#Pray for your time and i’ll bring it so (Horrortale verse ~ Vita)
awakened-harmony · 2 years
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@bythebonefire​ - 💞 💞 Fernita and Horrorfell Fernita!
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“Oh dear, you could have me talking all day about him, don’t get me started! I love him. I really do, he’s a wonderful monster and i wish i’d met him sooner, i probably would have if i hadn’t been such a waterfall hermit. But he’s already managed to fill up half the to be nursery with cool baby items and i don’t know how to tell him he should wait a little longer, i’m not even showing yet.”
Despite this supposed complaint, she’s laughing, a light giggle as she runs a brush through her hair.
“Besides, call me traditional but i don’t even know how much of it i’ll use. Even if i’ll admit, some of it is really cool....although not to be to open, the fact humans have nipple pads with like gel is already making me far more happy about breastfeeding because while i love my son, it was a nightmare to my poor nipples, especially when his teeth came in since us kelouls have sharp teeth.”
For a moment, she’s not sure she should speak, she had shyren on her lap. The little monster had no fared any better then the rest of them had but she was still alive for now and like many of those who’d come under her care, they sought her affection and she gave it, thin hand stroking over her head with a careful tenderness for many monsters now may as well have been like expensive glassware, They could be broken so easily.
Briefly her tired eyes wander to ferno, nearby and adorned lovingly in his gilded mask of gold, perhaps her claim to him as much as it was to shield his view of his face. He still looked strong compared to them, her magic had made sure of that, he was her guard, loyal to a fault and she his queen who alone could provide his life saving medication before she looked away, resting her head back against the cool, slightly damp rocks that surrounded the tiny cavern that held her secret home. Moonlight filtered in through the small crack in the mountainous ceiling, she used to love that space, but now it was just something that taunted her and her parish. Just another reminder that so close to them was an exit that could not be accessed, the barrier would have prevented them.
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finally, whisper quiet, her voice doesn’t even cause shyren to stir.
“he doesn’t seem to realize that if he hadn’t stumbled into my home that day, i wouldn’t be here now, i would have sat in my home until i dusted...haha not that i can as i know now, my magic won’t allow it. I certainly don’t think i would have done this though, i would have sat and gathered dust, a statue in a museum. But i have him, i feel guilty often. For keeping him alive. Sometimes i see his soul and i contemplate crushing it like i have so many others.”
a mirthless breathy laugh as her tail twitches.
“if only to grant him mercy and hope we meet again in another life, i have little doubts that he’s thought the same thing about mine, it barely holds itself together. But we are selfish creatures made of love, i am not the same monster i once was nor’ is he, all i can hope is. If there is other worlds out there, that somewhere...we got our happy ending, that everyone did.”
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
@spookyscientistskeleton continued from ASK
It had taken trial and error to figure this out again. The simplest thing in the world, the one thing Ferno had always thought he was good for when it came to relationships, when it came to what he could offer others–and suddenly he just couldn’t, anymore. Just like he couldn’t manifest his magic enough to speak, it was that much harder to manifest his magic to shift into equipment he could… actually use.
Some days he could offer her more though, more than just the touch of his fingers and (when he could bear the thought of removing his mask) his tongue. Usually just after she’d done her usual work on his core, to soothe the flames that both made up his entire body and also kept him in constant pain. He had to time how he used that window, and it only ever lasted a few minutes. Usually long enough, but he had to be mindful of it.
And it was worth it. It was worth it, to take her mind off the bleakness of their world, the responsibilities she carried on her shoulders, the grief and the loss. To just–feel good with her, for a few fleeting moments, now that feeling good as a concept was almost an indulgent luxury.
He couldn’t go fast, couldn’t get too acrobatic anymore. That required energy nobody had, when energy by necessity was relegated to survival. But he could rock up into her, steady and slow like the crest and fall of an ocean wave. They sat on the couch, her in his lap, hands on her rear to aid their pace. He let out a gusty breath that made smoke hiss out from the sides of his mask, shifting his head to rest in the crook of her neck.
Ferno wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t dare remove the mask. If it wasn’t the fear that came from revealing his ugliness to her, it was knowing the look of sadness he’d be met with, one thing her leftover magic hadn’t been able to fix. He didn’t want her to think about that. He didn’t want her to think about anything at all.
God. He didn’t want to think about anything at all. Just her. Just the tight clench of her body around him, and the way she trembled, and the tenderness of her embrace.
