#Receptionist Jobs in Saudi Arabia
seogoogle1 · 2 months
Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring the Landscape of Jobs in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia stands as a beacon of opportunity in the Middle East, offering a plethora of employment prospects for both its citizens and expatriates. With its vibrant economy, strategic location, and ambitious Vision 2030 initiative, the Kingdom has emerged as a hub for diverse career opportunities across various sectors. In this article, we delve into the dynamic realm of jobs in Saudi Arabia, exploring the current landscape, trends, challenges, and the promising future that lies ahead.
Economic Diversification and Job Market Expansion:
The Kingdom's economy has long been reliant on oil revenues. However, recognizing the need for diversification and sustainable growth, Saudi Arabia initiated Vision 2030. This ambitious blueprint aims to reduce dependence on oil, foster economic diversification, and create job opportunities across multiple sectors. As a result, the job market in Saudi Arabia has witnessed significant expansion, with emphasis placed on industries such as technology, healthcare, tourism, and renewable energy.
Technology Sector: A Driving Force for Employment:
In alignment with Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has made substantial investments in its technology sector, aiming to become a regional leader in innovation and digital transformation. This focus has led to a surge in demand for skilled professionals in fields such as IT, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. Multinational tech companies and startups alike are establishing their presence in the Kingdom, offering a myriad of job opportunities for local talent and expatriates alike.
Healthcare Industry: Meeting the Growing Demands:
The healthcare sector in Saudi Arabia has undergone rapid expansion to meet the evolving needs of its population. With a growing emphasis on quality healthcare services and infrastructure development, the demand for healthcare professionals has surged. From doctors and nurses to allied health professionals and administrators, the sector offers diverse employment prospects across public and private healthcare institutions, as well as research organizations.
Tourism and Hospitality: Enriching Experiences, Creating Jobs:
Saudi Arabia's rich cultural heritage and natural wonders are increasingly drawing tourists from around the globe. In line with Vision 2030's objectives to boost tourism, the Kingdom has embarked on ambitious projects such as the Red Sea Project and NEOM, creating vast opportunities in the hospitality and tourism sectors. From hotel management and tour guiding to event planning and culinary arts, jobs in Saudi Arabia's tourism industry cater to a wide range of interests and skill sets.
Renewable Energy: Pioneering Sustainable Futures:
As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, Saudi Arabia has set ambitious targets for renewable energy production. The Kingdom's vast solar and wind resources present immense potential for the growth of clean energy industries. Consequently, there is a growing demand for professionals specializing in renewable energy technologies, project management, and sustainable development. Jobs in this sector not only contribute to environmental conservation but also drive innovation and economic growth.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While the job market in Saudi Arabia offers promising prospects, it is not without its challenges. One such challenge is the need to bridge the skills gap and enhance the employability of the local workforce. Initiatives aimed at upskilling and reskilling the workforce are essential to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving job market. Additionally, efforts to promote inclusivity and diversity in the workplace are crucial for fostering a conducive environment for both local talent and expatriates.
Navigating the Job Search Process:
For individuals seeking employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia, navigating the job search process effectively is essential. Networking, both online and offline, can significantly enhance job prospects, as personal connections often play a pivotal role in the recruitment process. Moreover, leveraging online job portals and professional networking platforms can provide access to a wide range of job listings and opportunities across various sectors.
In conclusion, jobs in Saudi Arabia present a diverse array of opportunities across sectors ranging from technology and healthcare to tourism and renewable energy. With Vision 2030 driving economic diversification and growth, the Kingdom is poised to emerge as a global hub for innovation and employment. By addressing challenges such as the skills gap and fostering a culture of inclusivity, Saudi Arabia is paving the way for a prosperous future characterized by sustainable development and vibrant job market dynamics.
As individuals seize the opportunities afforded by the evolving job market in Saudi Arabia, they contribute not only to their own professional growth but also to the broader vision of prosperity and progress envisioned by the Kingdom. Embracing diversity, innovation, and sustainability, the landscape of jobs in Saudi Arabia reflects a future brimming with promise and potential.
website: alljobspo,com
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davidwillam · 1 year
Fresher Jobs in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a land of opportunities, and it is no different when it comes to freshers looking for jobs. With the country's rapid growth and diversification, the job market has become more competitive, and employers are always on the lookout for fresh talent. In this article, we will explore the job opportunities for freshers in Saudi Arabia.
Oil and Gas Industry
The oil and gas industry is the backbone of the Saudi Arabian economy, and it provides ample opportunities for freshers. With the country's vast reserves of oil and gas, there is always a demand for skilled workers. Some of the jobs in this industry include field engineers, process engineers, drilling engineers, and geologists. To work in this industry, you need to have a degree in engineering or geology.
Healthcare Industry
The healthcare industry in Saudi Arabia is rapidly growing, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. As a fresher, you can consider jobs as a medical technologist, nursing assistant, or a medical coder. To work in the healthcare industry, you need to have a degree in medicine or allied health sciences.
