#REALLY outing myself now for music taste and youtube curation lol
mooreaux · 9 months
9 and 11 for the ask game, please!
9. What are your file name conventions
Seeing as I work mainly on an ipad, for personal art it's just a sea of 'untitled artwork'
For commissions it's usually the name of the commissioner! At least the first one. Since I 'organize' my commissions by doing nothing but looking at my inbox, like a really responsible full time artist would.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
okay this varies wildly. Like the previous ask, a lot of time I'll just have trash teli on in the background. Or a youtuber like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and the Game Grumps. But if I really need to focus on a big complex piece or I'm just getting into what I'm drawing, I'll generally slap on my noise cancelling headphones. What I listen to varies even more wildly.
Big fan of Glass animals, Billie Eilish, Red Hot Chili Peppers, CORPSE, anything Bear McCreary but specifically GOW soundtracks, Big Wild, the Death Stranding playlist, Zelda and Chill, Fleetwood Mac, the Hades soundtrack, Foster the People... I could go on forever.
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elegant-etienne · 4 years
Quarantine Q & A
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• Are you staying home from work/home?
I am! I’m actually enrolled in an online degree program from my university as it seemed to most practical for my financial and emotional needs, and I’ve been enrolled since the spring of last year. However, my flow has still been disrupted, from not being able to escape to a coffee shop to push myself to finish essays, to not seeing my IRL friends regularly, to my parents (already retired and spending a ton of time around, mind you), being constantly around.
• If you’re staying home, who’s with you?
My cat, Mica, and my parents. They both have health problems and at first, it was a bit of a fight to get them to take social distancing seriously.
• Are you a homebody?
Not really! I like to go out a few times a week and hang out with my friends. I’m okay if I can get out of the house for just a walk (and a PokeStop, lol) around my neighborhood but this is getting to me.
• What movies have you watched recently? What shows?
I think the last full movie I saw was The Hustle (2019) ... I like Anne Hathaway, the movie was so forgettable I had to check my Netflix history to check the name. Pretty sure the last movie in theaters was Birds of Prey which was, as they call it, fantabulous. I’ve been rewatching the 90s Sailor Moon with some friends and I watch a lot of cooking shows and Urbex stuff on youtube while I study. I recently finished Keep Your Hands of Eizouken!! which is probably in my top 10 anime. I heard the new season of Kaguya-sama: Love is War is out, so I’ll probably start watching that.
• An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Sakuracon, my best friend was coming to stay with me in a hotel and hang out with me for a while, and we would’ve gotten to a lot of fun activities like karaoke, bar hopping, and seeing sights in the area. We also canceled a family trip to the beach, and a trip to Madison in September is on the rocks, as well as Fanfest, probably. On a similar note, my parents were going to leave me to house-sit for almost the whole summer and now I’m not going to get that break from them. :’)
• What music are you listening to?
Right now, Sir Babygirl’s album Crush on Me. I’m pretty obsessed. Lately, I’ve gotten into a ton of artists I didn’t know much of before - especially Mitski and Screaming Females. Going to the goth night event the other day reawakened my old love for Buck-Tick and Malice Mizer, and before that I was listening to a ton of old school Alanis Morissette and Fiona Apple. Honestly, you can’t ask me a question about music without hearing dozens of suggestions. My taste is pretty eclectic
• What are you reading?
I’m currently studying In Between, poetry comics by Mita Mahato, for one of my classes. On my downtime, a friend of mine recently suggested I read Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden so I’ll be checking that out.
• What are you doing for self-care?
I’ve been trying to do social media dry days on Mondays for a while now, maybe almost a whole year now. Except, honestly, I still log onto Tumblr and just stay off Twitter on Mondays. In general, I try to check in with myself so I don’t spend hours endlessly scrolling on anything. If something makes me upset, I stop looking at it. This means I almost never go on Twitter anymore, or it isn’t long before I say, “This makes me feel like shit, I’m stopping.” Letting myself spiral into anxiety and depression distracts me from completing my schoolwork, and even if I’m nagged by the existential dread that it’s all meaningless, given the choice between completing a task and starring blank-eyed at Twitter, I’ll take the latter.