And he was grateful, at least, that her healing of his core did allow him this occasional grace as well.
‘… you are… my everything.’ His voice was almost distorted through the crackling of his flames, barely audible, but full of adoration for her–his savior, his queen, the one light left in this cold, lonely hell. ‘I love you. I love you.’
They’d once mistaken such touch as something so casual, who’d have known it would one day be a luxury? It took energy they didn’t have, but that they gave anyway for a tiny bit of enjoyment. A tiny bit of joy in a world that had forsaken them for a brand new hell that they could do nothing for but count the days and bury the dust of every dwindling spirit that inevitably wandered into waterfall for their final hours, Carried only by the hope that they’d be returned to asgore. Their king by she, the queen who had risen up to assist any she could, She unending and powerful. She was a husk of her former self, deathly thin for she did not eat, Each rib if not for her shirt would be visible, the boney graze of her spine, her magic sustained her where many others had failed them. Her hair had fallen out a long time ago, once a soft white and used as a cover for her eyes, Her head tendrils shriveled and nearly useless for their original purpose.
yet she was not the only who’d survived, perhaps selfishly, she’d sustained her dear guard. Ever loyal and devoted to her, She knew her magic was the only reason he was still somewhat intact, otherwise his fire would have consumed his very core that once sustained him. a hellish way to die, if she’d been stronger, mentally. Physically, she would have pushed him into the waters that rushed ever persistently through the caverns they called home, To spare him any further agony. To grant him mercy, but she was weak, she craved companionship like any other and so she kept him, She loved him with all her aching soul could give. She granted him the golden mask that covered his face, the only thing she didn’t have the strength to fix, it had once been a point of pride for him. She still remembers it in her dreams, A playful smirk, a confident grin as he laughed, the way it curved as he frowned.
He was different now, they both were, She’d watched as he’d stood by her side always. Dutifully keeping her frail frame safe where she could no longer protect herself with bursts of flame that tore through the feral monsters that dared try to come after her or her group, As he listened to her voice casting prayers to a god that did not truly care, To the weak. Sickly monsters who desperately clamored for her help, Whether that be the tiniest morsel of food, a touch of her hand reassuring the sick and those final soft whispers close to a monsters ear as her hands drew their glowing soul from their chest and in one swift motion. Crushed it in her hands, She’d killed so many of them but it was the least she could do when it was the last thing she could offer even if there was no use being lost in her own thoughts, pulled free as that cold mask burrowed into her shoulder. Smoke wisping by and tracing the faintest tickle over her ear fins
Returning her to that pleasure that burned her nerves, Each wonderful, slow, burrowing thrust making her quiet voice cry out between fluttery gasps of stale air. The slight rewarding drip of her own excitement, making her shiver in his grasp, her hands gentle as they clung to his back. It was a far cry from what used to be but it was a single true blessing in their world of lies, The second was the distorted crackle of his voice, perking an ear to hear him better. Soul racing with his elation, his devotion to her, she never thought such would ever excite her further but it had become as true to their life as she had become essential to his. Warmly, her voice whispered in return, She may be his queen but he was her truth, her why. Words only for him to hear between her pants and croons of pleasure
“My king, My divine guard, My eternal flame. You light the darkness ahead of me, Making our path clear, our place warm. I love you, I always will, do it, give me your love, your devotion for as long as we shall live.”
He may not be able to kiss her, Not without revealing his face that reminded her of her failure, but nothing was stopping her and she lavished him with them. Soft kisses down his neck, his shoulder, her hands almost warmer then his dim fire as they rubbed up and down his back. She even offered the faintest growly order. For him, it was all she could muster but it was for him.
“make your queen cum.”
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awakened-harmony · 3 years
Realized i should probably make a other Universes chart for how vita is in the off chance people are interested in her non-main UT verse (Underfell) so i’m not just scrambling! SO here is the other variations of vita.