Construction Industry
The construction industry in Saudi Arabia is booming, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. As a fresher, you can consider jobs as a civil engineer, electrical engineer, or mechanical engineer. To work in the construction industry, you need to have a degree in engineering.
Information Technology Industry
The information technology industry in Saudi Arabia is also rapidly growing, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. As a fresher, you can consider jobs as a software developer, web developer, or a network administrator. To work in the information technology industry, you need to have a degree in computer science or information technology.
Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry in Saudi Arabia is also growing, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. As a fresher, you can consider jobs as a hotel receptionist, food and beverage server, or a housekeeper. To work in the hospitality industry, Fresher Jobs in Saudi Arabia you need to have good communication skills and a degree in hospitality management.
Education Industry
The education industry in Saudi Arabia is also growing, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. As a fresher, you can consider jobs as a teacher, teaching assistant, or a tutor. To work in the education industry, you need to have a degree in education or a related field.
Banking Industry
The banking industry in Saudi Arabia is also growing, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. As a fresher, you can consider jobs as a customer service representative, financial analyst, or a loan officer. To work in the banking industry, you need to have a degree in finance or a related field.
In conclusion, Saudi Arabia offers ample job opportunities for freshers across various industries. The key to getting a job in Saudi Arabia is to have a good education, relevant skills, and experience. You can also consider doing internships or volunteering to gain experience and build your network. With the right mindset and approach, you can land your dream job in Saudi Arabia.
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hiremox · 1 year
Receptionist Job in Saudi Arabia, Apply Online Here.
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fiorick · 2 years
Receptionist (UAE National)
Job title: Receptionist (UAE National) Company: SNC-Lavalin Job description: , we have offices in the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia. We hire and retain only the best people in the industry. Our success…Job Description Job Title Receptionist (UAE National) Description Job Description Atkins is one of the world… Expected salary: Location: Abu Dhabi Job date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 07:49:26 GMT Apply…
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roadjanus · 5 years
On to Amman Jordan
March 14
Well, we finally arrived in Jordan. 6”30at night. And there are a lot of Saudi’s in the airport. They dress in long white jellabas with the red and white checked headscarf. They look right through you. Their women wear burkas. An arrogant lot. The hotel didn’t send a pick up. Geez. So we are picked up by a guy who offered his services. Gave the driver our address and we’re off! To the Amman Pasha hotel. OMG. We get there and it is in the heart of the old city, right across from the Roman Coliseum and it looks about as old as the Coliseum too. It’s raining, and cold. . It looks like a shady place. There’s a life sized mannequin by the door by the street, advertising city walks. There’s a bar that opens into the lobby, a tiny staircase, a set of birdcages with budgie birds. What have we stepped into? But, the guy at the desk is really friendly and speaks English very well. We’re registered. Everyone is very friendly. The barman comes in to welcome us too. There’s live music. We go up to our rooms...well, there’s a bit of adjustment. This is BASIC — with several exclamation marks. We have a large room with a double bed and a single bed. A big bathroom. Last renovated in 1940, or thereabouts. But the Besties have a tiny room...a window I think would be difficult to climb out of. They are good natured about it. We are very tired. Bestie and her man head up to the roof terrace to try to get some internet and OMG - there’s a farm up on the roof. Bunnies, ducks, a turtle, guinea pigs. All running around, looking for a snack, which the hotel provides. We are amazed. Bed looks good and we pass on the live music.
Morning comes and we consult with the front desk. Tours can be arranged...right in the lobby. A car for our travels too. The car company will come and meet us in the lobby on Saturday morning. These guys can arrange anything. The tour guy introduces us to Ramses...a tour guide who will take us where we want to go. So we tell him we want a city tour and to go to Jerash, an old city that once housed a large Roman city. No problem. We’re off. Ramses provides us with a tour of Amman, including The Citadel....the beginning of Amman, (once called Philadelphia—who knew?), where we see the Temple of Hercules and a very fine museum showing artifacts of habitation from the Neolithic age. Then we’re off to Jerash. We travel through a green valley where there are many olive groves, and many farms. It appears to be very prosperous. Jerash is astounding. A city that offers an unbroken chain of human occupation of 6500 years. In 63 BC the Romans conquered this area and Jerash became one of the 10 most significant Roman cities.
The city's golden age came under Roman rule, during which time it was known as Gerasa, and the site is now generally acknowledged to be one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. Hidden for centuries in sand before being excavated and restored over the past 70 years, Jerash reveals a fine example of the grand, formal provincial Roman urbanism that is found throughout the Middle East, comprising paved and colonnaded streets, soaring hilltop temples, handsome theatres, spacious public squares and plazas, baths, fountains and city walls pierced by towers and gates. (Wikipedia)
What a marvellous place. It reeks of history and stories scream out of its arches and columnar pathways.
