#Smearframe boi
some-mari-thoughts · 1 year
Ayo brothah, ur doodles r top tier content brothah
AYO!! sjgdjas TYSM and i sweaarrrrrr i have seen you somewhere but my brain is giving me no precise nods to where so either you are an active asker for my fave creators or i did encounter your art before :O
or you are a semifrequent face in my notes and if so i apologise ^^;
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also tysmmm and now that im at pc guess what >:]
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I can share my sillyness that stops me from destroying things btw @ecstaticmari is the brain behind Hiyo (but hiyogun event is mostly mine)
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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Art for my Roman Survives Neo Dies AU (the bg is kind of just slapped on lol)
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