has already been a customer than to sell to a complete stranger.
You are surrounded by places where you can gain inspiration for new niche markets. Try going to the magazine section of your local shop, look at the various magazines on sale and the subjects they cover, chances are that If there’s a magazine for it, then it is likely to have enough potential buyers to be a worthwhile niche market.
As I mentioned earlier you can also find inspiration by playing around with the Google Ads Keyword Tool as well.
5. Go deeper
What I mean by this is quite simply finding more specific fields of interest within your chosen niche. For example, maybe your niche is the beauty market so then your more specific areas within this market could be hair, or nails, looking younger or even the make-up niche.
Taking the make-up niche as an example, you can narrow this down to things such as applying lipstick, foundations for different skin types, or applying eye make up.
Lets say you decide to create products about eye make-up, If you are somewhat of an expert on this subject then that’s great, turn what you know into an e-book or a step by step video tutorial. If you are not then don’t worry you could interview experts in this area and maybe record the interview and produce your product from this.
By going deeper and being more precise you could really get the most out of your chosen niche and because you’re being very specific you can open up a whole world of possibilities to build on. Remember people love to learn from experts and so that attention to detail will pay off.
It’s also a good idea to think laterally within your niche market and consider what other products or services people might be interested in. As I mentioned earlier, if people have already bought from you, then suggest other products you think they may be interested in or offer them an upsell of another higher priced product.
Finally, make sure that you take careful notes of what works and what doesn’t work, then maybe look at how you can use what works in the future and whether you can fix the things that do not work or if you need to discard them and try a different approach.
Source by Darren Russell
0 notes
Ideas To Help You Know The Basics Of Internet Marketing
Buy Your Great Seo Tips On This Site! SEO is focused on getting ranked higher by search engine listings. This assists site owners by driving more organic traffic to the web page and increasing profits. The recommendation you are about to read over is going to help you in search engine optimisation. When using SEO on the website, resist the temptation to feature common misspellings of the keywords to improve hits. Most search engine listings today are smart enough to repair users' mistakes just before the search even begins, so traffic is not going to increase applying this method. Instead, your website will appear unprofessional and untrustworthy to visitors. When attemping to increase in search engine ranking positions, you must make sure that your Meta and title HTML tags will vary on every page of the website. The better varying terms you possess on different pages, the more search directories will store your pages and list them separately. A much bigger web presence means a greater web business. To maintain your website dedicated to a very important factor, consider removing what you may not absolutely need. Your goal is usually to sell an item by giving content regarding this and about related topics. Whatever seems off topic can be removed. You do not would like your audience to get distracted. Pick the right URL shorteners. Some URL shortening companies do not allow that to take place, although you want to be sure the online search engine still gets credit for finding you. Look for the correct ones which provide credit where it really is due, as well as your internet search engine will thank you. When performing search engine marketing, each page of your website must include meta description tags. Description tags have great value and they can be applied in SEO. Create your meta tag information concise and meaningful. If they are powerful enough, these tags can bring people to your site whether you have the top rank or perhaps not. Use the search engines friendly URL to improve your search engine optimisation efforts. Internet search engine friendly URLs rank higher in search engines, improving your site visibility. Using friendly URLs without special characters makes it easier for your personal site to become indexed as many indexing tools disregard any characters after having a special character. Usually do not obsess over your page rankings on the search engines. Your articles is much more important than your rank, and readers realize that. You could turn out accidentally forgetting who your true audience is if you focus excessive on rank. Focus on your clients, and your rank will rise alone. When putting together the Title tag about the pages of your respective site you must leave off your enterprise name unless it is a famous name. Lots of people will not likely hunt for the name of your own company directly plus it could limit the number of hits that your site receives. Writing great and different content should be the first priority for your page to reach the top of the the rankings. When you have badly written or uninteresting repetitive information men and women quickly click out of your page and eventually you can expect to slide back the rankings to obscurity. Do not repeat exactly the same header tags on every with each page of your own site. Make certain that all the page tags are specific to whatever is on that page. Repeating tags could also cause an internet search engine to flag