yamamuragaku · 4 years
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Yuki [Monster] RabbitChat
Part 1-5
Part 1: Trick or Treat!
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, good work!
"Speaking of October..." I heard you were joining us for that famous event. I look forward to working with you!
Tsumugi: I look forward to the large-scale event where Yuki-san and Momo-san are the main personalities, and TRIGGER and other idol groups are participating. I give you my regards!
Yuki: Maneko-chan, good work. So October is already here
Yuki: I like Halloween. Because both people you know and strangers alike give you candy
Yuki: It really helped in the days when I was poor
Yuki: Although I gave them all to Momo.
Tsumugi: You're a vegetarian right, Yuki-san.
Tsumugi: Sweets that everyone produced will be sold at the parade, are you alright with that, Yuki-san?
Yuki: It's not a problem. To make it
Yuki: Because you can get the gist of how food is made just by looking at it
Tsumugi: How it's made >< lol
Yuki: Also, I heard the sales from the sweets will be used to help children. Okarin was excited
Tsumugi: Yes. I heard there was also a plan to do charitable activities!
Yuki: Ah, that's why Yaotome Production gave their OK. I was wondering whether it was fine for them to wear all-matching fancy costumes.
Tsumugi: It looks like they'll have quite a cute atmosphere....
Yuki: Isn't it desperately unsuitable for Gaku-kun?
Tsumugi: I-I don't think so!
Yuki: I just said that about Gaku-kun because I also don't look good
Yuki: I don't look good in this concept
Tsumugi: Is that so...?
Yuki: Because I'm the cool beauty type. Isn't it the same as beautiful girls who don't look good in frilly clothes
Tsumugi: I see.. I kind of understand.
It's certainly not cute outfits, but suits and cool clothes that you look good in, Yuki-san!
Yuki: I guess.
Yuki: Although I'll wear it if Momo likes it.
Tsumugi: That's love between members!
Yuki: It's annoying that in cute fashion, ribbons and buttons are put in unnecessary places
Tsumugi: I think those kinds of tiny embellishments make it "cute"!
Yuki: Having so many decorations doesn't appeal to men. It's troublesome in many ways
Yuki: Tsumugi-chan, if you have someone you like, you should be careful.
Tsumugi: Y-yes, I'll be careful...?
Part 2: How Halloween Should Be
Yuki: Hey, maneko-chan.
What do you think of the buzz for Halloween in Japan?
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, good work!
It think it's fun that people wear costumes and walk around town on Halloween.
Tsumugi: Is something the matter...?
Yuki: No, it's not something I who is participating in the parade can say but
Yuki: Don't youngsters use Halloween as an excuse to noisily strut around town in cosplay?
Tsumugi: I kind of don't like people who are noisy and cause trouble for others....
Yuki: Good. When I said this to Momo who loves these kinds of events, he told me, "Yuki you geezer! It's not good to cause trouble, but dressing up and having a party at home is so fun!!"
Yuki: We're in the middle of a cold war right now.
Tsumugi: Cold war?!
Yuki: When I added that Halloween wasn't just about making a racket, he got in a huff.
Yuki: What a troublesome partner. What should I do to fix his mood
Tsumugi: Momo-san surely wants you to have fun too, Yuki-san!
Yuki: I'm not really into making noise. Even though I also I like to make people happy
Yuki: Halloween was originally a religious event for celebrating the autumn harvest, and to dispel evil spirits.
Yuki: It's not an event where you strut around town in a cheap cosplay, while picking up chicks and littering
Yuki: Ah, I'm acting like an old man right now.
Tsumugi: N-not at all!
I get what you mean, Yuki-san....
Tsumugi: Still, I like Halloween itself!
Yuki: Right.
Yuki: If it's something like properly dressing up for Halloween and having a party at home, I don't hate it.
Tsumugi: Because you said you like getting candy!
Option 1
Tsumugi: Are you having a party with Momo-san?
Yuki: It looks like it's 3 people with Okarin.
