sinqueen69 · 10 months
Moonlit Blood [Rick/Daryl-TWD]
Rick wasn’t a fan of Mating Runs, but having watched Maggie and Glenn’s relationship flourish after their Mating Run, he couldn’t help but want.
August Heat 2023 Day 6 - Wild [Primes, Predator/Prey, Feral A/B/O]
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Rick rolled his shoulders, debating if he should just strip out of his fleece-lined jacket as he sauntered through the forest, the designated area for this year’s Mating Run. Rick’s senses were high and his eyes snapped towards every sound he heard, no matter how close or far it was. Howls rang out every so often as other Alphas found their mates. The sun had set a while ago and the full moon bathed the forest in silver light giving everything a supernatural glow, but Rick had never felt more at ease than he did when he was under a full moon.
Rick wasn’t a fan of Mating Runs. This was the first one he had ever taken part in. Rick had met and fallen in love with Lori [a Beta] in high school and never had to endure one of these before. He didn’t understand the urge to go hunt down some strange Omega and force them into being his mate.
It had taken the effort of both his pups and his pack to convince him to even participate in this year’s. He knew they just wanted him happy, he knew these could work thanks to watching Glenn and Maggie flourish after meeting in a Mating Run. Glenn was glowing with his pregnant stomach and Maggie couldn’t stop preening about it.
Rick wanted that, he wanted a relationship like that, he wanted one that was better than the one he had with Lori, which wasn’t that hard considering how she had cheated on him with his childhood best friend, but Judith came out with Rick’s eyes and his underlying scent. It had been heartbreaking but easier to banish both Lori and Shane from the pack when his daughter was in his arms and his son’s approval and presence were at his side.
Rick shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he lazily leapt over a fallen log, averting his eyes when he heard the sounds of an Alpha mating their chosen Omega nearby. Rick sighed before casting his senses out over the forest, as a Prime Alpha his senses were stronger than normal Alpha and he could pinpoint almost every Alpha and Omega in the forest.
Rick tilted his head to the side as he noticed a pack of Alphas moving together, even he knew it was odd for Alphas to stick together during a Mating Run. It was bad form and scared off any potential mates, it was giving him a bad feeling and his feet turned towards the direction of the Alpha pack.
Rick paused, this wasn’t his problem. He was here to find a mate, or just wait until the time limit was up. He was fine either way, so he rolled his neck as he debated turning in the opposite way of the pack of Alphas.
Rick took a single step away from the gathered Alphas when a scent caught his attention. It was crisp like a pine tree, it had the undertones of dirt and fallen leaves. The scent was close to the forest the Mating Run was in, but underneath it all was a soft scent of cinnamon and to Rick, the combination of these scents smelt like home in a way he couldn’t explain.
A rumble built up in Rick’s chest as his arms fell to his side, his closing as he inhaled deeply. Rick’s head lolled to the side as he just stood there, enjoying the sweet scent before an angry, fear-laced Omega cry echoed out. Rick’s eyes snapped open, glowing Alpha red and his pupils circled with purple showcasing that Rick was a Prime Alpha.
Rick was running before he even made the conscious decision to move, his mind going into overdrive as he darted through the foliage. The scent Rick had focused on was becoming stronger with each step he took, a growl coming from his peeled-back lips as the sweet scent was tainted with fear and anger.
Rick burst into a clearing, barely taking in the scene that greeted him before he flew into action with a roar. The pack of Alphas he had sensed before had filled the clearing. Two of them were pinning a growling, snarling, struggling Omega to the forest floor. Another Alpha in a ripped jean vest with a sour scent was squatting by the pinned Omega’s head, grinning victoriously.
Rick just knew the Alpha was spewing vile filth at the Omega who was forcibly pinned to the ground and smelling like fear and anger. The pinned Omega was covered in small cuts and dirt as if he had been running away from this group of Alphas, not wanting to be mated to any one of them. This Omega’s scent was like a siren song to Rick and he would be damned if he let some no-name, vile Alpha take what was his.
Rick lunged at the lead Alpha, tackling the Alpha away from the pinned Omega. Rick vaguely noticed that with the distraction he created, the Omega threw his head back to bash the nose of one of the two Alphas holding him. The Omega hurried to his feet and crashed his fist into the other Alpha’s face, twisting away from the stumbling and bloodied Alpha. The Omega let out a snarl that was low and feral but also somehow sounded perfect in Rick’s ears as he shook his long bangs out of his burning gold eyes.
