#Philippe Baronnet
genevieveetguy · 2 years
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The Sicilian Clan (Le clan des Siciliens), Henri Verneuil (1969)
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
Stop the aggressions against the Zapatistas! - Manifesto signed by Noam Chomsky, Boaventura De Sousa, Raúl Zibechi, Enzo Traverso, Gilberto López y Rivas and more.
Today those who defend the environment are slaughtered every day. At a time like the one that the planet lives in which the protection of those who defend it is required, the opposite happens. Those who have resisted this destruction by the powerful have not stopped saying NO, they have always done so, although the current administration does not want to have memory.
The murder in the community of Amilcingo, Morelos of Samir Flores, a member of the resistance against the Comprehensive Plan Morelos, its gas pipeline and thermoelectric plants that put the life and territory of Nahua communities in Puebla and Morelos at risk; the massacre of 15 Ikoot indigenous people in San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, one of the regions that has opposed the Trans-isthmian Corridor projects; the growing paramilitary violence in Chiapas, with 56 attacks in the municipality of Aldama alone, and the kidnapping in February of members of the National Indigenous Council (CNI) of the municipality of Chenalhó are proof that the war continues.
Now the violence is becoming more and more explicit against the Zapatista communities. The growth of the activity of paramilitary groups such as “Los Chinchulines” or the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO), as well as the appearance of new groups, is exacerbating tension in the region. The theft and burning of warehouses and houses of the Moisés Ghandi community, of the Autonomous Rebel Zapatista Municipality “Lucio Cabañas”, (in the official municipality of Ocosingo), show the increase in the intensity of the aggressions and provocations against the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. The EZLN has respected the ceasefire for years and has focused on strengthening its autonomous organizational processes with schools, clinics, and justice systems. It is serious that one of the ethical references of resistance and construction of concrete and viable alternatives for the planet continues to be under siege, and it is even more serious that the response of those who seek to “transform Mexico” is complicity or oblivion in the face of these extermination attempts. .
It is extremely worrying that this occurs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, that there are those who seek to take advantage of the vulnerability in which everyone finds themselves to fuel their ambitions for money and power. It is more worrisome when those who are supposedly in charge of preventing such abuses allow and therefore favor them.
Beyond the erroneous or successful changes of the executive power, which shows this escalation of violence in indigenous areas, and the worsening of paramilitary attacks in the Zapatista territory in Chiapas, is the continuity of the racist, colonial and paternalistic vision of the governments. liberals and conservatives, left and right. Projects such as the Mayan Train show the idea of ​​bringing "development" to indigenous peoples by turning them into cheap labor and contributing only the folkloric image of the Mexican indigenous.
The violence and dispossession of indigenous territories that megaprojects such as the Trans-isthmian Corridor or the Mayan Train imply and require are the ethical breaking point of the current Mexican government, it is where the moral stature that President López Obrador has awarded in front of its predecessors begins to collapse.
Those of us who signed this letter are watching carefully what is happening in Mexico, what is happening in the Zapatista communities that for decades have been a benchmark for other ways of living, health, education, justice, politics. We will not allow the extermination of indigenous peoples with the recurring excuse of development.
