#Reyna Escobar
stilonhold · 1 year
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Reyna Enedina Escobar-18y/o-Angel-Shadowhunter
Resident - Alicante, Spain. Daughter from - Darió Escobar & Alexandra Mendoza Sister of - Emilio, Ashton, Charisma & Sierra Escobar. (Niec)e of - Rouven, Rafael & Ana Mendoza. Lovelanguage - Song Lyrics & Bad Quotes. Unpopular opinion - Crystals work, @feel-myenergy is the coolest. Tattooed & Pierced it's me hi i'm the problem it's me. I don't wanna know. If you playen me keep it on a low. Love yourself and your expression, you can’t go wrong. I’m a hustler, baby; I sell water to a well! Nothing can stop me, I’m all the way up.
I wanna be a mushroom men, living in a little mushroom house with my little mushroom wife and next door is a frog and we are best friends and I will finally happy!!!!
Wire - @stilonhold Part of @theturnerfamily ←→ @desalvo
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darioesc · 2 months
Darío Escobar
33 Jahre
Oberhaupt des Medellín-Kartells
Cádez, Spanien
Sohn von Pablo Emilio Escobar und Victoria Henao
Vater von Charisma, Cristano , Reyna Aurora, Rafael Escobar
Wire: darioesc
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stilonreyna · 3 months
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Reyna Enedina Escobar-19yo-Angel-Shadowhunter
Resident - Alicante, Spain. Daughter from - Darió Escobar & Alexandra Mendoza                             Sister of - Emilio, Rafael, Ashton, Charisma, Sierra & Aurora Escobar.                             (Niec)e of - Rouven, Rafael & Ana Mendoza.                             Lovelanguage - Song Lyrics & Bad Quotes.                        Unpopular opinion - Crystals work.                             Tattooed & Pierced.                             it's me hi i'm the problem it's me.                           Baby ist am grinden, Baby grind on my. I don't wanna know. If you playen me keep it on a low.                            Love yourself and your expression, you can’t go wrong.                          I’m a hustler, baby; I sell water to a well!                          Break your heart i feel alive.                          Und sie fliegt wie ein Schmetterling.                          Du bist Zart, ja ich mag, deine Art, wie du bist, wie du lachst, wie du strahlst, kein scheiß Egoist.
I wanna be a mushroom men, living in a little mushroom house with my little mushroom wife and next door is a frog and we are best friends and I will finally happy!!!!
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Wire - @stilonreyna Part of @theturnerfamily ←→ @desalvo
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melodieoffireandice · 2 years
Keep your heels, head and standards high!
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Kleiner Steckbrief über mich 🌤
Name: Reyna Yara Escobar.'
Bedeutung: Renya > die Königin
Yara > die Kraft
Geburtsort: Alicante, Spanien
Geburtstag: 17. August. 2004
Sternzeichen: Löwe > Feuerzeichen
Größe: 1,81 cm
Wesen: Nephilim
Beruf: Unter Vertrag bei IMG Models, Jägerin
Hobbys : Motorrad fahren > Surfen
Eiskunstlaufen > Yoga > Singen
Fechten/Schwertkampf > Shoppen
Autotuning > Highlining
Familie: Tochter von Darió Escobar und Eiza Mendoza. Schwester von Emilio, Ashton und Charisma
Wire: littleantihero
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acapulcopress · 1 year
Se oficiaron los primeros 'matrimonios igualitarios' en Guerrero
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ACAPULCO * 26 de mayo de 2023. ) Gobierno de Guerrero En un hecho sin precedentes en el estado, el secretario general de Gobierno, Ludwig
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Marcial Reynoso Núñez, y el coordinador técnico del Sistema Estatal de Registro Civil, Roberto Barreto Bohórquez, encabezaron la ceremonia en la que poco más de 30 parejas del mismo sexo unieron legalmente y de manera gratuita sus vidas a través del Matrimonio Igualitario, obteniendo con ello el reconocimiento jurídico, con todas las obligaciones y derechos correspondientes. “En este evento histórico, hoy en Guerrero se harán los primeros matrimonios igualitarios, después de muchos años de estar pugnando porque se reconociera este derecho, sin distinción de sexo”, expresó el encargado de la política interna en el estado, quien se refirió a la voluntad política de la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado, quien en todo momento se ha
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mantenido muy cercana a las necesidades de la población, priorizando el reconocimiento de los derechos de todos los sectores. En representación de la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado, el secretario de Gobierno, Reynoso Núñez destacó que con esta unión, se logra el reconocimiento ante el Estado, ante la sociedad de la formalización de una relación, lo que constituye un paso más en el reconocimiento de los derechos de las y los guerrerenses. En este acto realizado en la explanada del Centro Internacional Acapulco, se dieron cita integrantes de los diferentes colectivos de la diversidad sexual, quienes destacaron la importancia de este reconocimiento de los derechos. Por ello, activistas como Igor Pettit,
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Juan Carlos Salvador López, Alberto Serna Mogollón y Alejandra Gasca Luna, resaltaron que con esto se da un gran paso a favor de este sector y agradecieron el apoyo de la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado para la consolidación de este logro que tenía años de ser un anhelo. “Sin duda alguna están dejando un elemento muy importante, porque dejarán una huella en el camino, que no se va a poder borrar por nada. Nosotros queremos agradecer hoy en este día, en especial a la gobernadora del estado, una mujer que seguramente con ella, va a dar frutos esta lucha que ya floreció, que ya está latente”, expresó Igor Pettit. En tanto que la presidenta de la Junta de Coordinación Política del Congreso Local, Yoloczin
