pocketfullofvoices · 2 years
[ Shere Khan is my most private and secretive character I write here in his TaleSpin Verse because of his upbringing and his career. This means in all relationships he has from family, romantic partners, friends, clients, et cetera, it is difficult for this tiger to open up. He keeps a barrier and it is strong and does not break for anyone unwillingly. It’s not something he allows to break nor get chipped away. Forcing it open or trying to push Shere Khan to open about his ‘feelings’ or his secrets or ANYTHING he doesn’t want anyone to know about would only make it worse. ]
[ Shere Khan’s father is linked to this type of mindset and imbedded that secrecy is the best option for being the owner of a huge company and the family business. There are things that only his father knows too and Shere Khan might not know until his father dies or maybe never. As long as it isn’t something useful for the company, Khan’s father see’s no reason for Shere to know. Shere Khan is content with this and takes that same oath when he took up the mantle as CEO. ]
[ This makes interacting with Shere Khan rather difficult. He can be a gentlemen, charming, and polite but he is not a friendly muse and keeps a emotional distance from all when it comes to more positive or vulnerable connections such as love, sadness, or fear. Khan is known to show anger and happiness at various degrees but he has remained stoic most of his adult life because of appearances and reputations of his job. ]
[ Khan’s anger and discontent are the expressions he is known to show in the series, comics, and even in the Jungle Book films. It’s clear Khan has a temper and it is a burst when it’s finally reach it’s boiling point. Being content or satisfied is the next emotions he’s prone to shown, usually swelled from pride in his work and the success of not losing money, placing fear into clients/employees/acquaintances, or having a moment of peace to enjoy his hobbies. I’d say disappointment is the closest Khan has ever shown to being ‘sad’ around others but he would never shed a tear or become depressed over most things. It just doesn’t happen! He’s not the type of character to let anything bother him as long as it doesn’t ruin his career, lifestyle, and money. The man’s built on power and greed and he’s honed it to mask all emotions that really don’t have true meaning to him. ]
[ In interactions and verses where Shere Khan does have connections, such as his relationship with his only likable living sibling being his sister or the romantic interests he’s acquired over time which is only one right now, his emotional wall has opened slightly for those chosen people. It was not easy and it’s pretty amazing Shere Khan is capable of blocking off all ties to those important to him such as his sister without showing an ounce of being bothered by it. I don’t think Shere Khan is ice cold towards his sister but he doesn’t allow himself to be affected by conflicts that could arise with his sibling. Showing such emotional outbursts in public or private is a risk for Khan and he doesn’t trust that somebody might be watching in the shadows. The tiger’s distrust in the world is strong and those who work for him are always on thin ice when it comes to that trust because past occurrences have proven loyal employees or clients can betray him. ] 
[ Let’s just say if you ever interact with Shere Khan in his TaleSpin Verse you can guarantee it would not be easy to get through to him within a few interactions. Shere Khan is brutally genuine and heartless and does not care about most in his life as they are replaceable if they do not show their loyalty and dedication to his company and work. He’s a lot more pleasant in his Toon Verse and Jungle Book Verse because he’s not obligated to a multi-national corporation. He still considers himself a ‘king’ due to his narcissism, ego, and birthright and does not trust anyone well. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 3 years
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[ I’m reminded that Khan was canonly arrested in the animated cartoon Bonkers and he did not have a fun day that day. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 3 years
random HC symbols // @djs-muses​ said: ✍ for Shere Khan? // ✍ - What’s their handwriting like? Do they prefer cursive or no? Do they type or write faster?
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[ Cursive is the go-to way of writing that Khan prefers. His hand writing is clean, cut, and to the point. He does have a habit of using extravagant words as his vocabulary is above that of a standard education. This tiger went to private schools and colleges and he always had to prove to these places of education just how refined and educated he is for them all. In his forties it’s habit at this point with the way he words and writes. ]
[ Khan when given the chance takes him time with signing, writing, and reading. He’s a man of business and always reads the fine print to avoid obstacles or regulations he will regret he didn’t read over. When he’s running on a set time and schedule he will speed up his typing and writing to keep up with deadlines. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 3 years
rules: repost, do not reblog. take the test and post your results (take the test here).
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Openness: 73% Conscientiousness: 100% Extraversion: 40% Agreeableness: 37.5% Neuroticism: 25%
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pocketfullofvoices · 4 years
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SHERE KHAN: Your element is FIRE.
