#Rebecca Anderson
lachatalovematcha · 3 months
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teenageread · 10 months
Review: The Art of Loves and Lies
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Manchester, England, 1857
Rosanna Hawkins is one of Manchester’s finest artists, even though no one knows her name. She reproduces “parlor versions” of classic masterpieces with near-perfect precision, which her employer then sells to the emerging upper-middle class families of Manchester.
When the largest art exhibition ever to be held in Manchester opens, Rosanna attends, excited by the chance to sketch such famous works. When she meets the handsome Detective Martin Harrison, who is head of security for the exhibition, she is immediately intrigued by his charm, confidence, and canvas-worthy good looks. The two spend many a flirtatious afternoon exploring the exhibition hall, discussing art and sharing their secret hopes. Rosanna dreams of painting something original and meaningful, and Martin hopes to one day shed the shadow of his father’s notorious past.
The couple’s blossoming summer romance takes a strange turn when Rosanna recognizes her own works on display in the exhibition hall. Someone is stealing paintings and replacing them with her parlor version reproductions. When the evidence casts suspicion on her, Rosanna must convince Detective Harrison of her innocence and proposes a plan to capture the real art thief.
Bringing art to the middle class is what Rosanna’s calling is. Painting near-perfect replicas of famous paintings, her sales associate Anton Greystone sells them to the middle class so that all can enjoy Europe’s top paintings. Where Rosanna has tried her hand at painting her own original work, Anton keeps her on a tight ship with his callous laughter at her attempts, while kissing her and declaring her to be his favorite. Where Anton and Rosanna’s relationship moved from business to flirtatious, being his “Bunny” was not what Rosanna pictured love to be. Going to the Art Treasure Exhibition to practice those masterpieces Anton expects her to recreate, was when she was nearly knocked down by Inspector Martin Harrison. Working as head of security, Martin was shocked to have never recognized such a beautiful woman in his exhibition before. Making acquaintances, Rosanna and Martin begin having afternoon tours of the exhibition, making light conversation, joking with each other, and growing a friendship that can go beyond. Martin wants to shed his father’s criminal past, and Rosanna wants to be recognized for her own artistic abilities. When exploring the exhibition, Martin tells Rosanna that he stopped a robbery, only for Rosanna to tell him that he was mistaken. As the exhibition did get robbed, with Rosanna’s painting being the replacement for the real deal. With his only suspect, Martin is forced to arrest Rosanna, hating himself for falling in love with a criminal. Yet, Rosanna will not go quietly. Knowing Anton is behind it, Rosanna is willing to risk getting arrested by Martin again and face serious jail time to get the masterpiece back at the exhibition, and hopes that Marin will forgive her.
Rebecca Anderson writes this fantastic proper romance about an inspector and an artist falling in love at The Art Treasure Exhibition. Anderson kept the plot moving with a third-person perspective switching between Rosanna and Martin, with a few newspaper entries from Lottie, Rosanna’s sister, talking about the exhibition. Rosanna is a great character to hear from, as she is brave, caring, and has a general belief in the work she does. As a woman in 1857, making her own money and living in a Boarding House, is as independent as one could be given her status. Martin is also a great character, with his own dedication to his career, he is charming and fun with Rosanna while being stoic on his own. What I wish Anderson added was more about Martin’s past, as they give a brief info about his father’s criminal past, but I felt they could have gone more in-depth. Also more Lottie! As a fantastic writer and a fun character, Anderson gave us only a few of Lottie’s articles in-between chapters, where I felt they could have been more. The plot itself is predictable, and with the genre of being a romance you know Rosanna and Martin will end up together, despite the plot twist Anderson adds to the middle of the story. Still, it was a fun story, showing the love two people can share, a bit of a heist aspect, and some precious art work stolen and then returned.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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inthedarktrees · 1 year
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Rebecca | Alfred Hitchcock | 1940
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horrorme · 3 months
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weirdlookindog · 17 days
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Rebecca (1940) - Spanish poster, R-1969
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filmreveries · 5 months
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Rebecca (1940) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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whycantwegivellove · 7 months
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Rebecca | Mrs Danvers through the years
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pinewood-to-hollywood · 10 months
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Mrs Danvers herself, Dame Judith Anderson photographed in 1934.
