#Rachel Wando
lifewithaview · 1 year
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Linda Hamilton in "Dante's Peak" (1997) as Rachel Wando
Volcanologist Harry Dalton and mayor Rachel Wando of Dante's Peak try to convince the city council and the other volcanologists that the volcano right above Dante's peak is indeed dangerous. People's safety is being set against economical interests.
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70s80sandbeyond · 9 months
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Linda Hamilton as Rachel Wando in Dante's Peak (1997)
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cupidsbower · 4 years
Tag game!
@notenufcaffeine, like you it’s taken me a while to decide on my list. Thanks for tagging me!
rules: list your 10 favourite female characters, one per fandom, then tag 10 people
In no particular order:
Doctor Who - Thirteenth Doctor
I adore 13. She’s clever and awkward and lonely and full of life. She has a streak of darkness that we’ve only occasionally glimpsed, and that intrigues me. I love that she has three companions, and how they show up not only her strengths but her character flaws -- like the way she trusts them to be competent right up until her terror of losing them kicks in. Casting Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor was a stroke of genius.
Dante’s Peak - Mayor Rachel Wando
You may be wondering why I picked a one-off movie character. I unabashedly love this movie, and could watch a whole series about Rachel, her kids, and Dr. Harry Dalton. I love how matter-of-fact Rachel is, getting shit done and juggling small-town politics, work, kids, and a stymied desire for companionship and support. I really like the team she makes with Harry, and how well they work together. She’s one of my all-time favourite disaster movie heroines.
Twelfth Night - Viola/Cesario   
This is my favourite Shakespeare play. As I get older, I have less time for angst in general (or Orsino, tbh), but Viola’s angst is so often undercut by humour, and I adore her all the more for it. That duel. Hahaha, omg. Also, the crossdressing and genderfluidity floats my boat (so to speak ha ha). 
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet 
Lizzie!!!! So witty and flawed and clever. I love her.
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears - Phryne Fisher 
I don’t really watch TV anymore. I tend to wait and see it all on DVD or streaming or whatever, so I didn’t see all that much of Miss Fisher when it was screening on TV -- just enough to know it was a lot of fun. I went to see the movie, though, and fell in love with Phryne so much. She’s kind of awful, because she’s so wrapped up in living her best life, and that can mean she’s not always kind, and can be terribly manipulative. But that is such a breath of fresh air and I loved her for it. I think I need to go watch the whole series now; and how delightful that it’s there for me to discover. Also, her clothes!!! And her men!!!
Aliens - Ellen Ripley
I mean. 
Torchwood - Dr Martha Jones
I didn’t see the later David Tennant seasons of Doctor Who, because that was around when I stopped watching TV. I’ve seen random eps, but not the whole arc. So I missed Martha Jones for the most part. I first discovered her in Torchwood, and loved her so much -- her cheekiness and spunk and the way she was just as delighted with Jack as he was with her -- that I was tempted to go back and watch her in Doctor Who. And then a friend of mine said they hated Martha, and I was like, “What?!? But why? She’s so great!” and they said her arc in Doctor Who sucked, and so I’m stuck in limbo, hesitant to watch it in case it really does suck, but still yearning for more Martha. I think that might be why she’s stuck with me so much as a character.
James Bond - M, Olivia Mansfield
Judi Dench’s M pleases me enormously. She’s such a great character. Tough as guts, from that era just before feminism really opened management career doors, and so just as much of a dinosaur as Bond is, in her own way. I’ve known women like her in real life -- the ones who had to carve themselves into something diamond-like, in order to fight their way through the ranks of all the men around them. I love the way Dench brings all of that to the screen, even when the films’writers sometimes don’t quite know how to write a woman in that role. Dench still carries it off -- complete with emotional armour, warts, war-wounds, and cleverness. She’s damaged and complex and glorious.
Princess Tutu - Duck/Tutu
An ugly duckling ballerina. My jam.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Buffy Summers
One of the best action heroines ever. Buffy was shrewd rather than clever, and full of grit even when struggling with depression. I tend to like characters with book-smarts because I love books myself, but I really like the way Buffy is allowed to be able and competent in different ways. She struggles not only with academics and money and her role as the Slayer, but with mental health issues (especially in season 6), and that’s what makes her so complex and interesting. Over the course of the series she comes into her own sense of self and emotional strength, and that is a journey I admire very much.