After walking many kilometres we headed back to Amman and looked at the Aljoun Castle, built in 1188, a defensive castle guarding against the Crusaders and protecting the very popular trade routes. Jordan was a crossroad for all of the Middle East...egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, they all travelled through Jordan. And finally a visit to the Blue Mosque where the Bestie and I had to don long polyester brown robes, with hoods, in order to enter the sacred place. Have to say I felt angry inside. I didn’t think I would, but I did. It was the first mosque I have visited that required me to don the garb. I didn’t like it at all. Not one bit. To tell you the truth I feel pissed because I don’t require anyone to change their garb to enter any place in my country. I’m not converting to Islam. Why should I have to subjugate myself to their rules? I know this is irrational.
There are few women in evidence. Men occupy all the jobs. They are the waiters, the cleaners in the hotels, the baristas, the receptionists, all jobs that women occupy in North America. The men are friendly, gregarious. They are very welcoming. They ask where we are from. Canada. Welcome, welcome. Any women you see on the streets are modestly garbed, with head coverings. Some Burkas, with the full covering. Many have small children by the hand. But the men rule this country. Evidently. As we move south towards Aqaba and the Red Sea. The rules around women seem to be stricter. Of course the capital would be more modern. By the time we reach the Red Sea, which is a resort area and is geared to tourists, we see western women on the beach in bikinis, and Jordanian women, or women of the Middle East at the beach in Burkas. It is a juxtaposition I have a hard time accepting. Lots of families on the beach, with the women covered head to toe in black. It’s 30 degrees. Hot as Hades. And there they are, lying out lunch for the men and children ... I am taken aback. I so want to talk to one of those women, hidden under those robes. i think of an English 30-2 visual exam one year showing two Muslim women in long, total coverings, swimming. It was a difficult picture to respond to. I find this reality no less difficult. The men dress in western garb. They are friendly, gregarious. Don’t seem the least bit judgemental of us. It does seem though that the more covered the women are, the less friendly they are. I guess the dress indicates that they are so traditional and believe that the infidels are not to be trucked with. That would be us.
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mivianint-blog · 5 years
Most demandable & Highest paying job in UAE 2019?
When looking for a job in UAE, most peoples are confused about their salary like which job is the highest paying. Everyone’s dream is to work abroad. Most of the people get this opportunity but due to some confusion about the salary, they will lose this opportunity. Hence this article will help you to earn the highest pay.
Everyone looking for a good environment, career growth, employment security, Work balance but money plays an important role in a job hunter’s decision to apply for a position. Everyone wants to earn a high salary. This article is writing in order to find out which profession offer you the highest salary in the UAE.
 The data provided by the survey of more than 4,000 Professional working in UAE and the salary figures out to apply for the various position from Senior level to junior or executive/trainee level in different fields like Information Technology, Construction, Oil & Gas etc.
 “UAE country is going through a huge transformation and is driving a significant amount of the regional hiring”.
 Here is a list of Most Demandable & Highest Paying jobs in UAE 2019:
 • CEO/Managing Directors (Multinational): $38.3
• CEO/Managing Directors (Local): $27.1
• Hotel Manager: $10.4
• Sales Manager: $6.1
• IT Manger: $8.5
• Construction Manager: $8.7
• Healthcare Practitioner: $5.5
• Digital Marketing specialist: $4.4
• Sales Executive: $4.4
• HR Specialist: $4.4
• Teachings: $4.4
• Accounts & Finance: $3.8
• Receptionist: $2.2
In 2018, Saudi Arabia was found to be the highest paying country among the five Gulf Cooperation Council states covered with an average monthly salary of $8,560.
 This year Saudi Arabia introduced a 5 percent value-added tax rate on most goods and services although this does not appear to have had a positive impact on salaries.
 UAE is a business hub and a land of opportunities but at the same time, the job market is very competitive. One thing good about the UAE country that there is always a way to get the most demandable job with the highest pay.
 Well, hopefully, this article plays an important role in job hunter’s decision to apply for a position.
 Good Luck!
 Thank You!!
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00petersnyder-blog · 5 years
Peter Snyder
Dr. Kim Lacey
English 212
15 December 2018
          In society everyone wants to be noticed. Either for something their good at or just because they are a genuine person trying to make the world a better place in any way they can. Whether it’s by making life easier for the whole or just selecting group of particularly disabled people and making their life so much easier to deal and coop with. While others are scared of what is to come and afraid that our inventions will turn on us and eventually terminate us. Others have fooled people with a CPI person named Lil Miquela so they can have just that much more power and influence in the clothing, beverages, makeup, etc. A robot that looks exactly like a real-life person and she just gained citizenship in Saudi Arabia. With all these different points of views, they differentiate from each-other but still have the same idea, making the best version of humans as we possibly can.
