#Rugan Coppertail
meeeeeeese · 20 days
Rugan stop being a drama queen, there is 1 crab around.
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smugsharkrat · 1 year
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Finally finished my VS Art Party sketches! I wanted to try resisting the urge to make super polished pieces. I think my sketches actually tend to have more appeal anyway
Thank you all for bringing your awesome characters to be drawn! I hope I did these guys all justice
Astromancer Rhinn - @zeeplaguedoktor Infotechnist Plex - @system-architect Rugan Coppertail - @meeeeeeese Necromancer Jikki - @brit-no Yggdrell - @balladofchefsalad
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ohpollenpowder · 1 year
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Duchess Nafiona
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Foggy Moondance
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Kittra Curbstomp [BUS] Titus Pyrevoice [BLEH] Nevada Delarosa [BLEH] Ka Raska [KITY]
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Gaius Horncleaver [TDO] Kittey the Cat Tenebris Scorchclaw Valkryi Bones [DraW] Panza Thickskull [Meta] Shaw Lostname [DOL] [[INSERT KLEA SHADOWSPUR (aka me) HERE]] Kalysa Sunpelt [CC] Rugan Coppertail Damaris Shadepaw [CC] Vesnia Swiftreign [CC]
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
I got some art of Rugan commissioned done by @astralarias
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meeeeeeese · 4 months
"And that's why I need a 2000 gold research and development grant for the production of a new generation of pistol!"
"Uh, Centurion Coppertail, just to be clear, that's 2000 gold for a single pistol?"
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starting work on HOPE, why it so spensive 😭
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meeeeeeese · 8 months
New Random Rugan Lore Drop
He has some scarring on his arm due to some experimentation with his photon forge. After learning about Kralkatorrik's weakness to his own crystal, Rugan decided to try replacing the light-focusing crystal core with brandstone. And it worked great! He could slice through branded like butter and nothing could stand in his way.... until he overheated.
As it turns out, dragon magic tends to react violently to stress and the resulting explosion of brand-crystal spikes sliced Rugan's arm up pretty badly. He never really regained feeling in parts of his paw.
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meeeeeeese · 5 months
Huzzah inspiration has struck again and I have achieved writing.
The tale of Rugan's 'chance' encounter with a journalist at the start of SotO
It was lunch time at the parade grounds, and across the dusty paw-stomped courtyard, soldiers were taking a break from their drills to enjoy a bite to eat. However, one soldier stood out from the rest, a large copper-furred charr holding a letter in one paw and gently cradling a sleeping cub with the other. Rugan’s tail was beginning to twitch with annoyance, “Go to the parade grounds just north of the Hero's Forum. I'll meet you there.”, the letter said, and yet as the minutes ticked by, Rytlock was still nowhere to be seen. Rugan started to reach for his communicator, to ask where the hell Rytlock was, but stopped as he spotted someone walking up to him. It was a human woman, Canthan in origin, with a notepad and quill pinned under her arm. The brief moment of eye contact gave her an opening, and before she even stopped walking, she launched her introduction.
“The Pact Commander. Champion of an Elder Dragon. The talk of Tyria. In. The. Flesh.”
Rugan sighed, Rytlock had better turn up soon. He responded with a gruff “Do I know you?”, trying his best to indicate he wasn’t much interested in a chat. However, the human pressed on with her spiel unabated. “Mi-Rae of the Cantha Report. International News Desk. Seeing the sights and seeking stories from Central Tyria. Got a minute to chat? You've got one heck of a story, and the people deserve to hear it.”
Falx stirred in Rugan’s arm; he gave the cub an affectionate scratch under the chin before grumbling out “I can… probably spare a minute”.
Mi-Rae gave him a practiced smile before springing into the first question “Good. Walk with me. Talk with me. Didn't have the chance while you were still in Cantha. Big name like you probably has a thousand things to say, but let's start with this...” She tapped a jade-tech device strapped to her side before continuing, judging by its make, it looked to be a recorder. “Killing Soo-Won, saving the world. Ending the reign of the Elder Dragons. A lot to cope with. Thoughts?”