I bought myself a Switch Lite and then Animal Crossing in anticipation of social distancing. I might get FFVIIR, but everyone’s around and RPing so much right now I’m not sure when I’d find time to play it!
I’m gonna start trying out Hello Fresh for family meals since my motivation to cook and appetite haven’t been the best, and I’m hoping that having some of those needs curated will encourage me. I bought myself a huge supply of San Pellegrino so I can have something a little bit extra fancy with my lunches that doesn’t have caffeine since my anxiety level is bad and I’m cutting back on my daily caffeine habits.
I take a walk every day or get out of the house somewhere.
I’ve made some purchases of personal items that are fun and I’ve been putting off, like a new spring jacket and cologne.
TAGGED BY: @actualkomodo​, thank you for the tag!
TAGGING: This one’s personal, so do it if you like and tag me back!
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luisgijo · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
Thanks for tagging me, @marauders-groupie ​ !! 😁
What is the color of your hairbrush? I dont have one?? My comb is like a ligth brown turtle pattern tho
Name a food you never eat? Rabbit, my mom has a traumatising story from when she was little lol besides that not much I live to eat
Are you typically too warm or too cold? I’d say too cold? I’m defs a warm weather kinda person, despite my body temperature also being akin to an oven
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching youtube videos!
What is your favorite candy bar? Bar I’d have to say Twix but a special shoutout to maltesers lol
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yeah some football games when I was younger
What is the last thing you said out loud? "Yeah some football games when I was younger” I’m sorry I like to read what I’m typing when I’m posting something!!
What is your favorite ice cream? L e m o n for sure I know I’m basic but you can’t go wrong! Close 2nd being wildberries lol
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee but I’m gonna drink a glass of water right now cause this question reminded me to
Do you like your wallet? Yeah it’s cool and like leather-y black a classic
What was the last thing you ate? Breakfast cookies? lol I don’t know how else to describe them
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I did not I am very bad at online shopping
The last sporting event you watched? Probably a random Liverpool game or from my fave team in Portugal
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I only know sweet and salty so we going with salty
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? I’m gonna count WhatsApp and say my fam’s group chat or my flatmate if only one person
Ever go camping? No! I think it’d be fun but only if you’re doing something else like going to a music festival or working somewhere, I don’t think I’d ever go camping for camping’s sake lol
Do you take vitamins? Not really but I should lol. Sometimes I will take some vitamin C effervescent tabs but just because I like the taste
Do you go to church every Sunday? No, I’m spiritual but not religious. Also, churches in Portugal have scary lifelike statues lol
Do you have a tan? Not rn? Catch me in the summer tho ;)
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? f u c k this is hard but Chinese all the way, like I love pizza BUT I’d live off Chinese food
Do you drink your soda with a straw? Nowadays I try to avoid it or if I’m at home I’ll use my bamboo straws
What color socks do you usually wear? Mainly dark colors, the only exceptions are my one pair of white socks and my two pairs of bright red socks
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? No license lmao
What terrifies you? The Inevitability of Death.
Look to your left, what do you see? My TV and the bowl where I had cereal for breakfast (should really take it to the kitchen now)
What chore do you hate? Doing the dishes, I’m just so bad at it and would just rather do any other chore lol
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? S l a p s
What’s your favorite soda? We gotta go Sprite
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? Depends? Like again I don’t have a license but I usually have MacDonalds with bro in car, everything else is usually in food courts
Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom rn, just checking up on each other on daily phone call :D
Favorite cut of beef? No preference lol just give me meat
Last song you listened to? I had the spotify radio for ‘Grilled Cheese’ by Peach Face on!! just found it but omg I love her
Last book you read? Till the end? assigned 12th grade readings lol. I’m reading Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler now so hopefully I’ll finish this one!