“This bitch is taken,” The Alpha Rick had tackled away from the Omega snapped. Both Alphas scurried off of each other and settled in low crouches as they slowly circled the other.
“Yeah, but not by you.” Rick rumbled, showing off his elongated fangs in a display of Dominance as his red and purple eyes burned.
“I don’t give a shit if you’re a Prime Alpha! This bitch is mine!” The Alpha in the vest shouted, Rick snarled at the stupid Alpha. Rick hurried forward, slamming into the cocky Alpha, not bothered by the way the other Alpha grunted and stood his ground.
“What are you going to do now sport?” The Alpha asked stupidly, Rick bared his teeth one last time before he let his instinct take over and he sank his fangs into the throat of the Alpha. Rick’s mouth was filled with blood and sinew as he tore the posturing Alpha’s throat out with a vicious yank of his head, warm blood drenched Rick’s beard and ran down his throat in rivets. Rick turned his head to the side, letting the Alpha slumped to the ground gurgling on his blood as Rick spat out the mouthful of blood and flesh.
The other Alphas all stilled and stared at Rick with open terror on their faces, Rick stepped away from the now-dead Alpha, drenched in the other’s blood.
“He’s mine,” Rick growled out and the other Alphas fled, leaving the bloodied Alpha and the Omega he saved alone in the clearing.
“Is that right?” The Omega spoke up a few moments later, voice low and raspy but the scent of fear and anger had faded just leaving behind that fresh forest scent laced with cinnamon that made Rick want to curl around the Omega and purr contently.
“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” Rick tilted his head to the side, sweat-damp curly hair falling over his forehead, uncaring that he was drenched in another Alpha’s blood and no doubt came off as feral.
“Nah, you’re a protector no doubt about that. Plus ya smell like happy pups, which means you’re a provider.” The Omega commented and Rick puffed his chest up in a silent preen, his children were his life and he would do anything to protect them and his pack, his chosen family.
“I ain’t like other Omega’s, I ain’t gonna roll over for ya, I ain’t gotta be a little stay-at-home wife and pop out pups on demand.” The Omega snapped out, eyeing the forest as if looking for an escape in case. Rick fought back a sad noise, he didn’t want his Omega to be scared of him.
“Good, I don’t want that. Want a partner, want someone who will kill to protect my pups, my family.” Rick took a few steps closer, rumbling happily when the Omega didn’t move away.
“I know yer a protector, a fighter. Now let’s see if yer a hunter,” The Omega flashed a smirk at Rick before he turned and fled into the forest. Rick felt his bloodied lips stretch up into a feral grin, his blood starting to race in his veins as his cock twitched in his jeans. Rick took off after the Omega, eager to properly hunt down the Omega and make him his Omega.
The Omega’s scent had taken a spicer edge, telling Rick that the Omega he was chasing was aroused and excited. Rick had to focus as he followed the tracks the Omega left, having to double back a few times because the Omega had laid fake trails. Rick was excited, he had never felt this alive before and damn if his Omega wasn’t a clever thing. It just made Rick want to catch him and mark him as Rick’s so no one else could ever think of claiming what was his.
Rick wasn’t sure how long he chased his Omega through the forest, but he knew that he never wanted this to end, even if he also craved the ending. Rick let out a surprised grunt as he was tackled to the ground, the Omega he had been chasing had founded him instead.
Rick ended up on his back, hands gripping the Omega’s wrists as the Omega placed his hands on either side of the Alpha’s head, straddling Rick’s lap.
“Gotcha,” The Omega grinned, feral and full of adrenaline.
“Ya did,” Rick said lowly, unbothered that he the Alpha had been caught by an Omega during the Mating Run. He discovered he preferred this, it showed that he had chosen correctly, his Omega was strong and oh-so-clever.
“I’m a hunter, I know forests like the back of my hands. Ain’t gonna be giving that up anytime soon, got a problem with that? Alpha?” The Omega drawled, sounding very much like a redneck that the faded winged leather vest and sleeveless plaid shirt hinted at.
“Nah, like I said. I want a partner, an equal.” Rick stated and the Omega tilted his head as if studying Rick, but the position gave away how much the chase had turned them on, their erect cocks brushing against each other through the denim of their jeans.