International firms
Noam Chomsky (USA)
Saskia Sassen (USA)
Raúl Zibechi (Uruguay)
Marcos Roitman (Spanish State)
Oscar Olivera (Bolivia)
Hugo Blanco Galdos (Peru)
Boaventura De Sousa Santos (Portugal)
Michael Hardt (USA)
Yvon Le Bot (France)
Philippe Corcuff (France)
Jaime Pastor (Spanish State)
Manuel Garí Ramos. Economist. Member of Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Juan Wahren (Argentina)
Sabrina Melenotte (France)
Daniel Mato (Argentina)
John Gibler (USA)
José Angel Quintero Weir - Wainjirawa Indigenous Organization (Venezuela)
Roberto Ojeda Escalante (Cusco, Peru)
Pepe Mejía, journalist, social activist, Correspondent for Indigenous Struggle in Europe
Pierluigi Sullo (Italy)
Enzo Traverso (Italy)
Derly Constanza Cuetia Dagua (Nasa People, Colombia)
Vilma Rocío Almendra (Colombia)
Manuel Rozental (Colombia)
Raúl Camargo. Former deputy of Madrid. Spokesperson for Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Genaro Raboso Saelices. Unionist of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Ana María Gordaliza Fernández. Psychoanalyst. (Spanish state)
Ana Barba. Pharmaceutical (Spanish State)
Marià Delás Briefcase. Journalist (Spanish State)
Lurdes Lucia. Editor Feminist. (Spanish state)
José Vicente Barcia. Ecologist (Spanish State)
Rocío Van Der Heide García. Anti-capitalists. Social worker (Spanish State)
Patri Amaya. Feminist. LGTBI Movement (Spanish State)
Fernando Cabrerizo. Multimedia Technician (Spanish State)
Pablo Pérez Garfonina. Member of Adelante Andalucía (Spanish State)
Ramon Gorriz Vitalla, union member of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Roberto Montoya Batiz. Journalist (Spanish State)
Laura Lucía Pérez Ruano. Jurist. Teacher. Former deputy of Navarra (Spanish State)
Carmen San José Pérez. Family doctor. Unionist of the Assembly Movement of Health Workers (MATS) (Spanish State)
Juan Hernández Zubizarreta. College professor. Member of the Observatory of Multinationals of Latin America. (Spanish state)
Lorena Garrón Rincón. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council. (Spanish state)
Alicia López Hernando. Feminist Movement (Spanish State)
Ángela Aguilera Clavijo, deputy spokesperson of the Adelante Andalucía group in the Andalusian Parliament (Spanish State)
Demetrio Quirós. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council (Spanish State)
Jorge Riechmann Fernández. Professor at the Autonomous University of
Madrid and writer (Spanish State)
Mónica Rocha Medina, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Huáscar Salazar Lohman, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Patrick Silberstein (France)
Tomas Astelarra, journalist (Argentina)
Mexican firms
Paul Hersch Martinez
Alicia Castellanos Guerrero, UAM-I
Gilberto López y Rivas, INAH- Morelos
Juan Carlos Rulfo. Filmmaker. Mexico City.
Margara Millán, professor, UNAM
Fernanda Navarro
Paul Leduc
Magdalena Gomez
Francisco Barrios "El Cress"
Eduardo Almeida Acosta
Maria Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera
Graciela Mijares López
Alexander Varas
Volga De Pina, defender of Human Rights.
Marta De Cea. Cultural Promoter. Mexico
Mariana Mora, CIESAS CDMX and Red de Feminismos Descoloniales
Bruno Baronnet, Universidad Veracruzana
Isidoro Moreno. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. Sevilla University. Andalusia
Francisco Morfin Otero. Instituto Superior Intercultural Ayuuk ISIA
Kathia Núñez Patiño Faculty of Social Sciences C-III. A CH
Richard Stahler-Sholk Eastern Michigan University, USA
Jean Robert Architect, Professor at La Salle University
Sylvia Marcos, Network of decolonial Feminisms, Professor at the Ibero-American University
Servando Gaja, Cinematographer
Inés Durán Matute, sociologist.
Mariana favela
Barbara Zamora
Susana Vázquez Vidal, PhD at CIESAS Occidente.
Orb Larisa
Antonio Sarmiento
Hector Zetina
Raúl Romero, sociologist, Mexico.