Favorite day of the week? Is gotta be a Saturday
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Not really lol
How do you like your coffee? I usually have a single espresso, no sugar, but if I have time for a good breakfast I might turn it into a latte! Also a gingerbread latte when I’m feeling boujee during Christmas 
Favorite pair of shoes? Uuh I’m very much a one pair of shoes kinda dude so my current ones lol they’re like dark brown and worn
The time you normally go to sleep? Usually between 11pm and 1am
The time you normally get up? During the weekdays I have an alarm for 8am to keep some structure, but on weekends 10am
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets 4ever
How many blankets on your bed? I go comforter and a blanket for this half of the year, and will switch to a single bedsheet in summer months lol
Describe your kitchen plates: White until I’ve used all of those then I switch to my yellow rimmed lemon ones lol
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? Oof this a tough one I have to say Sangria potentially? My Sangria tho not that storebought one lol I am also a huge slut for a good absinthe on a night out ;)
Do you play cards? Sometimes with the fam lol
What color is your car? No license, no car #oof
Can you change a tire? Yes I’ve had to help my brother do it too many times not to know it by now lol
Your favorite province? omg this is a tough one too! Idk omg this is hard hahaha I might go with the south of Thailand? or the Pearl River Delta in the South of China? or Alentejo in Portugal?  or [insert obnoxious well-travelled ass comment here]
Favorite job you’ve ever had? Helping with museum exhibitions, both writing content and assisting with the curating!
How did you get your biggest scar? I don’t really have that many scars? The biggest one I have is a tie between this one I got feeding elephants in Thailand (omg I hate myself) and this other one my cat gave me one night when she was being needy lol
What did you do today that made someone else happy? idk? maybe when I replied to a friends insta story or talking to my flatmate and arranging her return to the house!
I am so bad at tagging I am genuinely sorry lol so if you haven’t been tagged tell them I sent you!
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playitbyear-laz · 4 years
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Organized chaos — is probably the best way to describe my mix of tracks this week & my mental state throughout this quarantine.
I’ve noticed myself feeling inconsistent about everything, from my habits to my emotions, and of course, to my taste in music. Some days, I find myself consumed by gloom and frustration, while others I wake up feeling refreshed & hopeful. Navigating my thoughts throughout this time has been confusing, to say the least, but nonetheless, I find comfort in knowing I’m not the only one going through it.
A mindset I always return to no matter what emotion I’m feeling is the thought that there is never going to be an ‘ideal’ scenario — all there is is what’s happening in the moments in front of us and how we creatively respond to them. That mindset has been my constant throughout this quarantine — the ‘organized’ part of my ‘organized chaos.’  I urge you to spend this time wisely, to check in with people you love whenever you can, and to keep all those struggling most during this time in your mind and your heart.
                                          much love,
side note: s/o @predakon for killing it with the takeover last week my dude. You’re an amazing curator & friend and someone that I look up to a lot, so thank you for everything!
                                PLAY IT BY EAR 009  
                                      curated by laz
                             Link to all platforms HERE.
Valley of Peace - TEYMORI
WHERE: IG Story - Nate Mandreza (@n8mandreza)
WHY: This track is a combination of all of my favorite genres to zone out to - dance, house & afrobeat. Play this track while you’re doing some work or cleaning your room, and you might just find yourself momentarily dancing on the beach while the sun sets in the background - figuratively speaking, of course. 
WHERE: Found this song on Joe Kay’s Slowed Edits Vol. III. Embarrassing story - at first I couldn’t figure out which song this was on the tracklist, so I asked Joe directly by singing it to him (lol) and of course, he was able to point me in the right direction. I actually prefer the slowed edit, but the song is great either way. 
WHY: This song is super sweet & reminds me of how innocent and playful love and relationships can be when they’re in their early phases. Another amazing track to vibe out to whenever we’re able to (safely) be chilling at the beach again with the homies. 
Peak - iri
WHERE: My best friend lees (@lisaliang) showed me this song while we were in the parking lot of a Target a few months ago lol. 
WHY: I really appreciate how perfectly the mix compliments the fun & cute vibe of the track. Lisa told me this Shade album by ‘iri’ was her walking soundtrack during her trip to Korea last year & I could totally see why. 
WHERE: I found out about Hablot Brown a while back through mutual friends I met during the Daruma era (s/o the mf boys). These guys are seriously some of my favorite artists on the come up right now, they’ve never missed IMO. This track is off their newest project ‘OPAQUE’, which I highly recommend along with the rest of their discography. 
WHY: Hablot Brown’s ability to fuse elements from all of my favorite genres (neo-soul, R&B, electronic, etc.,) is what makes them stand out to me the most. This track is a hypnotizing & chill dance record & was immediately my favorite off the first listen of ‘OPAQUE.’ If I had to describe my current tastes with only one track, this might be the one. 