You are passionate, strong and bold. Your determination and vision iare who you are to the core and you won't let anyone influence you otherwise. You're independent and responsive when need be. You are a bit brash, and sharp tongued. You could stand to be a little less selfish when dealing with others and trying to find the more calm or peaceful approach to things rather than what gives the most 'drama'. Aside from that you are seen as a respectable source. You are often misunderstood and few seem to be willing to get to know you past your flame. But you are fiercely loyal to those whom you deem fit to your morals
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You are void, numb and worn out. Be it that the world has been unfair, or you have self sabotaged yourself. You can redeem yourself and come back to be 'you'. But you can't keep making excuses for yourself. And you can't keep letting others hold more value. You need to feel. You need to be self aware. This isn't cute, this isn't funny. You need to pull yourself out of this void. You NEED to. Find life, find purpose, find YOU
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CORALINE JONES: Your element is WATER.
There is a lot of depth to you, probably much more than you let on. You prefer peace and little conflict but have no issue standing your ground when you are wronged. You have deep emotional currents, some you can't even explain, many might be intuitive. You must remember that despite your strong empathy, you cannot judge people so quickly. You also need to learn that it is okay to say no. Your avoidance of problems leaves you in more trouble then when you deal with them. That aside you are seen to be full of love and wonderful energy. You can help people relax and bring them back to a healthy state from a toxic one.
Tagged by: [ I actually stole this from @lloronala​ !!! ]
Tagging: [ @heedingcalls, @indomitablespirits, @extraordinarygrrls ,and uhh @snake-eyes-11​ !!]
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pocketfullofvoices · 4 years
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[ For what seems forever I’ve wanted to sorta mix Khan’s fear of fire from the Jungle Book canon into his canon of TaleSpins but I was never sure. I wanted to make it simple and nothing too angsty but considering I haven’t come up with a solid headcanon for how Khan’s mother is gone I decided to go down this route. ]
[ Khan’s mother died in a accidental house fire (many believe it was NOT an accident but instead a warning/thread to Khan’s father/family, the police/law left the case closed) and Khan was in the house when the fire started. Khan was the only survivor of the fire as his mother and the house maids/butler did not survive. Khan only survived due for managing to escape/rescued via the family butler. Sadly Khan’s mother was in a whole other room of the house (I headcanon it was a summer home) when the accident occurred. Khan didn’t get out the house unharmed and has scars on most of his back and along the base of his tail but over the years they have faded. It is one of the reasons why Khan doesn’t dress too casual in the public to hide the scars. Khan is not ashamed of the scars! He does prefers not to talk about the history of the scars or be reminded of his mother’s death. Luckily Khan’s scars blend in with his stripes so from a distant you wouldn’t see his scars perfectly. ]
[ Khan’s fear of fire stems from his mother’s death but his fear of fire is less frantic and reckless compared to his Jungle Book verse. Khan uses logic and regulations to keep his entire home FREE OF FIRE and accidents to ever happen in his buildings, home, and etc. Everyone who works under Khan Industries is by contract to know fire regulations. Nobody within the preeminence of Khan Industries is not allowed to smoke on their breaks or smoke in the area. Many businesses that Khan owns do not allow smokers or fireplaces within the buildings. ]
[ It’s one of the reasons Khan does not smoke personally. Khan does have fireplaces in his house but he doesn’t use it. Smoke detector, water sprinklers and fire alarms are the top of their class in technology. Fire is something Khan tries to avoid at all costs but he’s not an idiot about it. ]
[ Candles are probably the ONLY thing Khan can stomach within his personal bubble but even Khan twitches at the knowledge that he knows even a simple spark or flame can start a fire. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 4 years
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[ Shere Khan is a multi-ship muse! Meaning he is a muse who is capable of having relationships, romances and sexual flings. This does not mean Khan is easy to ship with or is easily capable of maintaining emotional strong relationships. I say this because being a muse of money and power Khan isn’t exactly looking for a wife or soul mate. Hell Khan isn’t even looking for eye candy or a fling. Those are rarer in his life and Khan doesn’t go out looking for lovers in his daily life. Love, romance or sex are not the big options on his schedule of wanting to be the richest biggest cat in the world. ]
[ That being said: when Khan DOES find that special lady in his life he isn’t the type to make it a game or tiptoe around his feelings for said lady. Khan is a man of his word and is BLUNT about how he feels in every aspect of his life and choices. If he likes you? He will in his own way tell you or show you through actions. Khan is a man of proof and he isn’t shy about telling someone he’s interested in them at all. Business, friendship or love he will not dance around the subject. More if the subject intrigues him or annoys him. The man is emotionally constipated in the public eye but he is NOT when in the privacy of his home. ]
[ The words ‘I love you’ will never be said by Khan. It’s kind of a shitty thing to admit about the character but Khan thinks the words are bland, overused and frankly lost it’s touched over the years. The last time Khan ever said ‘I love you’ to anyone in ANY context was his mother (before her passing) and that was when he was a cub. Pet names are also rare with Khan and he’s only prone to saying ‘my love’ or ‘my dear’ and sometimes ‘my dear’ can be used loosely with others in his life as the man is a business man and it’s a wording that can be used to make others feel ‘safe’ around him in attempts to get on their better side. Yeah but pet names are not a norm with Khan. He isn’t the lovey dovey type. ]
