#Povidone-Iodine Market
soumyafwr · 5 months
Povidone-Iodine Market Overview, Competitive Analysis and Forecast 2031
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shaw-melody · 1 year
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diptinaik · 2 months
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gloriousheartfire · 3 months
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ckavya-5358 · 3 months
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advitalifesciences · 10 months
povidone iodine solution
Advita Lifesciences offers an exceptional iodine-containing topical antiseptic solution, boasting a potent 10% concentration. This product has captured a significant share of the market and is a top seller, thanks to its remarkably reasonable price range. What sets it apart from competitors is the uncompromising commitment to quality demonstrated by the manufacturer during the production process.
The Povidone Iodine Solution from Advita Lifesciences has gained acclaim for its remarkable ability to accelerate wound healing. Not only is it highly effective, but it also stands out as a cost-efficient option for treating bandages, infections, and lacerations with utmost efficacy.
With versatile applications, this antiseptic serves various purposes:
An essential pre and post-operative antiseptic for the skin, eyes, and vaginal areas.
An ideal solution for minor wounds, burns, abrasions, and cuts.
Effective prevention and treatment of infections while dressing stitches.
Promotes healing when used for dressing wounds.
An excellent surgical hand scrub for medical professionals.
A dependable first aid solution.
Capable of treating vaginitis, static & decubitus ulcers.
Demonstrates rapid and prolonged germicidal action against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses.
To achieve optimal results, follow these simple directions:
Ensure the area of application is gently cleaned and dried.
Apply the solution in full strength, 1-3 times a day, in small quantities.
For added convenience, you may apply it with a sterile gauze or bandage (optional).
After use, thoroughly wash your hands to maintain proper hygiene.
The product's unparalleled quality is attributed to its adherence to Indian Pharmacopeia (IP grade) requirements and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines. The label claim reinforces its stellar reputation, making it a formidable competitor in the market. The brand name, synonymous with excellence, assures top-notch quality, from development to customer satisfaction, thus establishing itself as a trusted and reputable presence in the industry.
A word of caution: This product is solely intended for external topical use on the skin and should never be consumed orally or administered through any other means. In case of misuse, promptly seek advice from a medical expert to ensure proper treatment.
To maintain product integrity, store the solution in an amber or dark-colored bottle within a temperature range of 15-20⁰C, away from light sources that may cause product degradation.
Legal matters are subject to Bhilwara Jurisdiction only, and Advita Lifesciences shall not be held responsible for any misuse of the product by users.
For further inquiries or additional details, you can reach Advita Lifesciences through the following contact information:
Contact: (+91) 97179 89339 | 9638272953 Email: [email protected]
Address: Advita Lifesciences 1-4, C.K. Palace, Mangla Chowk, Manikya Nagar, Bhilwara, Rajasthan – 311001.
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baliportalnews · 11 months
Betadine Luncurkan Kampanye ‘The Unstoppable Family’, Ajak Keluarga Indonesia Lebih Aktif