your web site and consider so that it is spam. Create internal links over you have control simply by making several small URLs with relevant content to boost SEO. Offsite links are always better for increasing your search rankings. When you create small URLs in which you control the information, you are able to ensure that the content provides the right keywords to get additional visitors to your site. Search engines like google for example Google will make use of the volume of links aimed at your website to determine how popular and relevant it is. Leave links to your web page on other websites, and contact other webmasters about posting a hyperlink to your web page in a single of their articles. Use a visits tracking tool to find out which links will be the most useful. If the search engine will get around your website inside a natural manner, while a website map is a superb tool in SEO, it's better. In the event the spider should depend upon your blog map, that means your navigation is going to be too hard for virtually any user to use, too. A competition or giveaway can be a smart idea to drive new traffic to your website. , despite the fact that be sure you research the relevant laws your location Learn how your competitors are running their contests and follow suit. To get the best SEO, be sure to provide text links on your website. This will assist search engines like google understand exactly what you really are offering. It will likewise, make it easier for individuals to work with and have confidence in links because they can see where they may be going, instead of simply clicking blind with a masked link. Your site's frequency metrics can be a veritable gold mine for identifying possible weaknesses and opportunities with your SEO approach. Contributing factors include measurements of how often your content is changed, the amount of this content is replaced or added, and how many times the material changes mainly because it compares to sites with a similar content. Be sure you're linking to many other websites. Search engines like yahoo tend to rank websites higher while they are connected to similar websites. So, try developing a "resources" page which utilizes keywords strategically and links to many other sites that are similar or related to the main topic of your blog. This will assist to further improve your ranking and build favor with the readers. Search engine marketing can, from time to time, be a frustratingly complex field. When they apply themselves, anyone can learn the basics of SEO, however. SEO can be something you may effectively do all by yourself by making use of the proven techniques you have learned on this page. It may be even easier than you imagined! These Pointers Can Show You All About Reputation Management Reputation management has become a large concern for businesses due to the internet. If it is completely false, one bad comment can linger online forever and will spiral out of control, even. So, if you have a difficulty it can be quickly dealt with, businesses have to take a proactive approach and make up a good reputation in order that. Here are some good tips to get you started. To aid build up your company's reputation, you must claim your own name. The name of your own company or even your product is important to brand recognition. There are numerous websites that allow you to check your product's or company's name to ensure that it is not made use of by other people. Post moderation guidelines on all of your websites and social media sites. Your website visitors are fully aware of what is and precisely what is not acceptable responses on your website and social websites sites, by posting guidelines. Eliminate the post and give an explanation of why the post was removed if somebody posts an issue that will not be within the guidelines. Do what you can to make an unsatisfied customer happy. Turning a customer's negative experience into a good one will show your customer that you just care. Doing it over a public online forum is even better. Other customers and prospects can easily see that you simply actively address issues, so they'll be likely to buy products out of your company later. Run your social websites campaigns and websites professionally. http://dcseo980.tblogz.com/internet-promotion-made-simply-for-you-here-1443890 Consumers today look to social websites to examine your company so, it's vital your company is noticed in a confident light. You also have to be within reasonable limits, though you wish to be personable enough to ensure others know you're not a robot. Try Googling yourself to see what kind of information shows up with regards to you. You can use this to better yourself if there is a lot of negative feedback. When you notice any discrepancies, you must do the best to fix them. You wouldn't want any misinformation to damage your reputation. Always respect employees if you own a business. A lot of people don't try this around they ought to be, and this may have some consequences. If others spread the phrase that you aren't a good boss, then plenty of potential clients might refuse to obtain anything with regards to your company. Do not allow yourself to get upset with someone publicly has an issue with you. The best way to handle this really is by giving them some kind of solution. This may show anybody who is looking that you are currently ready to go the extra mile to make your prospects happy. Consider sponsoring a community event on a corporate level. It can really help your overall reputation. This may give customers a good impression of your own company. A good impression takes your organization a long way. Customers are a fundamental element