I plan to treat Momo to his favorite meat dishes.
Option 2
Tsumugi: Are there any costumes you want to try, Yuki-san?
Yuki: I have a flashy face so a simple one is fine.
This year if I dress as a vampire with blood all over my body, can I surprise Okarin?
Option 3
Tsumugi: Do you have any memorable memories of Halloween, Yuki-san?
Yuki: Last year I spent Halloween with Momo, but he had too much fun at the party and got a fever. In the end, I spent a whole day looking after him. He's like an elementary schooler
Yuki: Oh yeah, speaking of October, isn't it Ryuunosuke-kun's birthday?
Tsumugi: That's right! I was thinking I want to do something to celebrate it.
Yuki: I just heard from Momo.
Tsumugi: The cold war is over!
Yuki: This fight didn't last an hour.
Tsumugi: As expected of Re:vale...!
Yuki: We want to try surprising TRIGGER during their MC. Momo is excited
Yuki: Those 3. They've changed
Tsumugi: They changed?
Yuki: Back then they had an uncertainty about them like if you poked them with your finger, they'd shatter and collapse. That was their appeal though
Yuki: Now when they're not maintaining appearances, they seem like they'll fall if you catch them off guard.
Tsumugi: Fall in love....!
Yuki: Even though I voted for Gaku-kun in the Most Desired Embrace ranking, Ryuunosuke-kun is who I probably support?
I want to make 2 hot guys serve me.
Tsumugi: It'd be too radiant if Gaku-san, Yuki-san, and Tsunashi-san stood side-by-side ><
Yuki: I just told Momo the same thing. It'd be so radiant I can't see
Yuki: It seems Momo would support Tenn. Momo has a tendency to support those who are similar to himself
Tsumugi: So Momo-san feels that he has similarities to Kujou-san!
Yuki: But if it's cuteness, Momo wins ^^
Part 3: Playing with Momo
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, good work.
Thank you for the Halloween Parade sample & food tasting meeting earlier!
Yuki: Thanks.
Yuki: Momo said I should name the sweets I made after myself, but I could only call them sugar bonbons.
Tsumugi: Yuki-san's sugar bonbons were colorful and cute!
Yuki: Making sugar bonbons is troublesome
Yuki: Maybe I should give it a name after all
Tsumugi: That took a while! lol
What name have you decided for the sweets?
Yuki: "Riku-kun Mustn't Eat These"
Yuki: How is it?
Tsumugi: That's the name?!
Yuki: It's a joke of course ^^
Yuki: Iori-kun told me Riku-kun gets drunk even on Chanmery, so if he comes to eat them, he wants me to stop him.
Yuki: So isn't it easier to name it this way
Tsumugi: If you say it so.. Riku-san is a lightweight even if it's just used in cooking....
Yuki: Isn't it cute?
Yuki: As expected of Riku-kun who makes donuts in the shape of cats.
Tsumugi: But it was because he wanted to make it Halloween-themed!
Option 1
Tsumugi: Whose sweets were delicious?
Yuki: Mitsuki-kun's. He said he was making a chocolate cake with a witch's hat motif, and it seems he likes talking about cooking with fellow cooking enthusiasts.
Option 2
Tsumugi: The sweets Yuki-san made were also wonderful!
Yuki: Thanks.
Girls like such pastel colors don't they?
Option 3
Tsumugi: I want the fans to eat them deliciously!
Yuki: Since there aren't other opportunities to buy something called "Riku-kun Mustn't Eat These".
How about "A Slight Temptation"?
Yuki: What is it about saying "bonbon" that makes people laugh
Yuki: French is a mysterious language
Tsumugi: So bonbon is a French word!
Yuki: The pronunciation is difficult, isn't it? Of French
Tsumugi: I never learned it, but whenever I heard it on TV or something, I thought it sounded difficult....
Yuki: If I did it I might spit a lot.
Yuki: Because my mouth isn't that big
Tsumugi: I heard people with long tongues are good at pronunciation!