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Keluarga memiliki peran sentral untuk pembentukan kebiasaan, gaya hidup dan kondisi kesehatan masing-masing anggotanya. Salah satu ciri keluarga sehat adalah adanya hubungan yang baik seperti memiliki aktivitas bersama yang menyenangkan, serta bugar secara fisik. Namun, tantangan keluarga saat ini ada pada gaya hidup sedentari dan lingkungan yang kurang mendukung aktivitas keluarga, seperti polusi, kurangnya ruang terbuka, maupun kondisi tempat tinggal yang kurang aman. Oleh karena itu, Mundipharma Healthcare Indonesia melalui rangkaian Betadine meluncurkan Kampanye The Unstoppable Family yaitu kampanye inspiratif yang mengajak keluarga Indonesia untuk melakukan aktivitas bersama anggota keluarganya agar lebih aktif dan menjadi Unstoppable Family dengan The Unstoppable Tape dan berbagai rangkaian Betadine Wound Care (Betadine Antiseptic Solution, Betadine Antiseptic Ointment, Betadine Plaster Waterproof Transparent dan Betadine Plaster Elastic Fabric), Cold & Flu (Betadine Mouthwash & Gargle, Betadine Throat Spray, Betadine Lozenges, dan Betadine Nasal Spray) dan Feminine Care (Betadine Feminine Hygiene, Betadine Feminine Wash Foam, Betadine Feminine Wipes dan Betadine Feminine Wash Natural Daun Sirih). Inisiatif ini dilakukan dalam rangka Hari Keluarga Nasional tanggal 29 Juni lalu dan menyambut Hari Anak Nasional tanggal 23 Juli 2023. Kampanye ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa di tahun 2022, 1 dari 3 anak usia 0-6 tahun sudah mulai menggunakan gadget. Aktivitas tersebut memicu ketergantungan terhadap gadget yang membuat anak memiliki hubungan kurang baik dengan anggota keluarga serta memicu gaya hidup sedentari yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan. Dokter ahli, dr. Gia Pratama mengatakan, peran keluarga sangat penting dalam membentuk lingkungan keluarga yang harmonis, penuh kasih sayang, dan pengertian. Keluarga merupakan lingkungan paparan pertama dan tersering bagi anak-anak. Pembentukan karakter dan proses tumbuh kembang pertama kali juga dimulai dari sini. Kondisi yang optimal di rumah, pemenuhan nutrisi yang cukup, dan interaksi antar orang tua maupun dengan anak sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan dan perilaku anak. “Orang tua bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan lingkungan yang aman, memantau aktivitas anak, membantu mengembangkan emosi sosial dan kognitif, serta menyediakan arahan dan panduan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,” ujar dr. Gia. dr. Gia menambahkan, salah satu aktivitas mudah yang dapat dilakukan bersama adalah bermain bersama. Tentu saja ketika bermain, orang tua wajib memastikan lingkungan maupun peralatan yang digunakan untuk bermain tetap aman. Meskipun aktivitas dilakukan di rumah, faktanya, berdasarkan riset kesehatan dasar menemukan bahwa 44,7% kecelakaan terjadi di rumah dan 31,4% kecelakaan terjadi di jalan. “Oleh karenanya, orang tua wajib menyediakan produk antiseptic khususnya yang mengandung Povidone Iodine yang mampu membunuh kuman penyebab infeksi, di rumah maupun dibawa kemana saja dalam aktivitas bersama keluarga. Selain menjaga keselamatan dan kesehatan anak-anak, orang tua juga harus menjaga kesehatannya juga dengan senantiasa memperhatikan personal hygiene,” jelas dr. Gia. Head of Marketing PT Mundipharma Healthcare Indonesia, Anastasia Damayanti menyampaikan, dalam rangka Hari Keluarga Nasional tanggal 29 Juni lalu dan menyambut Hari Anak Nasional tanggal 23 Juli 2023, Betadine kembali ingin menginspirasi keluarga Indonesia untuk melakukan aktivitas bersama anggota keluarganya agar lebih aktif dan menjadi keluarga yang aktif atau The Unstoppable Family.
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Betadine Luncurkan Kampanye ‘The Unstoppable Family’, Ajak Keluarga Indonesia Lebih Aktif. Sumber Foto : Istimewa “Salah satu ide unik yang bisa dilakukan bersama keluarga dalah memainkan permainan tradisional dengan The Unstoppable Tape. Engklek, Gobak Sodor maupun Bentengan adalah permainan tradisional yang mengajak anak bermain tapi juga melakukan aktifitas fisik tanpa mereka sadari,” ungkap Anastasia. Anastasia menambahkan, untuk menemani selama beraktivitas, baik bagi anak maupun bagi orang tua, Betadine melalui rangkaian Betadine Wound Care (Betadine Antiseptic Solution, Betadine Antiseptic Ointment, Betadine Plaster Waterproof Transparent dan Betadine Plaster Elastic Fabric), Cold & Flu (Betadine Mouthwash & Gargle, Betadine Throat Spray, Betadine Lozenges, dan Betadine Nasal Spray) dan Feminine Care (Betadine Feminine Hygiene, Betadine Feminine Wash Foam, Betadine Feminine Wipes dan Betadine Feminine Wash Natural Daun Sirih) hadir sebagai solusi yang tidak saja mengobati luka, tetapi juga dapat melindungi kesehatan tenggorokan, mulut dan hidung, serta tubuh. “Dilengkapi dengan antiseptik Povidone – Iodine terbukti memberikan perlindungan ekstra bagi seluruh