#Sieralon Headcanon
sieralon · 5 years
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Meanwhile, In Skyrim...
His face is just slightly too feminine, but this will do for now. He’s about as tall as your average Nord (5′9″ to be exact) but is scrawny and looks like he has quite a bit of growing left to do.
Which he does. :P
Also he was kidnapped by bandits and saved by a scruffy, blind wolf named... well, Scruffy. I didn’t get a screenshot before the game crashed but it was heartwarming. 
The Fates That Be demand that he have a canine companion it seems, lol
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sieralon · 5 years
Brief Headcanons
- Sieralon is 16 years old and residing in Skyrim, alone. He’s woefully ignorant of the world, but retains his childlike optimism and firm belief that nothing bad could possibly happen to him.
- As per usual, strangers are friends he hasn’t met yet. Despite meeting more than one unsavory type on his way up to Skyrim, he remains unshaken on this belief and dismisses the others as bad luck.
- He’s training to become a sorcerer. So far he knows fireball, sparks, and a very weak healing spell. My headcanon is that spells are incredibly difficult to learn, so for the interests of role play he’s unlikely to learn anything else.
 - Creatures with horns freak him out. Something about having spikes jutting out of something’s skull makes his skin crawl, and he’ll avoid anything--or anyone--that has them.
- According to Skyrim he’s already become of age, but to Altmeri society he is still very much a child. Altmer that met him so far have been mildly horrified at his lack of supervision, but since the young elf tends to weasel away from them rather quickly, nothing else has been done about it.
- He has no opinion on political affairs, and despite his parents being die-hard Thalmor supporters, doesn’t see them as anything but a tiny slice of home. A slice he would have preferred to leave on the Isles, but a slice nontheless.
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