#Plastic fork objectum
Phantom's Birthday Event Days 14 - 20:
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[ID: two pictures. The first one is the moodboard that contains bedrooms and beds. The second one is a flag that looks similar to a moodboard. With the colors being greys, brown, tan, orange and blues. End of ID]
★ Mulvigreyregess -> a Mulviboard term related to the moodboard above.
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: Two flags. The one on the left is striped and the one on the right is foggy. The colors are dark grey, light grey, blue, green, orange, pink and purple. End of ID]
★ Chalkic -> A gender related to chalk.
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: two flags. The one on the left has a light blue shooting star symbol and the one on the right is just the flag. The colors are black, multiple shades of blues and purples. End of ID]
★ NightmareWish -> A Term thats related to Nightmares and wishes, Nightmares that wish, Wishing for nightmares etc
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: One flag. Its got multiple lines, the colors mainly being browns, tans, with some blues and purples. End of ID ]
★ PlurautiBNpdizo flag -> A merged flag of Plural, Autistic, BPD, NPD and Schizo spec flags. Only for people who have these.
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: Two flags. The first one on the left has just the circle symbol and the one on the right has green and orange forks crossed on top of the circle. The circle is pink, and the stripes are orange, green, blue, purple and pink. End of ID]
★ Plastic Fork Objectum -> An objectum attraction to plastic forks. Can be romantic, platonic, etc.
Creation Date: 4 / 20 / 2024
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[ID: Three flags. The first one is just the purple circle on top of the flag, the second one is a blue and purple snowflake on top of the circle, ans then the snowflake with a white snowflake on top. The color of the stripes are blues and purples. End of ID.]
★ Snowflake Objectum -> An objectum attraction to Snowflakes. Can be romantic, platonic, etc
Creation Date: 4 / 20 / 2024
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[ID: two flags. The one on the left has the backrooms symbol on top of a dark gold circle. The one on the right has just the circle. The colors are multiple shades of pale yellow. End of ID.]
★ Backrooms Objectum -> An objectum attraction to The Backrooms. Can be romantic, platonic, etc.
Creation Date: 4 / 20 / 2024
Note: Anyone can use my ( Mod Phantom ) terms. If you are on our DNI you can still use them, but please do not interact with our blog ( You may re-upload my flags to your hoard as long as you credit me, that is all i ask as i am aware of death of an author. You may also redesign my flags, but please credit and/or tag me. Thank you )
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