#Played a lil bit of 3 (Hated it) and just started new vegas
uvpartybomb · 24 days
If anyone's watched the new fallout show, what's it like? We're hearing good things by chance but wanna know if its a good video game adaptation?
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Weeping Statue | Feeding Habits Update #6 & let’s chat about quitting writing
Hello! Are we back for another Feeding Habits update (finally)?? Let’s chat chapter 7, Weeping Statue.
Just a reminder: This is my original work and plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated.
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Can we talk about struggle? Because this chapter was IT. I believe I started it in late July and finished it earlier this month. I’ve taken my time with chapters before, but this was next level--the amounts of changes I went through in one chapter was astronomical, and reminded me of drafting chapter three earlier in the summer. I went through so many stages writing this chapter: from enjoying it, to feeling no joy from writing at all, to nearly quitting this book altogether!
Scene A:
Harrison and his mother Suzanna simultaneously avoid each other over breakfast after he failed to return home the night previous
She lowkey calls him out (calling out his denial of missing Lonan)
Scene B:
Harrison goes to a farmhouse owned by Theodore Harvey, a friend of his mother’s, to drop off the rescued litter of kittens from chapter 6. He realizes he is missing one kitten and concludes Reeve has stolen one after dinner the night previous.
Scene C:
Harvey invites Harrison inside for coffee where he admits his coffee machine is broken.
Harrison fixes the coffee machine, and is hired by Harvey to flip the rest of the farmhouse as he and his wife are moving.
Scene D:
On his way home, Harrison stops at a gas station where he buys a bouquet of tulips for his mother, a dog collar for the puppy he found in the kitten litter, a pack of gum, pastries, and sunscreen before heading to a beach.
At the onset of a lightning storm, Harrison swims in the ocean and has an epiphany--he decides to accept his miserable life (a development!)
Scene E:
After the beach ordeal, Harrison returns to his apartment ready to accept the plainness of his daily life when an old ghost from his past (his! ex!) Lonan appears to be having dinner with Suzanna
This chapter brought so many things. A) many... breakdowns lol (I cried a lot!), B) many false epiphanies that wound me back into ruts, C) a desire to quit this series that was just as terrifying as it sounds and D) an ideology I never would’ve gotten on my own. Just have to thank my sister Sarah for telling me a few weeks ago after I insisted that I knew what needed to logically happen but couldn’t write it no matter how hard I tried. She said: “It’s not about what works, it’s about what you want” << literally changed my philosophy on writing, even as someone who tries their best to advocate for care and enjoyment in writing. Not sure if it’s because of the timing when she said this, but I’d probably never had made it out of the rut without having this said to me.
I was *not* planning at all to have my boys reunite so soon in the book. Technically, it is not very soon and we are almost done the book, but for some reason, I really didn’t think it would work so early because I felt Harrison’s POV was so undeveloped already (I still think it is). HOWEVER, the fact of the matter is: it was not working at all. I knew exactly what I needed to do to get to point A to Z but the thing about writing is, it is not formulaic! I tried to make fit what I thought worked, but as time progressed and I immensely struggled, less and less did I want what worked. Writing was miserable and that’s not what I want writing to be for me. So I took Sarah’s advice, and I did what would make me happy, and that was, and has always been, seeing my boys interact.
Now that I’ve finished this chapter, I’m not sure if I made the right decision! I have yet to write the boys interacting so I don’t know if it will work, but what I liked about this method is that it freed me from this constriction I’d written myself into and opened a new avenue to do something that DOESN’T “work” for the story but that does work for me. To me, this project, this series, is more important to me than making something “work”. Sustaining my health and happiness (which were declining on the path I was on) is critical for me and my writing journey.
EDIT: by the time I’m editing this post, I have written the boys interacting and haha yep this was the right decision! Was doubting myself for a sec, added in a lil robbery, and now it’s all good (oops)
I don’t have too many for you because this chapter does need an edit to “set” it in place (right now it feels like liquid Jello that has been in the fridge but is yet to set up). I know it needs one more scene but I cannot :) write :) what :) it :) needs :) no matter how hard I have tried, and so I am giving that section of the story a break instead of over-kneading it and toughening up the dough unnecessarily.
Here is part of the opening scene! There are things I don’t like about this but I am trying not to self-hate, so !!!
The next morning, Harrison gets up at dawn to drop the kittens off at the farm, and Suzanna makes coffee for one. This is unusual for both—Harrison rarely leaves the apartment, and Suzanna always makes coffee for two. In his room, Harrison combs his hair and twists his earring, its blue gem pearling in dribbles of sunlight. In the kitchen, Suzanna stirs coffee like it’s wronged her. Harrison dabs cologne onto his throat and blinks off his hangover. Suzanna flecks her spoon onto the tabletop so it leaves an egg of amber on the surface.
When he approaches the kitchen, Harrison pretends he does not see his mother and his mother pretends she does not see him. They move like this, repelled, one moving left, the other moving right, one opening the top cupboard, the other opening the bottom.
Harrison stops at a convenience store and buys a hodge-podge of things (also the beach scene which yes mirrors the last scene in Lonan’s POV hehe I indulge myself):
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He picks up the best bouquet of fuchsia tulips, a collar for the dog he left in his bedroom even though it’ll be weeks until she’s big enough to fit in it, a pack of spearmint gum he doesn’t need, a package of pastries, and a tube of sunscreen—SPF 30. He almost drops every item at least once on his way up to the register, and definitely drops them when his receipt is spitting from the machine and the store clerk says she likes his earring—is it vintage—and he nearly vomits in the parking lot, trained against the hood of the taxi—is it even his taxi—the plastic bag teetering from his wrist, rain coiling against his cheek, the air so humid, his clothes so heavy, it is no wonder the next place he ends up is the beach.
It is never smart to swim during a storm. If he thinks hard enough, his mother’s voice warns him to keep from the shore, stand behind the yellow line, stay safe, stay where you are, don’t run under a tree, and even more, don’t run into the water. He does everything wrong in an even worse order—dollops sunscreen into his palm before opening the pastry so his teeth freckles with zinc, chews the gum and the pastry at the same time so his tongue becomes a slime of crumbs, rests the tulips too close to the shoreline so they wilt under a wave, misplaces the dog collar in his own left hand, and dives into the water fully-clothed.