“Good, cuz I don’t know what I would do if you were a prick. You smell too damn good to let go,” The Omega admitted, yelping when Rick suddenly flipped them and pinned the Omega to the ground. The yelp turned into a moan when Rick slotted himself between the Omega’s thighs and ground his erection against the Omega’s bulging pants causing the sweet, mouthwatering scent of slick filling the air around them.
“I’m Rick Grimes,” Rick said as he nosed down the column of the Omega’s neck, settling at the scent he was so taken with.
“Daryl Dixon,” Daryl whispered, arching up against the Alpha as his eyes closed in bliss as his and Rick’s scents twisted together.
“Daryl, gonna fuck you, mate you, then take you home to meet our pups.” Rick rumbled as he teasingly bit at the Omega’s mating gland. Daryl let out a keen at the touch and words.
“Want that, fuck, want that Rick.” Daryl agreed instantly, the pheromones they were releasing were too overpowering. Rick knew the two of them were entering a feral zone that Alphas and Omegas entered when compatible ones found each other. Nothing could stop them now and the only way to come out of the feral state was bloodied mating bites on their throats and the Omega stuffed full with the Alpha’s knot and cum.
Their hands descended on each other, pushing and tugging at clothes until they were nothing but a heap on the forest floor. Now that the Omega and Alpha were pressed skin to skin, it was only natural that Daryl grabbed the sides of Rick’s head, fingers digging into the wet curls and yanked him down for a dirty kiss. Both moaned and Daryl didn’t mind the tang of blood, in fact, it just made Daryl that much more turned on at the reminder that Rick had ripped another Alpha’s throat out to get to Daryl.
Rick ran his hands down Daryl’s chest, fingers pausing to rub over the Omega’s pink nipples. Daryl moaned and pressed up into those light touches as he hooked one leg over Rick’s hip to yank him down in a silent plea. Rick swallowed Daryl’s moan when he plucked the Omega’s nipples. Daryl broke the kiss, lips were swollen and wet with salvia. His cheeks were flushed and the golden ring of Omega gold was so thin that it was barely visible as Daryl looked up at the bloodied Alpha in full-blown arousal.
“Gonna fuck me now Alpha?” Daryl asked gruffly, tilting his head up when Rick leaned down and dragged his tongue up the column of Daryl’s neck, humming lowly at the taste of salty sweat but something uniquely Daryl.
“Gonna make you come now,” Rick amended as his fingers curled around Daryl’s cock, giving it a solid pump. Daryl let out a soft gasp, fingers twisting around Rick’s curls as his head fell back as Rick stroked his dripping erection, the scent of the Omega’s slick growing stronger with each pass of the Alpha’s hand. Rick couldn’t resist the sweet scent his chosen Omega was releasing, his mouth watered so it was no hassle for Rick to duck his head and seal his lips around the leaking head of the Omega’s erection.
Daryl yelped, body arching up towards Rick and nails digging into the Alpha’s scalp as Rick smoothly took every inch of the Omega’s cock into his mouth. Daryl gasped for breath, staring up at the treetops above them as he tried not to lose his mind while Rick sucked and lapped at his sensitive cock.
Rick smoothed his hands possessively over Daryl’s muscled and scarred thighs before sliding two fingers into the Omega’s soaking-wet hole. Daryl moaned low and wantonly, hips jerking as the Alpha’s fingers stretched him with a precision that the Omega hadn’t expected from an Alpha in feral mating mode. Between Rick’s mouth on his cock and fingers in his slick hole, Daryl stood no chance as he let out a cry as he came, drenching both the Alpha’s chin and fingers.
In any other situation, Daryl would have been embarrassed by the fact that he was coming so quickly, like he was in Heat for the first time. Instead, it felt natural and the pleased smile Rick gave him just made him settle further.
“You’re gonna be nice and slick now, gonna take my cock so well. I just know it,” Rick rumbled, his words a bit garbled by the fact his fangs had elongated again and paired with the drying blood on his face and throat made Daryl hot. This was the way Alphas were meant to be, to do anything to protect what was theirs.
Daryl rolled himself over and shoved his body into the classic presenting position without a second thought. He had never presented to anyone like this before, not until Rick and he would never present like this to anyone except Rick, his Alpha.
