#Shinya would do the thing where he lifts him up and snuggles him and tsu would bap him in the face
hello again, chocolateeclair, tis’ i, story anon
i know this is the third ask I’ve sent but honestly I’ve been brainrotting over edgejeanist for the past few hours SO i am going to actively choose not to be sorry /hj 
as such: jeanist is hit by a quirk that turns him into an actual cat (with full sentience, memory, and quirk). i hc this as him being a blond cat with green eyes, with darker fur where his hero costume is. they -which would be hawks, edgeshot, and jeanist- are in the middle of a villain fight. 
this is basically how i picture the event: jeanist gets hit by the cat quirk -> the classic clouds cover him -> cat reveal, as in true comedic fashion everything stops for a few moments -> villain grabs him and holds cat!jeanist hostage -> edgeshot considered murder + hawks is silently panicking but also plotting -> cat!jeanist re-discovers the use of his quirk and ties the villain up -> arrest, cue one-sided teasing from both hawks and edgeshot -> medics tell them the quirk will remain in play for a few days -> hawks goes off to do Hawks Things (debriefing + paperwork) and edgeshot takes cat!jeanist home, cat!jeanist being curled up in his arms. (the media goes insane over a photo of them and people start shipping them, little do they know that they’ve been dating since year one in UA) -> more teasing and general fluff -> edgeshot tries to bath cat!jeanist -> BETRAYAL. BETRAYAL BY THE SHINYA. YOU TRY TO B A T H CATIFIED BOYFRIEND? OH! OH! JAIL FOR THE SHINYA! JAIL (a grudge held) FOR ONE! THOUSAND! YEARS! -> cat!jeanist is forced into the bath. the big cat pleading/sad eyes are pulled out for the entire duration of this -> when they go to sleep, cat!jeanist sleeps on the other side of the bed -> teasing and bribery -> cuddle (shinya succeeds in his bribery)-> cat!jeanist poofs back into human!jeanist in the middle of the night and wakes both of them up; the first thing he says to shinya is:
Tsunagu immediately rolls over and cups Shinya’s face in his hands. “Shinya. Boyfriend of mine.” 
Shinya’s desperately trying not to laugh. “Yes, Tsunagu?”
“Why did you put me in the bath. Shinya. Shinya, why.” The look of betrayal on his face could not be put into words. 
Edgeshot wrestles down the laugh that’s clawing it’s way out of his throat. He does not succeed. “Well-“ 
Tsunagu takes his face and shakes. Then he sprawls back over him, because it’s roughly three in the morning and they’re both tired. Shinya wheezes, the air knocked out of him. 
“Tsunagu. You’re not even a cat anymore, what’s your excuse for this?” He pokes at Jeanist’s cheek. “Come on. Off.” 
Jeanist halfheartedly tries to bite at his finger. “Bad kitt-“ He’s immediately cut off by a pillow to the face. 
“Shut up,” Tsunagu grumps at him while lying back down on Shinya. “You’ve made your bed,” He continues, mercilessly. “Now lie in it. Go to sleep, Shinya.” He curls up, and honestly Edgeshot’s finding this really cute. Adorable. 
His heart’s feeling all sorts of emotions, ranging from: aww, that’s cute to holy fuck my boyfriend is actually a cat to what the fuck, Tsunagu, you’re not allowed to be this cute, I’ve seen you fistfight seven people during our UA years for Kuugo’s honour. 
His left hand is running through Tsunagu’s hair. It’s unfairly soft. “Hey,” Shinya says softly. 
Jeanist cracks an eye open. “Yeah?” 
“What kind of conditioner do you use again?” 
“Shinya. Love of my life. We live in the same house.” He throws an arm towards the vague direction of the bathroom. “Go look for yourself tomorrow if you still want to know.” 
yeah thats all the thoughts i have. honestly kind of tempted to turn this into a fic. the 'media goes insane' part is only there because writing social media reactions is honestly kinda fun tbh. shinya takes ten million photos of cat!jeanist and only sometimes uses them for blackmail /j
(sorry for the block of text summary of events)
-story anon
PLS Shinya bathing Tsu and he holds the biggest grudge over it is so yes- I love this so much-
This actually reminded me of an old au I made which was basically exactly this, where Tsunagu got turned into a cat for like an entire month and got roped into so many shenanigans-
He even goes on a mini patrol and gets kidnapped as a cat and Shinya puts out missing posters and has to go and get him back lmao
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I had a bunch of old drawings from that idea ages ago so I cleaned this up and coloured it ^-^
(Shinya made the tiny hat n bowtie <3)
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