I’m terrible at on-tagging people. I’d love to read the top 10 female characters any of you would like to post. So consider yourself tagged if that’s something you’d like to share. Just pop my handle in tags or whatnot so I can find the post.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Cursed au
N/A: Male Wanda´s name is James it can´t be Wando. Is a one-shot. Kitty somehow manages to be the only person who sees Scarlet Witch who is taken as dead thanks to his last mission for the Avengers. I wrote this at 7 A.M...I was on crack lol.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt @autistic-eight
Blinking her eyes one time, two times and three times wasn´t enough to make this real in her mind, so, she resorts in rubbing her eyes one last time. "You know, you can end up with eye problems if you continue to squeeze your eyes like that" his voice draws amused as Kitty looks up one last time. "So...is this for real or is this a cosmical joke?" Kitty asked looking at the Scarlet Witch, James Maximoff, who shurgs off offering no real explanation.
It wouldn´t be a problem seeing Scarlet Witch in her bedroom at this time-she would argue few people would see this as a problem- however, there´s one single fact that can´t be ignored in his visit here. "You´re a ghost?" Kitty asked a bit chilled as James is more translucid than normal.
"Well...kind?" James smiles sheepishly. "Well, I used a spell and I didn´t foresee the consequences...so, I´m kind between dead and alive thanks to a spell" Scarlet Witch looks back and forth at the room and adds. "I think before casting the spell I was curious to see how the lighting house is..."
Kitty is not impressed. "Well, congratulations. This is Excalibur, now, if you excuse me...I have to clean Clown´s shit and then speak to Excalibur about the horny werewolves and you"
James is not sure if he should laugh or be concerned.
Meggan, Rachel, Brian, and Kurt are all set on the furniture that is no longer cover in clown´s shit-James asks Kitty what really happened here before he appearing in this lighting house and Kitty just replies is another normal day in Excalibur- as they´re hearing a strange tale from the one and only Kitty Pryde.
Kurt and Brian aren´t fond of the fact they´re agreeing in something. "Kitty..." Brian starts carefully and holding his hands to give a more poison look, however, Kurt is the one to add his sentence without hesitation. "Katzchen...this story is a bit strange even for us...Scarlet Witch sacrifices himself in the mission for the Avengers" Kurt states carefully and throwing a fixated glance on Kitty.
James adds some pieces of information to this information. "Hey, with my so-called sacrifice I saved the X-men too...no one mentions this...don´t let my sacrifice make me a martyr to cause an X-men vs Avengers" James crosses his arms and glared at Kurt bemused.
Kitty clears her throat. "He sacrificed to save X-men too...let´s not use his name to cause another conflict between Avengers and X-men" she starts looking to the right where James is and saw his beaming smile. "But, my point is...I´m seeing his ghost and I think...he´s not really dead and is more like stuck between dimensions" now her eyes are determined as she puts her hands on her hips invoking all the fierce her smaller feature and name can create.
Shadowcat has a reputation and she knows it.
Kurt and Brian look at each other for a moment and slowly face Kitty. "Kitty, if Scarlet Witch is here...why is he contacting you of all people? You two never interact before..." and Kitty looks to her right to see James shurgs off again.
"Magic is weird!" Kitty states narrowing her eyes and ignoring James´s protests.
"Look, we can´t see Scarlet Witch...for all we know, this could be a trap. Maybe Gatecrasher is doing one of her schemes" Brian suggests and is surreal to everyone-minus James who is looking at the remains of the last fight wondering what truly happened- see the two men agreeing in something.
"I agree" Kurt closes his eyes and refuses to make eye contact with anyone who isn´t Kitty. "This can be a trap...and maybe..." he stops talking when Rachel rose from the furniture and slowly looks at the right and wide her eyes impressed.
"Scarlet Witch?"Rachel asked perplexed and then looks at Kitty for a moment and back to her other teammates. "I believe Kitty. I was focusing on getting his signal and yes, Scarlet Witch is between dimensions and I can read his thoughts..." she looks at Kitty again. "He wanted to see a lighting house before casting that spell?" Rachel asked dubious and incredulous as she throws her bemused expression to the right side where she can sense Scarlet.
"Yeah...magic is weird, Ray!" Kitty summarizes everything in one line and James took offense at that until he realizes all his other spells and decides she has a point.
