tamushins-blog · 7 years
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I’m really happy to be making this announcement. On the 17th of December 『Bessatsu Gekkan Arisawa Shoutarou』will be released!! I think that in it, you’ll get to see a side of me that I’ve never shown before. I’m pretty enthusiastic about it!!
There will be a handshake event on the day of the release, So I'll be really happy if you come!
(Translated from Arisawa Shoutarou’s twitter: X)
『Bessatsu Gekkan Arisawa Shoutarou』 , Arisawa Shoutarou’s first photobook(!!!) will be sold in HMV & BOOKS TOKYO (Shibuya, Tokyo) from 17th Dec 2017 (Sunday) to 8th Jan 2018 (Monday). There will be a handshake event with Shoutarou at HMV & BOOKS TOKYO on the day of the photobook’s release!!
More details about the photobook under the Read More!!
Release date: Sunday, 17th December 2017 Price: 1500 Yen Format: B5 size, 28 pages
This photobook is part of the『Bessatsu Gekkan』series, a collaboration goods project by the photographer Kobayashi Hirokazu. It is the third photobook in this series, with the earlier two featuring Zaiki Takuma and Shiina Taizo. Kobayashi-san has also worked with Sato Ryuji, Ueda Keisuke, Nakamura Yuichi, Someya Toshiyuki, Ozawa Ren, Motohiro Ota, and Tamaki Yuki for an earlier series of photobooks. 
Taken directly from this article, “What Arisawa is wearing looks like a biker jacket, but the facial expression he’s making appears to be rather feminine. This cover seems to represent the type of artist book that this photobook will be, and what its contents will be like.”
At the moment, I’m still trying to figure out all the details of the handshake event. I’ll update more later, once I’ve properly figured it out!! ^v^ SHOUTAROU’S FIRST PHOTOBOOK!!!!!!! aaAAAHHH he looks AMAZING IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!!!!
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