#Seire Greystone
humblemooncat · 1 year
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Junelezen Day 1, Portrait
Seire got a little makeover before I took his picture.
Since I introduced him a while back, have a small introduction for this dear gentleman.
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This is Seire Greystone; retired Ishgardian Dragoon, veteran of the Dragonsong War, and devoted craftsman of the Firmament.
He was born and raised in Ul'dah, where he learned his current trades (Goldsmithing being his specialty), but moved to Ishgard to pursue his goal of becoming a dragoon. After serving the Knights Dragoon for many years, he's now retired and has turned his focus to helping with the restoration of the Firmament.
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If you'd like to see his longer intro, it can be found here. Just keep in mind he's going through a rewrite. (mainly taking out the manservant parts since they didn't feel quite right)
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humblemooncat · 1 year
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*Tosses this old man at you*
I want to eventually introduce my other rp characters/OCs here, so I figured I'd start off with my favorite besides my WoL, Ki'to.
Backstory & other info under the read more 'cause it got lengthy. xD
This here is Seire Greystone (formerly Jehantel when he'd adopted his mother's name), bastard son of House Dzemael and youngest brother to the now retired Count. Though his mother had traveled to Ishgard for a while, he was born and raised in Ul'dah. He learned much in the Jewel of the Sands, mainly the merchants' trade and how to source and make his own jewelry.
As his mother forbade him from traveling to Ishgard, he made himself a cozy little spot in the Sapphire Avenue Exchange for many years, though ever questioning why he could not visit his homeland. At age 25 he was finally told why. Though this only served to fuel his curiosity; he'd seen and befriended children born of illegitimate means before, why would it matter over there? Still, he heeded his mother's pleas and stayed.
When she had eventually passed a couple years later, curiosity once again got the better of him and he made his way north.
After settling in to the home he had bought with his savings, Seire finally decided to explore the city. Only to see an all too familiar face; one of his frequent customers, and apparently manservant to House Dzemael, "sent" to keep an eye on his mother and eventually him as well. (Y'all can't tell me the Dzemael's wouldn't be that petty. They absolutely would)
Though he was determined to become a Dragoon, as his mother used to tell him stories of the Azure Dragoon which fascinated him to no end, his old regular had other plans for him. The man enrolled him in the Scholasticate, knowing full well if he became a man of the cloth he would bear no other children of Dzemael blood into the world. Though originally threatening his mother's life if he did not join, he'd soon realized from his demeanor that she walked Halone's halls. Instead threatening to reveal him as a bastard to the entire Holy See. Now, Seire had no clue that that was not as much of a threat as he made it seem, but with his mother's warnings in the back of his mind he conceded.
Not only did he join the Scholaticate, but passed with high honors at the end of his schooling and was extended a hand to join the clergy. Upon chancing to hear of the manservant's dismissal from House Dzemael however (and knowing now he was acting alone), he refused, having no further need to play this game.
Though his faith in Halone was strengthened, he still knew he would better serve her with a lance in hand. So he trained for years to eventually take up the dragoon's mantle. And faithfully did he serve against the Dravanians for many years, and made many an alliance along the way. By the end of his service he was endeared to both House Haillenarte and Fortemps, and even took up the latter's mantle as a knight for a while before he would finally retire at 50. Though what little good it did as he took up the lance again at Count Edmont's behest for the crescendo of the Dragonsong War.
It was then, after man and dragon joined hands once again, that he finally knew peace.
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Other Info In case y'all are curious and/or want to rp sometime!
Age: 51 Race: Wildwood Elezen Patron Deity: Halone, The Fury Gender: Male, He/Him Height: 6' 10" Server: Zalera, Crystal DC (Though I hover around Ishgard on Balmung and Mateus most often) Open to walk-ups? Yes Open to venue & event invites? Yes Open to shipping? Depends; It would have to be an older gentleman like him, as he is a gay ol' boy who's not interested in anyone much younger or older than him. (He also rather enjoys Au ra if you've got one who'd be interested)
If there's anything else you're curious about in regards to him, by all means send me an ask! (Or, if you want to target any asks from my ask meme reblogs at him, just mention it's for him so I know!)
I have one other OC on Dynamis I'll introduce at a later date; she's a peach that I'm sure y'all will love. I figure I'll trickle them all in eventually. o/
If you read this far, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this old boy as much as I do. As reward for your patience, here is what he looks like in my mind's eye (Just without the scar; If you know the artist btw, please tell me! Reverse image search came up empty!)
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