#Sattura x Theron
therandlegacy · 2 years
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i have made a thing. just a soft moment between my jedi knight Sattura and Theron.
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therandlegacy · 2 years
Minific Prompt: B. Under cover of darkness.
After 84 years of my inbox collecting dust.... I have finally answered a PROMPT! HUZZAH. lmao
this is set....sometime after kotfe.....i think. Ambiguous for mystery reasons you understand. xD
(under a readmore for length....)
(yes i know it's a microprompt dont look at me like that!xD)
Night had descended. The endless sands of Tatooine stretched out into the infinite darkness before them as a small group made their way onwards. It wasn’t wise to be out this far into the Jundland wastes during the bright light of day, it was even more dangerous at night. Sattura kept her steps even as they crossed sand dune after sand dune.
“Under cover of darkness….” Seth muttered from next to her with a shake of his head. “Who talks like that?”
“SIS agents apparently,” Sattura replied with a smirk.
“I heard that,” Theron’s voice came from behind her, his tone held some amusement though he was attempting to sound the opposite.
“Oh! My most humble apologies,” Sattura tossed back at him, a slight chuckle in her voice. “I was referring to silly SIS agents who feel the need to add an air of mystery to everything.”
“Is that right? Well, that’s not me, clearly,” Theron said, his voice holding the sound of his smile. “I don’t need to add mystery. I’m the epitome of it.”
Seth snorted a laugh, “You’re so full of shit.”
“Guilty as charged.”
Sattura laughed as she glanced at her datapad, the screen dimmed so as not to burn out her eyes in this pitch dark. “We’re nearly there.”
“Remind me why we’re looking for a Jawa….at night?” Seth asked as they crested another sand dune.
“Because he’s not actually a Jawa,” Theron answered, stepping up to Sattura’s other side.
“That still doesn’t explain the night bit.”
“Because according to that silly SIS agent, Manzro refuses anyone seeking him during daylight,” Sattura said. “And he’s our best lead on finding out who tried to kill us on Bespin.”
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therandlegacy · 3 years
Minific Prompt: N. The color green.
(again i know this has been sitting her in my inbox for a minute but I HAVE FINALLY FOUND WORDS! xD)
Have some fluff for Sattura (my JK Mirialan) and the Spy-Boy.
He wasn’t sure exactly when it had become one of his two favorite colors, the color green. In all honesty, there wasn’t exactly a time when he’d been definitive on even having a favorite color. Sure, he favored some over others. His favorite jacket held up to that fact but…there was a difference to that and this.
Even in the quiet dark of their room, the color green was the only color he cared to see. It was the color of her skin, from the smooth shade of her hands to the darkened freckles that lightly graced her cheeks, to the way her cheeks flushed when he had her blushing furiously.
Theron glanced down at the sleeping white-haired Mirialan in his arms; Her head on his chest, curled into him, his arm wrapped around her, fingertips gently tracing lazily designs on the smooth skin of her back. He felt lips tilt at the sight of her eyelashes fluttering lightly against her cheeks as she dreamed. Sattura Rand was, quite literally, the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
Pressing a soft kiss to her white hair, he tightened his arm around her, holding her close as she slept. He’d never imagined this, never dreamed of it, not at first. But the color green was the only thing he wanted to dream of now. Funny how one color could mean the world to him…
He couldn’t pinpoint when the color green had become one of his most favorite colors. The same went for violet, even white. But he did know it was only because of her. The woman who gave so selflessly, who fought anything so fiercely… It was the color of her skin, violet was the color of her eyes…The woman who loved him so passionately and…who forgave him so unconditionally.
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