anggota keluarga. Salah satu produk Betadine, yaitu Betadine Ointment rasanya harus menjadi a must have item bagi keluarga, agar siap siaga saat terjadi kecelakaan. Nah, untuk mengatasi permasalahan udara yang saat ini terasa kurang baik, Betadine juga memiliiki Nasal Spray yang dapat digunakan untuk anak-anak dan dewasa, jadi bisa untuk seluruh anggota keluarga,” tambah Anastasia. Pengguna Betadine, Caca Tengker menyampaikan, saat ini kesehatan dan tumbuh kembang anak-anak merupakan prioritas saya. Selain melindungi kesehatan fisik anak, saya dan suami juga berusaha mendorong kreativitas dan imajinasi anak, termasuk dengan cara memberikan suasana menyenangkan bagi anak-anak lewat berbagai cara, salah satunya dengan bermain. The Unstoppable Tape ini memberikan banyak ide kreativitas bagi kami untuk berinteraksi dengan anak-anak. “Betadine juga memberikan rasa aman jika sesuatu terjadi pada anak-anak ketika bermain, dengan berbagai rangkaian produknya. Bagi saya sendiri, Betadine juga menjawab kebutuhan personal hygiene yang terus menjadi prioritas saya,” kata  Caca. Lebih lanjut kata Anastasia, pihaknya bangga telah mendukung keluarga Indonesia sejak 50 tahun lalu dan baru saja Betadine juga menerima award sebagai Peringkat 1 Brand Globally in the Antiseptic and Disinfectants Market dan Peringkat 1 Brand in the Gynecological Antiseptic Market berdasarkan IQVIA Analytics pada Desember 2022. “Ini membuktikan kualitas Betadine sebagai brand yang mumpuni dalam memberikan perlindungan bagi keluarga,” tutup Anastasia. Rangkaian Betadine Wound Care (Betadine Antiseptic Solution, Betadine Antiseptic Ointment, Betadine Plaster Waterproof Transparent dan Betadine Plaster Elastic Fabric), Cold & Flu (Betadine Mouthwash & Gargle, Betadine Throat Spray, Betadine Lozenges, dan Betadine Nasal Spray) dan Feminine Care (Betadine Feminine Hygiene, Betadine Feminine Wash Foam, Betadine Feminine Wipes dan Betadine Feminine Wash Natural Daun Sirih) sudah tersedia di seluruh Indonesia dan dapat dibeli di supermarket, minimarket seperti Alfamart dan Indomaret, e-commerce seperti Shopee, hingga retailer seperti Boots, Century, Guardian, K24, Kimia Farma, Watson.(*/bpn) Read the full article
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soumyafwr · 5 months
Povidone-Iodine Market Overview, Competitive Analysis and Forecast 2031
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cpharmaceutical · 11 months
POVI-C Tablet MANUFACTURER/ MARKETER C Pharmaceuticals SALT COMPOSITION Povidone Iodine (10% w/w) STORAGE Store below 30°C
Product introduction
POVI-C is an antiseptic and disinfectant agent. It is used for the treatment and prevention of infections in wounds and cuts. It kills the harmful microbes and controls their growth, thereby preventing infections in the affected area.
POVI-C is for external use only. You should always use it exactly as your doctor has told you. The affected area should be clean and dry before application. You must wash your hands thoroughly before and after applying this medicine. This medicine should be used regularly to get the most benefit from it. Do not use more than you need as it will not clear your condition faster and some side effects may be increased. You can help this medication work better by keeping the affected areas clean.
This medicine may cause side effects like skin irritation, redness, or itching at the site of application. Please consult your doctor if these side effects persist for a longer duration. Avoid direct contact with your eyes. In case of direct contact, wash your eyes with water and seek immediate medical attention. You should stop taking it straight away if you have any signs of an allergic reaction. Signs of this include rash, swelling of the lips, throat, or face, swallowing or breathing problems, feeling dizzy or faint, and nausea.
Benefits of POVI-C
In Treatment and prevention of Wound infection
POVI-C is a versatile antiseptic that is used for the treatment and prevention of infection.POVI-C kills and prevents the growth of infection-causing microbes, thereby preventing abrasions, cuts, and wounds, or any break in the skin from getting infected. The antiseptic effect is caused due to the slow release of iodine. Keep the affected area clean and use the medicine as prescribed by your doctor.