Harrison getting very angsty about Lonan’s future (which he’s predicted completely wrong haha):
He will die alone. Reeve will not think of him again and he will deserve that. Somewhere in the city with the missing kitten, drinking bottles of holy water because there is no drink more fitting for a woman so sacred. His mother will miss him only briefly, and then return to her daily life of no longer needing to clean up after him. Maybe she’ll find the tulips. Put them on display until they wither, then use their carcasses as fertilizer. Save electricity. Use the coffee machine less. Downsize to a smaller, cheaper, prettier apartment with arched walkways and stained-glass windows. Harvey will think he is a fluke who missed his first day of work and will never think of him again. The dog isn’t old enough to recognize him. Suzanna will give her the collar. And Lonan will continue his life in Las Vegas, tottering after Eliza, refilling her wine, getting neon at house parties, watching French silent films without captions because he’s probably learned another language, cut his hair, gotten a tattoo, learned how to cross-stitch, bought life insurance, a yacht, a coastal summer home, learned how to play the mandolin, perfected his lamb sous vide. He’s probably married. Him and Eliza family-planning. He’ll expand a future, and Harrison will do the opposite. There is something freeing in being unmissed.
Lightning snaps across the sky like a wishbone, sounds like the prick of tambourines from under the water. Everything turns violet—the clouds, his skin, the waves. Tomorrow will be a better day, as he sinks lower into the current, tomorrow will be a better day, as the light fades and dissolves into blackness, tomorrow will be a better day, as seaweed wraps his throat, as the freezing water impales his ribs, as he burrows under and simultaneously, rises up.
This next part comes right after!
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In the stomach of a tidal wave, the sky is so much bluer. An unrolling of cyan like fractals of a baked marble. There is so little to remember. No grocery lists, no fresh turmeric, no shift of portabella mushrooms. No outstanding to-dos—no kibble to by, no resume to update. Harrison folds in blue and lets it gorge his eardrums. He gives his body to that wide chasm of water and breaststrokes not into a second life, but a third.
Here is the last bit:
He buzzes back into the apartment at 3:00AM, tracking in saltwater and SPF, puff-pastry gummed to his palm, a dog collar wound around his ring finger, a sheath of tulips shedding into the elevator behind him.
He hits every floor button twice and is undisturbed when the elevator lurches and reopens in sixty-second intervals. A man rotating a jade cuff on his wrist gets on at the fourth stop and gets off at the sixth. A woman wearing a lynx cape gets on at the eighth stop, breaks up with two girlfriends, and gets off at the eleventh. Two children in coveralls tail in after she leaves and throw jacks at each other’s eyes until one of them bleeds, and by then, they are on the fifteenth floor and the children are leaving like they have not left behind accidental shell casings. On the sixteenth floor, a deer head chihuahua patters in with no owner and barks at the door chime the moment it releases and lets him out. A mother and daughter shell pistachios on the twentieth, a maintenance man introduces himself as David though his nametag says Maxwell on the twenty-second, a flock of teenage girls in whirl about a new way to blend oil pastel on the twenty-third. So it is no wonder by the twenty-fifth floor, Harrison misses his stop and becomes one of these people too—the man with zinc down his eyes like a weeping statue, juggling pastry and a dog collar and a seedy bouquet of tulips.
He tracks seawater in that hallway, parts of him scattering with the zinc, the petals, the crumbs. Like a way to get back home even though he hasn’t started at his destination, he moves through the labyrinth of halls, both starving and nauseated. Tomorrow he will rise at dawn and taxi to Brooklyn and hammer four nails into two pieces of plywood and repeat. He will feed his dog. Learn how to cook something that will impress his mother, something French that he can’t pronounce like brasillé or oeufs cocotte. Find liberation in the constrict of routine or at least pretend to. It will be good for him, the rising, the taxis, the hammers, the nails, the dog food, the cooking—it will all be good.
By the time he gets to their door, his fingers are oiled and dripping with sunscreen. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. He nearly drops the house keys. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. Tomorrow will be his arrival. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. His beginning swelling as he turns the lock. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. There is no other way out.
The apartment is dark when he tracks in. The scent of cinnamon steeping the air like Suzanna’s pulled a saucepan of papas off the stove. At first he doesn’t hear it, but he should, the voices leafing the kitchen like a flit of moths. He steps out of his shoes but never sets anything down, even after he passes the coffee table. Two plates ringing the centre, streaked with and caldeirada and bayleaf. A pitcher of lemonade sweating onto the glass. It is almost like he never left, like he and his mother shared dinner, sipped from each other’s cups, cleaned the tines of each other’s fishbones. And he almost believes it. He never went to the farm. The kittens are where he left them, just a few feet away, not in Brooklyn. He doesn’t have a job to tend to. He never fixed the coffee machine. He didn’t go to the convenience store. He is not slathered in sunscreen, not holding a dog collar or pastries or a bouquet of tulips. He never dove into the ocean like it was some port to asylum and didn’t emerge soaked and walking half-dead to his apartment because he never left. This reality is so easy to believe, he is unfazed by the voices and how they get louder when he reaches the kitchen, when one says “Were you shopping for the apocalypse?” and the other one chokes on its drink and apologizes for its rudeness and stares at him in daydream, those eyes like forget-me-nots, gas fires, seafoam, the wing of a starling, his drop earring.
Harrison is grateful he is soaking wet when he enters that kitchen and Suzanna and Lonan sit at the table sharing a box of petit fours. At least he has an excuse when he drops everything.
That’s it for this update! The tea starts HERE!
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pocket-void · 3 years
Late night mumbling u///u
It’s currently 3 AM ish and I’ve been kinda thinking about how to feel about stuff. I do that sometimes.
The biggest thing is just what I should do with my time. It always comes back to that, time. There’s never enough hours in the day to do everything, and even when there is it feels like I don’t have the energy to do anything at all. Could be the winter cold, haha. Getting out of bed every morning is something I procrastinate at times, pffft. >\\\<
But I wanna get up. I get up because I wanna do stuff! I haven’t been doing much these days though, mostly because it’s break and I like to be sluggish when it’s break. It’s a good time to rest and all that, and that’s important too! But sometimes it feels a lil too unproductive, y’know? Gets me a lil antsy. I like the feeling of getting work done. u///u I also get really antsy when I feel like I’m disappointing people, as much as I also firmly believe that I’m the only person who needs to be satisfied with what I do at the end of the day. Kind of a natural feeling you know? There’s nothing wrong with it really.
It’s also normal to want people to like the things you do, and worry about the “what if”s if people don’t. It’s something that admittedly bugs me at times, since I like thinking that people like me. (To be fair I doubt there’s anybody who likes being disliked o///o) I get kind of nervous and overthink stuff when it comes to that sometimes. The whole “oh maybe they’ll find me annoying if I do this” or “oh it’s been so long maybe it’ll be awkward if I just go and do this”, that kind of thing. And that kind of concern leaks into the way I go about the things I make at times.
