#Portulaca grandiflora
thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n11_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Revue horticole.. Paris :Librairie agricole de la maison rustique,1829-1974.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/49594235
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haikuckuck · 3 months
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Made with pentax k50 and old Revuenon 1,7/50 mm , manuell. Mf.- so it looks like a painting.
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ratanshis · 5 months
Buy Portulaca Grandiflora plant seeds
Shop online Portulaca Grandiflora plant seeds form Ratanshis and get the best selection, quality, and pricing. Perfect for adding vibrant color and texture to your garden For more information and visit website today or call us at 022-2378-2596.
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strollmeditation · 7 months
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wouas · 11 months
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🌺 Pink Flowers 🌺
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deathtek · 1 year
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lessarzt · 1 year
Una flor de verano y primavera, tan hermosa con sus colores y atracción, que llena de viva y ambición. 🌷✨️
Para más mi insta: @lessarzt_ph
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas?  El girasol (Peonia de Lingnan)
El girasol (nombre en latín: Portulaca grandiflora), también conocido como peonía de hoja de pino, loto de media rama, no puede morir, la verdolaga es una flor perenne, a menudo cultivada como anual. Le gusta un ambiente cálido, soleado y seco, y ve florecer las flores al sol, y se cierra por la mañana, tarde y días nublados, por eso tiene el nombre de "flor del sol, flor del mediodía".
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 El período de floración es de mayo a noviembre y la zona de Lingnan florece durante todo el año. Hay muchas variedades de girasoles, generalmente rojo concubina, rojo cosecha, rojo brillante, rojo oscuro, rojo púrpura, blanco, verde nieve, amarillo claro y amarillo oscuro. Las plantas en macetas embellecen el balcón de la sala de estar, el alféizar de la ventana. Originario de Brasil, América del Sur. Ahora se cultiva en toda China. Una variedad de colores, con una fragancia ligera, fácil de mantener y fácil de sobrevivir.
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haveyougrownthisplant · 4 months
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francescointoppa · 1 year
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Porcellana grandiflora (Portulaca grandiflora Hook., Portulacaceae)
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greenhousechronicles · 7 months
Flower of the day
Moss rose, Portulaca grandiflora, is a drought and heat tolerant annual native to hot, dry plains in Argentina, southern Brazil, Uruguay and my back yard.
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I never tried these flowers before, but this summer I tried them and they're just great. Highly recommend. Five stars.
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gardenvarietygay · 10 months
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I love the juxtaposition of this little yellow pansy (Viola wittrockiana) and the pink moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora). This pansy is unkillable. I bought it as part of a 6-pack last fall. It lost all of its foliage and I figured it was a goner but the roots were still intact and healthy so I moved it here for more sun this spring in case it lived. Before long, I noticed it had pushed new leaves and buds. It has been blooming since April and doesn’t show any signs of stopping, pansies usually die in my area by early May, it’s 94 degrees out today and has been in the 90s for over a week. We’re in a severe drought and I rarely water this container. By the end of each day, it droops a little and I worry that it won’t survive another day of full sun on my hot patio but each morning it perks back up. Here’s hoping it holds on until fall.
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haikuckuck · 3 months
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strollmeditation · 7 months
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deehwang · 2 years
When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower - Alexander Den Heijer / @purposologist
📷 : Bunga dari Portulaca grandiflora / Japanese Rose / Moss Rose
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8 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Purslane Instead of Pulling It Out
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Purslane, also known as Portulaca grandiflora or moss rose, is a succulent plant with vibrant flowers that grows wild in our countryside and is gaining increasing popularity in gardens and orchards worldwide.
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Why You Shouldn’t Kill Purslane in Your Garden: 8 Compelling Reasons https://www.youtube.com/shorts/REdk8qy1s74 Not only is it aesthetically appealing, but it also offers a range of practical benefits and health advantages. Here are 8 reasons why you shouldn’t pull out purslane but should instead use it to your advantage. - Drought Resistance: Purslane is a succulent plant, meaning it is well adapted to life in arid and dry environments. This characteristic makes it an ideal choice for gardens with limited water resources or for those who want to cultivate low-maintenance plants. - Vivid Blooms: Purslane’s flowers are a visual delight, available in a variety of vibrant colors such as orange, pink, yellow, and red. These flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects, contributing to the health of your garden ecosystem. - Thrives in Poor Soil: Purslane flourishes even in poor and poorly fertilized soils. In fact, too much fertilizer can lead to excessive leaf growth at the expense of flowers. This soil resistance makes it a versatile choice for various types of gardens. - Colorful Ground Covers: Purslane spreads rapidly and can form carpets of colorful flowers that adorn the ground. This feature makes it an excellent choice for filling empty spaces in the garden or creating vibrant borders. - Nutrient-Rich Food: Contrary to what one might think, purslane is edible and highly nutritious. Its leaves and flowers are rich in vitamins A, C, and antioxidants. They can be added to salads, sandwiches, or even cooked as vegetables. - Health Benefits: Purslane has been used in traditional medicine to treat various disorders, including digestive problems, inflammation, and skin disorders. While it doesn’t replace medical advice, adding purslane to your diet can contribute to greater nutritional diversity. - Easy Cultivation: Purslane is an easy-to-grow plant that requires little maintenance. Just ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering. It can be grown both in pots and in open ground. - Environmental Benefits: Purslane has a root system that helps prevent soil erosion. Its tolerance to adverse conditions also contributes to stabilizing disturbed or recovering environments. Conclusion Purslane is much more than a mere ornamental plant. With its vibrant flowers, ability to survive in challenging conditions, and health benefits, it deserves a special place in gardens and green spaces. So, instead of pulling it out, consider using purslane to enhance the look of your garden and the well-being of your diet. Subscribe for More Health Tips: Stay informed and empowered to respond effectively in medical emergencies by subscribing to our newsletter. Receive regular updates on health-related topics, including heart health, first aid, and preventive care. Sign up today to join our community of health-conscious individuals committed to living well.
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