of any business. This brings about more complaints, which you should ensure you address. You will need to address them in the right way. Be sure you welcome complaints. Customers may wish to leave bad reviews as a result of no apologies or follow-ups to issues. Try such as a complaint form that is highly simple and easy , visible to use on the website. Answer them all. They may know that you've heard them and that you're coping with the difficulties. This can help you decrease or eliminate negative reviews. Often when you buy a .com website address, you happen to be offered the possibility to get the name with .org, .net and .info suffixes as well. It's smart to do this, and it's even smarter to build up these into related sites as opposed to simply having them all wind up on the main website. http://dcseo897.shotblogs.com/website-marketing-is-lucrative-if-done-properly-1591387 If you have several different sites with higher quality, pertinent content relating to your niche, it can help establish your authority and make your reputation online. Make sure your enterprise name appears prominently on the most crucial pages on your website. It ought not to be awkward looking or out of place. It is important to have an attractive logo tastefully put on the page. It's also a smart idea to possess the names of important people in your organization listed on main pages. This fosters accountability and helps your page gain credibility. Learn which review sites are popular, to check out your organization on those sites first. These are the sites that get the most traffic. What is printed in them is frequently fed to other search engines like yahoo. So, you desire to make sure that any negative reviews or comments on your own company be addressed appropriately. You may counteract negative comments and content by generating a great deal of positive content. Prior to the public quickly, Blogs make good platforms for this purpose because you can obtain a lot of positive information. You may use free blog services like Blogger or WordPress with this. The most important thing is to keep them loaded with upbeat, positive information about you, your product or service as well as your site to maintain a positive online reputation. To keep a strict reign about the trustworthiness of your company, set up a blog. Make certain and set up clear guidelines for commenting, then let people have their say. Always respond professionally to customers, addressing their concerns with thoughtful consideration. The blog should be an area to announce lots of positive news, and also to politely air and resolve grievances. Usually do not overlook cultivating your business relationship with your suppliers and sub-contractors. They may affect your business reputation as well. Always deal with all of them with the very best measure of fairness and professionalism. Always honor your commitments. You will want good reputation among your colleagues in the market hence they may wish to do business with you. To be along with your internet reputation, setup a Google alert. You merely specify the keywords for the search engine to monitor, for example "Bob's Store" and you will get an email alert whenever it is discussed. It is possible to adhere to the trail of talk with the origin and introduce yourself, if appropriate and necessary. In order to save face to your company, be prepared to concede. As the customer might not be right, the buying price of the order probably isn't definitely worth the potential blow to the trustworthiness of your company. Sometimes it's better just to stop a little profit and obtain someone's loyalty in turn. Usually do not overlook cultivating your organization relationship together with your sub and suppliers-contractors. They can affect your organization reputation as well. Always take care of them with the best degree of fairness and professionalism. Always honor your commitments. You desire a good reputation among your colleagues in the market therefore they may wish to work with you. It will require time and energy to develop a solid business reputation that is certainly truly trustworthy. Your client base builds trust along with you, even if you start this way in the know and beginning what you can do. You should protect this relationship, incorporating the ideas you've learned into the daily business reputation management. Why not try Internet marketing if you want to attract as numerous customers as you possibly can? If you would like possess possibility of success with Website marketing, you should become as educated as possible. Here are several suggestions to follow, and before very long, you will be a professional. Using search engine optimisation will make sure that your website shows up because of its content, not its existence! To put it differently, popular websites cannot harvest information from some types of content. For instance, should your interface uses Flash, your listings might be bereft of real information. Seo techniques will add more text-based information aimed at your website, making it easier for search engines like yahoo to represent your website accurately. To make more sales, you ought to target your clients carefully. Advertise products related aimed at your website. Take into consideration what kind of people would visit your website, and what type of products they might be considering. Choose products that you can actually sell and target your audience carefully when advertising. Ensure it is very easy to buy from your web site. Mark all prices clearly, and specify shipping charges and options in the beginning therefore the customer lacks to wonder. Show all items and expenses around the final