          There are two robot or AI giants in society that have making a big splash and have gotten international news attention. Lil Miquela is your typical Instagram model/influencer, she’s got great style accompanied by her lavish lifestyle and her extremely shinny hair. She is best known for her music and her incredibly photoshopped photos giving her an extremely pleasing and displeasing robotic feel to her. Lil Miquela could be a great big PR stunt for the public to be amazed and latch onto therefore giving companies a new crowd to control and influence in any way they want. When tech companies have breakthroughs like for example creating a robot that is self-aware able to think/feel on its own normally that news is shared with the world. The weird part is we never heard a peep until the cyber hack happened, there was world-wide news coverage when everyone thought that computers would turn evil in the 2000s and that the world was going to end in 2012. This makes me believe that there is no robot, no artificial intelligence that sings a loves fashion but merely a very long and well planned out publicity stunt by a music artist who wanted to push the limits and created a CGI of the ideal artist to continue to pursue music and disrupt the music industry. In Sophia’s case, everyone seems to be scared of her because of how far we’ve come from just basic computers. In her article, “Why Sophia the robot is not what is seems”, Caitlin Fitzsimmons says, “In the case of the ABC interview, the questions were sent to Sophia's team ahead of time so they were possibly pre-scripted. Just like an interview with a human celebrity! Note Sophia did not actually answer Virginia Trioli's question about sexism and misogyny in the robot world – the machine deflected and answered a different question and we didn't notice because its answer was even more provocative. Just like an interview with a human politician! A serious answer to Trioli's question is, there's a lot of sexism, racism and other prejudice in AI, because the machines are fed data contaminated by our own biases. Just one recent example: a computer program in the US was more prone to mistakenly labelling black defendants as likely to reoffend – wrongly flagging them at almost twice the rate as white people, according to ProPublica. I requested an interview with Sophia a day or so after the ABC interview but the team had already left the country. I was told there might be a possibility of a Skype interview but there'd be an "operator" for Sophia and also "someone from the team next to her to help with the flow of the conversation". I asked for more information about Sophia's autonomy in the interview but they didn't answer. Perhaps Sophia was too busy being made a Saudi citizen, generating headlines for the opening of a technology conference and plans to spend $500 billion on a city powered by AI. Great PR stunt, shame about the ethics of redefining citizenship.” Sophia is simply a stunt in my opinion as well. If you watch videos on her so doesn’t seem very human in the way she acts and I realize we are only in the beginning of this whole dance but I would need smoother voices responses and not take so long to reply. I think we will eventually achieve a robot that is basically one of us but of different materials and maybe one day we can download our minds and put in into a robot.
          There is a company called Psychasec and they apparently have been able to download a human brain’s emotions and conscientious. Psychasec bills itself vaguely as technology that morphs human bodies and promises a way to keep people alive. Two models at the booth show off artificial bodies sculpted to perfect form. The premise is to encourage attendees to sign up for a “sleeve” into which they can transfer their consciousness and upgrade their body. There are also body bags with people inside them. A steady stream of foot traffic has circulated around Psychasec’s booth this week, even though the company isn’t included on CES’ list of exhibitors. The catch: Psychasec is fake, and the booth is a promotion for Netflix’s upcoming sci-fi show Altered Carbon, which begins streaming in February.
Robots will have taken over most jobs within 30 years leaving humanity facing its 'biggest challenge ever' to find meaning in life when work is no longer necessary, according to experts. Professor Moshe Vardi, who is, a professor in computational engineering at Rice University, in the US, claims that many middle-class professionals will be outsources to machines within the next few decades leaving workers with more leisure time than they have ever experienced. Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Washington, Prof Moshe said the rise of robots could lead to unemployment rates greater than 50 per cent. "We are approaching a time when machines will be able to outperform humans at almost any task," said Vardi. “Robots are doing more and more jobs that people used to do. Pharmacists, prison guards, boning chicken, bartending, more and more jobs we’re able to mechanize them. “I believe that society needs to confront this question before it is upon us: If machines are capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do? The question I want to put forward is, 'Does the technology we are developing ultimately benefit mankind?” Prof. Vardi, said existing robotic and AI technologies were already eliminating a growing number of middle-class jobs and claims that pace of advancement in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasing. In December, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore unveiled the most humanlike robot ever created, which will work as a receptionist on campus. With her soft skin and flowing brunette hair, Nadine does not only meet and greet visitors, smile, make eye contact and shake hands, but she can even recognize past guests and spark up conversation based on previous chats. Today Airbus and the Joint Robotics Laboratory at the University of Frankfurt, also announced it was developing humanoid robotic technology to perform difficult tasks in aircraft manufacturing. The company said it would relieve workers of the most dangerous and laborious tasks, allowing them to concentrate on ‘higher value tasks.’ The robots in development can climb ladders and crawl into small spaces and are expected to join the workforce within the next decade. Human mini-brains to speed up Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s research are being worked on as well, but Prof Vardi is unconvinced that a workforce of humanlike robots will be good for mankind.