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Domínguez Serna reconoció el apoyo de la gobernadora, quien, con su disposición y voluntad, contribuyó para llegar a este momento. “Reconozco el trabajo, la disposición, el compromiso y todo el apoyo de nuestra querida gobernadora, de trabajar siempre en favor de las y los guerrerenses, de los sectores de la población que más lo requieren y de atender los compromisos de restituir los derechos a las personas de la población de la diversidad sexual de Guerrero”, añadió. Enseguida, el coordinador técnico del Sistema Estatal de Registro Civil procedió a realizar la boda de las parejas formadas por Adidorey Reyna Solano y Azalia Rodríguez Peralta, al igual que la de Irvin Martínez Escobar y Kevin Arrazola Rojas. Posteriormente se llevó a cabo la unión de las demás parejas presentes, originarias de Acapulco y otros municipios,
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como Coyuca de Benítez, Chilpancingo, Tecpan, y Xochistlahuaca. Para culminar la ceremonia, se realizó el tradicional brindis y se llevó a cabo la partida de pastel. De acuerdo a lo explicado por el titular del Registro Civil, quienes estén interesados en contraer matrimonio, pueden consultar los requisitos en la página oficial de la dependencia. ) Síguenos en nuestra página Facebook.com/acapulcopress.news Read the full article
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el capo
el chema
sobreviviendo a escobar
la señora acero
dueños del paraiso
la reyna del sur
la viuda negra
el señor de los cielos
los 3 caines
sin senos no hay paraiso
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encortoags · 5 years
Se mantienen con buen ánimo los equipos hidrocálidos que compiten en la disciplina de béisbol dentro de la Olimpiada Nacional 2019 con dos partidos jugados al momento, con uno ganado y otro perdido, los jóvenes hidrocálidos mantienen al tope la actitud positiva. En su primer partido la categoría Junior pierde contra el conjunto sinaloense quienes con 15 carreras a cinco de los aguascalentenses los vencen en el  primer encuentro. Sin embargo en su segundo partido los beisbolistas hidrocálidos remontaron en su encuentro contra el Estado de Querétaro; los aquicalidenses después de empatar 12 a 12 en la séptima entrada definieron quien se quedaba con el triunfo del partido durante la octava entrada cerrando el marcador con un total de 17 carreras a 12 a favor. Para la categoría menor su primer encuentro contra la Ciudad de México se perdió con un a diferencia de cuatro carreras cerrando el marcador 10 a 6. En tanto para su segundo encuentro los jóvenes de la categoría Pre junior lograron vencer a los hidalguenses en un partido muy cerrado donde la diferencia la hizo una sola carrera, con 8 de los aguascalentenses y 7 de los contrincantes se cerró el marcador de esta jornada. Los equipos están conformados por: ALVARADO CASTRO BRANDON GAEL 13-14 años (2006-2005) BARBOSA FILIDOR DIEGO EMMANUEL 13-14 años (2006-2005) BECERRA QUEZADA FERNANDO 13-14 años (2006-2005) CAMPOS VALADEZ LEVI YAHIR 13-14 años (2006-2005) COBOS COLIS RICARDO 13-14 años (2006-2005) CORNEJO RAMIREZ DIEGO HUMBERTO 13-14 años (2006-2005) DE LUNA RAMIREZ VICTOR EMILIO 13-14 años (2006-2005) DIAZ MUÑOZ DAVID ALEJANDRO 13-14 años (2006-2005) DUEÑAS SANCHEZ ANDREW ANTHONY 13-14 años (2006-2005) DURON CARMONA SANTIAGO 13-14 años (2006-2005) FLORES DELGADO EMILIANO SALVADOR 13-14 años (2006-2005) GALLEGOS VELASCO FRANCISCO JAVIER 13-14 años (2006-2005) GARCIA REYNA OSCAR SAUL 13-14 años (2006-2005) HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ CESAR DE JESUS 13-14 años (2006-2005) HERRERA YAÑEZ CRISTIAN DAVID 13-14 años (2006-2005) MARTIN DEL CAMPO TAVARES JOSE MARIA 13-14 años (2006-2005) NIEVES OVALLE OLIVER RICARDO 13-14 años (2006-2005) ORTIZ FLORES ANGEL DANIEL 13-14 años (2006-2005) PELAYO TORRES RODRIGO ALONSO 13-14 años (2006-2005) RIOS REYES NESTOR ORLANDO 13-14 años (2006-2005) ROMERO OROZCO MARCOS GABRIEL 13-14 años (2006-2005) SALAS ELICEA VICTOR MANUEL 13-14 años (2006-2005) SILVA CALDERON JUAN DIEGO 13-14 años (2006-2005) ACOSTA LOPEZ JOSE GUADALUPE 15-16 años (2004-2003) ANAYA BADENA SALVADOR EMANUEL 15-16 años (2004-2003) DE LARA DELGADO EDGAR EDUARDO 15-16 años (2004-2003) DE LOERA TEJEDA CARLOS EDUARDO 15-16 años (2004-2003) ESCOBAR REYES DAMIAN JONATHAN 15-16 años (2004-2003) FRANCO TOSCANO HECTOR JOEL 15-16 años (2004-2003) FRANCO TOSCANO LUIS MANUEL 15-16 años (2004-2003) GUARDADO MARTINEZ JESUS DANIEL 15-16 años (2004-2003) HERNANDEZ ELIAS JORGE ALBERTO 15-16 años (2004-2003) LOMELI NIEVES JUAN JOSE 15-16 años (2004-2003) LOPEZ MARTINEZ DANIEL FRANCISCO 15-16 años (2004-2003) LOPEZ RUVALCABA MAURICIO 15-16 años (2004-2003) LUPERCIO PEREZ GERARDO ANTONIO 15-16 años (2004-2003) MACIAS RODRIGUEZ JULIO CESAR 15-16 años (2004-2003) MARTINEZ LOPEZ OMAR RICARDO 15-16 años (2004-2003) NERI RODRIGUEZ KEVIN ORLANDO 15-16 años (2004-2003) ROJAS MACIAS LUIS FERNANDO 15-16 años (2004-2003) ROMERO GALINDO GUSTAVO 15-16 años (2004-2003) SANTOS VILLALOBOS AXEL JOSHUA 15-16 años (2004-2003) SEPULVEDA GUTIERREZ ULISES 15-16 años (2004-2003) SERNA SERNA OSCAR HUMBERTO 15-16 años (2004-2003) TABARES NAJERA URIEL 15-16 años (2004-2003) VILLALOBOS ALFARO CHRISTOPHER ORLANDO 15-16 años (2004-2003) ZUÑIGA ADAME ANDRE JOXEL 15-16 años (2004-2003)
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revistapuntodevista · 4 years
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Impulsan una nueva Ley de Protección a Madres, Padres y Tutores en situación de soltería San Luis Potosí SLP.- La diputada Sonia Mendoza, junto con las ciudadanas Blanca Estela Gardea, Mónica Fabiola Rodríguez Herrera, Clara Joaquina Méndez Escobar, Reyna Asminda Solís Guzmán, Esmeralda Bustamante Mendoza, Miriam Souverbille Martínez, presentó iniciativa para expedir la nueva Ley de Protección a Madres, Padres y Tutores en situación de Soltería para el Estado de San Luis Potosí.
