i-faeriez · 6 years
2/1 - 柊鰯 - (ひいらぎいわし) - sardine and holly charm; sardine head and holly branch placed next to the front door during setsubun to ward off demons 2/2 - 獏の枕 - (ばくのまくら) - tapir's pillow 2/3 - 立春 - (りっしゅん) - first day of spring (according to the traditional lunisolar calendar, approx. Feb. 4) 2/4 - 余寒 - (よかん) - lingering winter 2/5 - 海苔巻き - (のりまき) - seaweed roll 2/6 - 杉 - (すぎ) - cedar 2/7 - 針 - (はり) - needle, pin 2/8 - にくきゅう - (sole of the) paw; pad 2/9 - 白魚 - (しらうお) - icefish (Salangidae spp., esp. the Japanese icefish, Salangichthys microdon); noodlefish; whitebait 2/10 - 風花 - (かざばな) flurry of snow in a clear sky 2/11 - コルセット - corset 2/12 - 蝋梅 - (ろうばい) - wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox); Japanese allspice 2/13 - にぼし - (small crunchy) dried sardines 2/14 - かまくら - Kamakura 2/15 - 鶯餅 - (うぐいすもち) - mochi filled with red bean paste and topped with green soy flour 2/16 - 淡雪 -  (あわゆき) - Light snowfall 2/17 - エアメール - airmail 2/18 - 雨水 - (あまみず) - rain water 2/19 - 千両役者 -  (せんりょうやくしゃ) - leading actor 2/20 - 春寒 - (しゅんかん) - chill in early spring 2/21 - にゃん - meow 2/22 - 宿 - (やど) - inn, lodging 2/23 - 蕗のとう -  (ふき のとう) - edible flower bud of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant, an early spring delicacy 2/24 - 梅が春 - (うめがはる) - plum blossoms in spring 2/25 - 堅雪 - (かたゆき) - snow with a frozen crust on top 2/26 - 雛市 - (ひないち) - Hina city?? 2/27 - 春一番 - (はるいちばん) - first storm of spring; strong winds during the change from winter to spring​ 2/28 - 桜 - (さくら) - cherry blossoms ❀
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Dipnoi, Tautoga onitis, Alligator mississippiensis, Channichthyidae,  Pentacerotidae, Sphyrnidae, Eunectes murinus, Pylodictis olivaris, Manta birostris, Myliobatoidei, Enchelycore anatina, Mitsukurina owstoni, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Myliobatis californica, Salangidae, Myxini, Physalia physalis, Elops, Heteroconger perissodon, Phocidae, Clupeidae, Cyprinus carpio, Electrophorus electricus, Petromyzontiformes, Odontesthes bonariensis, Gymnothorax flavimarginatus, Lamna ditropis, Somniosus microcephalus, Chitala ornata, Aetobatus narinari
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