Raúl Gutiérrez Narváez, Intercultural Inductive Education Network and CIESAS, Chiapas
Sergio Tischler
Fernando Matamoros Ponce, Research Professor, Postgraduate in Sociology (ICSyH-BUAP)
Joaquín Osorio G. ITESO
Rubén Martin, freelance journalist, Guadalajara
Lucia Linsalata
Ana Maria Vera
Isis Samaniego-Poet
Bertha Melendez «Yuhcatla»
Maria Luisa Arroyo Rodriguez
Epifanio Flores and Manzola
Amparo Seville
J. Jesus Maria Serna Moreno
Sergio Hernández / Uci, Zautla, Puebla
Paulino Alvarado
Erika Sánchez Cruz, professor at BUAP
Irma Zentle Colotl, Social Economist
Wullfrano Ramírez, Dr. Artificial Intelligence
Mirna Valdés, Poet
Horacio Torres de Ita
Alejandra Jiménez, Rural Teacher
Ana Melissa Valenzuela, Educator
Zitlalli López Mendoza, Educator
Cristian Añorve, Student
Roxana Bolio
Jose Meza Rosas
Luis Saracho de María y Campos
Florina Mendoza Jimenez
Leonel Lopez
María de Lourdes Mejía, Mother of Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía
Angel Benhumea Salazar
Roberto Rodríguez Contreras "Cat"
Isabel Maldonado Hernandez
Omar Abrego Torres
Alfredo Velarde Saracho, professor at the Faculty of Economics
Ana Laura Suarez Lima
Azael Soriano Sanchez
Cecilia Zeledon
Diana Patricia González Ferreira, ICSYH Sociology Teacher
Colectivo La Resistencia (Los Angeles, USA)
Solidarity with the Mexican people - Málaga (Spanish State)
Union Communiste libertaire (Marseille, France)
Union syndicale Solidaires, (France)
Vocesenlucha - Popular Communication (Spanish State)
Collectif Paris-Ayotzinapa (France)
Towns in Camino (Colombia)
Éditions Syllepse (France)
Network of Brotherhood and Solidarity with Colombia (Colombia)
International Commission of the People's Congress (Colombia)
Network Against Repression and for Solidarity (RvsR)
Human Rights Node (NODHO)
Errant Etcetera
Labor and Socialist Unity (UníoS!)
Union of Neighbors and Victims "September 19" (UVyd-19)
Community Communication Research Center A.C. (CICC A.C.)
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM)
Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero - Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ)
Guardians and Guardians of the Metlapanapa River
Otomí Indigenous Community residing in CDMX
Support network for the CNI-CIG Ibero Puebla
Xalapa Resistance and Rebellion Network
2140/5000 Resistance and Rebellion Network in support of the CNI-CIG of the Port of Veracruz
La Otra Tuxtla Resistance and Rebellion Network
Network of Rebellion and Resistrenzas-Puebla
Metropolitan, Anticapitalist and Antipatriarchal Coordination with the CIG
Network of decolonial feminisms
Paper picnic area
Compas Arriba !, Xalapa, Veracruz.
Mexicali Resists
Binational Network of Women Who Fight
Nativitas Zacapan for the Defense of the Land and Water.
Radio Tlanixco
The Collective Against Torture and Impunity
Colectivo Feminista Cihuatlahtolli A.C.
The Voice of the Anahuac.
Autonomous Student Renovation Collective
Coordinator of Students and Collectives of the FD-UNAM
Zapatista Neza Collective, Café "Zapata Vive"
Radio Regeneration
UPREZ Benito Juárez
Collective Aequus.- Promotion and defense of Human Rights
Coordination of Relatives of Students Victims of Violence
Voices of the Wind
Poetry and Singing
Collective Las Sureñas in resistance and rebellion
Popular Free Media Laboratory
Stomping Free Media
Plantón for 43
La Ceiba Collective
Zapatista Pantitlán Health Brigade
Sector of Workers Adhering to the Sixth Declaration
Front of Workers for the Right to Health and Social Security
Women who Fight, Resist and Organize
Rebel Bazaar
Community Dentistry Collective Sowing Smiles
Otomí Autonomous School
Residents of the Honorable National Student House.
