antonio-arroyo-rosa · 2 years
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ulisesbarreiro · 2 years
48 años de festejos
En la tarde del domingo 5 de junio, la familia de socias y socios del Club Atlético Newells Old Boy, se reunió una vez más para conmemorar el 48º aniversario de la proeza futbolística, donde el equipo rosarino quedó en el primer lugar del Torneo Metropolitano de 1974, dejando en segundo puesto a Ferro Carril Oeste y a Boca Juniors. Por Ulises Barreiro
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TXT | Ulises Barreiro
IMG | Ulises Barreiro
Para este festejo, el evento estuvo a cargo del Departamento de Cultura del Newell’s, el cual está coordinado por Gabriela Bodo, una mujer muy capaz y de la cuna leprosa, comprometida con la perspectiva de género dentro del mundo de Newells, y  quien tiene un gran equipo de colaboradores y directivos detrás de ella como Armando Garrido (Kichi) quien además fue parte del plantel de jugadores que le dio la primera estrella en fútbol masculino al glorioso Newel’s Old Boys de Rosario.
Para este evento se llamó a todos los jugadores del plantel que están con vida y a familiares de aquellos que por cuestiones médicas o de distancia no pudieron asistir. Con más de 1000 personas presentes, se realizó un almuerzo criollo con música y entretenimientos para los menores, realmente una fiesta del deporte y la cultura.
El club Newell’s no tiene nada que envidiarle a los equipos como River Plate o Boca Juniors, realmente tiene una comunidad de socias y socios que lo hacen grande en todos los aspectos.
En el escenario hablaron directivos de Cultura como Gabriela Bodo y Armando Garrido, luego lo hicieron las responsables del espacio de Género e igualdad y otros espacios del club. Se le entregó una bella medalla y diploma a los jugadores campeones del 74 que pusieron al fútbol, mal denominado “del interior”, en la plana internacional.
Decimos “mal denominado del interior” porqué Buenos Aires no es el centro de nada, en todo caso la provincia de Córdoba es el centro, y Buenos Aires es el exterior, pero dejemos debates etnocentristas porteños de lado, y volvamos a enfocarnos en la fiesta de Newell’s.
Este capítulo de 1974, puso a equipos que no eran los denominados “grandes” en la plana del medallero de oro. Newell’s rompió esa hegemonía que tenían los cinco “grandes” de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires conquistando títulos.
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Apreciamos de izquierda a derecha a Gabriela Bodo y a Armando “Kichi��� Garrido manifestando unas palabras ante el público presente. Foto. Ulises Barreiro.
Así, el 5 de junio de 1974, en la final del campeonato, Newell’s ante Rosario Central, en la cancha visitante, empató 2 a 2 y se consagró campeón Metropolitano, lo demás es historia que todos y todas conocemos.
Pero, volvamos al domingo 5 de junio de 2022, en donde el lema que propone la familia de Newell’s es Prohibido olvidar “tu peor humillación” como dicen las banderas del folklore futbolístico.
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Es común ir por la bella ciudad de Rosario y ver murales recordando al equipo campeón de 1974.  (Mural realizado dentro de la sede de Newells)
En la fiesta de Newells, como no podía ser de otra manera, estuvieron presentes investigadores históricos del equipo de Leyendas Xeneizes y periodistas de distintas ciudades. Eso marca lo que fue este título de 1974 para los y las ciudadanas de Rosario y de toda la Argentina.
Felicitamos a todo el Departamento de Cultura de Newell’s, dado que esta iniciativa de reunir públicamente a sus asociados y reivindicar el patrimonio histórico y cultural de sus logros deportivos no es habitual en el mundo de los clubes argentinos.
Muchos dirigentes deportivos solo se enfocan en los logros deportivos del presente e invisibilizan el pasado de la entidad deportiva a la cual representan. Felicitaciones familia de Newell’s Old Boys.
Nota publicada originalmente en el medio Abranpaso.com.ar
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sinfulgeminii · 2 months
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Eduardo Santamarina
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pingotln · 1 year
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Eduardo Santamarina en Rubí (2004)
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dominiopublco · 1 year
Asaltan a punta de pistola Eduardo Santamarina y Mayrin Villanueva en CDMX
Asaltan a punta de pistola Eduardo Santamarina y Mayrin Villanueva en CDMX
La pareja y sus hijos regresaban a la Ciudad de México tras tomar unas vacaciones; ya presentaron denuncia (more…)
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soapoperabarbiestyle · 2 months
Rubi icons: Alejandro Cardenas Ruiz icons
A doctor. He is played by Eduardo Santamarina.