[ Khan however is a man of GIFTS. He enjoys pampering his lady love and spoiling her with gifts. Sometimes it can be seen as a little overwhelming because Khan’s gifts are not cheap. In private Khan is a touch starved man and as long as he knows prying eyes are not lurking he will pamper his lady lover in nuzzles, forehead boops, grooming sessions (I will explain that in another post asglaskh), and conversation. Being such a large man-tiger it’s not difficult for Khan to pick up most of her partners or tug them into his arms easily. His tail is always loosened when in the privacy of his lovers and he uses it CONSTANTLY to tug, pull and hold his lady when they’re intimate or around each other. ]
[ Being a private man Khan does not show PDA within his office or work station or company. It does not help Khan has enemies and those enemies are a threat to the important people in his life. The last thing he wants is for someone lurking in the shadows and seeing him sneak a kiss to his girlfriend and kidnap her in the same day. It happens yo. Watch the show. ]
[ Khan is also against office romances. It’s why sometimes he will not date or have flings a co-worker, business partner or an employee. B u t that does not mean he hasn’t broken that rule before. It’s a canon on this blog Khan has had a few flings with other business owners/CEOS who strike his fancy aesthetically. Namely female big cat species or other tigers. Khan has a type and it leans closely to his own species but he is not against dating outside his species or outside of felines. Your muse just has to catch his attention pretty uniquely for him to make a second glance at you. ]
[ Khan doesn’t believe nor supports marriage for himself personally. He would never ask to marry someone or be engaged. If it were up to his father Khan would of had an arranged marriage in his twenties but Khan preferred not to waste his time, energy and money on someone he didn’t care about. ]
[ All in all Khan is NOT a easy muse to ship it and it’s tricky to get on his good loving side. And when you get that good loving side it’s not something he shows in public or shows off to others. Khan’s love is a private personal matter and he keeps it that way for safety reasons. Once you have his love? It doesn’t end and Khan is a man that doesn’t toss way his feelings lightly. He may not be into marriage and he doesn’t say ‘I love you’ but he is committed, loyal and a man who loves hard. ]
Dating is difficult for Khan in another reason because he is one of the richest men in the world. He’s prone to attracting gold diggers, moochers and enemies who only want him for his money. If Khan has a nudge or hint that someone is only wanting to share his company because of his money (which is usually in most cases TRUE) he will not waste his energy on advances. Khan wants someone he knows is not going to be with him for his money or the perks of his money. As much as Khan enjoys pampering his girlfriend or lover he tends to pick women who do NOT have to rely on his money or back account. Khan does not want to be a bank account or wallet to anyone. Trust is another key issue due to these facts and it takes Khan time to trust someone romantically and with his heart. Flings come and go and he doesn’t get attached to one night stands or the occasional escort. Don’t go thinking it’s easy to get in bed with Khan! He likes to bed women with power and any woman he does choose to share his bedroom with is background checked as to avoid lawsuits or drama. ]
[ Khan had a vasectomy in his mid thirties to avoid claims on pregnancy too. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 4 years
What Tarot Card Are You?
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SHERE KHAN: The Hierophant
The plan is perfect in every way. Everyone where they need to be, at exactly the right moment, with exactly the right smile. You have moved and manipulated the situation, but did you remember to put yourself in the correct position? You, after all, are still a player in the game - whoever thinks they control the pieces still has to make the next move eventually. Whoever is playing the game is playing against an opponent. Ensure that they have not played better than you.
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You are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. This makes you dependent in your independence. They want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. What can they give in return? “Teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. There is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. They are stealing from you. You should stop them from doing that, darling. You only have so much to give. You are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. My advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. Their teeth can turn on you too. There is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
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Your lover’s back does not look quite the same this morning. No one else would notice the difference, if there even is a difference, but you could swear they have more vertebrae than usual. Something in the breathing, as you stare at them in the morning light. The light in the kitchen is just as warm as it always is, the coffee just as hot, but you cannot meet your lover’s eyes. They kiss you on the forehead, go off to work, shake their keys on the way out as they always do. Did they eat anything this morning? Did they speak? Of course they did. You’re probably losing your mind. You would call your friends to ask, if you had any friends left. You don’t, of course, haven’t for months. You only need each other. You only need them. You haven’t spoken to anyone in months. You count the notches on their back. You watch them breathe. You pray they don’t turn around.