Undertale tag: In the world below (Undertale verse ~ Vita) - Used to be her UF tag but i changed it
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I don’t actually have much to add about Undertale since all her elements remain about the same, Perhaps the only true difference is that she’s while still disliking of living underground, She’s content with how asgore has done to keep monsterkind happy despite their circumstances and happily. Openly shows affection to anyone who requests. it
Under the read more is Horrortale and Underswap because they BOTH got longer then i intended them to. I may explore other AU’s if asked but these three will be the main ones :D
Horrortale tag: Pray for your time and i’ll bring it so (Horrortale verse ~ Vita)
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She like most of the monsters had grieved for the death of the king at the hands of a human who despite her own fear at the death of their ruler knew had only been scared, She like most of the monsters had Panicked when the news of the core’s failure came to light, But she had hoped that they’d get it fixed. That even as the food became scarcer, The air in the dark caverns grew musty and the lights soon turned off completely. She could only hope that it would be fixed, It was only when the first monsters started to die that her hope begun to crumble, Slowly and carefully being chipped away, It was a sensation that helped her ignore the rumble of pain in her belly because all of her rations went to her son. She had to keep him safe, Fed as best she could, She had to be there for him. Help him even if she could help no other soul then her child, He. Her last true piece of her mate, A symbol of their love.
....She failed.
In the end, Maybe it was because of how young he was still, Maybe something in the air had become poisonous that he couldn’t withstand while she could due to her age. To this day, What ifs and maybe’s run through her head about what she could have done differently, like a mantra of pain and grieve. The only thing clear in her head was the resolution in her soul as she put her son out of his misery, The looping memory as she took the light of her life, The joy of her world’s soul out of his chest and could only whisper a prayer of safe travels and a ‘i love you’ before she crushed that beautiful soul in her hands. Forcing it to shatter into hundreds of little pieces as his body turned to dust, She knows she had to do it, but she still can’t forgive herself for it and she’s certain hell awaits her when she dies. If she dies.
Because even as her son had faded, Vita maybe not have thrived, But she survived. Even as she starved and once strong limbs atrophied, She still took it upon herself each day to stand, To get up, To find food if she could...and give it to others. She’s not sure why she doesn’t die, But her best running theory is that her healing magic has turned inward on itself and heals her soul even as her body withers around it. It heals and heals and heals, She is sure that if not for her starved body, She would have been dead of a hundred different cancers by now.
Instead her house, What was her house has essentially become a church. Waterfall had always been the last monsters they thought about because what did they have to offer to the rest of the underground? Snowdin held the way all humans entered the underground, Hotland held the core, The capital held the largest of the undergrounds population and it held the queen. But waterfall? They’d been seen as obsolete and though not sealed off from the rest of the population, They weren’t welcome anymore. So just as snowdin eventually got sans, As corrupt as he was as a protector, Waterfall got Vita. Her continued survival despite starving, Her hope that things will improve one day, Her gracious giving of all but the clothes off her back. She protects the monsters of waterfall and many of the remaining population, the weak, the sick, even the dying come to her. Some if only to spend their last moments to feel as if someone still cared about them, To have their final fate given to them in kindness and not suffering, She who would deliver their souls to Asgore.
Things to take note of in her Horrortale verse: - Vita’s son is dead and she killed him, Killed him to end his suffering as he’d started to decline like some of the other monsters.
- She’s rail thin and looks as though even the lightest wind could blow her over and while she can no longer defend herself, Her followers who praise and follow her lead will kill for her lest they lose their chosen spot of hope in the hell that had become of their home. So while waterfall IS a safe passage, it’s only if you respect she who guards it.
- Vita has leaned heavily into her old beliefs, She’s become incredibly soft spoken and seems to murmur her prayers in a haunting whisper alongside her followers, Asking for help, For hope, For forgiveness for the sins she has committed, To allow her to bear the sins of her followers because they only do as she asks and while she does talk to monsters sometimes without this inflection, It is rare and often only resurfaces with monsters she knew personally whether it be before or after the war.
- Her LV is higher because she mercy kills monsters who are dying of starvation, Of lack of magic, In the words of her followers. She’s sending them to asgore. She brings them comfort in a painless death, She is viewed as a Messiah and in some messed up way, She has more family then she’s ever known in this verse.
Underswap tag: Oh maiden with your soul of stone (Underswap verse ~ Vita)
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In underswap, Vita despite her soul of Pacifism and her once gentle demeanor turns a full 180 upon the learned death of her mate drusil while protecting the queen in an assasination attempt in the exploits of the war decides to take up the mantle that her mate had left vacant, Abandoning her duties as a healer, Her soul corrupts and becomes one of a Warmonger. She once known for her overwhelming amount of kindness becomes a symbol to fear, Nicknamed by the humans as ‘the siren’ and takes the place of her previous mate by the queen’s side as one of her guards, She personally ensures that the humans lost some ground in the war and for a time. Gave hope in her own way that monster kind would once more be able to thrive as they once did.