Rugan shrugged, he wasn’t all that interested in baring out his inner thoughts to a stranger and gave a brief response, “We did what needed to be done. At great cost, too.”
Mi-Rae nodded, writing some notes down before commenting “Mmm. An interesting perspective. How do you respond to charges that your leadership—or lack thereof—was one of the chief reasons for the catastrophic events that negatively impacted Cantha?”
Rugan’s eyes narrowed, truthfully the collateral damage from his actions had caused him a lot of anguish, and it was still an ever-present spectre lurking in the back of his mind. But again, he wasn’t about to say all that to a reporter, and so responded with the same hollow excuse he’d said to himself so many times, “I've always acted with the best information available at the time.” His gaze broke from the reporter and back down to his cub, who had woken up and was looking sleepily up at his sire.
Once again Mi-Rae jotted down some notes, before following Rugan’s gaze down to his cub and smiling excitedly. No one had broken the story yet that the legendary Pact Commander had a cub, and so she chose her next question to lead into asking more about Rugan’s personal life.
“That’s clearly a touchy subject. Let's move on, shall we? Do you think the world is a better place without the Elder Dragons? A better place for your cub to grow up?”
This question at least didn’t need a dodge or a long explanation, Rugan stated simply “If we hadn't acted, we wouldn't be here having this conversation”, he lifted his cub up a bit “He wouldn’t be here either”.
Mi-Rae gave a quick nod of acknowledgement, “Good point. Let's talk about you for a moment. What's next for the legendary commander? Any future plans you'd like to divulge here, exclusively for my audience?”. She gave a pointed look at the cub in Rugan’s arms as she talked, trying to indirectly probe for details. Rugan sighed again, truthfully, he had no damn idea what he was gonna do, but at least he had a short-term plan. He responded without breaking eye contact with Falx “Well… I think I know what my plan is for the next year or so. At least until it’s time for the little guy to go to the fahrar”
A quick flash of annoyance crossed Mi-Rae’s face as she scribbled down some more notes, the commander hadn’t divulged all that many headline worthy stories from her indirect questions, so it was time to go on the attack. “So, now that we've got the high-level questions answered, let's get to the meat of the matter. What my audience really wants to hear.” She paused for a moment, as if charging up her journalistic power. “Alright, tell me some of the juicy details. Scandal. Death. Romance. What’s the name of your cub, who’s the mother, are the rumours true that you’re in a secret relationship with Imperator Kindleshot? What are your hopes for the cub’s future?”
A grimace spread across Rugan’s face, Rytlock had better turn up right now or he was going to maul the tribune next time he saw him. If Mi-Rae was going to be blatant with the Gossip-mill questions he was going to dodge them that much more blatantly.
“There’s not much to say really, we prevented widespread disaster a few times. Lost some friends along the way. But now that the dragon cycle is over, it's...peaceful… The cub’s name is Falx by the way.”
The look of annoyance reappeared on Mi-Rae’s face, she muttered to herself "Pact Commander's retirement haunted by dreams of the past, the screams of war..." as she filled up her notepad. She opened her mouth to pry further when they were both distracted by a tiny Asuran golem skittering up to Rugan holding a box in its tiny little hands. A robotic voice echoed out “Delivery for Rugan Coppertail, thank you for choosing Larkk’s Delivery Service”.
Rugan had never looked so relieved in his life. He muttered under his breath “whoever sent this you are a lifesaver.” Before coughing and speaking louder to Mi-Rae, “Oh... burn me this looks really important… looks like I gotta go…”
Mi-Rae looked disappointed, but with one final glance down at her notes, she turned off her recorder and said “I think I've got what I need. Just you wait; your name will be painted on every chronicle in Tyria. Thank you, "Commander." You can trust me to tell your story as authentically and accurately as possible.” She gave him a final wave goodbye, spun around on her heel and walked off.