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pocketfullofvoices · 4 years
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pocketfullofvoices · 2 years
[ Headcanon Dump for Multiple Muses! ]
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[ Squanchy is a father! He’s the father of two litters ( one litter is of six kids, the other 10 kids ) with two different partners. He sees his kids frequently and is on good terms with all of his kids. ]
[ Squanchy is a war veteran. He’s served in various wars and is actually retired from that mess unless put in a corner. ]
[ Squanchy really really REALLY gets depressed about not being a stand up comedian and doesn’t like to talk about that time of his life. ]
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[ Drake was adopted by two happily married Adelie penguins who found him abandoned and took him as their own. Drake is an only child because of this. He’s on good terms with his parents and they might be unaware of just how villainous he actually is. No matter of that he is protective of his parents and considers no one else his parents. ]
[ Drake has many characteristics and attributes that are the result of toxic masculinity. It will be written into his character and is a major flaw to how he is as a character. ]
[ Drake is actually a good loving father but can be overprotective, smothering and blind to any flaws or antics his children could have in their growth. No matter what his children do, they are perfect in the eyes of Drake. ]
[ Drake is a crazy about his health and physique that it can be considered borderline with obsessive dieting and workout sessions. This is a headcanon steered towards his toon town verses or fowl au verse but his attitude about health for himself and possibly others is that of a bossy health nut. ]
[ Drake has a new au centered in the world of Darkwing Duck and Ducktales 2017 where he is a fowl agent and his alias name is agent orca. The au is a wip but it exists!! ]
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[ Khan might have a physical handicap that is inspired by his book background. In the book, Shere Khan is nicknamed “The Lame One” due to being born with a crippled leg. I might incorporated this into his canon and character background upon further research. All I do know is that it’s something that was hidden away from the public because of his family’s need to be seen as perfect and many years of surgery and physical therapy. It does momentary work in Khan’s youth but by his forties he’s secretly using a cane and taking physical therapy sessions when his legs acts up. This is why Khan is excessively strict about his physical appearance and his health too. ]
[ Khan is the middle child of his siblings, having a younger sister who owns a tea company and has an older brother who’s currently missing in action. ]
[ Khan’s mother is no longer alive but his father is alive and retired. His father is elderly af. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 3 years
[ Khan is neutral on the holiday called Halloween. Growing up in the UK it wasn’t as celebrated compared to the USA and he had no real attachment to the holiday because of this. It wasn’t until he moved locations to the USA that he was exposed to the holiday and it’s festivities on a stronger level. ]
[ I don’t think Khan dislikes Halloween but he finds it pretty unmanageable and childish. Something that wouldn’t spend his money or company on. Since the holiday is a big deal where he works and many of his employees were/are raised in the USA, he lets his workers indulge in office parties or dress if they wish. It’s not dress code or needed but it’s.. something if the person wants to do it. As long as it doesn’t distract from the job they were hired for. ]
[ Khan is always invited to fancy high class Halloween costume parties. Many are fundraisers, charities, auctions or just plain ol’ parties planned by rich billionaires who have too much time on their hands. Khan goes to these parties out of professionalism, not fun. His choice of costume is usually set on royalty or something classy. A famous pirate. A famous inventor. A well known musician. A world renowned pilot. Something that is easy to slip into ( all his costumes are tailored for his large physique so he makes as easy as he can for himself ) and he can cater to his business partners and their parties. ]
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pocketfullofvoices · 3 years
What Obscure Love Language Are You   ?
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making out under the covers
oh boy. you're probably not ready for a relationship right now, are you? you're full of so much love and passion, that you dont know where to put all of it, and sometimes that scares you a bit too much. you're probably the type to catch feelings for someone, let it build up, and run away the moment you cross a line. you love in secret, because you're scared of what it means to suddenly be vulnerable. it's okay, take your time. baby steps.
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tying their shoelaces
you almost never say I love you with your words, but that's okay. because it's in the way you make sure that they never trip. you do what you can to make things easier for the people you care about. there's a tenderness in the way you move- you're always acting with love on the forefront of your mind.
tagged by: @heedingcalls​ <3333 tagging: nobody!
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