Rick snarled lowly as he gripped Daryl’s hips tightly, leaving bruises that would last for days after this. Daryl whined lowly, arching his back just a bit more to tempt his Alpha. If he didn’t get the Alpha’s cock in him right now, he would make Rick chase him down all over again.
Daryl wailed as Rick howled out in a primal, feral state as he slammed his cock into his chosen Omega. Daryl had taken Omega and Beta cock’s before, he had ridden fake knotting toys but that had been nothing like taking an Alpha’s cock properly. Daryl had never felt this full and perfectly stretched, with no burning and no ache, just a perfect fit.
Daryl dug his fingers into the dirt, sinking into the wonderful sensation of his Alpha mounting him in the territory that he felt most comfortable in. Dreams he had when he first presented as an Omega were finally coming true and he wanted to stay in this moment forever. Yet his mind went blank the moment Rick drew his hips back and thrust into him for the first time since he bottomed out.
Daryl’s mouth hung open and a keen escaped his throat as he clenched eagerly around Rick’s cock, desperate to both keep his cock inside of him and for the Alpha to keep fucking him. Rick chuckled lowly as if he understood the struggle Daryl was having internally. Rick leaned down and dragged his teeth over Daryl’s mating gland, sending a whole body shudder over the Omega.
Daryl let out something akin to a sob when Rick thrust into him again, cock striking directly against the Omega’s sensitive prostate. Fresh slick gushed out around the Alpha’s cock and down Daryl’s thighs, Rick made a noise of approval and sped up his thrusts, ensuring each thrust had his cock hitting against Daryl’s prostate.
Tears sprung from Daryl’s eyes and ran down his flushed cheeks, Daryl couldn’t stop them from spilling as he gasped and whined as he was fucked steadily by his Alpha. Rick had barely curled his fingers around Daryl’s once again hard cock before Daryl was crying out as he came for a second time, his slick hole clamping down tight around the Alpha’s cock.
Rick let out a low snarl as he snapped his hips forward harder, pounding into the Omega’s tight, sopping hole as he chased his orgasm. Rick’s knot began to catch on the Omega’s puffy, stretched rim and Daryl sobbed as Rick paused before shoving his almost fully formed knot deep into the Omega below him.
Daryl sobbed as Rick howled in triumph on pure instinct as his knot locked them together and small spurts of cum came from Daryl’s cock. Rick leaned down and bit through Daryl’s mating gland, their bond snapping to life between them and instantly Daryl settled, no longer feeling overwhelmed and adrift, he had his mate to ground him and soothe him.
Rick gently rolled them over, guiding Daryl’s leg up over his thigh as he purred contently, hand curving over the soft swell of Daryl’s stomach that he was currently pumping full of his seed. Rick lapped at the blood that was trickling from the mating bite he left on Daryl’s neck, his Omega purring softly in his arms. Daryl twisted as best as he could, forcing them both to moan before Daryl sank his fang into Rick’s mating gland, refusing to be the only one claimed in this new relationship. Rick groaned lowly, knot throbbing from where it was buried inside of his Omega, their bond burning brightly and it felt stronger than it had when only Daryl bore the mark of their bonding.
“Don’t worry about nothing anymore, gonna take good care of you and whoever you’ve claimed as yours,” Rick promised in his low, husky voice and Daryl just smiled and turned his head for a kiss, uncaring of the dry and fresh blood their lips and chins were coated in. He knew the words his Alpha spoke to be nothing but the truth and he passed out exhausted but happy with that knowledge.
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rust-4-life · 6 years
a lil rickryl for old time’s sake
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kumawind · 9 years
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Guest art for my friend’s TWD fanbook. :D
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sunrisencas · 11 years
Why can’t I find a McFlincus tag (Sean Patrick Flanery, Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride)
It needs to exist these people are just too amazing not to be shipped together.
I mean just imagine how awesome their babies would be?
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rust-4-life · 12 years
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shippy stuff im tired go to hell
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rust-4-life · 12 years
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rust-4-life · 12 years
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rust-4-life · 12 years
see i dont get it i could do an overanalysis of their actions over a lot of things but seriously you guys needed that handshake really even though daryl is quick to compliment rick and he sides with him automatically and then when they were gonna kill that boy daryl does everything in a way that works as a perfect unit with rick and when rick changes his mind see shane is disappointed but daryl is just like welp changed his mind and he just picks the boy up to take him and just ugh and dont even get me started on the other way around ok rick cares for daryl jfc
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