But even with her furiosity, That doesn’t happen, They still get sent underground. Not that it truly stops vita, Urging the queen that retreat isn’t an option, That while monsters might be trapped, There would one day be a time they return and they had to be ready. Despite that, the queen initially refuses and while vita still served as her guard, Anger does brew under the surface at her refusal. Another blow is struck when a human does fall underground and instead of rightfully being slaughtered. She and her Meek husband adopt the pitiful creature.
She’s not sure whether she felt vindicated or distraught when the news broke out that both the human AND the young prince were dead, That they’d tried to cross the barrier, that if only they’d come back with a few more souls. They’d have already been free, But instead the dust of both of them was scattered on a small plush toy of the prince’s. It was in this moment even as her coward of a husband flee’s with the humans true body, the queen finally saw the right path to take, At the cost of her entire family and she declared that any further humans to fall into the underground were to die, Harvested for their souls so she may become a goddess among monsters and break the barrier.
And she carries on this duty for her queen with what some see as a sense of pride, She is well known for collecting three of the human souls currently in the queen’s possession, She does eventually step down as the captain of the royal guard and allows Alphys to take the position. But she still co-leads and her advice is taken very seriously, She trains new recruits, following the old army ways of breaking their recruits, they either walk or become something worth her while.
Things to take note of in her Underswap verse: - She’s not downright cruel to monsters but compared to other monsters in US, She comes off as harsh and rough, hard to get close to though she has a fondness for monster children, Recruits she see’s potential in and her fellow comrades whether they be retired from the guard or not because they served well.
- She doesn’t have a son, She was pregnant at one point after they were sealed in the underground but...she doesn’t talk about what happened and nobody has dared to ask.
- Her soul is corrupted and has been since her mate’s death, Maybe with the right people and enough work, it could be restored but there’s no saying she’d be the same after all she did under her corrupted soul’s influence.
- She still lives in waterfall but her house is smaller and only has the bare minimum on the inside, It doesn’t feel very homely so to speak.
- US vita is fucking buff as hell and could snap your spine like a kit kat bar
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awakened-harmony · 3 years
There's a few loud THUMP-THUMP-THUMPs on Vita's door, before one slow, pathetic sliiiide of a body dropping down to the ground. It's frankly a fucking miracle that Ferno even made it out here. The pain is *constant*, pulsing and throbbing enough that even the occasional drops of water from above barely register. 'H-hey, babe, uh...' He tries to keep his tone calm, but it's hard when he's fighting for every breath. 'S'just me, uh... s-somethin'... somethin's wrong? Uh... fuck. Fffuck, lemme in?'
She doesn't know how long she'd been sitting there on her couch in the dark living room lit only by her weak biolumiscence, How many days had she sat there, Just staring dimly, She'd managed to gently sift most of her son' dust into a container but after? she'd just been zoned out, Likely only pulled from, her trance by the loud.
she heard the slow slide of a body drop first and the voice, She knew the voice even when it was strugglin' to get any words out in the first place. It wasn't like him to come to waterfall, it wasn't like him to come for help and before she knew it, she was off the couch, throwing her front door open to help him inside, Even as starved as she was, She wasn't so weak that she couldn't drag the elemental inside even if she wished she could just pick him up
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"Ferno! here, i'm here.."
What was wrong with him? she didn't see any injuries (Besides the minor patches where water had dripped onto him but those weren't it-), She kneels, Propping his head up on her lap since she couldn't lift him onto the couch, It was like he was dying! but from what? so she decided to target the source, Fingers deftly freeing his chest from his shirt and after that, with a push of her magic, She was pushing the flames away. To get to his core and despite it being hot, So desperately hot on her hands, On her sensitive skin. She grabbed it anyway and flared her healing magic strongly. Lighting the room up a illuminescent green that mixes in with the weak purple flicker of ferno's flames and her slight pink glow. Nearly engulfing the other two colors and leaving a few darting motes in the air with it's strength.
"here..just, take some of my magic, it's okay, you'll be okay. just relax, i've got you ferno, Shhh shh i've got you."
Oh please let her own words be true...she's not sure she could handle losing another person she was so close to within' just a span of a few days of each other
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