“Should I do this? Will this be ok? Would this be weird?” Sometimes that kind of thing stops me from doing stuff. It’s important to remember to step back and look at the bigger picture. Doing the things that I enjoy should never feel like a responsibility, and I’ve always believed that. At the end of the day, I’m free to just do the things I enjoy, y’know? But I still feel bad sometimes, because I’m really flighty with my interests. I wanna settle down and properly make something; tell a finished story. Even if nobody’s gonna look at it. I just wanna do something and see to it that it’s complete. But I leave behind too many things, and it’s a bit of a bummer no matter what it is really. ú///ù That’s ok though. I can’t do everything, and it’s easier to accept that than attempt to do so anyways. Take it easy.
Not that my mind isn’t always occupied with 3 ideas at once all the time anyways pffft. Currently there are a few topics of interests for me: The game I’ve been playing lately, continuing to draw comics, building a magic system purely for fun, and a whole lotta OC none sense.
I don’t often play games because it feels like a waste of time. But that’s a real bummer way of thinking about it. I don’t regret getting into Fallout New Vegas, but it’s certainly a time consuming endeavor due to the way I’m playing it pffft. And besides, even if I feel a lil bad about investing so much time into it, it’s still fun. As they say, “if it was time you enjoyed wasting, them it wasn’t really a waste of time”.
Believe it or not I still wanna draw the rest of the story for my AU that gets unfortunately interrupted both times I tried to continue it. I’m actually really embarrassed that it keeps happening, but I’ve decided that even if people lose interest in it I’m gonna keep doing it again. I hate to disappoint haha, but I’d say irregular updates are better than none! And either way it started out as a pretty self indulgent idea in the first place, I was really happy people seemed alright with it at the time though. Still makes me happy thinking about it now actually. I don’t regret making it. ^\\\^ (besides it’s actually more complex than its original idea now that I’ve been thinking about it for so long, but that won’t matter until I actually manage to keep going) Knowing me I just need to start, once I have momentum I’m usually pretty good at continuing. o///o
Just for fun I’ve been making up a magic system with a friend! Well it’s mostly me but he decided to shoot some ideas my way and I’m never against that. It’s like a semi Collab now. I started making it because I like magic systems and world building so I decided to make a system that’s basically everything I think is cool, so it’s a loose magic system with a lot of creative possibility and chances to go wild. The world will probably run of fighting game logic so it’s probably going to be really stupid, and that’s good honest fun to me! Seriously though, fighting games have the funniest world building due to fun character design trumping any sort of need for logic. Why do vampires, talking cats, samurais, robots, and whatever else share one world? Because it’s fun, that’s why. Lmaooo- >\\\< (I won’t be that wack since I like having more concrete rules, but just for fun why not just a lil bit...as a treat)
I miss making OCs. I wanna make an actual original story one of these days. I’ve had so many growing up but nowadays not as much. It’s a lot of work! But it makes my heart swell. I love making characters and worlds and watching them come to life. I have a lot of old OCs that make me wonder if I can recycle them all into a proper story, but perhaps that’s a bit ambitious for me right now. I’ve just been having a lot of thoughts because I love my recent OCs and wish to make a story for them. Well, my art could still use a lotta work too, haha. My art journey still has a long road up ahead, but I’m excited to keep going as always. *\\\^
If you’ve actually read all my nonsensical rambling then um, thank you, that’s very sweet that you’d wanna read the odd stuff I say. I never quite know what I’m doing, but I’m honestly just happy if even one person out there likes it. I would rather have people enjoy the stuff I personally enjoy doing than have me try and please others on purpose. You know? I’d like people to like me for me, that’s the greatest blessing I could be given, I’d say.
Anyways, it’s 4 AM now at the time I’ve finished writing this. It feels nice to ramble, even if it’s to nobody in particular. I hope you have a lovely day or night, wherever you are. u///u✨💖
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socialistsooner420 · 4 years
who are you?
ahhhhh im trying to get back into tumblr and fandoms and stuff and i noticed i got a few new followers (ahhhhhhh fallout fans!!!!!!!!!!!!) so heres a lil bit about me
im a 24 y/o gender neutral (use any pronouns on me, no worries) artist livin in the 405
i go by many names, my artist name being illumitati, since ive struggled with health issues ive playfully shortened it to ill tati, but call me whatever ya like
im a recovering agoraphobe who loves books video games (especially fallout ahsjfkdjss)
i grew up playing fallout 1&2 religiously
fallout 3 is my least favorite in the franchise but has some of my favorite characters and quests
new vegas fuckin RULES I'LL PLAY IT TILL I DIE
also ghouls are precious babbus and i love every single one (harold my precious tree babbu im so sorry for what they did to u in fo3 my sweet angel)
i havent been able to play games or really be online the past few years bc real life shit happened, but i wont bore ya with the details right now (if youre curious though, just ask! ask raul tejada says, "im an open book. granted, the books in spanish and half the pages are torn out, but im an open book, nonetheless.")
i just started playing fallout 4 recently because after a rough couple years, i was stable enough to get an xbox and game pass. and i love/hate it. i want to talk about it but only one other person i know irl has played it so im just like AHHHHH wheres tumblr fandom when i need them? how do i tumblr nowdays? things are so different now lol i left tumblr in like 2013 i think? jesus christ what is time, man. but i really wanna get back into it. reality is chaos, lemme delve back into the world of fanfics and headcannons
fallout fandom, (esp the ghoul lovers) plz take me into yr radiated arms.
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itsallronni · 5 years
// rooftop rapture // pt. 3 //
completely sidetracked by the conversation about bloodsuckers, ronni didn't notice the other blood sucking that was happening besides him. "it's like, uh... like a creature, right? that sucks blood and stuff. and no, dumbass," he said with a playful glance at aggie, "not leeches. kappas. ka-ppas."
leon bit the bottom of his lip when calix announced that leon was 'exactly who he was hoping for', and he barely had time to make a comment about it before calix was touching him. he gasped a little when calix touched his waist and almost fell the ground in surprise. but still, he kissed him back and pulled away after a few very long seconds. "i thought we were keeping this little party pg-13?" he laughed even though his face was beginning to warm a bit more than usual.
nike smiled at the small teasing between the fours, taking a drink from her new bottle. her gaze had turned toward leon and calix when leon spoke, her brow raised when she realized the bottle had landed on calix. right, they were playing a game...
Calix released Leon and pulled back when he felt Leon pull back. Calix shrugged “Was that not pg-13?” He made his way back to his spot against the railing. “Leon, truth or dare?”
leon coughed and nodded his head. of course it was. "very." but if calix had kissed him liked that when it was only the two of them - it wouldn't have stayed pg-13. "um, i've seen belcourt dares, so i'll go truth."