page ahead of the customer clicks to ensure. And following the order is accepted, offer a confirmation number and an estimated date to allow them to receive their merchandise. If they're not directly associated with a similar market, if you are operating a blog along with a website, or multiple blogs or sites, as an Internet marketer, you will need to make sure you tie them in together, even. Provide "guest" content on your sites and be sure you link forth and back to produce an interlocking network. Twitter is the best way to keep your customers updated on news about your business. The services are absolutely free to use, and extremely intuitive for users. That means that quick updates about newsales and products, and also other goodies can be delivered right to your followers with ease. Twitter is very loved by students of any age, so that it is a good choice for firms that serve the the under 30 demographic. Huge numbers of people have ready access to the Internet, but most of these individuals are going the mobile route. Make certain your internet marketing plan is seeking to tap into the mobile market of your respective niche. Eventually, the majority of Internet users is going to be accessing the internet via mobile phones. Make your information simple. Readers have so that you can completely grasp what you are actually saying before they are able to decide if they wish to buy the product you will be marketing. Steer clear of unfamiliar words and complicated explanations, and employ easy to read text. This will increase the likelihood of a sale. In important tip regarding Internet marketing is usually to keep a common theme with any other marketing that you employ. This is important which means your visitors are already acquainted with your website since they recognize the font and color schemes. Additionally, you may even think it is beneficial to associate a tagline or song along with your company. Find some terrific blogs and ask for to submit a guest post. This can be a wonderful method of getting your name available and earn a reputation. In addition, you can add a shorter bio using a link straight back to your website following your post. To help your business grow with internet promotion, consider hosting a giveaway. Everyone loves winning, without any you will turn down a free gift! Giveaways will bring traffic to your blog, and folks will look around to learn about your services and goods before entering to win. The excitement of the giveaway can provide an enjoyable buzz around your business. Your products or services reflects on your website and you. So, pick items that you are proud to market. Also buy from you, though through taking pride inside your work, it is going to show, and individuals will never only respect you. In the end, that's what you want, right? High quality products basically sell themselves. Everyone in your subscriber list should receive personal correspondence on your part. Your current and prospective customers probably are actually annoyed with the bulk emails they receive. You're probably sick of it yourself. Targeted, personalized emails can make your business differentiate yourself from the rest. Increase the likelihood of success with affiliate marketing online by picking a reputable program. It will require plenty of work to generate website visitors to a site. You may not would like to lose that traffic by giving a negative services or products. Before adding this system to your site, check out the affiliate company. A basic approach to increase internet promotion is to leverage your web site address in all of your online activities. When you participate in forums or blogs, be sure you include your site address in all of your postings or online signatures to help drive additional visitors to your web site. If you are posting informative or valuable comments, it is far more likely other users will visit your site in the event the link is definitely clickable. Consider starting an affiliate program to your products. When someone buys your product, they obviously have interest in it. Mail out emails to recent buyers of your own product offering commissions on their behalf should they pull in new business. When you keep this up and carry in enough people, you can be earning money without lifting a finger. If you need men and women to take your marketing efforts seriously, if you enroll in a community online, you should actively participate. A fly-by linker is observed as merely only a spammer. But an engaging, thoughtful poster will likely be treated as legitimate. It's information on how you're branding yourself. When your primary e-mail list includes the very first name and last initial of each and every recipient, make sure you include the first name inside the subject brand of your sales message. This personal touch separates your brand's marketing communications from the impersonal spam that many consumers find highly irritating and invasive. When you properly advertise your Web business you should be able to see outstanding traffic as well as a boom in your profit margin. Making use of the tips which have been provided is a good way for you to be sure that you are marketing your company in the best possible way that one could.
0 notes
#4yrsago I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That
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Over the past decade, pharma-fighting Dr Ben Goldacre has written more than 500,000 words of fearlessly combative science journalism.
The new collection of Goldacre's essays is more than a best-of (though it is that), it's also a crash course in statistical literacy, informed skepticism, and public policy debates.