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damian-fabian-blog · 7 years
Coco Kush Toto Stick Golo Stick Aline Reynoso Annie Hernández Ferzz Ita Joana Ávila Yajaira Juarez Frydda Paarra Selene lira Malondra Robles García Marlene Leite Benito Camelo Clari Iralc Sara Riot Xime Salas Faby Uro Vain Morrison Abrííl Ramíírez Lucy Campuzano Martin Del Prado Sony Estrada Oscar Lopez Jaque Díaz de Fer Eliza Barrera Artax Gomez Żatanna Żatara Lucy Meendiola Diiz McCraken Alexia Flores Fernanda tinoco Priscila Galván Michelle Alarcón Mari Flores Daniel Alejandro Mendoza Leon Betzabel Marquez Daniela Espinoza Loza Briza Jaqueline Deloya Lina Cherry Pie Lesliie Martinez Lhi CR Susana Ortíz Madyurith Guinto Mariana MG Ivan Vazquez Julieta Garcia Isabella Miranda Ale Luna Danna Avilez Mariana Rubí Robert Rodriguez Kecho Vazquez Daniela Domínguez Massiel Escobar Lin OH Yessica Estrada Monserrat Rojas Aniimal Renton Mcflay Alejandra Gonzalez Luna Wolf Regina Pereyra Yaz Ruiz María Jacobo Guadarrama Noemí Malena le Tango Lau Ventura Luz Jazmin Sanchez Griselda MB Deevine Dimas Mirna Martínez Fanny Escobar H Angie Paola Valencia Restrepo Elide Gutiérrez Tania Guzmán Leticia Luna Serna Maritzaa Molina Ingrid MA Mina Montenegro Letyy Bluu Kitzia Martinez Daniela Lugo Rocio Yazmin Suarez Gabriela Morales Cin Barrett Gabriela Dlso Alexandra Juan Perezz II Sary Mob Katya Sanchez Dapnhe Miranda Granados Rinoceronte Aipher María Mondragón Tonantzin Ariza Vázquez Wennth Peyotl Fernanda AR Rachel Siller's Katia Zariñana Ox Ix Nayelli Zariñana Esme GH Alys Zam Mariana Barranco Avila Neli Crk Sheila Martinez Kendy Blue Carolina Quintero Dulce Rivera Paola Avílez Pamela Joana Mejia Kenn Muush Katherine Moreno Hurtado Viviana Cardona Lara Betzii la Quaii Cinthya Michelle García Vega Fernanda Reyes Dinorah Castillo Lizeth Salazar Ortíz Karen Delarge Azul Castillo Alberto Badillo Parra Donjuan Fadua Fernanda Martinessca Ada Martinez Abigail Reyes Sofia Garza Itzel Fyahbwoy Karen Rodriguez Paola Williams Alice BG Belén Blas Urbina Sad Raquel Zariñana Daniela Von C Cinthya Aguiilar Erika Guerrero Betza Uribe Pixel Antwoord Rocy Diaz Itz Papalotl Bueno Lilibeth Dominguez Katia Yamilet Hernández Flores Re Bel Arely Pérez Ramos Breendá Beetancourt Jaquelin Farciert Jaid VH Fernanda MP Horus Gonzalez Demi Crute Erik Armando Jovana Martinez Ü Fernanda Cordero Zaira Arumir Meel Leyva Yetla Pech Samma MH Elizabeth Ocampo Jackelyn Maxinez Ana Ríos Fercho Lopez Luisa Jimenez Tania Bahena Edyy Ggzalez Brenduska Laguna Reyna Car La RG Jose Luis Figueroa Fernanda Garcia EDREY HAYLEN ANN ALEJANDRA MORENO CAROLINA ALCARAZ VERONIKA RODRIGUEZ MARY DIAZ GEMMA AB ALEJANDRA BARRERA STEFANI YAEL ROSY QUEVEDO AHTZIRI ANGELES ALEXIA DANIELA LIZBETH EVELYN AGUILAR LOPEZ HELEN LUCERO LB INGRID LAIHO CEREZO PAU ARANDA LU ABBY DESASTRE LEY
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afrenchfrog · 7 years
rules: you have to tag followers you want to get to know better tagged by @maleficentmills , thanks! gender: Female star sign: Virgo height: 172 cm sexual orientation: Pansexual hogwarts house: Ravenclaw favorite color: Blue favorite animal: Rabbits average hours of sleep: 6-7 cat or dog person: Cat favorite fictional characters: Drake Merwin, Caine Soren, Edilio Escobar, Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Wonder Woman, Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, Peeta, Effie, Chanel #5, Chanel #3, Poison Ivy, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr,Superman and many more... number of blankets i sleep with: 1 or 2 favorite singer/band: It's really hard to choose... Meghan Trainor or 5Sos dream trip: LA, New York, Tallinn, London, Sydney, Toronto... dream job: I don't really have one but maybe astronaut when was this blog made: 2015 number of followers: 21 😂 what made you decide you to create this blog: I can't remember but I think someone told me that Tumblr is fun so I created this blog tagging: @ariarabutera @sherlockssolarsystem @sudefpj @melaniedelrey
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mafitas · 5 years
Trailer Extrañosiento from Mauro Pezzopane on Vimeo.
