#Smog Test in Apple Valley
momsmog-blog · 2 years
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A/n: The art above gets credited to @coconut-mocha. I hope you guys enjoy the newest chapter!
Tags <3 : @awkwardspontaneity
Chapter 2  ~  Chapter 1
Chapter 3 - The Archer
After the events of Vah Ruta, the scientists took their sweet time heading back to the Royal Lab. The soupy and humid air of mid-summer soaked Alyss’s body with sweat as they rode their horses gently down the twisting roads of the surrounding mountains. The whole journey out of Zora’s Domain, Alyss had been quiet. Robbie had tried to talk to her, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything that would ease his nerves. She knew this upset him. She knew this was childish and she should just talk to him, but she was scared. 
Her silence had forced a heavy fog of uneasy tension down upon the entire group making the air feel even more suffocating. Passing through the Tabahl Woods, the group could see, every now and then, through the gaps in the tree canopy a tall, slender tower glowing a bright orange. The sight was enough to make everyone veer off the path and make a beeline for the enormous piece of Ancient Sheikah Technology. 
The forest was not large and it was very easy for the group to get out of. The company dismounted their horses and tied them to tree trunks nearby. With a few apples given and pets to the horses heads, eventually everyone was facing the deep decline of the nearby valley. As they turned to convene with one another about the best way to go about heading to the tower, Link walked up to the group and put a singular finger up to his lips in a signal to be quiet. The group quieted down quickly. Each person listened as well as they could only to hear a deep snoring noise coming from the direction they needed to travel.
“A Hinox? Here?” Impa whispered looking at Link who shrugged and pulled out his sword. This made Impa freak out a little for the chaotic Knight’s safety. Grabbing his arm she pulled him back and gave him a hard stare before turning to the Princess who had her hand on her chin deep in thought. “Princess, if we follow the path we can approach from the other side. A hoard of Lizalfos and Bokoblins would be better than a Hinox.”
“Nonsense,” Alyss spoke up from where she stood rubbing her hand down her horse’s face. “A Hinox is tall and strong, sure, but there’s only one of him. There’s six of us.” She turned to look at the three people contemplating what to do. Impa’s face was one of contemplation while Link and Zelda stood listening to Alyss’s thoughts. “A Hinox is stupid and we could easily confuse it long enough for Link to take the giant down.” 
“I hate to say it, but I agree,” Robbie spoke, causing Alyss’s thoughts to swirl with every possible meaning to that sentence. What did he mean he hated to admit it? Did he find her stupid or worthless to the group? A moment later she managed to convince herself to put it on the back burner and think about it later as to better focus on the situation at hand.
Princess Zelda nodded to Link who motioned for everyone to gather close to him as he went through the plan he had come up with in his head. “Robbie, I want you to the right of it. Purah and Impa behind it, and Alyss to it’s left. No matter what you do, you have to keep him turning to thoroughly confuse him.” When he looked to the others for confirmation that they understood the plan he laid out, he saw the three staring at him dumbfounded.
“Oh Linky, your voice is so ADORABLE~!!’ Purah cried out, grabbing Link and pulling him into a tight embrace. The good feelings anyone had at the sound of Link’s voice left with each heavy step that they heard rushing towards them. “Sorry,” Purah whispered, realizing that her loud outburst just then had caused the Hinox to wake from it’s deep slumber.
“Purah, let Link go,” Impa cried out forcing Purah to release Link from her death grip of a hug. She watched as Princess Zelda grabbed the Sheikah Slate and searched it for anything that could possibly help while the other group members jumped into action. 
“Hey, over here you big freak,” Alyss called out, picking up a small rock from nearby and lunging as hard as she could at the Hinox’s bald head. She whispered a slightly panicked curse as the Hinox turned around and focused it’s large, hideous yellow eye on her. She quickly realized she didn’t have any sort of weapon to defend herself with as her smog could possibly take out her teammates. Her eyes widened slightly as she turned quickly on her heel and focused on just dodging and throwing rocks as best she could. While she played tag with the gigantic monster, Link did his best to swing his sword where he could to bring the monstrous beast down. 