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woman-child91 · 2 years
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metagoles · 2 years
⚽️ Está casi todo definido en la Primera Nacional
⚽️ #PrimeraNacional - Están casi definido los cruces del reducido...
Este lunes se jugaron otros nueve partidos correspondientes a la 37° fecha en el campeonato de la Primera Nacional 2022. (more…)
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
Alberto renuncia en cómodas cuotas 
Por SILVIO SANTAMARINA Tal vez nunca sabremos la letra chica del contrato pactado en secreto entre Cristina Kirchner y Alberto Fernández para armar la fórmula presidencial de 2019. Pero más allá de si fue un acuerdo explícito o no, cualquier análisis de la relación de fuerzas entre ambos indicaba que el Presidente designado del FdT sería de transición, […] Origen: Alberto renuncia en cómodas…
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hippography · 1 year
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TYPES DE PERCHERONS primés en République Argentine. 1. Unionist, Étalon importé de France; à M. Enrique Santamarina. 2. Ranita, très belle Jument; à M. Pedro Estanguet. 
(Studios Vie à la Campagne.)
Vie à la Campagne, Vol. 65, 15 Octobre 1930
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With Rafael Nadal at the head. The best Spanish athlete of all time is accompanied by Sam Heughan, Pablo Alborán, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, Dani García, Arturo Valls, Ángel Martín, Ismael Cruz Cordova y Rafael Pérez-Santamarina.
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The 2022 Esquire Man of the Year grand award is for Rafael Nadal.
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Translation..For starring in a series of enormous international success as Outlander for more than six seasons, for conducting his Scottish travel program, for stealing the heart of more than half the world... and for carrying the kilt with so much glamour, that everything adds up. Our favourite in the pool to be the next James Bond is also the winner of the Skier Man of the Year award for International Actor. His name is Heughan, Sam Heughan. You just have to exchange the Martini for whisky.
We are talking about the same actor Sam Heughan? Esquire SPAIN 🇪🇸 James Bond Exemplifies Masculinity pride, and in Esquire’s photos, He has no potential to be fascinating as Bond.
There are most important Spanish artists for this award than SH
#Rafael Nadal # Esquire Man of the Year 2022
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aguajerord · 1 year
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Noticia | Asaltan a Mayrín Villanueva y Eduardo Santamarina en plena vía pública https://aguajero.com/asaltan-a-mayrin-villanueva-y-eduardo-santamarina-en-plena-via-publica
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coochiequeens · 2 years
For Catholic officials talking about women this is progressive.
ROME — “The subordination of women to men is the fruit of sin,” a top Vatican cardinal said on Tuesday.
“How much damage we have done, as men, by endorsing a status of superiority,” said Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, who heads the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. “There is no complete image of what is human when only the masculine is considered predominant and the only thing relevant. For centuries, we have suffocated the feminine peculiarity.”
The prelate was addressing the World Observatory for Women, promoted by the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (UMOFC).
The results of the Observatory’s first report looking into women in Latin America and the Caribbean, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them, were presented at the gathering.
Ouellet said he hopes that the Observatory will introduce “in its observing the light of faith. Faith is a method of knowledge that helps perceive the ultimate meeting of reality through the diversity of information. Faith does not substitute nor violate reason, but expands its horizon, making it more sapiential, cordial, and deep down, more empathic.”
The goal of the first survey by the Observatory was “to give visibility to women who seem invisible,” UMOFC President Maria Lia Zervino explained. The report is the product of a qualitative work in three parts, with data, expert commentary, and surveys conducted in 23 countries.
The survey, which was also presented last Saturday to Pope Francis in a private audience, confirmed that the pandemic has worsened the condition of women in terms of gender-based violence, trafficking and forced migration, poverty, access to health, and education, exacerbating the already existing gaps and injustices.
Despite these inequalities, said Monica Santamarina De Robles, treasurer of UMOFC, “women have shown great strength and resilience and have reinvented ways to sustain themselves.”
The proposals for improving women’s lives include: The creation of spaces for accompaniment and help among women, the formation of women’s leadership (including in the pastoral field), a broadening of the representation of women in public spaces, humanizing relationships through intergenerational circles of conversation, and continuing to investigate structural and symbolic violence against women and broadcast the findings.
Sister Alessandra Smerilli, secretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development and head of the Vatican Commission on COVID-19, stressed the importance of the Observatory: “If we cannot observe and measure, we cannot improve reality.”