DIRECCIÓN Mauricio Ahumada PRODUCTORA GENERAL Alejandra Rojo MONTAJE Robert Díaz Encina MÚSICA ORIGINAL Christian Pino Vergara ASESOR GENERAL Javier Berrocal Barea ASESOR PERIODISTICO César Baeza Hidalgo POSTPRODUCCIÓN Insomnia Audiovisual
PERSONAJES Héctor Maturana, Marco Paulsen, Carlos García, Jorge Escobar, Rosita Ubilla, Magdalena Urzúa.
ESPECIALISTAS Verónica Reyna, Alejandra Arriaza, Francisco Cumplido.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
International wrap: Yura Movsisyan scores four goals in Armenia win
November 17, 20185:53PM EST
Yura Movsisyan laid down an early marker for MLS players on international duty in the November window, after he scored four goals in 70 minutes of action on Friday.
The haul, coming in a 6-2 win over Gibraltar in UEFA Nations League League D group play, was a breakout performance for Movsisyan, who moved to the Chicago Fire in September but did not score in 58 minutes of action for the Men in Red after his arrival.
The win for Armenia gives them hope of promoting out of League D, although they will need to overtake Macedonia in Group 4 to move up for the next edition of the competition.
Movsisyan’s Fire teammate, Nicolas Hasler, was also in action in that group, as Liechtenstein played to a 2-0 Nations League defeat at home to Macedonia on Friday. Hasler played the full 90 minutes for his country, but it was a disappointing result for the home side.
If Movsisyan’s four goals set down the marker, Vancouver Whitecaps FC defender Kendall Waston made a charge of his own, scoring a brace for Costa Rica in their 3-2 friendly win over Chile on Friday. Waston’s tallies gave the Ticos a 2-0 lead, before NYCFC’s Ronald Matarrita scored what turned out to be the game-winner just after the hour mark. Despite a late rally by Chile, Costa Rica held on for the road win. Minnesota United defender Francisco Calvo played the full 90 for Costa Rica as well, and D.C. United defender Joseph Mora came off the bench late for the winning side.
Real Salt Lake playmaker Albert Rusnak was also in the goals, as he started the scoring for Slovakia in their Nations League 4-1 home rout over Ukraine on Friday. In spite of the win in League B Group 1, Slovakia are fighting against relegation to League C, and they’ll face Borek Dockal’s Czech Republic on Tuesday, with the team coming out on the wrong end in that clash going down for the next edition.
In other action, Carlos Gruezo and Ecuador posted a 2-0 road friendly win over Peru on Thursday. The FC Dallas midfielder played the full 90 for the winners, while Peru featured starters Yoshi Yotun (Orlando City) and Raul Ruidiaz (Seattle Sounders), with Andy Polo (Portland Timbers) and Yordy Reyna (Vancouver) coming off the bench.
And in another friendly full of MLS players, Honduras defeated their Central American rivals Panama 1-0 on Friday. Luis Lopez (LAFC), Maynor Figueroa (Dallas), Alberth Elis (Houston Dynamo) and Romell Quioto (Houston) starting for the winning side. Panama, meanwhile, started Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Fidel Escobar (New York Red Bulls), Michael Murillo (RBNY), and Anibal Godoy (San Jose) in the match.
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MLSsoccer.com News
International wrap: Yura Movsisyan scores four goals in Armenia win was originally published on 365 Football
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El Zócalo se vistió de Danzoneros que disfrutaron al ritmo de Danzonera ‘La Playa’
Por Ari Salgado
En días pasados se llevó a cabo la inauguración del Primer Festival Cultural de Danzón “Encuentro de Danzoneras en Acapulco 2018” en el Zócalo de la ciudad.
En un ambiente totalmente festivo, la principal plaza del puerto se volvió una pista de baile, al encontrar una gran cantidad de Danzoneros que mostraron sus mejores movimientos al ritmo de la Danzonera ‘La Playa’ del maestro Gonzalo Varela Palmeros, originarios de Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz.
Una gran cantidad de expertos Danzoneros disfrutaron del Festival
El Secretario de Cultura de Guerrero, Mauricio Leyva Castrejón, fue el encargado de dar la bienvenida al gran público así como de agradecer la presencia de grupos de más de 15 Estados de la República, como Guadalajara, Veracruz, Querétaro, Ciudad de México, Puebla, Guanajuato, Morelos, Monterrey, San Luis Potosí, Morelia, Hidalgo, entre otros.
Danzoneros María Elena Lira y Arturo Torres
Danzoneros Rosa María Ibarra y Luis Escobar
Danzoneros Eduardo y Gina Albarrán
Danzoneros Liz Anaya y Fernando Suaste
Danzoneras Rumana Velázquez, Rosa Ramos, Giovanna Ferro, Rocha Olivares y Mary Torres
Max Olvera y Dra. Blanca Reyna de Grupo Alegría Danzonera de Acapulco
Claudia Llanas y Leo Rosen
Danzoneros María Luisa de Morales y Martín Dávila
Danzoneros Antonio Baeza y Rocio
Danzoneros Sabina Morales e Ignacio Castro
Max Olvera Organizador del Evento y Lic. Laura Lozada de Grupo de Danzoneros de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Danzonera ‘La Playa’ del maestro Gonzalo Varela Palmeros
Inauguran festival cultural de Danzón “encuentro de danzoneras en Acapulco 2018? Por Ari Salgado En días pasados se llevó a cabo la inauguración del Primer Festival Cultural de Danzón “Encuentro de Danzoneras en Acapulco 2018” en el Zócalo de la ciudad.