While we may not have mastered collaborating humans with robots, we have made great strides. We have cyborgs in our word as well. Brent Staples has a very good insight on cyborgs and has talked to some high up people in the cyborg world. Staples states, “The mathematician Norbert Wiener founded the science of cybernetics in 1948 with a warning that has become a cornerstone of futurist writing. The computer age was still in its infancy when he cautioned that intelligent machines could wreak havoc on civilization — and perhaps even snuff it out — if we failed to handle them with humility and care. He was not referring to malevolent entities like Skynet, the genocidal artificial intelligence in the “Terminator” films, or the Cylon robots who wage war on their makers in the television series “Battlestar Galactica.” Instead, he posed a scenario in which a relentlessly logical machine brings on catastrophe by obeying instructions containing hidden hazards that its master failed to detect. The machine would complete its work with lightning speed, Wiener said, giving comparatively slow-witted humans no time to appraise the danger and react. Wiener understood that people who owned intelligent or sentient machines would face moral problems similar to those associated with the practice of owning human beings. The futurist writer Philip K. Dick exploited this problem to great effect in his work, most famously in “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” the novel that inspired the 1982 film “Blade Runner.” This movie crystallized what futurists like Dick had long seen as the next phase of enslavement. It depicted synthetic beings called replicants, manufactured for use as sex toys, soldiers, assassins and so on. When the replicants take charge of their lives, a bounty hunter tracks them down and “retires” them — which is to say, he shoots them to death. The new HBO series “Westworld,” though based on a 1973 sci-fi thriller about a rebellion of robotic slaves at an amusement park, is closely related to “Blade Runner” in both tone and substance. It acknowledges this debt in a number of ways, not least of all by using the word “retire” to describe the park’s decision to lobotomize a cyborg prostitute who fights back when she is assaulted, despite programming that requires her to submit to rape, strangulation, gunshot wounds and temporary death. Under ordinary circumstances, cyborgs who “die” are surgically repaired, subjected to memory erasure and put back into circulation. The next day, hell begins all over again. “Westworld” has been attacked for sensationalizing violence. But the violence in this series is tame compared with the carnage depicted in any number of video games that show characters being blown to pieces in every frame. Now imagine what gamers decades from now might pay to enter into a world where a quite-nearly-human adversary bleeds, cries and “dies’’ when injured in battle. This is the bloody, morally compromised future that “Westworld” envisions. The father of cybernetics cautioned human beings against the desire to be waited upon by intelligent machines that are equipped to improve their minds over time. “We wish a slave to be intelligent, to be able to assist us in the carrying out of our tasks,” Wiener writes. “However, we also wish him to be subservient.” The obvious problem is that keen intelligence and groveling submission do not go hand in hand.”
In the big picture of things, people are completely terrified of robots taking over, taking our jobs and controlling us. The creators are the bad ones in the situation the robots are only the puppets. These robots are getting international attention and that’s exactly what PR representative from one of the fortune 500 companies. They want to get as many eyes on them at once and then bombard that group of people with ads ways of living telling them to try new GMOs or maybe send your kid to a certain high school or college, suggesting a vacation to one of their resort, etc. I believe there is a higher group of people that control a majority of everything and that’s how all these ideas are connected. Look at driverless cars for example. BMW, GM, and so on are the leaders in that technology because they have all the power in that field. They probably will control when and what comes out as far as cars. Prosthesis are not as extreme as these robots but suggesting cyborgs instead? That seems strange to meet. Get as much of our technology on or in you, in your house and your car so we control if you can walk, control if you leave your house and turn your power so you can’t reach anyone as well. That is a scary thought to think if we get to advanced one day. One person can literally hack the whole system and control everything. I believe that’s why people are always scared of the future because they don’t know if their freedom is guaranteed in the next decade or not.
Work Cited
Staples, Brent. “'Westworld' and the Moral Dilemma of Cyborgs.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 Nov. 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/opinion/sunday/westworld-and-the-moral-dilemma-of-cyborgs.html.
Fitzsimmons, Caitlin. “Why Sophia the Robot Is Not What It Seems.” The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 Nov. 2017, www.smh.com.au/opinion/why-sophia-the-robot-is-not-what-it-seems-20171031-gzbi3p.html.
Knapton, Sarah. “Robots Will Take over Most Jobs within 30 Years, Experts Warn.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 13 Feb. 2016, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12155808/Robots-will-take-over-most-jobs-within-30-years-experts-warn.html.
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anjuumkhanna · 3 years
Anjuum Khanna - How Robotics, AI and Automation Are shaping the future of World
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Anjuum Khanna– Robotics, AI, and Automation will be impacting Every Industry. Right now, everyone knows how these three fields Robotics, AI and automation are booming day by day. AI and automation are constantly changing our world, including the way we work.