Calix wet his lips as he smirked and tried to think up a truth “If you only had twenty four hours before we went in the Arena and you could do anything with anyone in this room, who would it be and what would you do with that person?” He finally asked as he cocked his head to the side.
leon wished he'd picked dare the second calix's question left his mouth. he immediately went red in the face and avoided eye contact with pretty much everyone. what kind of question was that? he knew everyone was expecting an answer from him and he was half tempted to lie but thought fuck it, you're only a tribute once, right? looking directly at calix, he answered his question. "well you know i'd pick you. and i-i guess i'd want to finish where we left off with that kiss." it wasn't that leon was ashamed or anything, it was more he'd never been able to act on the desire he felt for other boys. "your turn to spin calix."
his teasing of aggie lasted only insofar as he vaguely heard the truthful musings of one leon de castanheira. he suspiciously took another sip from his jug and continued to eye his peers -- well, peers was a poor word choice. some of them -- and here he thought bitterly of calix -- weren't on his level. "god, i should have punched him when i had the chance," he said super quietly to aggie.
Calix’s smirk only widened as he looked back at Leon in the eyes and brought his bottle back to his lips and took a few sips. When he lowered the bottle he gave a nod “Huh, good to know.” Calix moved to spin the bottle and looked over at Nike as it landed on her. “Guess it’s your turn.”
her brow rose at leon's truth. well, she definitely hadn't expected that. nike watched as calix spun the bottle and it rolled slowly until it stopped on her. "guess so," she agreed, moing to stand and make her way over to calix. "c'mere," she murmured, the alcohol finally slurring her speech slightly and boosting her confidence. cupping calix's cheek, she leaned forward until their lips connected.
Calix cupped Nike’s face back softly as he kissed back firmly but gently, not like the roughness of the last two kisses of his. He pulled back after a moment and smiled “Thanks.”
the kiss was gentle and she appreciated that; if she remembered it in the morning, she wouldn't have thought to make a fool of herself in the game. when he pulled back, she smiled back at him, giving a small nod, "thank you," she replied. then she gave a small nod his way, "truth or dare?"
Calix smiled kindly back at Nike. “You’re very welcome.” Calix stayed where he was. “Easy, dare.” Part of him was rather concerned about what was about to come out of Nike’s mouth but he tried to push it away.
nike smirked. good, some excitement. "i dare you..." she started, holding out the last word as she thought about what to dare him to do. "i dare you to sit in ronni's lap the whole next round"
he nearly choked on the final sip of tequila. he forced it down though, refusing to be one to waste. “what?”
Calix couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh as he grinned. “Okay.” He made his way over to the male, who probably hated him by now, and sat down in his lap wordlessly before wrapping an arm around his neck.
“no. no, no—“ he tried to get up but was foiled by calix’s weight. his face became emotionless as he stared at calix, then aggie, then leon, then nike. “what?” he said again sharply at nike.
ronni's reaction made the dare about ten times funnier than it was. "how are you feeling ronni?"
he tried to get up but the mixture of a whole jug of tequila and calix’s fat ass made it hard. “I’d rather be the first one to die in the bloodbath.” his face was slowly turning red and he just wanted this to be over. why had he chosen now to be fucking drunk drunk drunk?
"leon called it earlier, we all need to get along. and it's only for one round, it's not like i'm making you stay with him all night." she smirked at her choice of words before reaching for the bottle in the center to spin. the bottle twirled around until it slowed and eventually landed on ronni. she looked over at ronni, chuckling at the sight of calix's arm slung around his shoulders. to be nice, she made her way over to ronni's side instead of making him get up. "your turn."(edited)
"ooooh," aggie said in a low voice, regaining her happiness. "oh, why do i feel like there's going to be an early fight in the arena?"
"they can pull a vega and alex and turn on each other at the bloodbath," goldie says. "but they'd better keep the rest of us out of it."
“shut it, aggie—oh,” he said with an upwards inflection to his voice. he looked over and, suddenly, nike was there leaning in front of him. a smirk crossed his face. “my pleasure.” then, as calix made a home in his lap, he leaned over and began to kiss the quiet girl. this wasn’t how he saw his night going at all but he was enjoying it... in more ways than one.
"gross." aggie said simply, turning away and covering her eyes.
Calix stayed perched as Nike came over to kiss Ronni. Calix kept his arm draped around the other male as he over dramatically dropped his jaw at the sight.
nike leaned forward to close the gap, kissing ronni in return. after a few moments, she pulled back and chuckled, leaning back so she was kneeling next to ronni and calix. "not bad, pretty boy."
“I know,” he said simply. “I’ve been told im pretty good at what I do.” for a moment, he let silence fill the air as he stared at her lips. then, suddenly, he remembered that calix was still on his lap. an idea crossed his mind and he smirked. “Truth or dare, Nike?”
the smirk caught her curiosity, though she knew it would depend on what she chose. what did he have planned? "dare," she replied. why not end the round on a high note?
"women say all kinds of things ronni - doesn't mean they're true."
“okay, great! I dare—“ he stole a glance at Leon as he interrupted him and sent a wink his way. “I don’t know about that, leon ol’ buddy ol’ pal of mine. I don’t know about that.” he emitted a deep chuckle and then started staring at the sky. what was he doing again? “oh, yeah. I dare you to give us all a lil’ strip tease.”
nike's lips pressed into a thin line. she walked right into that one. "all right," she murmured, pushing herself up to stand. "gonna be weird without music." she chuckled in an attempt to get over her nerves. she was glad for the wine coolers she had been drinking otherwise, she would have had a harder time with this. or even picked truth in the first place. imagining a tune in her head, she started to sway a bit back and forth, hands creeping toward the bottom of her shirt to teasingly lift it to show her stomach before doing a half spin so her back was to the group. then she reached for the hem of her shirt to lift it slowly over her head and look back over her shoulder at the group with a smirk.
ronni was beyond drunk, so leon felt as though antagonising him was a little bit cruel. leon thought about offering to sing but he wasn't entirely sure what would come out of his mouth, so instead he sat there and just watched. "oh shit nike,"
of all the things he had expected to encounter in the capitol, this was not one of them. he leaned back with an amused look on his face. with a slight hand, he pushed calix’s head out of the way so he could get a better look— wait, calix? “wh-what are you still doing here, man?”
goldie sips the last of her wine cooler. she can't seem to take her eyes off of the two girl, despite how much she tells herself she should look away. this is for the boys — for ronni — and she shouldn't be watching. but she can't seem to tear her eyes away. she hadn't known two girls could do this, she thinks to herself. that's all it is.
Calix hadn’t really been expecting Nike to actually do the dare so he happily watched with his brows raised before Ronni moved his head and spoke. Calix laughed and shrugged “You weren’t complaining or telling me to leave and your lap is oddly comfy so I figured why leave if I don’t have to.”
she may not have been much of a party girl back in two, but that didn't mean she didn't pay attention to the girls in two when they dragged her along. shirt tossed aside, nike turned back around and continued to sway to the beat in her head. "how long am i doing this for?" she asked, bringing her hands up to pull her hair back and over one of her shoulders.