Gloriana, who was silent during this exchange, nods her head sagely and speaks. "I can sense his chaotic magic...he´s here and he´s stuck and I guess ...our Kitty is the only one who can save him" Meggan Pucenau has poker face but Brian looks at her comically as she winks at him.
"Isn´t it a bit strange?" Kurt asked Rachel who was pretending to do something else to not have to engage in a conversation, but, now she has no means to avoid conversations. "I mean, this Scarlet fellow shows up in Kitty´s room and now she must save him..." his golden eyes are narrowing a bit his tone is a bit low almost like a whisper.
Rachel rolls her eyes. "He´s not here, Kurt. And two, what you wanted Kitty to do? Ignore a man in need of rescue?" and noticing her words it makes a smile born on her stoic face-people often say Rachel would look pretty smiling and people often learn that Rachel is Pheonix and no one should tell her to smile if she doesn´t want- as she noticed the trick in her words.
Or maybe it was Kurt´s reaction that makes her smile. "We know nothing about this man...or his intentions" Kurt´s tail is aggressively moving back and forth.
Rachel sighs tiredly and wonders for a brief moment if this is how her father feels in regards to Wolverine. "Kurt, I don´t know about the man...I´d know Kitty trust him and I think you, of all people, should trust her judgment more" Rachel states wondering if Kurt will see this as an attack or not.
"What do you mean?"
"She trusts on your word about Piotr even when she didn´t ...and ended up breaking the relationship because of that. Bottom line. She really trusts you...can you do the same?"
"Of course...I´m just worried for a random man following her around"
"Rightfully so, but, he´s not following her around to be creepy...he´s stuck between dimensions Kurt...remember that?" Rachel almost congratulates herself to have a conversation with Kurt where she doesn´t attack him verbally. "Or when Kitty was lost in dimensions and we found out she was in that school being groomed by Courtney and you ended up giving attention to those girls? yeah, she still trusts you" and Rachel leaves snapping her fingers as her lips frown.
Almost concluded her day without verbally attacking Kurt. Damn.
Pietra Maximoff with her long platinum hair- always carefully tied in a ponytail giving the illusion of a whip- has her eyes lock on Kitty as her nostril are flaring as she´s taking her time to process everything and speaks again. "Is this joke?" her tone is acid. "You X-men know no taste...joking on something like that" her tone is icy but is nothing like Magneto´s cold stare and Kitty faced the man in the past to know the difference.
"She´s always a worrywart and always think the worse of people...not that is without reason" James explains in Kitty´s ear.
"Pietra...I´m not joking, your brother is really here" Kitty looks at loss, and James whisper again something and Kitty´s eyes wide at this but repeats the words anyway.
"He told me about the scar on your shoulder. It was a hex that he lost control and accidentally hurt you...he feels guilty ever since" Kitty speak and Pietra has taken a few steps back and is silent.
"Anyway...I wear a bikini ...people take photos" Pietra states boldly but without any conviction.
"Ok, tell her something only she knows..."  and adds. "Don´t tell this to anyone else...Kitty. I meant!" James says in his protective tone as Kitty now looks at Quicksilver in a new light.
"He told me you wanted to join the circus...and was ready to leave the Avengers for that but...the circus couldn´t hire you" Kitty repeat those words carefully and Pietra open and closes her mouth for a moment and now has watery eyes.
"James? you asshole...don´t tell this to strangers"
"I promise to not tell anyone" Kitty offers kindly and Pietra doesn´t mention this again.
"Can...you bring him back?"
"Yes, I can"
And James speaks again. "Don´t make promises you can´t keep" James has a sort forlon expression and really, Kitty doesn´t need to be a genius to know why.
"He says for me to not keep promises I can´t keep. So, let me try again. I´ll bring him back." she states looking boldly at James who only shakes his head at her.
"Tell me something about you," James asked as Kitty is in her room looking at some blueprints of machines and some theories of magic in her desk. His tone is kind and is contrasting with his crimson uniform. "We´re stuck together...so, I would like to know something about my savior" James can sit as Kitty puts her books down.
"I´m not as interesting as you may think" she replies modestly and James shakes his head.
"Don´t know...I think I should be the judge of that. I mean, someone who wants to save a strange dude stuck between dimensions? Nah, she can´t be uninteresting" James replies and Kitty sighs and rest her face on her right hand and looks at his face.