Today, the movement of robotization appears to be practically startling because of the quickly expanding modernity of AI. The Forbes AI record shows that the volume of yearly funding interest in AI is multiple times more noteworthy now than in the year 2000. These monster steps in AI abilities may seem to evacuate our presumptions about how work completes yet are truly a continuum of advancement. Understanding and outfitting this is basic to both the worldwide economy and, on a profoundly close to home level, how we as a whole earn enough to pay the bills. Take example, Sophia, the AI-powered robot who was infamously granted citizenship by Saudi Arabia, Tesla Driverless cars etc.
Will Robots rule the World in future?
Everyone is confused: will robots replace humans? If this happens in future then, as a consequence of a melting down middle class, there will be mass poverty and political instability. Actually, Robots are a reality today in industry and they will show up in broad daylight spaces in more intricate shapes than robot vacuum cleaners. Be that as it may, in the following twenty years, robots won’t be human-like, regardless of whether they may look like people. Rather they will stay modern machines. But Surely as per the experts, there are chances that  60 percent of businesses can be automated in the next five years. In the course of the most recent couple of years, robots and PCs have taken colossal jumps in their exhibition and abilities and have supplanted more human positions. There are some jobs that were replaced and are being replaced or assisted by robots and computers. For Example, Assembly-line and factory workers, Bus drivers, taxi drivers, and truck drivers,
Phone operators, telemarketers, and receptionists, Cashiers, Bank tellers and clerks, Packing, stockroom, and warehouse moving, Information gathering, analysts, and researchers, Journalists and reporters, Pilots, Bartenders, Stock traders, Postal workers, Doctors, anesthesiologist, and surgeon robots, Soldiers and guards, Travel agents, Chefs and cooks, Bomb squad, Typist, Switchboard operator, Bowling ball pinsetter, Film projectionists, Home and small garden, Hotel staff and room service, etc.
How will Artificial Intelligence affect our future?
According to experts, PwC estimates that “Artificial intelligence technologies could increase global GDP by $15.7 trillion, a full 14 percent, by 2030.” Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-running tool that empowers us to all more adequately coordinate data, analyze data, and utilize the subsequent experiences to improve decision-making. Phenomenal advances in AI happen each day. For example, robots and driverless vehicles are getting progressively normal. These advances are driving another wave of financial advancement, understanding a portion of the world’s most troublesome issues and giving answers for probably the most significant difficulties in mankind’s set of experiences. AI has the potential to transform many sectors such as information technology, telecommunications, transportation, traffic management, health care, education, criminal justice, defense, banking and agriculture. To understand its maximum capacity, governments need to make public arrangements that cultivates AI advancement while alleviating unintended cultural outcomes.
Artificial intelligence is affecting the fate of for all intents and purposes each industry and each individual. Artificial intelligence has gone about as the main driver of arising advances like Big Data, machine learning and IoT, and it will keep on going about as an innovative trend-setter for a long time to come.
How will Automation affect our future?
Automation is unavoidable, yet there are numerous potential results. As opposed to attempting to think about how it will all shake out, the present chiefs can set up their associations and their representatives for an uncertain future. That requires pondering what aptitudes and capacities should be retained and which ones can be mechanized. We see an expanding level of eagerness to take the best of the two universes. Consider these four likely future situations to get your creative juices streaming, and begin contemplating the future recently. As per our knowledge, “As the nature of work changes with automation, millions of people may need to switch occupations and acquire new skills.” Automation will uproot numerous positions throughout the following ten to 15 years, however numerous others will be made and considerably more will change.
About Anjuum Khanna, Tech Blogger:
Anjuum Khanna is one of India’s foremost tech enthusiasts and is the mentor of multiple tech start-ups. He has led many global as well as domestic organizations with team sizes in the hundreds, spearheading the tech field in India and around the world.
Anjuum Khanna is a manager of the people and believes in people-oriented management. These quirky qualities along with a thirst for the latest technology in AI and ML have led Anjuum Khanna to become an industry leader at a very young age.
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barrypurcell · 4 years
Statues of Limitations
Winston Churchill and the quest to find the right standard for public memorialization
On June 7, during a Black Lives Matter protest, a statue of Winston Churchill in central London was vandalized. Rather than properly contextualize the incident as part of a global movement for black rights, many news sources conjured images of unruly gangs of teenagers randomly tagging beloved national monuments (and on D-Day anniversary weekend, no less).
How could anyone, argued Twitter patriots with a Union Jack in their usernames, defile the memory of the man who defeated the Nazis and is widely considered to be the Greatest Briton Of All Time?
What the question forgets, and what history confirms, is that destroying statues is a perfectly legitimate form of political protest. Few complained about the destruction of Joseph Stalin’s statue in Budapest in 1956, or the removal of Saddam Hussein’s statue in Baghdad in 2003, among many others. Whatever problems people have with statues being torn down are more context-dependent than they like to admit.
