#Sango sa Domino?
keichanz · 6 years
If you could cross InuYasha over with any movie, what movie would it be? Oh and don't worry, I don't mean like, the couples change or anything. But if Inu and Kag had to fall into a movie and live in that movie or vise versa, what movie would you pick?
OH GOD so many choices!! I mean I could call forth my Inner Smut Slut™ and say something like Magic Mike for….obvious reasons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hNGGGG but then again that’s not very original huehuehuee so I guess I’ll go with something more action packed and sorta romantic (BECAUSE OT FREAKING P) and say…Idk Speed?  Honestly one of my fav movies. lotta action, captivating plot, romance.  also, Inuyasha as a hot cop is 👍👍👍 ugh I am not very good at these kinds of questions lol I literally can never think of like any movie i’ve ever watched ever hahahahaha.  and Idk why fucking deadpool just popped into my brain wtf LOL CAN YOU IMAGINE RYAN REYNOLDS AS INUYASHA OH GOOD LORD  
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