Not long into their game of tag, Alyss was backed up against a nearby cliff wall watching this black Hinox rear back it’s bulky arms. She closed her eyes quickly, preparing for the crushing feeling of it grabbing her in it’s fat hands, but it never came. She opened her eyes with a certain fear and caution that came with a near death experience only to see Link in front of her breathing heavily, his sword buried deep within the wet, jaundiced tissue of the Hinox’s eye. Alyss watched in shock as Link removed his sword, causing the large monster to fall on it’s backside and hold it’s eye, kicking its feet like a small toddler throwing a tantrum. This presented the best opportunity for Link to jump onto the Hinox’s knee and slit its throat, ending it’s sad existence for good. 
Alyss sank to her knees, her eyes wide with the shock that continued to ravage her body. If Link had not showed up when he did, Alyss would have been crushed. This was the deciding factor that made her realize she needed to learn to defend herself in case, Hylia forbid, nobody’s there to help her. As the large beast fell to the ground, Link slid down it’s belly and back to the ground in front of Alyss. He extended a hand to her, which she gladly accepted, and pulled her up to a standing position. He was about to walk away when she reached out to stop him, “wait, Link.” 
This not only caught the attention of Link but also a certain rebellious scientist. One turned around because his name was called while the other one eavesdropped on the conversation while procuring certain Hinox parts to make into future elixirs or experiments.
Alyss dropped her hand and picked herself back up straight mustering up any sort of self-respect she could still find. “Will you teach me how to properly fight?” Alyss’s eyes followed Link as he turned back to the Hinox lying on the ground. Confused as to what he was doing, she waited with baited breath as he climbed the monster’s body and made his way to its neck where he leaned over and cut loose a royal broadsword. Making his way back to Alyss, he placed the royal broadsword on the ground and grabbed her arm so he could show her how to hold his soldier’s shield properly. This was the most interaction Alyss had ever had with Link and his proximity to her made a small blush form on her face which was not missed by Robbie. Link picked up the royal broadsword and carefully used his hands to wrap around her own on the hilt in the proper form, unknowingly making the jealous scientist follow the others up the small foothill.
Robbie could feel his head swimming with angry thoughts, but he had been trying to push everything down into an imaginary bottle. His jealousy from her interacting with other people was childish and she was an adult. She could do whatever she pleased and obviously talking to him about what was going on between them was not something she wanted to do. Why should he waste his time when there is a gigantic piece of brand new Ancient technology he was dying to get his hands on standing literally a hundred feet away? 
“Shouldn’t we follow them?” Alyss asked as she watched Robbie quickly catch up to the others who had started to scale the foothill to the tower. She caught out of the corner of her eyes Link shaking his head no. He reached behind him to grab his own knight’s broadsword, his bright blue eyes never leaving his opponent. He watched as her purple eyes left him and followed the rest of the group up the mountain. Taking this opportunity, Link swung his sword at Alyss - unknowingly to her - testing her reflexes. It was sloppy, but Alyss barely managed to block the sharp sword with her own, however Link’s strength quickly overcame her own and he sent her flying backwards, the sword flying out of her hand. 
He walked over to her and held out his hand in a gesture of friendship pulling her to her feet when she took it. Alyss turned to pick up her sword, but stopped dead in her tracks when she felt the sharp blade of Link’s sword against her throat. He had a small smile on his face as his surprisingly light voice broke the silence, “First rule of sword fighting, never turn your back on your enemy.”
 Alyss swallowed thickly as she realized he wasn’t going to go easy on her at all. Quickly she picked up her sword, and held up her shield prepared for another attack, but all she received was Link moving forward and gently kicking her feet to the proper stance with his own. As he held up his own sword, Alyss prepared for anything he would throw at her. 
Princess Zelda and the others had reached the base of the tower by the time the sound of sparring had reached their ears. Turning to witness Alyss’s struggle, Zelda giggled. “Link sure isn’t going easy on her is he?” She asked no one in particular, watching as Link swung hard to Alyss’s right and sent her stumbling backwards connecting his sword with her shield. 
Purah and Impa stepped forward to witness Alyss try to slice at Link’s midriff but was gracefully avoided by Link who countered with his own relentless slashes. “Linky sure takes his job seriously. There’s no wonder why the King made him your appointed Knight Princess.” Purah mentioned before turning back to the tower. “Don’t you find it strange though?” 
The Princess turned to watch Purah walk back to the tower and run her hand along the copious amounts of holes littering the entire tower. Looking up she saw the platforms on each side alternating as it rose to the sky leading up to a flat area with a point. 