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revistapuntodevista · 4 years
Se busca mejorar la calidad de vida de madres y padres solteros
Se busca mejorar la calidad de vida de madres y padres solteros
San Luis Potosí SLP.- Con el objetivo de atender la transversalización de las políticas públicas para favorecer la calidad de vida de padres y madres solteros, la diputada Sonia Mendoza Díaz, junto con las ciudadanas Blanca Estela Gardea, Mónica Fabiola Rodríguez Herrera, Clara Joaquina Méndez Escobar, Reyna Asminda Solís Guzmán, Esmeralda Bustamante Mendoza, Miriam Souverbille Martínez, presentó…
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villageconfidential · 6 years
The Latest: Texas Democratic midterm primary turnout grows
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Latest on primary elections in Texas (all times CST):
10 a.m.
Democratic turnout for Texas’ primary has exceeded primary midterm vote totals not seen since 1994, when the party was beginning its slide into the political wilderness in a state that had for decades been a Democratic stronghold.
More than 1,036,950 voters cast ballots for the U.S. Senate race in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, the party’s highest midterm primary election total in at least 24 years.
Republicans also set a new non-presidential year primary turnout record, exceeding 1.5 million votes Tuesday.
Democrats haven’t won a statewide office in Texas since 1994. But conservative Democrats dominated Texas politics in the 1970s and 1980s, and 1994 marked a key time when state political dominance flipped.
Republicans remain favored to hold all Texas statewide offices in November.
Democratic primary voters said they were energized by frustrations with President Donald Trump. But many Republicans embraced Trump.
8:30 a.m.
Two high-profile Texas district attorneys have fallen short in their bids for re-election.
Bexar (bayr) County District Attorney Nico LaHood was defeated in Tuesday’s Democratic primary by defense attorney Joe Gonzales, who received nearly 60 percent of the vote. Meanwhile, McLennan County District Attorney Abel Reyna was defeated in the Republican primary by personal injury lawyer Barry Johnson, who also received nearly 60 percent of the vote.
LaHood has drawn criticism for making anti-Islamic comments and unsubstantiated claims that vaccines cause autism. Gonzales, who received nearly $1 million in advertising backed by billionaire liberal philanthropist George Soros, says LaHood ran the DA’s office "through intimidation."
Reyna was panned for orchestrating the arrest of nearly 180 bikers after the deadly 2015 shootout involving rival gangs at a Waco restaurant. His office has since dropped charges or said it won’t seek to prosecute dozens of the bikers.
12:55 a.m.
A former U.S. Department of Agriculture official will join a former NFL linebacker and civil rights attorney in the May runoff to face U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions.
Lillian Salerno and Collin Allred advanced Tuesday to a May 22 runoff for the Democratic nomination in a Dallas-area U.S. House district.
Sessions was first elected to Congress in 2002 and his district includes Dallas enclaves north of downtown, such as upscale Highland Park and Richardson.
Hillary Clinton got more votes than Donald Trump in Sessions’ district in 2016, even as no Democrat challenged Sessions. With renewed Democratic energy this year, a seven-way field of Democrats emerged to try to challenge him this time.
12:45 a.m.
A Houston Democrat has advanced to the runoff for a Houston congressional seat despite facing attacks from the top echelons of her own party.
Laura Moser advanced Tuesday to a May 22 runoff against attorney Lizzie Pannill Fletcher.
Moser moved from Washington to her native Texas and joined the seven-way Democratic primary to try and unseat longtime U.S. Rep. John Culberson.
Culberson’s district is a key target for national Democrats trying to win back the U.S. House in November. In a sign of the seat’s importance, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the unusual step of slamming Moser, accusing her of expressing "outright disgust for life in Texas."
Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in Culberson’s district in 2016, making Democrats hopeful he’s vulnerable.
12:40 a.m.
A retired Navy SEAL will join a Texas state representative in the Republican primary runoff in May to replace outgoing U.S. Rep. Ted Poe.
Dan Crenshaw served in Afghanistan and lost his right eye in a battlefield explosion. He’ll face State Rep. Kevin Roberts, who has served one term in the state Legislature.
Republican mega-donor Kathaleen Wall did not advance to the runoff despite pumping close to $6 million of her own money into her campaign for District 2 in the Houston area. Her husband is the founder of Houston-based tech company Texas Memory Systems.
Wall also had Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s endorsement.
12:35 a.m.
For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.
More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
The 2010 election was a massive wave for Republicans, who took control of the U.S. House.
Texas remains a deeply conservative state that hasn’t elected a Democrat statewide since 1994.
At least 1 million people voted in Tuesday’s Democratic primary for Senate.
12 a.m.
A businessman will face a former chief of staff to U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz in the runoff for the Republican nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith in a hotly contested San Antonio district.
Matt McCall moved on Tuesday to the May 22 runoff. He will face former Cruz staffer Chip Roy.
More than 15 Republicans entered the race to replace Smith, who announced in November he would retire from a seat he’s held since 1987. Smith is currently the chairman of the U.S. House Science, Space and Technology Committee and is a noted skeptic of climate change.
He is one of eight Texas congressmen not seeking re-election this year.
11:45 p.m.
Texas state Rep. Kevin Roberts has advanced to the Republican primary runoff to replace outgoing U.S. Rep. Ted Poe.
Roberts has served one term in the state Legislature. His opponent in the May runoff was not immediately clear as votes were still being counted.
Poe is stepping down after six terms in Congress. He’s one of eight Texas congressmen not seeking re-election this year.
11:40 p.m.
The seven-way Democratic primary in Dallas for the right to challenge longtime U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions is headed to a runoff.