"you can keep going if you want to, i really don't mind."
“You’re doing great so why stop?” Calix teased with a wink.
"this is so fucking weird." aggie murmured again. she was mostly a spectator, a commentator at this point, but still watching it all with eager eyes. "you guys are so fucking weird."(Brave words from Aggie O'Connell
rolling his eyes, ronni mustered as much strength as he could and tried to push calix off of him. unfortunately, the result was both careers falling over with ronni landing on top. as quick as a spider in the rain, ronni rushed off and stood up. that hadn’t happened! nope. “Uh...” he mumbled, swaying to and fro, before settling his gaze on nike. “you can keep going unless you wanna come on and kissy-kissy again”
"well i don't think we're the only ones enjoying nike's little... display." he said quietly, glancing over at goldie's way - he had noticed her staring just as much as he was.
Calix was kind of expecting the shove from Ronni. What he hadn’t been expecting was for Ronni Landing on top of him. He froze underneath the male and took the weight on top of him was gone and he sat up quickly and completely missing Leon’s comment.
"we're just drunk," she replied to aggie's remarks. between the responses from the others and the suggestion of kissing ronni again, nike's hands made their way to the clasp of her jeans, kicking off the boots she wore. "not sure if i should be taking this as a compliment or not." with a wiggle of her hips, her jeans slipped from her hips and down her legs, leaving her in her underwear and bra. and that was going to be the extent of her strip tease. after another moment of dancing, nike spun around and took a bow, picking up her shirt from the ground before standing upright. "all right, show's over."
“Nice job, Nike!” Calix cheered before putting his hand up for a high five.
she rolled her eyes, slipping her shirt back on. "shut up. i'll do a shot of the hardest liquor for what i kept on-- one for the bra, one for the underwear. fair?" she stepped over to grab her jeans, but stopped to give calix a high five, chuckling to herself.
amidst the high five and the cheering, ronni spun the bottle again, eager to see if he could kiss Goldie. she was a bit of a bitch, but— he froze when the bottle landed on aggie. he looked at her, then at the bottle, then around the roof to see if anyone had noticed. with a casual air about him, he spun the bottle again. “here goes nothing!”
she slipped her jeans back on, picking up her shoes to move away before taking a seat in an empty spot near goldie. she hadn't noticed the second spin of the bottle, looking for one of the larger bottles of liquor to have a couple drinks of.
Calix grinned up at the girl before looking over at the male that had fallen on him a few minutes earlier and seeing him spin and try to play it off. “Nope, I saw that big boy. You and Aggie gotta kiss so go pucker up.”(edited)
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Calico.”
"who the fuck is calico?" leon looked around to see if anybody else had joined them on the roof.
"ronni's imaginary friend," she replied, looking toward the boy from four. "you know the rules, pretty boy. no second spins."
“who are we looking at?”
aggie had noticed, but she wasn't too keen on kissing ronni if he was going to be a dick about it.  she looked back and forth through the exchange between ronni and the rest as if it were a tennis match, quietly chugging her drink and making no move to say anything.
he sent nike as vicious a glare as he could muster before taking a long look at aggie. he felt his lower lip go limp at the look in her eyes. “whatever, shut up. sorry aggie, I just don’t look at you that way.”
“Don’t play dumb or be a little bitch. Everyone else followed the rules so so do you.” Calix replied(edited)
“huh?” he said sharply. woah, was this deja vu? “who’re you callin’ a lil’ bitch?”
she smiled back at ronni, giving an innocent shrug of her shoulders before she reached for one of the bottles to take a glup from. the burn of the alcohol wasn't something she was used to and she wrinkled her nose, sticking her tongue out for a moment as a shudder ran down her spine.
“I’m calling you one if you seriously don’t have the balls to give Aggie a quick little peck.” Calix challenged
was this a challenge? ronni gnawed at the inside of his cheek and let his eyes wander towards the sky again. ugh. this sucked. he got up quickly, roughly shoved past calix, and then plopped next to aggie.
she noticed ronni stand up suddenly, pushing past calix to sit next to aggie. nike frowned, glancing between ronni and calix. someone needed to chill the fuck out...
"well, you know i'm a fighter, not a lover. so." she said, before ronni went over and sat next to her. this was weird, she was uncomfortable. she reached passed him and grabbed whatever they had brought that was strongest--tequila, probably, and took a long swig of it. "whatever. get it over with, pretty boy."
"how is it that ronni got the nickname pretty boy when i'm obviously so much more attractive?"
sensing her discomfort made ronni’s own increase tenfold. he just needed to get it over with and then the two could pretend like it never happened. so, as quick as he could, he pecked her on the lips. the moment he finished, he turned to calix. “fuck you,” he said in true district four fashion.
"because you're nicer to talk to, leon," she teased, taking another drink of the liquor to compensate for cutting the strip tease short. it wasn't as harsh of a burn on the second sip, but she still gave a shiver at the taste. "ugh..."
then, just as quickly, he tossed a glance towards leon. the guy who he thought was his friend had been saying some pretty shitty things about him. what the fuck, man? “shut up, leon.”
Calix smirked as he watched Ronni give into his pressure and then when Ronni cursed at him he leaned forward, smiled sweetly, and purred “You. Wish.” And then flipped him off with both hands.(edited)
"that was weak. goldie was better, much better." aggie said, head spinning. she had drank too much. tomorrow would be hell, but she'd get over it--it wouldn't be her first time training hungover, and in all likelihood, not the last. "and don't take pretty boy away from ronni, it's all he's got going for him. truth or dare, pretty boy?"(edited)
"ronni, i'm joking. you're just as good looking as me bro."
she chuckled, bringing her wrist to her mouth to wipe any excess booze away. she looked between aggie and ronni, curious about what he was going to pick.
“I wish what?” he got up to his feet again — one wound think ronni would be tired of being so confrontational by now— and crossed his arms. he teetered and tottered on the balls of his feet as he tried to maintain balance. “nah, man. you wish. now shut up before I break your fucking fingers.”“dare me, aggie. dare me.” he said without breaking eye contact with the pussyboy from one.
Calix rolled his eyes. He knew better than to keep egging the drunk male on. “Just pick his dare, Aggie.” He replied, still staring back.(edited)
nike rolled her eyes, leaning back as she waited for the dare to be served. the tension between the boys could be cut with a knife and while that would have been more of a concern when she was sober, she was just tired of it at this point.
"honestly," aggie said, leaning back against the edge of the roof, more comfortable now that she new for a fact there was a force field down there. "i want to see you back up what you've been saying all night. hit him. I dare you to hit cali."
without another word, ronni rushed him. the distance was closed in the blink of an eye and, before anyone could stop him, he pulled calix up to his feet and punched him across the face.
aggie is delighted, clapping her hands together, "yes! thank you! that's what i like to see! break his nose!"