Before Rugan picked up the box, he took one final look at the letter from Rytlock. At this point he was wondering if he’d gotten the wrong place, and as he skimmed through it a realisation hit him like an overloading photon-forge.
“Please come at your earliest convenience.” “Please” -Rugan had known Rytlock for over a decade at this point. And Rytlock. Never. Uses. The word. Please. And... the reporter somehow knew exactly where to find him…
“OH SON OF A FLAMING TITAN!” He yelled out, loud enough that nearby soldiers gave a quick glance his way as Falx squirmed in Rugan’s arms, looking around to see why his dad was being loud.
Tricked by a damn reporter of all people. Rugan breathed deeply before scrunching up the letter from “Rytlock” and tossing it over his shoulder. Now, time to see what this delivery was all about.
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meeeeeeese · 8 months
So a small lore post on Rugan's sire incoming
Rugan's sire was a charr by the name of Argus Foolkiller, an experienced Iron Legion tracker with many accolades and commendations to his name. Him and his warband were considered some of the best scouts in the legions, so his name carried a decent amount of respect in the citadel.
He was, by charr standards at least, a pretty involved parent, visiting Rugan and his warband several times throughout his time in the Fahrar. He even took Rugan out hunting once! (I want you to envision cub Rugan toting an oversized rifle while Argus helps him aim at a Moa.)
Unfortunately Argus passed away only a few months after Rugan lost almost his entire warband. Argus's 'band got caught in a flame legion ambush, and Argus received a fatal injury, holding on long enough to write his cub one last letter, telling him the location of a hidden treasure.
Because his sire's death happened so soon after his warband got almost annihilated, Rugan never really processed his sire's death. He could have sold the treasure, a priceless jeweled chalice, for a pretty large amount of gold, but he keeps it around to remember his sire because Rugan's a sentimental bastard at heart
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meeeeeeese · 11 months
So Fun Fact, Rugan is low-key terrified of the zephirite airships. As far as he's concerned they're flimsy as hell and bound together with nothing more than rope and twigs, held aloft with nothing but some elementally charged crystals. While he respects their bravery in choosing to live on those things, he could never. Rugan's honestly surprised they don't crash more often.
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meeeeeeese · 10 months
Random Rugan loreposting delivered straight to your dash!
So Rugan recieved an old banged up jade-powered skiff during his unplanned 'trip' to Cantha, but it recieved little use once the void revealed itself and started unmaking Tyria. There were slightly more pressing concerns than taking a serene fishing trip through the streams and lake of Echovald, so into storage it went, with the only thing approximating actual use being the occasional wistful glance Rugan would shoot it's way.
This was the case past the void's defeat and all the way until the end of the demon investigation in Gyala Delve, where Rugan got the first inkling of the idea that self-care is kinda important to staying in top form. So, out came the boat, as a personal project completely removed from his status as the dragon slayer. a project that he could slowly improve and work on, as something for just himself.
So far the boats gotten an improved exterior hull, additional motors for increased maximum speed, enchanted storage containers outfitted with the latest in runes of holding and last, but certainly not least, a set of drink holders. It's... also been sent to the bottom several times through the upgrade process, turns out doing carpentry while drunk is a bad idea actually!
Now that Falx has been born he has less spare hours for his personal boat project, but he still finds time every now and then. Letting the slow currents of the river take you through shaded glades while lazily holding onto your fishing rod is oddly theraputic, especially for Rugan who really needs a good reset from the 'all combat all the time' mentality.
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meeeeeeese · 6 months
I don't know if anyone's asked this before, but how does Falx feel when he learns that he has an older brother in Teghror? What's the general reaction for Rugan's warband and those he interacts with when an older cub claiming to be his comes along? And how does Rugan deal with it? (@commanderhorncleaver)
Falx, despite at this point in time being a little more mature, was unimpressed. He was not a fan of being unceremoniously kicked out of being the commander’s sole super-special cub and was pretty sceptical about this completely unknown cub showing up out of nowhere.