Leading the pack is Colin Allred, a former linebacker for the NFL’s Tennessee Titans and a civil rights attorney. Allred’s opponent in the May runoff wasn’t immediately clear as votes were still being counted.
The winner will face Sessions in November. Sessions was first elected to Congress in 2002 and his district includes Dallas enclaves north of downtown, such as upscale Highland Park and Richardson.
Hillary Clinton got more votes than Donald Trump in Sessions’ district in 2016, even as no Democrat challenged Sessions. That sparked this cycle’s crowded field of Democrats who believe Sessions is vulnerable.
11:35 p.m.
Attorney Lizzie Pannill Fletcher has advanced to a May runoff for the Democratic nomination to face longtime U.S. Rep. John Culberson in a Houston-area district.
Fletcher moved on Tuesday night to the runoff. Her opponent was not immediately clear as votes were still being counted.
Culberson’s district is a key target for national Democrats trying to win back the U.S. House in November. In a sign of its importance, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the unusual step of slamming one of Fletcher’s opponents, Laura Moser. A DCCC spokeswoman accused Moser of previously expressing "outright disgust for life in Texas," in hopes of driving voters to others running in the primary.
Fletcher says she became the first female partner at her law firm.
11:25 p.m.
The race to replace a Texas congressman who’s not seeking re-election amid allegations of sexual harassment is headed to a primary runoff.
Republicans Bech Bruun and Michael Cloud advanced Tuesday from a five-candidate field in the South Texas congressional district that currently represented by U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold.
Farenthold announced in December he wouldn’t seek re-election amid pressure from fellow Republicans. He did so while denying 3-year-old accusations that he’d subjected a former aide to sexually suggestive comments.
Bruun is the former chairman of the Texas Water Development Board and was endorsed by his old boss, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Cloud is a past chairman of the Victoria County Republican Party.
11:15 p.m.
A lesbian Iraq war veteran vying to become the first Asian-American in Congress from Texas will need to win a primary runoff election if she’s going to challenge incumbent Republican Rep. Will Hurd.
Gina Ortiz Jones advanced Tuesday to a second round of voting May 22. It was not immediately clear who she would face.
Hurd’s territory sprawls from San Antonio to nearly El Paso, encompassing 800-plus miles of the U.S.-Mexico border and is one of Texas’ few swing districts.
When Hurd won re-election in 2016, his victory marked the first time the district hadn’t flipped between parties since 2010. He’s one of just two black Republicans in the House.
11:05 p.m.
Texas is poised to send its first Latina to Congress after State Sen. Sylvia Garcia has won the Democratic nomination to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Gene Green of Houston.
Garcia easily beat six little-known candidates on Tuesday, including health care executive Tahir Javed, who vowed to spend his own money lavishly to compete in the race. She immediately becomes the overwhelming favorite to win November’s general election.
The district includes swaths of north and east Houston and is nearly 80 percent Hispanic but has been represented since 1992 by Green, who speaks minimal Spanish. That’s a key reason why Houston has the country’s largest Hispanic population without a Latino representative in Congress.
In El Paso, former county judge Veronica Escobar also won the Democratic nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke.
11 p.m.
A former chief of staff to U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz has advanced to the runoff for the Republican nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith in a hotly contested San Antonio district.
Chip Roy moved on Tuesday to the May 22 runoff. It was not immediately clear who he’d face.
More than 15 Republicans entered the race to replace Smith, who announced in November he would retire from a seat he’s held since 1987. Smith is currently the chairman of the U.S. House Science, Space and Technology Committee and is a noted skeptic of climate change.
He is one of eight Texas congressmen not seeking re-election this year.
10:50 p.m.
A Republican strategist backed by Gov. Greg Abbott is headed to a primary runoff in her bid to replace outgoing Texas congressman Jeb Hensarling.
Bunni Pounds on Tuesday advanced to a May runoff against state Rep. Lance Gooden. Eight Republicans had jumped in the race after Hensarling announced last year that he was retiring after 16 years in Congress.
Hensarling was the powerful chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. He’s one of eight Texas congressmen not seeking re-election this year.
Pounds is a GOP fundraiser who has never held public office. She and Kathaleen Wall, a Republican mega-donor in Houston, were the only congressional candidates that Abbott endorsed in the primary.
Gooden has served in the Texas Legislature since 2011.
10:40 p.m.
The packed Republican primary to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Joe Barton is headed to a runoff.
None of the 11 candidates won a majority Tuesday, prompting a second round of voting May 22.
The best known is Ronald Wright, an ex-Barton aide who was a county tax assessor-collector who added "In God We Trust" to tax bills and payment envelopes. Also advancing Tuesday was ex-Navy combat pilot Jake Ellzey.
Barton is leaving after almost 30 years in Congress following the appearance online of a nude photo of him. A Republican activist subsequently revealed suggestive Facebook messages that the then-married congressmen sent her in 2012.
The district includes suburban Dallas and east Fort Worth and is probably safely Republican, though five Democrats competed for their party’s nomination to face the GOP runoff winner.
10:30 p.m.
Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, known for his provocative social media posts about Democrats and Muslims, has survived a bitter Republican primary in his bid for re-election.
Miller on Tuesday topped veteran Austin lobbyist and conservative podcaster Trey Blocker, and Jim Hogan, who ran for agriculture commissioner as a Democrat in 2014.
Miller will be the favorite to win in November. He’s perhaps best-known for a social media presence that has frequently stirred controversy.
He once tweeted a derogatory term to refer to Hillary Clinton, shared a Facebook post advocating bombing the "Muslim world" and has retweeted misleading reports claiming to be factual news.
Miller also used taxpayer funds in 2015 to travel to Oklahoma for a "Jesus shot" meant to alleviate all pain. He later reimbursed the state.
10:20 p.m.