Calix knew what was coming as soon as he heard the dare but didn’t have time to react as his tipsy ass was pulled up and his face was hit. Calix reeled and drew his arm back before his fist connected with Ronni’s nose with all his weight and strength.
he should have seen the counter coming. unfortunately, his reactions were delayed and he was left with a pinch to the face. his head was thrown back by the force of it. comically enough, his head, which was snapped back, slowly returned to its rightful position as a large, toothy smile spread across his face. “oh, you’re fucking dead—“ he said through blood and spit.
"jesus fucking christ." leon rolled his eyes and got up the second he saw ronni charge at calix, he was surprised at the boy's speed  or maybe it was because he was slowed down by the alcohol. he thought about breaking up the fight immediately but decided they need to throw a few punches at each other first - let it all out. he grabbed ronni after calix's arm hit ronni's face and pulled him away. "that's enough i think boys."
"shit!" she cursed, moving to her feet. she wobbled slightly courtesy of the alcohol. before she got to either of them, calix had returned the punch just as hard to ronni's nose. "hey!" she stepped up to move between the boys, glancing back at calix and placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him back incase the decided to want to throw more punches.
"damn," goldie muttered from the sidelines. "knew i should've taken bets."(edited)
he could feel someone holding him back but wasn’t sure who it was. refusing to break the eye contact first, ronni hocked up a mixture of spit and blood and lobbed it at the space before calix’s feet.
Calix grinned wickedly as he watched Ronni’s blood begin to spill. “You should see your dumbass face right now.” He laughed in response. Soon Leon was holding Ronni back and Nike had a hand on Calix’s shoulder. Calix looked past her at Ronni “Come at me then. I’d like to see you try.” Calix looked back to Nike. “Would you like to go find some food with me. I’m famished after all of this.”
"okay--i only dared ronni, i didn't dare you, cali! not fair."
goldie pouted. "not going to take your darling sister along?" she asked. she was hungry too, and sure, she barely knew who calix was at this point, but she at least wanted to be asked.
ronni was furious. he could feel the blood burning in his veins and all he wanted to do was hurt calix some more. oh, how he wished he had his halberd. “aggie!” ronni called, “let’s get out of here. pussyboy is hungry.”
"let's not edge him on anymore, all right?" she asked, giving calix's shoulder a pat. ronni spat a mix of spit and blood right at hers and calix's feet, which made her frown and cast a glare in ronni's direction. "yeah, i'm down for that," she replied, glancing over at goldie, "if she can join us, too." she glanced at goldie and winked at the blonde.
"that was very unprofessional of you ronni." he said out loud as he leaned closer to ronni and whispered "save it for the arena next time."
he didn’t hear what leon said first, but he definitely heard his whisper. “come with us too, leon.”
Calix looked from Goldie to Nike to Goldie to Leon. “Come with us Leon?”
"thank you!" goldie said, clapping her hands together. "at least someone here cares about how i feel," she said, with a pointed glance at her brother.
leon did want to join them, but he always wanted to sober up  "i'm staying neutral boys and girls - i hear the capitol has these great face masks and i intend to let them soak up all this poison in my body."
"sounds good to me." aggie said, springing up and following her district partner. turning to leon, she rolled her eyes at his 'unprofessional' comment as she walked backwards towards ronni. "all's fair in war and the games, my friend!"(edited)
Calix shrugged “Fine but you owe me a raincheck and a face-mask with you.” To which Calix gave Leon a wink.
"you'll thank me for it later nike, anyway enjoy your debauchery, i'm going to bed. tonight was fun, i don't think we should do it again - at least not until you two"  he said pointing to calix and ronni. "kiss and make up." he blushed a violent shade of red when calix spoke before waving at them all and leaving.
he tossed leon an aggravated glance before releasing himself from his grasp, too. god, he was so pissed. oh, and there was calix being a twat. “great. thanks, leon” he spat out as the boy left. he threw one last glare at the ratty boy from one before tossing an arm around aggie. “let’s go. I need a glass of water and a cold bag of ice.”
"see you later, leon," she replied, having only been teasing in her response to his plan. she turned back toward the twins from one and gave a nod toward the door to the roof, "shall we?"
"ohhh-woah, back the water." aggie half-sung an old sailor song as she joined stride with ronni. "next time, friends, i say we really sneak out and go to a capitol club. until then!" she gave a dramatic bow, nearly toppling over from her drunken state."adieu!"
“I think Ronni is too in denial for that.” Calix looked Leon over with a smirk when his face reddened. Calix rolled his eyes before muttering “Opposed to what? A hot bag of ice?” He looked to Nike and grinned “I think we shall”
"shut up, pussyboy!" ronni screamed over his shoulder. he would pay, his drunk mind said to him, he would pay.
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elcisa-blog · 7 years
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hello hello yall, it’s your gal ronnie with a second muse!! this is my honey eloisa and i have so many ideas for her and i’m so excited to bring her to life since i’ve been dying to play her properly for so long, so PLease feel free to come plot w/ us ok ? OK ! anyway, her full bio can be found here if you feel so inclined, but it’s a bit long, so i’ll have a couple points under the cut summarizing it. also under the cut are some wanted connections ! that’s pretty much it for now, k byE
that’s not EMILY RATAJKOWSKI walking around?? nah, but ELOISA GOMOLKA gets that all the time. SHE’S actually from TORQUAY, ENGLAND, though they live in LA JOLLA now.  you’ve probably heard that 23 year old SERVER of CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN being referred to as the ZEALOT of this place. you know, i always see them EXPLORING AND TRAVELING or blasting A LITTLE DEATH BY THE NEIGHBOURHOOD on their lunch break..whatever.
alright so my baby was born and raised in torquay, england to a pretty religious, polish family. her father is polish and her mother is english, but their lifestyle and culture at home was very much polish based
also her actual birth name is katarzyna eloisa gomolka, but growing up in england, many people had a hard time pronouncing her first name so her friends & classmates and all that often called her by her middle name instead -- eloisa. so it eventually stuck and she legally changed around her first & middle names. ..  . 
this girl loves loves loves learning languages and studying other cultures and lifestyles , like in school , she was always that girl that took as many foreign language classes as she could. she knows the basics to a bunch of different languages but she’s fluent in english, polish, french, and spanish. 
also shes WILD ok . . . like her own weird brand of wild. she’s so Unexpected .. . its strange. but i love her sm. she’s loud, opinionated, stubborn, unpredictable, SUPER adventurous, you name it. she’s either laughing her ass off with childish excitement or spewing fire From her mouth, knowing NO boundaries . . there’s no in between like . . . shes so random, all over the place and all in your face most of the time im sorry . . . & when she loves u she clingy
anyway she also used to play the violin and horseback ride a lot growing up. her grandpa from her moms side taught her how to ride horses and she loved going to his farm in the english countryside to ride & hear his wise stories and all that. he was like her hero.