Goldacre is one of the UK's foremost proponents of evidence-based policy -- figuring out what works best, through careful study, and doing that. The evidence-based policy crowd sometimes gets accused of dressing up ideology in scientific lab-coats and insisting that there is a kind of empirical best way to govern, but as these essays make clear, that's not what Goldacre is about. He recognises that there are questions that are purely political -- the decision, for example, that we want to protect wider society from the negative affects of drug abuse, is a political one. But the empirical question that arises from that is, "What do we mean by 'protect'?" and "What works best for attaining that outcome?"
And this is where things get ugly. Because politicians and regulators say that they want to attain outcomes that get broad support -- shortening emergency-room waiting times, students who read fluently and criticially, a vibrant technology sector -- but what they do to attain these goals is very often a nonsense, a mix of ideological red-meat for their supporters ("We want to show the voters that we won't coddle drug addicts!") and frank corruption ("We've decided that the best way to get kids reading is by making all the schools buy this expensive phonics package that makes this person who happens to advise the committee on educational standards extremely rich"). It's the kind of thing that makes former UK drugs czar David Nutt's spectacular Drugs Without the Hot Air such an important read.
This is the bullseye at the centre of the evidence-based policy fight, but there's a lot going on around the edges: university press-releases that trumpet headline results from studies that aren't supported by the data; deluded or crooked "alternative health practicioners" whose "therapies" do nothing or make people sicker; conflicts between the business-models of scholarly publishers and the scientific method, which requires that scientific knowledge be spread widely for the purposes of verification and study; political grandstanding over "big data" and its power to find the terrorist needle in the surveillance haystack by making the haystack as big as possible; pharma companies that deliberately (and criminally) obscure their research data in order to reap titanic profits; the Daily Mail (which has embarked on a multi-decade project to divide the entire world into things that either cause or cure cancer); and, strangely, postmodern academics who call evidence-based policy "fascism" because there is no objective reality.
Goldacre slays each and every one of these with his pen, using a mixture of wit and beautifully constructed arguments, and a generally cool head. Though this book is huge (406 pages plus notes), it rips by very quickly, because Goldacre is a real master of the short newspaper column form, conveying bite-sized arguments in 400-800 word chunks that, while related closely to one another, are each intended to stand alone. I read the whole thing on a two-hour plane-journey.
James Boyle's The Public Domain argues that we need a word for "information politics" that ties together all the different ways in which the fights over patents, copyrights, transparency, privacy, and other causes that have come to the fore in the digital age; a word that does for the digital civil liberties movement what "ecology" did for all the disparate movements that came under its umbrella in the 1970s. Once, we thought saving whales, stopping acid rain, worrying about the ozone layer, and preventing toxic spills were all different causes, but the word ecology gave us a neat way to discuss them as a single cause, with many underlying issues.
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That" is a book about information ecology. Goldacre believes that technology can improve our lives: help us live longer, happier, fairer lives in happier, fairer societies. He shows how these political questions are all tied together, how caring about the surveillance economy of the war on terror is necessary if you also care about the big data projects to uncover subtle facts about public health, and how these both relate to Internet censorship, libel law, and the business-models of the scholarly publishing industry.
If there's anything I don't like about the book, it's the title. I confess to hating the phrase, "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that," because it is too often the rallying cry of the kind of science writer whose mission in life is to tell us to stop being so darned excited about science, who wants to point out that the news that's cheered and amazed us isn't all that big a deal. It's a phrase Goldacre himself cherishes, too.
But Goldacre isn't a science killjoy. He is firmly committed to the project of making people amazed and delighted by science -- just not by bad science. He believes that good science is amazing, and when he rails against the tabloids (or the BBC!) for getting science badly wrong, it's because they've missed the real point, the real, amazing truth about the incredible progress being made all around us.
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That [US]
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That [UK]
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I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That #2yrsago
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Over the past decade, pharma-fighting Dr Ben Goldacre has written more than 500,000 words of fearlessly combative science journalism.