Playing Games - Alix Perez feat. D.ablo
WHERE: This record came up on my recommended videos on YouTube. 
WHY: Much like the Hablot Brown track above, this is another great hypnotizing dance record.  I’ve always loved upbeat electronic music, but I especially love it when a track feels appropriate to listen to even when I’m not in an upbeat or lively setting -- I’m always looking for records that exist in that sweet spot. 
Guillotine - Pi’erre Bourne
WHERE: IG Story - Alberto Beas (@albertobeas)
WHY: Going along the theme of hypnotizing beats & music to zone out to -- I can’t think of a better hip-hop producer to listen to than Pi’erre Bourne. The beat is Pi’erre at his best, but the catchy hook and playful verses really bring it all together for me. 
The End - Kid Cudi feat. GLC, Chip Tha Ripper, Nicole Wray
WHERE: Can’t remember how this track showed up on my radar again in recent times, but I’m so glad it did. 
WHY: The track is about the internal ‘tug of war’ that comes along with any bad habits -- and is exactly the type of honest expression that has made Kid Cudi one of the most relatable and idolized figures of our time. 
After The Rain - Little Dragon
WHERE: My first internship in the music industry was for a PR company that repped Little Dragon, among other great artists. I will never forget that time surrounding the release of their fourth album ‘Nabuma Rubberband’ and how I really didn’t understand their music at that time. Years later, tons of Little Dragon tracks are in constant rotation within my musical library. 
WHY: Man, if there was ever a track to put you in a reflective mood, this would be the one. Yukimi sings about how quick we are to forget about the lessons we learn during times of adversity & how easy it is to go back to our old ways, both as individuals and as a collective people. This song feels so appropriate during this time of change, where nothing feels normal. What lessons will we take with us and what old habits will remain when this is all said and done?
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opepin · 7 years
february: week 4
20: ho hum. i was in much dull pain in the morning. i did work from home today and i worked on looking into using camtasia and recording videos in between meetings today. kevin didn’t have work today so he spent his time making ratatouille pasta for us for lunch. thank you <3 it was delicious haha. he also gamed until he got sick of dota 2. i exercised after work. i did 45 minutes of kickboxing with weights and then i showered right after so that my hair would dry in time for sleep. everything felt good (other than my stomach) today. like it was nice to work out at like 5-6 pm again and shower at an earlier time. we spent the rest of the evening watching ‘izombie.’ it’s getting more interesting. we had pasta for dinner but also ate pizza... we were really hungry for some reason? we didn’t get full, which was weird. i looked up why i felt like i wasn’t full and it’s because it’s my time of month. apparently bodies burn more calories during this time lol. so we ate half a pizza and some pasta. kevin vacuumed and swiffered while i got ready for bed. then we played some pokemon and i ko’d before 1 am. zzzz. here’s to spending more time with kevin on a weekday <3
21: i felt energized when i woke up and ready for work. the train was a bit late though so i got to work a bit later than i expected and i also took a nap on the train...so then i felt really sleepy coming into the office. the office was pretty full today! hehe. cole, charles, and i went to kane’s donuts and started our mid-morning off right. i love my t7 team. :) john sat at my desk yesterday because the heater was on (no one was there to turn it off) and the building was like 80 degrees and being in the separate office was even hotter :O haha good thing i didn’t come in. jim was also melting... the morning was hard for me because i was sleepy but i did learn more about camtasia and made a to-do list for myself. i had 3 meetings today so i had to juggle videos and meetings like yesterday. i realized that i can’t do video work in the office because it’s an open space and that i will work from home to do video work from now on.
i was in meetings for the rest of the day. i bonded with charles and cole over pokemon LOL and john was a bit bewildered about our generation because cole and i brought in our 3ds’s to work :P i left work at 3 pm after a meeting to catch the train before my last one at 4:30 pm. i picked up my memebox package and then got comfy and got back to work. after the meeting, i looked up where to eat for boston’s restaurant week and i got super excited. hehehe. then i made shiitake rice and prepped the veggies for dinner. i started exercising after and kevin came back. i finished exercising while kevin finished cooking dinner. then we watched 2 episodes of izombie while eating dinner and kevin made me feel bad about spoiling the show but then he revealed that he also knew -__-” JERK haha. then i got ready for bed and ko’d at like 1 am.