Community Radio Totopo de Juchitán, Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
Green Tide High Mountains
Circle of Marxist Studies, Mexico City
The Other Juaritox
Collective ADA
Karuzo Cultural Forum
They are from the Máiz
Sixth Theater
El Torito Collective
Collective of Profes in the Sixth
Xochitlanezi Community
Tlanezi Calli Community
Compass Red
Zapatista Coffee Table of the UAM-Iztapalapa Below and to the Left of Building E
Gavilanas Collective
Collective Common Notebook
Iztapalapa Sexta Support Network
Colectivos del Sur Adherent to the Sixth
University of the Earth in Puebla (UnitierraPuebla)
Collective Utopia Puebla
The Zenzontle
House of the Peoples-Mexico
Autonomous Brigades of Mutual Support
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aronsonfilm · 7 years
ASGEIR - UNBOUND ( Official Music Video ) from Julien Lassort on Vimeo.
Julien's notes : « Asgeir’s track "Unbund" reminded me the paradoxical idea of a strong bond between people, something where everyone’s life would be closely linked to others, without knowing any of it. Like a mysterious global system mixing and connecting things and lifes. I loved this projection and I trully wanted to work on a strong visual and narrative concept happening in a kind of future I see. It looks pretty realistic to me. I wanted to carry people in the fantasy lifes of four connected characters, bound together with a mysterious virtual reality game or system. But things won’t work the ways they were suppose to. Because of what ? I prefer people to make their own reading of it. It's awesome beeing able to say that kind of connections would probably be real in the near future. Being able to live a dream, spend a fantasy time, or live something different than real life for a moment. My idea was to involve every character in an other character’s fantasy moment, pretty much forced to be someone’s character to be able to live a fantasy time yourself. I could summarise it by talking about a kind of a Russian Dolls system. Every doll is inside a bigger one, and every doll as got some others inside of itselves, they are all a part of a more global system. It’s been a very ambitious film to shoot, with a very special attention into the casting, locations, frames and light. Pretty awesome experience as a director. My goal was to make a great and transporting dreamlike narrative film, and to allow people to make their own way of reading it. I hope they will love it » Julien
Directed by JULIEN LASSORT julienlassort.com Produced by SOLAB solab.fr Label : One Little Indian Records ----- with Pernille Bergendorff, Ana Rotili, Alex Tacchino, Laurent Le Doyen & Lindsey Songa written by Julien Lassort & Julien Leslé director of photography : Julien Meurice producer : Nicolas Tiry line producer : Arthur Parratte editing by : Manuel Coutant __ production administrator : Lucie Santamans production assistant : Cesar Tresca location manager : Gabriel Chaussende assistant location managers : Aurelien Auge & josselin cadoudal 1st ad : Emmanuel Marx 2nd ad & casting director : Vaiana Serre 1st ac : Vincent Toubel 2nd ac : Emmanuelle Benayoun underwater shots : Arthur Lauters gaffer : Quentin Ameziane electricians : pietro rosso, pierre corvaisier & pierre-antoine mouvillat key grip : Sebastien Grasso grips : Alexis Lavergne, Romain Leo & Erwan Jacquelin steadicam operator : Remi Quilichini drone operator : Adrien Lipman/no gravity films stunt coordinator : Fred alhino assistant stunt coordinator : Philippe Morel __ set designer : Anna Brun assitant set designers : Charlotte Greene-Gonnot & Clara Malapa make-up artist & hair stylist : Alexandra Petry wardrobe stylist : Agathe Wesolek __ post-production : Black Lab vfx supervisor : Gabriel Kerlidou vfx producer : Nessim Chebaane digital artists : Noreddine Brahim & Michael Leroy color grading : mpc London colorist : Eva Pomposo color grading assistant : Yves Baronnet color grading producers : Ellora Chowdury & Quentin Martin
Thanks to : nicolas davenel, quentin martin/mpc paris, cecile hourneau/reepost, evelyne madaoui, philippe guillemain & samuel renollet/rvz, sylvain bouladou/cinesyl, renaud guegand, dounia alno & virginie poloni/adp, oriane david, alice walrafen, luce nordmann, alexis millet & freddy schaefer, rachel desmarest, eddie laudru/carrefour contact quend, lea besnard & diane schaeffer/hôtel pullman roissy, sonia mehadjri & alain garcia/melia hôtel paris la défense, sylvie beedham/tour allianz one, tsf, terry felgate & sam birkett/one little indian records, maria rut reynis, kiddi & asgeir.