Some pointed out that no one defaced the statue of Karl Marx that day, presumably in an attempt to paint anyone interested in promoting racial justice as a communist. The “statue” of Karl Marx is actually his tomb, and it was nowhere near any of the protest sites.
There was less harrumphing when a statue of Edward Colston, a slave trader with the Royal African Company, was toppled in central Bristol and thrown into Bristol Harbour on June 7. Ironically, professional restorers intend to preserve the graffiti, as it is now an important part of the history of the statue.
In Ireland, we know how to deal with the stone and metal monuments to our erstwhile colonial occupiers. Statues to William of Orange, King George II, and Viscount Gough had already been destroyed before 1966, when dissident IRA members blew up a statue of Lord Nelson in the middle of the main street of our capital city. The government spokesmen did a good job of acting horrified, but the general reaction was more sanguine.
On June 15, as part of an official statement in response to the defacement of the Churchill statue, Boris Johnson, the English prime minister and author of The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History, asked: “Where will it end? Are we supposed to haul down Cromwell who killed so many thousands of people in Ireland?”
In England, Oliver Cromwell is widely regarded as a hero and a pioneer of what would eventually and gradually turn into representative democracy. His position in the national consciousness is cemented by a statue outside the House of Commons.
In Ireland, his name is synonymous with brutality and xenophobia. J. Michael Straczynski, the showrunner for season eight of Murder She Wrote, tells the story of how the mere mention of the name Cromwell to an Irish hotel receptionist was enough to cause a cancellation of a wrap party of one of the episodes set in Ireland.
What about a statue’s pedagogical function? Of course a monument could play an educational role, but then again, that’s not the contribution a statue tends to make. Statues of war criminals, perhaps prime candidates for enlightening the citizenry, often fail to convey even a minimal understanding of the figure’s checkered past. Cromwell’s statue has been outside Westminster since 1899, yet Johnson’s comments about his murders will be the first many British people have heard about his ruthless violence against the Irish people.
British colonial crimes are often news to English people. However, once they make the effort to do some research, they often not only realize their mistake, but conclude that, in the words of former cabinet minister and Johnson’s fellow-Conservative, Michael Portillo, the “ignorance of Ireland among the British is rather shocking.”
Their Finest Hour
Despite the air of mystery surrounding initial reports, Black Lives Matter protesters did not work very hard to hide their opinions about Winston Churchill. After all, they did not merely deface the statue, but they painted the specific accusation “was a racist” under his name. This appears to be unambiguously true.
In 1920, Churchill established and deployed the Royal Irish Constabulary Special Reserve to Ireland. This group, known in Ireland as the Black and Tans, was notorious for its human rights abuses and war crimes.
In 1943, Churchill had thousands of tons of rice shipped out of India for use in the war effort, while a famine hit millions of Indians, whom he regarded as “a beastly people with a beastly religion.” Churchill was reluctant to send relief on the basis that Indians “breed like rabbits.” (Ireland had a similar problem from 1845–1849, when exploitative English government policies caused a famine while massive shipments of grain were simultaneously being exported.)
In 1902, he called China a “barbaric nation” and in 1954 said he didn’t “like the look of [Chinese people] or the smell of them.”
In 1922, as Colonial Secretary, he financed the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia despite stating that they were “intolerant, well-armed, and bloodthirsty.”
In 1937, when discussing the future of the Arabs in Palestine, he said that the Arabs could hardly complain that “a stronger race, a higher-grade race … has come in and taken their place,” as this was, in his view, the natural order.
Moreover, the warm feelings Brits in the 1940s had for Churchill’s defeat of the Nazis did not translate to blind worship of the man. He was decisively voted out of office in 1945 in favor of Labour’s Clement Atlee, albeit for reasons entirely unconnected with his racism.
This litany of shame is not to besmirch the memory of Churchill in particular. The point is that statues don’t educate anyone unfamiliar with the subject. If you don’t know anything about Winston Churchill, then a statue erected to him without any context could be reasonably interpreted as a celebration of his achievements, whatever they might be.
The statue depicts the well-documented Hitler defeater, but doesn’t tell us much about the brutal racist. That’s not appreciating, or even acknowledging, history. That’s not education of any kind. That’s propaganda.
In a long Twitter thread, the same Boris Johnson tweeted that “we cannot pretend to have a different history” and that the abuse of statues is “to lie about our history.” However, there is a legitimate argument that many of these statues were erected specifically to pretend to have a different history in the first place.