22: mmm i had a late morning. kevin went to work and then i got up, ate cereal, and went straight to recording and editing these video tutorials. it’s a lot harder than i expected and i’m not enjoying it as much as making templates for clients right now, ahha. i’m not comfortable with making video tutorials yet. i took a short break for lunch and watched the latest episode of ‘jane the virgin.’ i went back to editing and messing with camtasia until around 5 pm. it was a really chill day. i played pokemon for a bit and then made dinner. kevin was really tired for some reason and asked if he could just chill on the couch for a bit. he ended up taking a nap :P i made pico de gallo (a very chunky one), shredded lettuce, washed the black beans, made rice, and baked chicken thighs. i was in love with the salad i got with cole so i wanted to make it at home. when i started eating it, i realized that i just made chipotle...LOL. i really liked the chicken but i think if the pico had smaller chunks of red onion and tomato, it would have tasted better. we watched two episodes of izombie and then kevin went to game. i played some pokemon; i’m trying to get a razor claw from jangmo-o T_T it’s so hard. i gave up and then did 20 minutes of obliques and 35 minutes of kickboxing. this video hurt more than the 45 minute one! maybe i should skip weights for now. i went to shower and then kevin and i played pokemon in bed before sleeping at like 1:30 am.
23: lol i guess i’m working from home the rest of the week? it’s been hard trying to motivate myself to make tutorials and videos. i feel like i’m bad at explaining things and i need feedback. hopefully, phil lets me know what he thinks today. i made a small to-do list for the morning and then put on some music and tried to pump myself up. oh, my facebook cleanse has been going alright. i still open up my chrome browser and pause and then close it again because that habit has been ingrained in me. x__x maybe i should go for a full facebook deactivation? that seems too intense though. i also need to stop going on snapchat so much. i’m gonna start that cleanse soon too. haha i waste too much time on these apps when i could be playing pokemon (not being on facebook opened that up) or even reading. that’s my other goal. i think if i keep with this cleanse, i will be able to fit in both. i won’t give up my youtube videos though. the downside is that i usually find weird and interesting things on facebook to read and stuff, but i can also educate myself with reading.
anyway, it was a pretty productive day. i figured out how i want to approach the tutorials and etc. i got to talk with phil and sultan as well. we had a somewhat late and long client meeting, which ended my day at about 6:45 pm... i also was frustrated with catching the ultra beasts in pokemon so my mood was kinda ruined for the rest of the day. we ate leftovers for dinner and watched ‘izombie’ after i had a tantrum x__x then kevin dropped the corner iphone on my eyebrow bone on accident and i cried again LOL. it hurt :( but i think it was also because of the shock. kevin went to game and then i pushed myself to workout even though i was super tired from my emotions. i did an intense 30 minute tabata workout and i did 15 minutes or so of hip hop cardio. i haven’t done hip hop cardio in a while. then i showered and kevin and i played pokemon before bed and then we went to sleep at around 1 or 2 am. i caught a good nihilego before sleeping toooo.
24: i got up and scheduled things for next week. it’s a bit of a weird week so i hopefully will be in the office for 2.5 days and then the rest will be wfh for videos and late-ish meetings. then i got on a two hour training session and then right after, i microwaved lunch and then went into another meeting and after that, another two hour session. i caught 4 fairly good pheromosas and took a break from pokemon after learning that xurkitree is a pain in the butt to catch and to get a good one without a synchronized abra. blech. i spent an hour planning to start a video series called, “2MINShowcase.” it will be a series of videos showcasing products, brands, and services that i love and enjoy. i’m excited to start! it’s hard organizing and curating these collections though. i think i have one to shoot tomorrow! i’m going to shoot with my iphone 7 and edit with camtasia as a nice little exercise for now.