however, one day, right before eloisa was about to start her last year of high school  . . . long story short . . . there was an accident and grandpa passed away *cries* .  . . el took his death super hard since they were so close . . which caused her to get less enthusiastic about going to college and she just lost all interest at caring at all tbh, becoming more of a troublemaker at school, so her grades dropped her last year and so did all her aspirations for her future
after high school, instead of enrolling in postsecondary, she just wanted to get away from it all so she decided to trust in her adventurous side and partake in a work abroad program where she would be backpacking across south america, teaching english and helping build up communities. she did that until she was twenty-one. it was a Wild ride
in the midst of the program, while in colombia, she got involved w/ some sketchy dude who was in the drugs and car stealing business  . . . she loved the thrill & she thought she was so in love BUt he was super gross and toxic and ended up betraying her, stealing her money, and leaving her on the side of the road one night on one of his heists. aNYWAY it sucked
she finished the program and then decided to work for the work abroad program’s headquarters, which are situated in california. . . so thats how she got to san diego
eventually her position there terminated but she decided to stay in cali bc its very much her type of vibe SO now shes working at fashion valley & thats where yall come in 
OPPOSITES ATTRACT -- cheesy name but i think it’d be cool for her to have a pal who’s kind of the complete or near opposite of her but they kind of work ? ? like honestly this girl can TALK and ramble on for so long about random shit, so i think it’d be an interesting dynamic for her to have someone who just lets her Go Off and they just like to listen to her talk and she just likes having someone to listen to her . . . inspo is from this pic right HERE
EAT THIS --  while in south america, el kind of developed a huge respect and love for cuisine and cooking so now shes kind of obsessed with searching up random, exotic recipes and trying them out. sometimes her cooking backfires and is not the greatest but shes so determined to get things right and just loves Doing it so much that she doesnt care. . . so maybe she can have like a taste testing buddy or someone who likes to cook w her or something idk ? ? shfskd omg HC: she works as a server at ca pizza kitchen but i s2g she prob always tries to sneak in the kitchen and help cook But since shes so all over the place, theyre always like “ EL GTFO OF HeRE !!!!!” 
MOTHER HEN / PAPA BEAR -- this girl needs someone to keep her in line some of the time okay. she doesnt have any family here in cali so she’d love to have someone who takes care of her and makes sure she doesnt go too far ..  like someone she looks up to in a sister/brother/guardian figure type of way ? ? 
ZOOLOGY -- eloisa doesnt have any pets .. .  she can hardly take care of herself like what u think imma let this girl have a dog ? ? NO she can have a pet ROCK ( she does ) . . . but she loves animals so she’d love hAving a pal where she can just come by and play w their pets or smthg like she’ll be the best play mate ever  .. . i just wouldnt trust her to take care of ur animal for a week or smthg lmao
ADVENTURE TIME -- if u ever just want to do something crazy or try something new. . . literally just hit up eloisa . . . so i’d love for her to have friends who just text her up like i’m Not feeling good take me somewhere. . . and SHE WILL . . .or even if they’re not sad and just want to do something exciting . .. hit her up
OOPS :( -- ok So el can be a bit clumsy and random so i think a cool connection with someone would be like maybe one day eloisa broke something of theirs or fucked up their car or dyed their hair wrong or something stupid like that . . . basically eloisa fucked up . . . and ever since then, that person doesnt really trust her anymore and is kind of annoyed with her presence in general . . . BUT eloisa feels so BAD and guilty about it so now she basically tries to do everything in her power to make it up to the other person but they just keep not having it yknow ? ? 
ORANGE CRUSH -- ok ur typical crush plot bc theyre so fluffy and cute. . . but i think maybe a plot where the crush doesnt even have to be super romantic or sexual yknow ? ? like i can definitely see eloisa just being so interested in everything the other person does and just loving being around them and loving everything they do . . . so obsessed w their comportments . . . but it can be in such a fluffy, platonic way like That feeling when u see a rly cute puppy or baby penguin . . . eloisa just wants to hug ur muse and love them But not even sexually yknow ? ? 
TAKE ME WITH YOU -- ok i love this plot sm . . . maybe like a friendship where they both want to see the world together ? ? eloisa is really big on travelling so id love for her to have a friend where they’ve been slowly putting together their dream trip where they see the world together. and their friendship is so heavily based on them sending each other places around the world where they want to go and putting together bucketlists and itineraries for if they ever end up saving money and travelling together ? ? so fun
SCIENCE PROJECT -- there’s not much that scares el and she doesnt get pushed away so easily  . ..  but i think an interesting dynamic could be if there actually was someone who kind of freaks her out yknow?? a relationship where the person actually kind of intimidates her and theres just something about the person that makes eloisa question everything .. . kind of like a science project. shes always studying them carefully, unsure of how to react to what they say . . . they’re just bizarre to her and she wants to know more
POKE ! -- basically someone she loves to annoy and pick on , but not in a hateful way
TEACH ME -- maybe someone who is teaching eloisa a new skill or language or how to do something that they’re good at because eloisa would love that so much .. . she loves trying new things.. . .like honestly anything  ..  . even if she keeps failing
TINDER DATE -- ok so in my head, i feel like eloisa would be that type of person to troll people on tinder and play around with them ..  so maybe your muse got caught up in her trap once and she trolled them on tinder lmao ? ? ? i think thatd be so funny and she just loves laughing about it all the time . .
I DO . . . WAIT, NO, I DON’T ! -- ok So this is inspired by that one episode in friends where rachel and ross get married drunk in vegas once . . . so Like literally that lmao. like that is SO something that would happen to el. like maybe one time, they found themselves in vegas together, they got super drunk, and legit got married that same night super quick ? ? ? and obviously theyre divorced now but i think that’d be a funny dynamic and lil treasure of the past to have in a friendship/relationship
SOME TYPICAL ONES THAT I CANT GET ENOUGH OF -- exes, flings, hook ups, went on a few dates in the past, best friends ( someone to braid her hair and take bubble baths w her <3 ), enemies ( maybe someone who doesnt agree w how she lives her life or her whole vibe bc she can be a bit much sometimes lmao ), etc.
or literally anything else lol
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pomegranctes · 7 years
u could stop at 5 or 6 stores... or jus 1
vesper ophelia reeve !
this is vesper my mc’freakin BABY.......