“Alyss shows up and not long after we discover our first Divine Beast. Nobody is able to do anything with this Divine Beast but Alyss is able to - not only activate it - but talk to it as well? It’s just strange.” Purah stood next to Robbie at this point who was trying to fit his hand through a hole long enough to feel the middle of the tower. 
“Maybe there’s something we missed?” Impa asked, turning to the Princess who was once again focused on the mysterious Sheikah. 
Zelda hummed in response. “I’m sure we will figure it out with time, but in the meantime we should focus on these towers that have popped up. Why don’t we try to climb it and see what we find?” 
The Lanayru tower was the only tower the group came across on their way back to Hyrule Castle, but it wasn’t the last tower they saw standing high in different parts of Hyrule's skyline. Purah wasn’t able to readily access the information she got from the tower and she was itching to get back to the Royal Tech Lab and plug the Sheikah Slate into the Guidance Stone to figure it out. On the last night of their journey back home the group had decided to stay a night at the Castle by the Princess’s request. Alyss sat on the bed in the guest room of the castle she was put in. The uncomfortable atmosphere of the Castle was nothing compared to the uncomfortable thoughts plaguing her mind. 
After a good bit of pacing her room and convincing herself to not be a total wuss, Alyss grabbed her long, hooded robe and headed out into the chilly Castle halls. It didn’t take long at all to arrive at the large wooden door of Robbie’s guest quarters. Alyss lifted her fist up to knock but as she let her thoughts roam free she chickened out and lowered it. Mentally kicking herself to grow a pair, she gripped the bottom of her forearm and lifted it as though it was another person’s arm. All she could muster was a couple small knocks which was all that was needed. It didn’t take long before she heard rustling behind the door of his bedroom. She felt her heart start to race at the inevitability of explaining herself to him, but all thoughts escaped her mind at the sight she saw when he swung his door open.
Robbie stood there sort of slumped over, one arm on the door frame for support. He was definitely in disarray, Alyss could tell this much. She’s seen the same look on him when he would go days without so much as a single wink of sleep due to his research, or the one time he corrected Purah and she put him through the wringer for a couple days. He was Alyss’s best friend and she cared for him immensely, so to think she caused him to feel this pain made her heart shatter into two. His crimson eyes locked with Alyss’s as he silently questioned her why she was standing outside his bedroom door this hour of the night.
“G-good evening, I-” she stammered trying to find some way to break the awkwardness, but she was quickly cut off by an irritated Robbie. 
“What’s up Alyss?”
She was a little thrown off by his curt attitude, but it wasn't anything new. He had been standoffish and sort of short for a few days now and she completely understood why that was. As she grasped at her chest trying to gather the courage to ask him to invite her in, her robe wadded in her fist. “Can we talk?”
Robbie furrowed his eyebrows and stepped aside, motioning with his hand for her to come in. The large, wooden door made a soft click as he swung it closed. Turning to stare at the clearly nervous woman, he rubbed his face and eyes with the bottom of the palms of his hands. He felt bad for her, but he couldn’t shake the feelings of the past week. She had been clearly ignoring him, and every attempt he made to talk to her up until now had failed,  so why talk to him all of a sudden? “It’s late, what do you need?” He asked, trying not to be a complete dick. He still majorly cared for this woman, but he felt like he needed a small break from everything. 
Alyss stared out of the window and sighed. She shed the heavy robe and draped it over the desk chair as she racked her brain for the proper way to say what she had to say. “I’m sorry,” she started refusing to meet his eyes. She knew she had hurt him and how often he had been there for her, but - even though she deserved it - the possibility of him rejecting her apology wasn’t something she thought she could handle. She played with the thin dress the Princess had let her borrow for the night as she listened to his feet shuffling back towards his bed. She allowed herself to look over only briefly to see that he was still paying attention before continuing hesitantly. “I… I have a lot of issues…” She picked her hands up and held them out in front of her. They were shaking just as bad as they shook that night in the horse stable. Tucking them under her arms, by her sides, she continued, “I’ve been avoiding you and I can explain why, I-” 
“Robbie,” Purah knocked on the door before opening it. “I think I’ve figured something out! I’ve been going over the Sheikah Slate and I found something on here that looks like a map. I think when Alyss touched the Sheikah Slate it had something to do with all those towers popping up around Hyrule! I-” Purah stopped her rant when she finally looked up to see Alyss in her thin nightgown and Robbie sitting on his bed. The air in the room screamed tense, but Purah smirked reading it as a different form of tense. “My, my~ what’s going on here?” 