Democratic turnout in the Texas primary has hit its highest level in a midterm election since 2002, a reflection of the nationwide momentum for liberal candidates opposing President Donald Trump.
At least 700,000 people voted in the Democratic primary election for U.S. Senate won Tuesday by U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke. That surpasses the last three midterms. Just over 1 million people voted in the Democratic primary in 2002.
Texas Democrats haven’t won a statewide race since 2002, and O’Rourke and other Democrats running statewide remain heavy underdogs. Tuesday’s Democratic numbers are still well behind Republican turnout figures.
But O’Rourke has recently outraised U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, and there is at least one Democratic candidate in every congressional district — 36 of them — for the first time since 1992.
10 p.m.
Former county judge Veronica Escobar has won a crowded Democratic primary to succeed U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke in El Paso.
Escobar beat five other hopefuls Tuesday and immediately becomes the favorite in November’s general election.
O’Rourke is giving up his seat as he mounts a longshot campaign against incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz.
Texas has never elected a Hispanic woman to Congress but that’s poised to change. In addition to Escobar, state Sen. Sylvia Garcia is the heavy favorite to replace retiring Democratic U.S. Rep. Gene Green in Houston.
Escobar was among the best-known and top-funded of the primary candidates — though she drew some criticism because her husband is federal immigration judge Michael Pleters, who was confirmed last August by the Trump administration.
9:50 p.m.
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush has won the Republican nomination to keep his post, topping a primary challenger from the right.
Bush, whose grandfather and uncle were president and whose father was Florida’s governor, beat his predecessor as land commissioner, Jerry Patterson, Tuesday. The 41-year-old Bush immediately becomes the overwhelming favorite for re-election in November.
Bush began the year with $3.4 million in campaign funds compared to Patterson’s roughly $100,000. He won despite campaigning lightly, spending much of his time visiting parts of Texas hit by Hurricane Harvey after his agency was tapped to lead the state’s housing recovery efforts.
Patterson criticized Bush for bungling the post-Harvey rebuild and a makeover of the Alamo in San Antonio. Bush was endorsed by President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Jr.
9:35 p.m.
The first Hispanic female sheriff in Texas is headed to a Democratic runoff against the son of a former governor in their longshot bid to unseat Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.
Former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez and Houston investor Andrew White advanced Tuesday from a field of nine largely unknown Democratic primary candidates. The runoff election is May 22.
Texas Democrats haven’t won a statewide race since 1994. The party’s rising stars in Texas all passed on running for governor after Democrat Wendy Davis lost by 20 points in 2014.
White is the son of former Texas Gov. Mark White, who served one term in the 1980s and died last year. Andrew White is a self-described "conservative Democrat" who has alienated progressives over his personal opposition to abortion.
Valdez would be the first Hispanic and openly gay governor in Texas history.
9:10 p.m.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s newest ad targeting his Democratic challenger is a country jingle that warns, "If you’re going to run in Texas, you can’t be liberal, man."
Cruz tweeted the 60-second radio ad Tuesday night, shortly after he and U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke advanced to a closely watched November matchup.
The ad says O’Rourke "wants to take our guns" and calls him "liberal Robert," referring to his given first name, and says he "changed his name to Beto."
Cruz also uses a nickname for his given name, Rafael Edward Cruz.
O’Rourke is raising more money than Cruz so far but remains very unlikely to win in November. Texas has not elected a Democrat statewide since 1994.
9:05 p.m.
Texas state Sen. Van Taylor has won the Republican nomination to replace outgoing U.S. Rep. Sam Johnson.
The 45-year-old Taylor has been a state lawmaker since 2010. The businessman is a former Marine and Iraq War veteran who was first elected to the state House and has been in the state Senate since 2015.
Taylor has been endorsed for Congress by Gov. Greg Abbott and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz.
Johnson is one of eight Texas congressmen not seeking re-election this year. He had held the seat since 1991 in the solidly Republican Dallas-area district..
8:55 p.m.
Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is striking a cautious tone despite sailing to victory against little-known challengers in Texas’ first-in-the-nation primary.
Abbott easily clinched his party’s nomination Tuesday and has a campaign war chest worth around $43 million, more than any gubernatorial candidate nationwide.
It’s not yet clear who Texas’ Democratic nominee will be, but Abbott is nonetheless heavily favored in November.
Still, Democrats more than doubled their early voter participation in the primary when compared to the Texas’ last midterm election in 2014. They are optimistic despite not winning a Texas statewide office since 1994.
In a statement, Abbott declared "We cannot afford to take Texas for granted," adding "This is a fight for our future and it begins now."
8:15 p.m.
Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has clinched his party’s nomination for re-election despite being indicted on felony securities fraud charges.
Paxton was unopposed in Tuesday’s first-in-the-nation Texas primary. He is the overwhelming favorite in November since a Democrat hasn’t won statewide office in Texas since 1994, the country’s longest political losing streak.
Paxton is facing a much-delayed trial for allegedly defrauding wealthy investors in a technology startup. The accusations cover actions before Paxton took office in 2015.
Despite that negative attention, Paxton wasn’t challenged in the Republican primary — even as other top members of his party were.
8 p.m.
A closely watched matchup is set between U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and his Democratic challenger, U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke.
Cruz and O’Rourke clinched their parties’ nominations Tuesday. O’Rourke is raising more money than Cruz so far but remains very unlikely to win in November.
Gov. Greg Abbott also clinched the Republican nomination for governor and enters the general election as a heavy favorite against whoever emerges from the Democratic primary.
Polling places in El Paso and far West Texas closed at 8 p.m. CST, an hour later than the rest of the state.
No Democrat has won a statewide race in Texas since 1994.
7 p.m.
The polls have closed in almost all of Texas for the nation’s first primaries of 2018.
Only polling places in El Paso and far West Texas will remain open for another hour, until 8 p.m. CST. People in line at the 7 p.m. CST closing time will still be able to vote.