Yuki: How long should it be?
Tsumugi: Long enough to touch the tip of your nose...?
Yuki: Too bad I can't touch it
Yuki: Instead a high-level funny face was born
Tsumugi: I just tried it in front of a mirror but I made a terrible face! lol
Yuki: I'll use it next time I have a staring contest with Momo. Thanks for telling me this maneko-chan, it's annoying because I always lose
Tsumugi: So you have staring contests with Momo-san!
Yuki: When we had no money to go out and play, we could play this at home without needing anything.
My low threshold for laughing is probably Momo's fault
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Part 4: Yuki-san the Tease
Yuki: Hey maneko-chan.
Yuki: I heard from Momo, you had a Halloween party. I wish we could've mingled
Tsumugi: Good work, Yuki-san!
I heard from Okazaki-san you were having a party with him, so I thought it was better not to invite you ><
Besides, I thought it would get noisy..
Yuki: The story is different when you become a senpai. Momo was lonely
Tsumugi: Ahhh...I should have invited you!
Yuki: In exchange, can you tell me some things?
Tsumugi: Yes!
Tsumugi: Iori-san was a demon, Yamato-san was a prisoner, Mitsuki-san was a policeman covered in blood, Tamaki-san was Dracula, Sougo-san was a jiangshi, Nagi-san was a demon king, and Riku-san was a doctor covered in blood!
Yuki: Oh
Yuki: So all-out.
Tsumugi: Actually, Nagi-san's acquaintance sometimes comes over and brings such costumes!
Yuki: Nagi-kun is a young man with a lot of mysteries.
Yuki: I want to see Yamato-kun's prison clothes so is there a picture?
Tsumugi: Here!
Yuki: That's a good expression, those furrowed brows
Tsumugi: I showed you a simple one though...! ><
Yuki: Although he's not making eyes like he saw cockroach, he's just hiding his embarrassment right ^^
Tsumugi: Cockroach...?
Yuki: Yamato-kun looks like he often comes across bugs.
Tsumugi: Really! So is the reason for his cleaning robot unexpectedly because he likes cleanliness....
Yuki: He's a clean freak. He probably avoids touching people's hands as much as possible.
Yuki: Maneko-chan, you didn't wear anything?
Tsumugi: It wasn't as extravagant as this, but I wore a kigurumi with a big haunted pumpkin head from when I was a student....
Yuki: Should've worn fishnets.
Tsumugi: It's a secret costume for your feet! lol
Option 1
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, if you and the others have a party, please tell us about it!
Yuki: If you want the energy of a hangover. However, Momo will probably report it over RabbitChat
Option 2
Tsumugi: Please give my regards to Momo-san...!
Yuki: I will pretend to be Momo.
Momo-chan is so jealous I could cry! Stupid stupid maneko-chan~~!!! ☆☆ ;~;
Option 3
Tsumugi: I'm interested in whether Okazaki-san wore a costume!
Yuki: Okarin took off his glasses.
Although it's not that taking off his glasses made him a hot guy, his face was extraordinarily normal.
Yuki: Thanks for telling me. Even though the town was getting excited for Halloween, Momo was frustrated that nothing could be done yet.
Yuki: These photos will cheer him up.
Tsumugi: That's good...! ><
Yuki: I'm looking forward to the parade. Who do you think will look the best? In those costumes
Tsumugi: I-it's hard to say...! I think everyone will look good though!
Yuki: I can make a ranking of who wouldn't look good right now.
Yuki: Gaku-kun, Yamato-kun, me
Yuki: Isn't it better to be aware when you don't look good?
Tsumugi: Not at all! I think you'll definitely look good. I'm looking forward to the day!
Yuki: I might take off the thing on my head towards the end of the parade
Tsumugi: You'll take it off even though it's cute...!
Yuki: It'd be funny if I throw it at the audience, and someone catches it
Tsumugi: It sounds like you're changing the plan...?!