“Nothing,” Robbie answered with a shrug. Standing up he walked over to the eccentric scientist and grabbed the Sheikah Slate from her hands. Looking at the screen he tried not to notice the tears forming in Alyss’s eyes or the way she put on her robe and bolted out the door. Shortly after she left, he felt a wave of misery wash over him forcing him to give Purah the Sheikah Slate back and saunter over to his desk. 
Purah watched as he placed his head in his hands. “Hey, Robbie, if you need to go after her I won’t stop you. She seemed pretty upset,” she commented, twisting the Sheikah Slate in her hands. 
“No thanks.”
The sheikah woman placed her hands on her hips and leaned over slightly, eyeing his slumped over back down, “Robbie this isn’t like you. What happened to the rebel I grew up with? The one who would chase down the girl who was upset no matter the elder’s opinions or what your parents said?” She saw him rub his eyes and start tapping his foot, but she was determined to get her point across. “Or, how about the young man who would take a sad maiden and show her the intricacies of some sort of machine just to get her mind off of whatever was bothering her?” 
“Purah, please,” he begged. 
Her heart dropped. She has never seen the man she considered closer than her own flesh and blood so visibly upset by something. Nothing she could possibly say or do could make things any better and it killed her inside. “Ok… well, if you need anything…” 
Robbie nodded, not moving from his desk. He needed some time to figure things out in his own head before he could manage to even talk to Alyss. 
As that conversation went down, Alyss wandered the guest halls of the castle wiping away stray tears every now and then. She was trying to find someway out of this accursed place, but was having no luck. The more hallways she turned down, the more lost she became. Cursing to herself, she was forced to backtrack a little before eventually she came across a wide double door. Silently thanking Hylia she pushed the heavy doors open only to be led to a shut-in courtyard where a few guards were sparring with one another. Groaning loudly, Alyss turned and punched the nearest wooden post she could find. Her pain turned to anger in order to mask the true feelings inside and it just so happened that the wooden post was the unfortunate victim.
“Well, well, seems like you have quite the temper on you,” a man's voice spoke from behind her. 
Alyss narrowed her eyes and took a couple of slow breaths to steady her shaking. “I apologize, tell the King I will fix it in the morning.” She stood up to walk back inside, when a scoff stopped her in her tracks. She turned to see a bird about her height standing there with one wing on his hip and the other grasping a training bow.
“You seem surprised,” he mocked as he straightened up, managing to gain an inch to look down at her. “Yes, it’s not everyday you come face to face with the greatest archer in all of the Rito,” he vainly said, ignoring the dead panned expression on Alyss’s face as he lifted his wing up and back down dramatically. 
“Well… bye,” she flatly stated, turning back around. 
“Wait,” he quickly spoke. “It’s extremely late, what brings you out here? Surely it wasn’t to gawk at my excellent technique.”
Alyss turned, her tired eyes connecting with his. Upon better inspection he could tell that she had been crying about something. He might be pompous but he wasn’t an ass, especially to strangers who didn’t deserve it. “Are you OK?” he asked, putting his bow down on a nearby weapon rack and motioning for her to join him at a table for, what looked like, tea. 
Accepting it thankfully, she held the cup in her tiny hands, the slight prickling of her skin dissipating as her anger melted into the warm, soothing tea in her hands. “It’s nothing really,” she said quietly. 
“Come now, nothing doesn’t make you obliterate a solid wooden post,” he chuckled. 
Alyss looked back up at him and sighed. She was frustrated and this stranger seemed to want to talk unlike someone she knew. Running a hand down her face and resting it in her palm, she sighed. “Fine. There’s somebody who has been the only person who has bothered to give a shit about my shitty problems since I woke up, and I’ve pushed him away.” Growling at herself, she continued, “Hylia gave me someone to connect to for the first time in ten thousand years and I fuck it up.” She laughed at herself in disgust as the Rito stared at her from across the table. 
“Obvious question about your age aside, have you considered apologizing?” He asked, taking another sip of his tea.
Alyss deadpanned and stared at him. Sarcastically she bit back, “oh Hylia, thank you!” She cried out, “an apology! The answer was so simple, how did I not think of it?” To drive her point home, Alyss groaned in exasperation and forcibly slammed her face into the palm of her hand, executing a look of utter disgust when she moved her hand away to look back up.