Rytlock also a bit sceptical but after the whole ‘told Braham to piss off because he thought the guy was lying about being Eir’s kid’ incident he wisely kept his mouth shut. Cara didn’t react much, just her usual knowing smile, meanwhile Reeva laughed her ass off about it, calling Rugan ‘the next Maverick’ and started joking that more cubs are gonna be coming in soon from everywhere Rugan’s ever travelled.
And finally, Rugan was pretty stoked to have another cub. And after the expected introductory awkwardness he took some time off to try and get to know Teghror. He also immediately started evaluating Teg to determine what kind of weapon would suit him best so he could build something for his cub
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meeeeeeese · 3 months
I've made jokes about engineers juicing shamans for their short bow's essence payloads but I've come up with a headcanon for Rugan's bow that I like more.
In his case, he's using arrows tipped with charged Aurene crystals filled to the brim with refined and purified dragon magics, ready to mend and support with the dragonvoid thoroughly suppressed.
he might be cribbing some of Kudu's research on dragon magic but he's too dead to care.
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meeeeeeese · 6 months
Feel free to imagine this as August asking Rugan while they're laying in bed together (because that's what I'm intending) but.
The sand-furred charr walks his fingers along Rugan's clavicle, looking at him with his natural yellow-brown eyes. "Have you had crushes before, Rugan?"
Rugan remains silent for a moment, his contented breathing almost blending into a purr. He shifts his pose a little to look up at the ceiling before answering. "Crushes? Sure, who hasn't? … I think my first was one of the Instructors at the fahrar." he sniffs, a twinge of embarrassment crossing his face, "probably a good thing nothing came of that I suppose. Then there was one of my 'bandmates, Howl. He wasn't the smartest and preferred to let his muscles do the talking, but he had his moments. We dated a while but.. he died." His face doesn't betray any emotion, but were August to peek into Rugan's mind he'd sense a lingering sadness brought to the surface by the mention of Howl.
Eager to change the subject, Rugan quickly remarks "I also had a crush on Rytlock at one point. Briefly. He's a good friend but dealing with the mess that was Destiny's Edge broke me outta that spell pretty flamin' quick." He chuckles to himself before continuing, "but ap-" he quickly corrects himself, as if he was about to bring up someone else, but thought better of it. "Yeah that's about it actually, haven't had much time to explore the dating scene with, you know" he waves a paw lazily in the air before rolling over to get back on top of August. "Now are you ready for round two or what?"
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meeeeeeese · 6 months
The wizards should probably have seen this coming, but the instant Rugan had a moment to spare after being given the heart of the obscure, he immediately began tinkering with it.
Good news, it hasn't exploded so far, and now Rugan can attach the heart to his firearms to shoot demon-banishing shots (and they have a banishment success rate of over 97%!(we don't wanna talk about what happens when it fails to fully banish someone)).
And while the heart hasn't exploded, Dagda's head almost did after seeing Rugan jam a relic made by her dear friend into his pistol. But really, what was Rugan supposed to do, not tinker with it?
And yeah he can shoot himself to 'banish' himself back to Tyria, it makes for a great party trick.
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meeeeeeese · 7 months
Uhh don't think that's how you hold a gun Rugan
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meeeeeeese · 4 months
Small Rugan-posting hours lets go
While he focuses a lot on the physical material science side of engineering, he's also pretty decent at artificing and enchanting, having learnt it from Sieran while at the Priory.
It's not his favorite thing in the world, the hours of careful inscribing with overly-delicate tools, where one error can result in a surge of wild magic detonating days of work.
Yeah he could buy one of those high tech golem-powered auto-inscribers and make the glyph creation process much less of a headache, but Sieran gave him his current set of artificing tools so...
he's not getting rid of them.
Won't stop him from moaning about it to everyone with the misfortune to be around while he's enchanting his ammo stock though.
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