"I join the X-men when I was 13 years old"
"Go on"
"I once die and got ghost-like, sort of, and Frank Reeds saved me...no one ever mention this so I must never bring this one"
"I´m a ghost...and I´m here"
Kitty opens and closes her mouth and is in deep thinking until she reveals something. "I´m to introvert and hate to speak about myself...I have insecurities and I can´t make friends easily...not very popular in my school"
"Again, I´m here...and I´m a ghost"
Kurt is not exactly thrilled to know Kitty is doing a magic ritual and yet, is proud she managed to do this in such short time-mixing science and magic is something she would do and Kurt can´t help by feeling proud of her- however, his mind is fixated on Scarlet Witch and wonder what his bad intentions with Kitty are.
Pietra is present there and is standing still-a bad signal for any speedster as Excalibur knows- and Kitty is doing the ritual. No blood or magic sex involving instead there´s only Kitty speak some words in Latin and then...Scarlet Witch is physical again.
Kitty is tending the garden of Excalibur- it was a present from a mission well made and the flowers are harmless and only are strange- when she sees a man with short caramel hair and is wearing something casual, yet, is clear as day.
"James?" she speaks and the man offers a smile and waves one of his hands. "Are you ok?"
"Do I need to be hurt to see you?" his tone is confused and Kitty bites her inner check.
"I just thought I wouldn´t...you´re back."
"I´m here...and you´re here...am I here?" James asks and Kitty goes to him gently cupping his face and touching his rebel wisp of hair gingerly. "Am I here?"
Kitty and James´s lips touch each other. Excalibur watches and Kurt has a very strong opinion about it. "What?!" and Kurt decides he really doesn´t like Scarlet Witch.
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Dante’s Peak - Cavern Scene p. 1
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austinhippie · 5 years
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(Born September 26, 1956) is an American actress best known for her portrayal of Sarah Connor in "The Terminator" film series and Catherine Chandler in the television series "Beauty and the Beast" (1987-1990), for which she was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and an Emmy Award. She also starred as Vicky Baxter in the horror film "Children of the Corn" (1984), Doctor Amy Franklin in the monster film "King Kong Lives" (1986), and Mayor Rachel Wando in the disaster thriller film "Dante's Peak" (1997). Hamilton had a recurring role as Mary Elizabeth Bartowski on NBC's "Chuck." 
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Filmes sobre Vulcanologia
1997 - Dante's Peak (O Inferno de Dante)
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Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), um vulcanologista (perito em fenômenos vulcânicos), e Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton), a prefeita de Dante, uma pequena cidade, tentam convencer o conselho dos cidadãos e outros geólogos a declarar estado de alerta, pois um vulcão muito próximo, que está inativo há vários séculos, entrará em erupção. Mas interesses econômicos são contrariados com a notícia, que pode afastar um grande empresário que pretende fazer investimentos que iram gerar 800 empregos diretos na cidade.
1997 - Volcano (Volcano - A Fúria)
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Em Los Angeles surge um desconhecido vulcão ativo, causando grande destruição e criando um rio de lava que atravessa as ruas, aniquilando tudo que surge no seu caminho. Assim, se decide se criar uma barreira que desvie a lava para o mar, antes que mais pessoas sejam mortas.
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feshdonline · 5 years
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O Inferno de Dante Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), um vulcanologista (perito em fenômenos vulcânicos), e Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton), a prefeita de Dante, uma pequena cidade, tentam convencer o conselho dos cidadãos e outros geólogos a declarar estado de alerta, pois um vulcão muito próximo, que está inativo há vários séculos, entrará em erupção.
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polarizedtosleep · 7 years
Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
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from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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ohermione · 7 years
Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
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from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
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from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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agender--avenger · 7 years
Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
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from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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sleepininsomniac · 7 years
Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
The post Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs appeared first on Information Overload News.
from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
The post Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs appeared first on Information Overload News.
from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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sea-nerd-studies · 7 years
Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
The post Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs appeared first on Information Overload News.
from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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domino-chan · 7 years
Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs
Photo Courtesy: SCHSL Twitter (@SCHSL) Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. South Carolina high school 5A action kicked off on Friday, marking the beginning of 2017-2018 high school swimming and diving championships. Wando swept the […]
The post Rachel Reistroffer, Ben Fenwick Double Winners at South Carolina 5A Champs appeared first on Information Overload News.
from Information Overload News http://www.informationoverload.news/rachel-reistroffer-ben-fenwick-double-winners-at-south-carolina-5a-champs/
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