The Rito raised an eyebrow at her and tsked, “you know, this attitude isn’t befitting of someone who’s trying to make amends with another person.”
Alyss sighed, her inner fury was starting to make her skin boil and the hooded robe she was wearing was quickly aggravating her. “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take up your time, um…” 
“Revali,” he answered her silent question, “and you aren’t taking up my time. I’ll leave when I feel like it.”
Alyss looked up at him for a brief second before turning her attention to the inside of her cup, “Revali, I’m Alyss. My story is a long one, but I have tried to apologize. He just doesn't seem to care to hear it.”
Revali sighed and walked over to grab the bow he was using. “Well, if I were you, I would give him some space. Maybe it would do you both some good, but from what I’ve seen in the brief conversation we’ve had together you need to control your temper.”
Alyss stood and watched as he unleashed a flurry of arrows upon the different targets around the range. She furrowed her brows and threw her hands to her hips, “hey, I have my reasonings! If you were buried by your family for ten thousand years how would you feel?” She watched Revali push his wings to the ground. He seemed to be ignoring her words which was frustrating to her, but the small gust of wind that accumulated under his wings made her gasp and stand there in curiosity. 
Revali waited for the perfect moment as the whirlwind underneath him gathered. He could feel the warm air around him causing the sweat adorning his dark blue feathers to chill. Ignoring this sensation he pushed off the ground into the whirlwind with a shout. He knew the woman’s eyes were on him, but his focus was solely on pushing further into the whirlwind. He was about to soar higher into the air when he heard her voice shout out to him.
“Hey, I was asking you a question! You can't just ignore me!”
He felt his concentration slip along with his grasp on the newly formulated move. This lack in concentration caused the tips of his right wing to leave the eye of the whirlwind. He looked back at it and panicked as the tornado grabbed a hold of his wing and turned him around before throwing him hard into the wall of the castle. His body ragdolled after the initial collision and slammed to the ground. 
Alyss shouted out his name and ran to his body. Falling to her knees she watched as a couple of guards who witnessed the entire interaction assessed his body for damages. When they got to his wing, Alyss cringed at the loud hiss he let out. “Revali, I-”
“Save it,” he spat out pulling himself up with his other wing, cradling the hurt one to his chest. He was beyond angry. In his fury, he turned to Alyss, “If I can’t participate in the Archery competition tomorrow I will personally see to it that you never so much as step FOOT into the Rito Village,” he growled. “I am the PRIDE of the Rito! I am the reigning champion in these archery contests and YOU,” he pointed a large, feathered finger into her enraged face before pausing and trying to calm himself down. Covering his eyes he continued, “You must have the brains of a Bokoblin if you can’t see when someone is trying to focus on what they’re doing. Maybe this man you consider a friend is better off not dealing with you at all since it seems you’re so lost in yourself you hurt everyone around you.” 
Alyss stood up quickly and puffed out her chest. Her hooded robe was discarded as her anger became too much to handle. The words from the Rito had left her wounded, but she knew they had some truth to them. Her conflicting feelings fought within her, crashing over her heart like waves but expressing themselves on the outside of her body as a tranquil peace. In this tranquil anger, her feet left the ground and purple smog cascaded from every pore in her body to create a barrier around her newly formed scales. She watched the Rito’s emerald eyes turn to confusion at her state, but he didn’t get to give her much more than a look before she was floating high into the sky leaving smog flowing behind her.
Her state of mind was no more. She barely registered her arms and legs elongating into crooked limbs. Her fingers merged and formed into three extremely talons that shone in an ominous light along with the smog surrounding her body. The dress she borrowed from the Princess was torn to shreds as her scales grew to full size, and what wasn't ripped disintegrated off her body from the sheer toxicity of the smog. Her hair elongated to cover her body and form glowing horns at the top of her head. She looked something straight out of legend to anyone who witnessed her in the sky. She would be an unknown fear to some while others would reference her beauty to that of a Divine Dragon. 
             While her mind was blank to anything happening around her, she still had enough inner awareness to use her enhanced eyesight to focus on one thing. Off in the distance, she saw an old friend perched followed by rhythmic beeping. ‘Vah Naboris,’ she thought blankly as she started to float towards the Gerudo Desert.
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momsmog-blog · 2 years
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