Yuki: It'll be fun for the fans to participate
Yuki: Anyway, for now I have to train my facial muscles so I don't laugh at Yamato-kun on the day
Tsumugi: You're going that far!?
Yuki: During IDOLiSH7's MC, shall I interject with "Yamato-kuun looks terrible-"? I look forward to his reaction
Part 5: Halloween Parade
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, good work.
Thank you for working with us on today's Halloween Parade!
Tsumugi: You had to leave for the next location immediately, so I apologize for not greeting you properly.
Momo-san and Yuki-san raised the excitement for Tsunashi-san's birthday celebration, and the audience looked like they had a lot of fun...!
Yuki: Thanks for today.
Yuki: Sorry about that. We had to leave right away
Tsumugi: Don't mention it. I'm really happy that we were able to do this job together and participate in the celebration!
Yuki: Momo likes happiness after all.
Yuki: Of course me as well.
Tsumugi: I want to have Re:vale's attitude!
Yuki: How enthusiastic, maneko-chan.
Yuki: Okarin should follow your example, maneko-chan.
Tsumugi: Really?! But I'd rather have Okazaki-san and Anesagi-san teach me the ways of being a manager ><
Yuki: Okarin has some unexpected quirks towards us.
Tsumugi: Is that so...?
Yuki: Yeah.
Yuki: If you say you like him 10 times, then ask him to say it back in return, he won't do it
Tsumugi: Is that unexpected...?
Yuki: According to Momo, he's the type who'll get bored after 5 years of dating
Tsumugi: I-I see... ><
Yuki: There's probably nothing to worry about with TRIGGER. Because of Kaoru-chan
Yuki: They seem to have a better relationship than before
Tsumugi: Wonderful...! I think TRIGGER has a bond of deep trust.
Yuki: Before, one'd never think such a surprise celebration for Ryuunosuke-kun could be held. Of course President Yaotome would've opposed, so she'd have to prepare to get angry to make him agree.
Tsumugi: Cool..
Yuki: Kaoru-chan is a good woman.
Yuki: That's why me and Momo were unafraid to go all out.
Option 1
Tsumugi: It was a wonderful surprise!
Yuki: I was honored to be there.
Yamato-kun was celebrated the same way, wasn't he? I wanted to see a rare expression.
Option 2
Tsumugi: Did you say anything to Tsunashi-san?
Yuki: There was time during the break, so a little.
Yuki: I said to the birthday boy Ryuunosuke-kun I wanted him to let me nuzzle his pecs. He made a face like he didn't really understand so onii-san is worried.
Option 3
Tsumugi: How was the parade?
Yuki: Momo and I led the front with our hands joined.
Momo and I talked about how IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER and the others walking behind us were like a bunch of minions ^^ Is this what a lord's procession feels like?
Yuki: During break Tamaki-kun let me use his smart phone, so there are apps that swap your face and give you ears now huh
Tsumugi: I also learned about it recently! It's amazing..
Yuki: I knew there were apps that could retouch your face, but I was surprised.
Yuki: Tamaki-kun downloaded the app onto my smart phone for me, so I immediately tried swapping faces with Momo and Okarin
Tsumugi: So Momo-san's face went to Yuki-san's face, Yuki-san's went to Okazaki-san's, and Okazaki-san's went to Momo-san's?!
Yuki: Okarin is plain but he changes a lot just by changing his hairstyle
Yuki: Doesn't he look kind of hot?
Tsumugi: I think he naturally has good features, but he stands out even more!
Yuki: This side part is no good. My flashy face has become quite plain
Tsumugi: You look great even with a side part!
Yuki: Momo doesn't seem to suit long hair
Tsumugi: Certainly, short hair looks better on him!
Yuki: This is a good app
Yuki: Momo seems to be friends with Tamaki-kun in his games, so I will master this app so that I don't lose
Tsumugi: What else can you do? With that app!
Yuki: You can make yourself bald or make your nostrils big, etc.
Tsumugi: ?!
Yuki: Give me the courage to use those features.
Screenshots courtesy of rabbit-library.
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