It’s understandable to erect thoughtless memorials to people who were heroes given the standards of the time. It’s less understandable when you find out that huge chunks of British history have been intentionally “censored and airbrushed,” including the “mass destruction of documents,” the kind of thing we correctly mock Stalin for, and which forms the basis of Winston Smith’s job in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Nor is this old news. More recently, the Home Office destroyed evidence of the right to citizenship of thousands of Windrush immigrants. In 2013, the Conservative Party deleted an archive of their speeches from their public website, in a move which demonstrates the extent of their commitment to transparency and preserving the historical record more than tweeting about a statue.
The Germans, natürlich, have a word to describe the entire ideology behind dealing with all the awkwardness of a murky past, the glorious rollercoaster of Vergangenheitsbewältigung. There is no German who is not aware of the Third Reich, and they manage to achieve that awareness without putting up statues to war criminals. They accept their history, but they are very careful to avoid anything which could be confused with a celebration of it.
In the same way that German targets of the Holocaust could reasonably feel angry if there were a statue of a Nazi outside the Rathaus, is it not reasonable for English black people to feel angry when there is a statue of a slave trader in the middle of town?
Reading History
Conservatives love the idea that the destruction of statues is somehow editing history because they subscribe to the idea that history is a collection of immutable names and dates and unquestionable facts.
History as a discipline, however, can be better understood as a series of competing narratives, and the project of historians is to identify, evaluate, and eventually assemble for themselves those narratives. To historians, names and dates are the mere raw material of facts. Facts have no inherent meaning, because meaning is something we do. It is an action, not a property.
Historians learn to fear any person or organization who claims ownership over the collective memories of the past.
Students of history will be constantly aware of the need to keep an open mind, to adapt their approach to different types of information, to understand that the prevailing theory is just that, the prevailing theory, and that phrases like “we only use the facts” and “this is an objective account” are fairly reliable indicators that something is about to go badly wrong.
Arc Digital, 20 August 2020
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hiremox · 1 year
Receptionist Job in Saudi Arabia. Apply Now.
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ericfruits · 6 years
Saudi Arabia is pushing out foreigners, hoping this will create jobs for locals
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EVER since the local laundrette replaced its Asian workers with Saudis, his Parisian silk shirts have come back as nylon cast-offs, says a lawyer in Saudi Arabia. The new hire at his chemist, a bashful Saudi girl, shies from his request to spray colognes on his hand. He himself has hired four Saudi lawyers in order to comply with the kingdom’s drive to replace foreigners with Saudis. They are useless, he says.
“Labour pains,” tuts Ahmed Kattan, the deputy labour minister. As part of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s “Saudisation” efforts, Mr Kattan has slapped monthly levies on migrants (based on the size of their families) and the Saudis who hire them. He has also barred foreigners from 12 sectors of the economy, including baking and optometry. The scheme, he says, will reduce the kingdom’s dependence on about 8m predominantly unskilled foreigners, who far outnumber Saudi workers. He reckons this will cut Saudi Arabia’s jobless rate to 10% by 2022 (from around 13% today), get more women into work and encourage automation.
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Finding jobs for young Saudis—around half of whom are unemployed—is critical for Prince Muhammad, who is the power behind the throne. Having taken on the kingdom’s clerics, by loosening social restrictions, and alienated other princes by consolidating power, he is more reliant on popular support than past Saudi rulers were. Easing dress codes and increasing entertainment has won him praise. Saudisation, it is hoped, will improve his subjects’ living standards, too.
But there are drawbacks, admits Mr Kattan. Many of the kingdom’s businesses rely on cheap labour. Rather than employ Saudis, who cost more and do less, around a third of firms may close, he says. Across the country, chambers of commerce groan at the potential contraction and beg for a respite, particularly since the economy fell into recession last year. “The government is passing on its political problems to the private sector,” gripes a businessman.
Once a tax-free El Dorado, where petrol was cheaper than water, the kingdom is becoming less attractive to foreign workers. Insurance and entry fees have increased. Utility bills are rising. To avoid the monthly levy, which doubles to 200 riyals ($53) per family member in July, many foreign workers are leaving. Officials expect 700,000 will go by 2020. Others reckon the total number leaving may be far higher, not least because the authorities have arrested over 800,000 illegal migrants since November (around 200,000 have been deported).
Saudisation “is probably a painful necessity”, says Steffen Hertog of the London School of Economics. If successful, the measures will narrow the pay gap between the bloated public sector, manned by Saudis, and the private sector, which is full of foreigners. Taxes on foreign workers should also raise $16bn in revenues by 2020, reducing the yawning budget deficit, says Mr Kattan.
There are some signs the plan is working. Female Saudi receptionists welcome pilgrims to Mecca’s hotels. Though they cannot yet drive, women are running rental-car agencies. Poorer Saudis are even trying their hand at manual labour, hitherto an exclusively foreign domain. Given the chance, many locals defy stereotypes that cast them as slothful and incompetent, some launderers notwithstanding. “Apologies for our shortcomings, we’re still new,” says a self-deprecating official.
This article appeared in the Middle East and Africa section of the print edition under the headline "Labour pains"
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