Democrats hope to break a losing streak in statewide races that dates back to 1994. Many Republicans say they want to show their steadfast support for President Donald Trump.
Long lines were reported in Texas’ major cities and at the University of Texas in Austin, where hundreds of students waited to vote at a campus library.
Civil rights groups said they received reports of problems at eight polling places in Harris County, which encompasses Houston and some of its suburbs.
5:45 p.m.
A line stretching three quarters of the way around a campus library is waiting to cast last-minute ballots at the University of Texas.
Hundreds of students with books and backpacks, some eating and others with laptops open, waited Tuesday evening to cast their ballots in the nation’s first primary election in 2018. Polls in most of Texas will close at 7 p.m., though polling places are required to accommodate anyone in line at that time.
Democrats saw participation in their primary surge in early voting, but turnout for the election as a whole remains to be seen.
Democrats are optimistic that backlash against President Donald Trump will lift their candidates, though the party hasn’t won statewide office in Texas since 1994.
4 p.m.
The Texas secretary of state says the Democratic and Republican parties pay for polling locations during the state’s primary elections, meaning that ballots for both don’t necessarily have to be offered at all locations.
There were reports during Texas’ first-in-the-nation primary Tuesday that two polling sites in Houston didn’t have Democratic ballots.
Secretary of State spokesman Sam Taylor says parties sometimes opt to consolidate precincts or otherwise forgo having joint polling stations with their counterparts. That can mean that voters wanting to cast ballots for the other party in certain areas have to head to another location.
Texas has a semi-open primary, meaning voters can choose whether to vote Democratic or Republican. The problem doesn’t apply to the general election since no party choice is made.
1:15 p.m.
A congressman who has launched a longshot bid to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is generating excitement for Democrats voting in the Texas primary election.
Voting Tuesday morning in Dallas, 64-year-old Bonnie Kobilansky said she thinks Beto O’Rourke is "a good guy" and was excited to cast her vote for him.
She says she wants to see change in the government, adding "that starts at the local level, the state level."
Twenty-seven-year-old Katie Newsome, a United Methodist pastor, says she’s excited for the "freshness" and "vision" O’Rourke brings. She says she wants to see change both in the U.S. and in Texas, too.
She says she’d love to see Texas "turn blue." She says, "I don’t know if that will happen but that would be exciting."
O’Rourke has generated national buzz in his challenge to Cruz. Neither faces serious primary challengers but O’Rourke recently has outraised Cruz and the senator has warned conservatives against complacency.
12:30 p.m.
Some Republicans voting in the Texas Republican primary say they’re concerned about proposals calling for restrictions on firearms sales.
Jynelle Mikula, who voted in the GOP primary Tuesday at a Houston elementary school, says assault-style weapons and bump stocks shouldn’t be sold to the public. But she’s concerned the debate in the aftermath of the deadly shooting at a Florida high school could lead to the confiscation of weapons from law-abiding citizens such as herself.
Robert Coghlan, voting at the same school Tuesday, says the ongoing gun debate nationally also has him concerned. He says "we’re kind of on the road to ban all guns."
Another Republican voter, Rosa Magaña, says the answer to gun violence should be educational outreach and not weapons bans.
11:45 a.m.
Some Houston-area voters say they’ve encountered problems at the polls that include one site opening more than an hour late, prompting some people to leave.
Teneshia Hudspeth with the elections division of the Harris County clerk’s office said Tuesday that a last-minute change in staffing led to a delay in opening a Katy polling site.
She says local Democratic officials made a late change to the party’s election judge who monitors that site.
Hudspeth says she wasn’t aware of claims that two sites didn’t have ballots for Democratic voters. She says some polling sites may only be for one party to vote, so a voter enrolled in an opposing party may appear expecting to vote only to be told they must go elsewhere.
11:15 a.m.
President Donald Trump isn’t on the ballot in the Texas primary, but he’s on the minds of voters.
One woman voting in Dallas says she’s a "strong" Republican who supports Trump’s agenda. Sixty-year-old Laura Smith said Tuesday that she backs Trump because he has "guts," isn’t afraid and is a strong leader.
Smith, who works in a dentist’s office, approves of the president’s handling of immigration, job creation and tough approach to North Korea. She adds that she’s open to new restrictions on people seeking to purchase firearms.
But Democrat Bonnie Kobilansky says she’s alarmed by Trump’s actions.
Kobilansky, a nurse practitioner, wants "to see a complete change in the top of the government."
She adds that she’s heartened by the number of women running for office, explaining that political leaders need "common sense and practical knowledge — women have that."
8 a.m.
Early turnout has been light at some polling stations in Texas, which is holding the country’s first midterm primary.
Texas’ primary on Tuesday follows a relatively busy early-voting period.
Democratic early voting across Texas’ 15 most-populous counties, the only figures available, more than doubled that of the last non-presidential cycle in 2014. Meanwhile, the number of Republican early ballots cast increased only slightly.
Total Democratic early votes exceeded Republican ones roughly 465,000 to 420,000, though those figures combined accounted for less than 9 percent of the state’s total registered voters.
Polls close at 7 p.m. Tuesday, except for some far West Texas locations, such as El Paso, where they close at 8 p.m. Central Standard Time.
11:10 p.m.
Texas Democrats have turned out in force ahead of their state’s first-in-the-nation primary election Tuesday, even though their party remains a longshot to win much.
Democratic early voting across Texas’ most-populous counties was more than double that of the last non-presidential cycle in 2014.
But Democrats haven’t won a statewide office in Texas since 1994, and that losing streak should continue this year.
A record six Texas Republicans and two Democrats are leaving Congress. Many of the open seats feature so many candidates from both parties that most primary races won’t have anyone winning a majority of Tuesday’s votes, ensuring a second round of voting May 22.
Democrats also hope to flip three other Republican congressional districts, but those races may need runoffs to decide who the party’s nominee will be.
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