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citizenscreen · 2 months
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Alfred Hitchcock’s REBECCA premiered in Miami, FL #OnThisDay in 1940.
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that--funny--feeling · 4 months
CSM and how the lies destroyed the Mulder family: a headcanon
I have a complicated and maybe personal image of CSM that to me makes more sense than whatever they tried to do with his character (since they changed minds so many times).
The focal points of his character are his envy, obsession with control and inability to love.
I think he really envied what Mulder Sr. had with his family, even before Fox and Samantha were born. He had a wife who loved him and above all he did his same job (more or less) but that hadn't turned him evil or selfless. I like to think of William Mulder Sr. as a decent and kind person, at least when he was younger.
Obviously, his life wasn't perfect and he and Teena probably fought a lot because of the secrecy of his work. I think that was the real first struggle about the truth that the Mulder family had (1°). Bill couldn't be honest with his wife about what he was doing and that created a distance. CSM may have taken advantage of this situation, growing closer to Teena maybe while Bill wasn't there for her.
Deep down in the headcanon tunnel from now on, I like to think Teena and CSM didn't have an affair but just a one night thing. Teena probably never forgave herself for that night and never told Bill about it (2°). Bill never asked, but understood what happened (3°).
At this point, CSM wants to have a relationship with her, but she refuses him and just wants to forget what happened. He's insistent and she starts hating him.
Soon after, Teena and Bill's relationship gets better and Fox comes into this world. Now. I'm not sure what to believe (pun intended) on CSM's being his father. Because, in this logic, he could but so could Bill. Surely CSM thought to be Fox's father and thought to have rights on him, no matter what Teena could say about it.
CSM marries Cassandra, they have Jeffrey, he tries to have what Mulder Sr. has but doesn't work. He can't love. His wife starts hating him, his son is a delusion for him. In the meanwhile, Samantha Mulder is born.
When the time of the abductions is closer, Bill and Teena get to choose which one of their children to "sacrifice" (4°). They painfully indicate Fox, because he's older and stronger, but CSM don't even give them the luxury of the choice. Fox is his son, so Samantha will go. That's the moment where the Mulder family irremediably shutters. Teena divorces Bill and Fox will never know anything about this from his family (5°).
Maybe after the abductees' return, CSM goes to Teena, offering her a possible life with him (this could be why he took Samantha and she wasn't returned). She doesn't believe him and swears to never talk to him again.
Samantha starts living with CSM, he has now what Mulder Sr. had, but again, he can't love. She understands that he constantly lies to her and hates him, so she quickly becames useless to him and he uses her for experiments.
His fixation on the Mulders keeps going, because he thinks Fox is his son, but above all because he likes him as a person. He challenges him, has a goal, a conviction, doesn't care what the others think about him. Maybe he thinks they are similar and that's why he sometimes protects him. But again, he doesn't know what love is, so if there's something more important, he's ready to sacrifice him.
He thinks he knows Mulder and tries to get him on his side more than once, but he fails. Mulder was loved and is loved, he knows what love means, he's kind and decent, even more than his father William.
He thinks he knows Scully because of his own past, but he understands nothing about her or their relationship, because it's the complete opposite of what he's ever experienced. ("You'd die for Mulder but you won't allow yourself to love him" he says to Scully in En Ami, while they're already in a relationship.) And he lies, lies, lies, the thing that made him advance in his life. At the cost of love.
What could really have saved the Mulder family, was the truth, that will become Fox's reason of life. If Teena told Bill about her moment of weekness, if he ever asked her instead of acting like nothing ever happened, there could have been hope. Hope to forgive, to go on. But what they did was the opposite, letting Fox enter in these net of lies. Hiding everything from him "for his own good". But that's not what he wanted and accepted ("The truth will save you, Scully. I think it'll save both of us").
My TXF posts and videos.
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thebarroomortheboy · 2 months
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Rebecca (1940) | dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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thymbyll · 13 days
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Getting Ready For Woman Crush Wednesdays
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inthedarktrees · 3 days
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She said she'd rather destroy Manderley than see us happy here.
Judith Anderson in Rebecca (1940) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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Judith Anderson as Mrs Danvers
Rebecca 1940
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weirdlookindog · 1 month
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Rebecca (1940)
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thepillovvbook · 1 year
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REBECCA (1940)
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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