Side effects of POVI-C
Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them
How to use POVI-C
This medicine is for external use only. Use it in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Check the label for directions before use. Clean and dry the affected area and gently massage the ointment. 
How POVI-C works
POVI-C is an antiseptic applied on skin, which is infected or is likely to get infected. It works by slowly releasing iodine which kills or prevents the growth of infectious microorganisms.
Safety advice
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No interaction found/established
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POVI-C may be unsafe to use during pregnancy. Although there are limited studies in humans, animal studies have shown harmful effects on the developing baby. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and any potential risks before prescribing it to you. Please consult your doctor.
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sandyz · 1 year
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vjovhal · 1 year
The study is titled “Global Povidone Iodine Market Research Report” and extensive research has been conducted by analysts to provide an in-depth assessment of the global market.
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imirmarketresearch · 1 year
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snehaturkar · 1 year
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Wound Irrigation Systems Market - Major Revenue Gain is Predicted by 2027
The global wound irrigation system market is anticipated to register a significant CAGR over a forecast period. The increasing use of convenient, user-friendly wound irrigation system over conventional wound cleaning techniques such as swabbing and bathing, is expected to boost the demand of the wound irrigation system and drives the global market. The wound irrigation system is more effective as it delivers the major advantage in emergency room acute wound management which also propels the demand of the wound irrigation system. The wound irrigation system also helps to prevent the spread of infection of bacteria and other pathogens due to the effective structure of the system, which anticipated to fuel the demand and growth of the global wound irrigation system market over a forecast period.
The wound irrigation system is a flow of the solution used to an open wound surface to achieve the hydration of wound, to remove the debris and help in the visual examination of the wound. Wound irrigation is an important step in assisting the progression of wound healing from inflammatory phase to proliferative phase by removing the debris and surface pathogens. The goal of the wound irrigation is to clean the wound and avoid the trauma to wound bed to minimize the risk of bacterial and other contamination to the wound bed. Wound irrigation system also aids in healing the wound from the inside tissue layers outward to the surface of the skin and prevent premature healing of the wound. In wound irrigation system, the irrigation solutions such as topical cleansers, antibiotics, antifungal, antiseptics are used to remove the debris. The wound irrigation system is more effective as compared to swabbing or bathing of the wound and expected to boost the demand of the wound irrigation system over a forecast period.
Key Players:
Some of the major market players in wound irrigation system market globally include Bionix Development Corporation, Molnlycke Health Care Ltd, Teleflex, Inc., IrriMax Corporation, Westmed, INC., CooperSurgical Inc., B. Braun Medical Inc., Centurion Medical Products Corporation and Zimmer, Inc.
The global wound irrigation system market is segmented on the basis of product type, solution delivery type, solution type and end user.
On the basis of product type, the global wound irrigation system is segmented into:
On the basis of solution delivery type, the global wound irrigation system is segmented into:
Bulb Syringes
Piston Syringes
Pressure Canister
Whirlpool Agitator
Whirlpool Hose Sprayer
Plastic Container
Pulsed Lavage
Jet Lavage
Pulsatile Lavage
Mechanical Irrigation
High pressure Irrigation
On the basis of solutions type, the global wound irrigation system is segmented into:
Topical Cleansers
Hydrogen peroxide
On the basis of end user, the global wound irrigation system is segmented into:
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
However, the lack of awareness about the benefits of the wound irrigation system over conventional methods of wound cleaning in poorly developed markets, may hamper the demand of the wound irrigation systems and restrain the growth of the global wound irrigation system market.
On the basis of regional presence, the global wound irrigation system market is segmented into seven key regions: North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific excluding Japan, Japan and Middle East & Africa. Currently, North America is contributing the leading shares to the global wound irrigation system market in terms of value and anticipated to register a significant CAGR over a forecast period.
The Europe is also contributing the moderate shares to the market due to the advanced medical facilities and developed infrastructure along with the awareness of the wound irrigation system over conventional methods. APAC is the most lucrative market for the wound irrigation system and expected to show a robust growth to the global wound irrigation system market. MEA is at a nascent stage to the global wound irrigation system market and anticipated to register a decent growth to the market over a forecast period. Overall, the global wound irrigation system market is expected to show significant growth over a forecast period.
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/wound-irrigation-system-market
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