#Renato's even more outrageous flirting
Some proof I'm still writing Apophenia 2.0 despite scrambling to study for exams and write final papers:
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“What did you do with my stuff?” he asked. “My car? My bags?”
“I took the liberty of relocating them here. I’d be happy to return your clothes, of course. I’m sure you’d like to have a shower and change.”
So, little to no hope of the enforcers finding those then. “You’d be happy to. You’d like to apologize. You fucking kidnapped me.”
“I did.”
“You’re holding me prisoner against my will.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“You’re going to drink me like a bottle of cheap wine and toss me in the gutter when I’m empty.”
“Eventually…yes. Although, it doesn’t have to be that way. It all depends on you.” The bloodborn scooped up a morsel of beef and blew softly on it. “Here, we’ll start easy and slow. What’s your name?”
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If they have a crush, is it noticable? What changes when they’re in love?
Isaac: He's pretty low-key about it since he likes to get to know most people first. When he's ready to reveal his feelings, he usually comes right out and suggests a low-stakes date like coffee or lunch. Love loosens him up a bit, makes him seem less serious and intense and scowling.
Renato: It's a bit tricky to tell whether he likes someone or wants to bite them. Look, it's not his fault--those are basically the same things for a bloodborn. His tendency to mask his true intentions behind outrageous flirting doesn't help matters any, though. Love strips away the illusions, which is why it's so terrifying. He bends over backwards to perform little acts of service to make up for what a disappointment his real self is.
Dorian: Even though they're pretty upfront about their intentions early on, they like a good courtship before deciding things are serious. Nothing changes really, just improves as they find more and more ways to incorporate a partner into their life.
Kinslayer: Sorry about the nightmares and showing up as a shadowy figure looming over the bed. They can't help it when they're drawn to someone. That means one of two things: a light, flirty haunting or they attempt to consume the other person's being whole. Whether the person in question survives determines what happens next.
Vess: She usually gives them little things they might like (and that she's already decided she doesn't want). She doesn't know anything about this 'love' since it's a human emotion, but she's not quite as territorial with people she wants in her space, obviously.
Ankaris: He doesn't try to break just anyone. Isn't that why it's called a crush? He jokes, he kids. Well, about the wordplay thing--he really does torment the ones he likes and drinks up everything he can wring out of them.
Fior: Her function demands she keep a clear head, but she does allow a certain amount of leeway with subjects she enjoys observing.
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