hayley law fc whom is not a tragic ass shit full of teenage angst despite that bein my speciality bcos i lov torturing my chars xDD
was raised by two hippie, nirvana searching, lush loving moms who cherished and loved vesper after finding her abandoned in a stroller at stanley park </3
despite being adopted and left on a huge fricken island she really doesn’t feel any resentment towards her birth parents ? she jus p much feels indifferent like isn’t in any rush to meet them and is jus content with where she is rn so don’t count on any philo soul searching
so like i said her moms were hella hippie and vegan and socialist and true believers in becoming one with the world, saving it, etc like they were jus super passionate bout making everything a better place and after adopting vesper that need only intensified as they wanted the best for their lil girl<3
like her parents, she grew up super healthy and earth loving and all-in-all an advocate for peace on earth and all this
it was NAWT easy to make friends tho bcos she was always the weird girl who only ever had thrift shop clothes ( before it became a #trend and was jus a sign of how broke u were xDD ) and never wore makeup but being the toughie she is, she stuck through it without complaint
she still shops at the thrift store tho bcos capitalism
attempted to have a rebellious teen stage after watching thirteen and took up smoking, ate some meat, pierced her nose, and did all this stupid stuff to fit in with everybody else but knew it wasn’t her crowd so she gave that up pretty quick and chalked it up to a learning experience
after graduating, with a heavy heart she said good bye to her moms and took off her london to study environmental law and she says it’s to save the bees and all this and convinces herself that’s why but she’s got an ulterior motive which p much just to have a mc’blast in london but her whole “i am above insouciance, all for the greater good, etc” mindset makes her feel almost guilty about it
since being in london tho she’s seen some things, learned some things, is p much now realizing that wanting to have fun for herself without the whole vegan guilt catching up to her isn’t that bad??? she knows that u gotta put urself first huns Xx
has a bubbly and approachable exterior but lowkey inside she still gets self conches about being the weird girl and will have these bouts where she doubts every fricken friendship she’s ever had
loves trying new things all the time and even if that restaurant you ate at last week gave you the shits but the food was good she’ll take the risk of food poisoning just to have that experience
is hella quirky but not in a bella thorne licking gregg skulkin way more in a hippie who listens to the weirdest music and loves orange pulp
works as a radio host for imperial college where she talks philosophy, feminism, and plays indie rock trash
leeder matheus sousa !
i was not memeing around when i said that i was gonna make a rudy cult leader muse after watching that vid
his name is leeder but prefers people calling him leeds bcos even he can see the disgustign pun
grew up in vegas to some major gambling parents who ran off to sin city for a good time but got caught up in the fancy lights and found that they jus couldn’t leave ? eventually got knocked up and had leeder and would you know it, he was named after a slot machine
his life fluctuated from dinners at upscale restaurants to panhandling outside a casino and p much grew up having to take care of himself all the time what with his parents gone all the fricken time wasting their money
he tried confronting them about it once but things got out of hand too quickly and he ran away from home for a week but his parents hardly noticed his absence the times that they were home and just figured he was in his room or at a friend’s
at 15 he knew he had no savings or anything, he figured as much with his parents, so ever since his first job he started saving up whatever money he could in some last ditch self preservation
at 17 now he runs away just to see what would happen and he isn’t that shocked when there’s no milk carton portraits and no breaking news stories about a missing kid in vegas but some small part of him still held out that hope and was resentful for it
that stunt hella shaped him and hardened him and ever since then, he grew up bitter and spiteful and is p much hella self preserved and will almost always do whatever is best for himself even if other peepz are collateral
so anyway at 22 he basically formed his own cult :P he would scout and pick up these lost runaways and tell them all about “finding themselves” and all this load of bs and got them to believe they were leaving behind their old messy lives in favour of a sort of paradise which was p much just them being high off their minds a good amount of the time and strumming some shit music around a bonfire while they slept in tents outside his own decked out bungalo
so yea he got this cult going and on the low was dealing w some hella drugs and trafficking p much anything and everything and then disater strikes, shit hits the fan, there’s people after him, the whole lot which drove him to leave the country and come to london, hence why he’s here now :P
he still got some connections so he used those and got back into the whole drug thing and is now jus trynna find some new recruits to join his cult ( plot idea mayhaps :P )
hudson kirk schrader !
nickname is schrader but feel free 2 call him hudson, he jus goes w the flow :P
honestly been watching too much fricken workaholics
he’s deadass 100% blake and so catch me copying and pasting his bio
a hella burnout who faked some bullshit illness he searched up on wikipedia and got a medical marijuana lisence for it. how he pulled it off exactly is still unknown, even to himself ( believe it or not, he was high when he did it )
grew up in rancho cucamonga his whole life and the only time he saw outside of it was the one roadtrip he took to los angeles but he surprisingly hated it and he says its bcos the city is too big but he knows it’s bcos some guy he met at the beach called his sandals ugly and people laughed
his parents divorced when he was like 9 so he’s got two younger half siblings but he only sees them like once a month. he doesn’t mind though, they’re all p close and there’s not some family vendetta or anything lolz his parents still get along and all that
despite being stuck there though, he made the most of his small city life and grew up with a positive outlook on everything like u really cannot catch him thinking the glass is half empty
lives for the weekends. only works as a telemarketer/salesperson and yea it’s a shit job with no time off and a poor salary but does he care ? as long as it’s enough to keep living, he’s content
diet p much consists of cheap beer and delivery pizza. ihop breakfasts when he’s feeling rich or p much jus craving pancakes at 3am
took a stripper class one time for the sicc experience but he tells everyone it was to look at half naked peepz
can and will shove an entire party platter of sliced salamis that fell on the floor into his mouth if it means he’ll make some money off of it, even if it’s only $5 bcos hey, that can at least cover his tab at the bowling alley
he's the guy at the party who makes a massive cheese and cracker sandwich called the eliminator
enjoys pitting people against each other but not in a shit ass annoying naslund way or a devil reincarnate lourdes way more in a “hey what’ll happen if i do this” knowing dam well what will happen but going for it anyways
strange personality makes him interesting and fun 2 hang with but also a lil bit misunderstood bcos he jus trynna b himself </3
is a good friend who’s willing to take risks and try new things and he’ll trick u into joining him for a night you’ll never forget mostly bcos of the tattoo and the scar and the croatian wife u now have
a weirdo w self confidence who can pick up on that rude thing u said about his mom but spends too long thinking of a slick comeback and by the time he figures it out the conversation has already taken four different turns
understands human psyche and knows that u lose a woman when u forget 2 cherish her but honestly he’s always there if u need a pal to lean on and he will do anything in his power 2 make sure ur okay
spends his off time people watching on top of his house. deadass has got lawn chairs, a cooler, and everything set up on there and even after breaking his collorbone when he fell off, he refuses to listen to the safety concerns of his neighbours and p much the general public
truly has no story for how he got to london, jus decided to pick up and leave one day and is p much living the same life he lived in america but different setting :P
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