“If the economy were a woman,” she said, “it would really care about the common good and the care of the human being. The pandemic has put a spotlight on the situation of women with respect to access to food, land, technology, education, agriculture, health. We need to promote training, new laws and new spaces for women’s participation, in a collaboration between church, governments, social movements and NGOs.”
During the first quarter of 2022, the group began work in Africa with training in Nairobi, Kenya, for women to become social correspondents, capable of listening and sensitizing other women in their own communities.
“The feminine is the key to reading the present and the future of our society. The new feminine protagonist must be built and men are called to be an adequate help for the realization of women,” said Ouellet during his introductory remarks.
Quoting Pope Francis, he said that women are the “protagonists of the epochal change” the world is facing. “The word protagonist could not be better chosen. The woman has always been a protagonist in history, however, it has often been made invisible. Many have a mentality installed in their conscience that does not allow them to recognize the dignity of every woman, and instead objectify and exploit them.”
Peruvian Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos, president of the Conference of Latin American Bishops (CELAM) – the sponsor of the study – said that “we feel pain and shame for the situation of women that emerges from the survey.”
“Many women in Latin America are victims of gender-based violence, which along with injustice and inequality has been exacerbated during the pandemic. The damage to physical and mental health has been countless: Xenophobia and racism are on the rise, and the phenomenon of trafficking run by criminal organizations has grown.,” the archbishop said.
In contrast, he said, in the ecclesial world in Latin America, many women have assumed important positions in the pastoral management of parishes and also within CELAM.
Follow Inés San Martín on Twitter: @inesanma
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muznew · 2 months
Nothing But. Techno (Raw/Deep/Hypnotic), Vol. 07
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- Artists: Animuss, The Digital Blonde, Atomas 303, Istar Project, Air-T, Speed Brown, David Bean, Marino Rispo, Kamilo Sanclemente, Alec Ben, Arman Bas, Dave Zee (SP), Aerobicon, PROYAL, Craig Kennan, Hivanova, VCI, Sixten, Toxic Scientist, Bigtopo, Jose Santamarina, Trey Vinter, Shelley Harland, S.O., Kennedy One, Denis Kenzo, VAMER, Cade Dj, Strobe Connector, Black Ahead, Dj Joys, Skyvol, Gerry Galago, Mika Kitten DATE CREATED: 2024-03-29 Label: Nothing But Tracklist : 1. Animuss - Blending(Original Mix) 2. The Digital Blonde, Atomas 303 - What Happens After Dark(The Digital Blonde) 3. Istar Project, Air-T - Wonderland(Extended Mix) 4. Speed Brown, David Bean - Thunder In The Sky(Original Mix) 5. Marino Rispo - WuauWuau(Chris Vannucci Remix) 6. Kamilo Sanclemente - Away(Nomas Remix) 7. Alec Ben - Moon(Original Mix) 8. Arman Bas, Dave Zee (SP) - Citizens Of Cyberia(Extended Mix) 9. Aerobicon - Hard Lessons(Raw Techno Edit) 10. PROYAL - Yaar(Original Mix) 11. Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 2 months
Nothing But. Techno (Raw/Deep/Hypnotic), Vol. 07
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- Artists: Animuss, The Digital Blonde, Atomas 303, Istar Project, Air-T, Speed Brown, David Bean, Marino Rispo, Kamilo Sanclemente, Alec Ben, Arman Bas, Dave Zee (SP), Aerobicon, PROYAL, Craig Kennan, Hivanova, VCI, Sixten, Toxic Scientist, Bigtopo, Jose Santamarina, Trey Vinter, Shelley Harland, S.O., Kennedy One, Denis Kenzo, VAMER, Cade Dj, Strobe Connector, Black Ahead, Dj Joys, Skyvol, Gerry Galago, Mika Kitten DATE CREATED: 2024-03-29 Label: Nothing But Tracklist : 1. Animuss - Blending(Original Mix) 2. The Digital Blonde, Atomas 303 - What Happens After Dark(The Digital Blonde) 3. Istar Project, Air-T - Wonderland(Extended Mix) 4. Speed Brown, David Bean - Thunder In The Sky(Original Mix) 5. Marino Rispo - WuauWuau(Chris Vannucci Remix) 6. Kamilo Sanclemente - Away(Nomas Remix) 7. Alec Ben - Moon(Original Mix) 8. Arman Bas, Dave Zee (SP) - Citizens Of Cyberia(Extended Mix) 9. Aerobicon - Hard Lessons(Raw Techno Edit) 10. PROYAL - Yaar(Original Mix) 11. Read the full article
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