kevin stayed later than he expected and didn’t go climbing right after work. instead, he came back right when i was going to prep the pork cutlets to make tonkatsu. lol, i would have started prepping earlier if i knew. i turned off my work phone when i was done with work for the day and kevin sent messages there so i missed it by 30 minutes or so. well, we talked while we cooked together. kevin did a really dumb thing: put cold water in a pot of super hot oil. omg...it made a big oily splash when he did that and it scared the shit out of me. sometimes, he just doesn’t think in the kitchen... no one was hurt though, thankfully. we finished preparing dinner with no more kitchen incidents. we had tonkatsu spring rolls while watching the newest episode of supernatural. then kevin went to game after i felt like he insinuated that i am fat (he told me to exercise and i asked him if i should and then he continued to say that people run in the morning all the time and he compared all of the exercises i do to that. -__- then he said that he knows not to lift everyday but it doesn’t really apply to cardio. idk if you would get offended, but i did).
i think i actually ko’d for a bit and then woke up and did my damn 500 calorie burning popfitness video. then i showered and washed my hair. i don’t remember the last time i washed it LOL. it’s been a while because i worked from home basically the entire week. hmmm. anyway, i’m getting a little crazy from staying inside. i watched the free episode of the ‘try guys’ youtube red series and then went to sleep at like 2 or 3 am.
25: uhhhh my body was awake at 9:30 am but i got up at like 12:50 pm LOL. kevin made us breakfast: egg mcmuffin with leftover pico. i think the pico i made has a bit too much red onion... it’s upsetting my stomach in a way. i think i need to stop eating it lol. i watched ‘reign’ while kevin watched a dota game. then he tried getting a haircut but he had to wait after 9 other people...so he rq’d and got us bubble tea and then came back. after kevin left though, i went straight to recording my video series. the iphone 7 camera is soooo nice. i hate that my oneplus one always tries to auto-focus so it kind of zooms in and out. it’s so not cool. for some reason, it took 1-2 hours for my iphone to upload 17 1-minute or less videos to dropbox... so i sat and waited and edited as each clip came in. ugh. oh, kevin came back and then went straight to rock climbing. lol i lost track of time because of editing.
then i had to take a break and ate leftovers for dinner with kevin. we watched two episodes of izombie and then i went back to editing. i finished and tried uploading but then i was slowing down kevin’s connection so he restarted the router and i stopped (even though i was super excited about uploading it to youtube and facebook) -____-” so i just did hip hop cardio while he gamed. he finished his game like 30 minutes later and asked and i said no because it was too late for people to even see it if i posted it. ugh. i came back and uploaded it after my workout. then youtube took down my video T__T so i spent a few hours looking up youtube rules and violations and etc. then i finally went to shower and then i got in bed and played a few minutes of pokemon. it was like 4-5 am by the time we went to sleep LOL. kevin was up watching a dota tournament.
26: we got out of bed at like 2 pm or something LOL gg us. then kevin made us pico with scrambled eggs. it definitely made the red onion more tolerable. then he gamed for a bit while i finally uploaded my video to facebook, curled my hair, and then got ready for groceries. oh, we also planned food this week in bed. we didn’t need to get much because we’re going to new york on friday. so excited! we went to kam man and got some drinks to bring over to winston’s and jeanne’s along with groceries. we actually had to stock up on a few things so we did a lot of grocery shopping in general. then we went to roche bros and finally stopped at bj’s. we spent like 2 hours grocery shopping because i had coupons for bj’s and there were two coupon books so we had to check if each item we wanted was worth or not. we ended up getting more than what we needed...like chicken nuggets for example haha.
we got back, unloaded, kevin started cooking hong shao rou, i started laundry and cleaned the bathroom and then went to cutting apples for our puff pastry apple hand pies. it took me forever to find the recipe michelle gave me for the filling of an apple pie and also the other recipe i used to bake the hand pies and how to seal them as well. it was crazy. we ate dinner while standing and waiting for other things to cook. then i assembled the pies, put them in the oven and then we put up all of the artwork and posters we have gotten for the apartment so far. while kevin was putting up the final one, i took down our christmas tree. kevin finished putting it in the box while i showered at like 12:30 am or something. it was late af. i finished folding the clothes and then i stayed up a bit watching clothesencounters’ new video. i went to sleep at like 1 or 2 am but i think i actually fell asleep asleep at 3 am or whenever kevin got into bed x__X; this is what happens when you get up at 2 pm when you got shit to do LOL!
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