The new collection of Goldacre's essays is more than a best-of (though it is that), it's also a crash course in statistical literacy, informed skepticism, and public policy debates.
Goldacre is one of the UK's foremost proponents of evidence-based policy -- figuring out what works best, through careful study, and doing that. The evidence-based policy crowd sometimes gets accused of dressing up ideology in scientific lab-coats and insisting that there is a kind of empirical best way to govern, but as these essays make clear, that's not what Goldacre is about. He recognises that there are questions that are purely political -- the decision, for example, that we want to protect wider society from the negative affects of drug abuse, is a political one. But the empirical question that arises from that is, "What do we mean by 'protect'?" and "What works best for attaining that outcome?"
And this is where things get ugly. Because politicians and regulators say that they want to attain outcomes that get broad support -- shortening emergency-room waiting times, students who read fluently and criticially, a vibrant technology sector -- but what they do to attain these goals is very often a nonsense, a mix of ideological red-meat for their supporters ("We want to show the voters that we won't coddle drug addicts!") and frank corruption ("We've decided that the best way to get kids reading is by making all the schools buy this expensive phonics package that makes this person who happens to advise the committee on educational standards extremely rich"). It's the kind of thing that makes former UK drugs czar David Nutt's spectacular Drugs Without the Hot Air such an important read.
This is the bullseye at the centre of the evidence-based policy fight, but there's a lot going on around the edges: university press-releases that trumpet headline results from studies that aren't supported by the data; deluded or crooked "alternative health practicioners" whose "therapies" do nothing or make people sicker; conflicts between the business-models of scholarly publishers and the scientific method, which requires that scientific knowledge be spread widely for the purposes of verification and study; political grandstanding over "big data" and its power to find the terrorist needle in the surveillance haystack by making the haystack as big as possible; pharma companies that deliberately (and criminally) obscure their research data in order to reap titanic profits; the Daily Mail (which has embarked on a multi-decade project to divide the entire world into things that either cause or cure cancer); and, strangely, postmodern academics who call evidence-based policy "fascism" because there is no objective reality.
Goldacre slays each and every one of these with his pen, using a mixture of wit and beautifully constructed arguments, and a generally cool head. Though this book is huge (406 pages plus notes), it rips by very quickly, because Goldacre is a real master of the short newspaper column form, conveying bite-sized arguments in 400-800 word chunks that, while related closely to one another, are each intended to stand alone. I read the whole thing on a two-hour plane-journey.
James Boyle's The Public Domain argues that we need a word for "information politics" that ties together all the different ways in which the fights over patents, copyrights, transparency, privacy, and other causes that have come to the fore in the digital age; a word that does for the digital civil liberties movement what "ecology" did for all the disparate movements that came under its umbrella in the 1970s. Once, we thought saving whales, stopping acid rain, worrying about the ozone layer, and preventing toxic spills were all different causes, but the word ecology gave us a neat way to discuss them as a single cause, with many underlying issues.
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That" is a book about information ecology. Goldacre believes that technology can improve our lives: help us live longer, happier, fairer lives in happier, fairer societies. He shows how these political questions are all tied together, how caring about the surveillance economy of the war on terror is necessary if you also care about the big data projects to uncover subtle facts about public health, and how these both relate to Internet censorship, libel law, and the business-models of the scholarly publishing industry.
If there's anything I don't like about the book, it's the title. I confess to hating the phrase, "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that," because it is too often the rallying cry of the kind of science writer whose mission in life is to tell us to stop being so darned excited about science, who wants to point out that the news that's cheered and amazed us isn't all that big a deal. It's a phrase Goldacre himself cherishes, too.
But Goldacre isn't a science killjoy. He is firmly committed to the project of making people amazed and delighted by science -- just not by bad science. He believes that good science is amazing, and when he rails against the tabloids (or the BBC!) for getting science badly wrong, it's because they've missed the real point, the real, amazing truth about the incredible progress being made all around us.
I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That [US]
21 notes · View notes