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1xtorrent-blog · 4 years
Contretemps (1990)
As a rereading of his films, “Contretemps” (in the fight against time), Jean-Daniel Pollet brings together excerpts of his films and a report by Jean Baronnet. The author Philippe Sollers and philosopher Julia Kristeva voice their thoughts.
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cinemacinemas-fr · 5 years
📺 #ALaTéléCeSoir sur @France3tv #LeClandesSiciliens de #HenriVerneuil avec Jean Gabin, Alain Delon, Lino Ventura, Irina Demick, Amedeo Nazzari, Philippe Baronnet. 🎬 2 ou 3 choses à savoir sur ce film #BandeAnnonce ▶️ https://t.co/khLAgfHjyP https://t.co/3tclykdn90
📺 #ALaTéléCeSoir sur @France3tv#LeClandesSiciliens de #HenriVerneuil avec Jean Gabin, Alain Delon, Lino Ventura, Irina Demick, Amedeo Nazzari, Philippe Baronnet. 🎬 2 ou 3 choses à savoir sur ce film#BandeAnnonce ▶️ https://t.co/khLAgfHjyP pic.twitter.com/3tclykdn90
— Cinémannonce (@cinema_cinemas) March 4, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/cinema_cinemas March 04, 2019 at 08:29PM http://twitter.com/cinema_cinemas/status/1102652395027349504
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vienuelespectacle · 6 years
Auteur, metteur en scène Ismaël Jude, docteur en littérature, sa thèse, dirigée par Denis Guénoun, est publiée sous le titre Gilles Deleuze, théâtre et philosophie, aux éditions Sils Maria. Spécialiste des rapports entre scène et philosophie, il est dramaturge de La nuit des taupes de Philippe Quesne. Metteur en scène et auteur de théâtre, notamment de La petite et la grande distribution, de Maraîchers, de Figures de l’envol amoureux, mis en scène par Vladimir Petkov au Théâtre‑Sfumato de Sofia, en Bulgarie, et par Antoine Bourseiller en France. Il est co-auteur avec Denis Baronnet et  Nicolas Kerszenbaum de la série théâtrale SODA (Tgp, Aquarium). Il a publié le roman Dancing with myself aux éditions Verticales. Il a obtenu une résidence d’écrivain de la Région Ile-de-France pour écrire un deuxième roman.
Interprètes Jean-Charles Dumay a joué au théâtre sous la direction de Stanislas Nordey, entre autres Pylade et Calderon de Pasolini, La Dispute de Marivaux, sous la direction de Fréderic Fisbach des textes de Paul Claudel (L’annonce faite à Marie), Maïakovski, Kafka, Oriza Hirata (Tokyo Notes), Racine (Bérénice). Il a aussi créé avec Jean-Pierre Vincent des textes de Jean-Luc Lagarce et H. Mankell. Plus récemment avec Krystian Lupa, il a créé en Suisse (Vidy Lausanne) et en France (Théâtre de la Colline et tournée) Perturbation d’après Thomas Bernhard et avec Karim Belkacem Blasted de Sarah Kane (Nanterre Amandiers, Vidy Lausanne et tournée), avec Philippe Quesne, La nuit des taupes - Welcome to caveland (Nanterre Amandiers et tournée internationale). Au cinéma, il a principalement travaillé avec Bertrand Bonello, Wim Wenders, Xavier Beauvois, Olivier Assayas, Alain Gomis, Djamel Bendeddouche, Cheick N’daye, Anthony Cordier, Bertrand Tavernier, Brigitte Sy, Kyioshi Kurusawa et Angelin Prejlocaj. En compagnie de Gilles Touyard, Thomas Bauer, François Noguies, Alex Pou et Pierre Carniaux il développe une série de projets vidéo et performance pour entre autres : le FID de Marseille, le Festival Antipodes Brest, les Inaccoutumés Ménagerie de Verre, le Centre d’art Contemporain Vassivière et le Plateau frac Paris. Céline Pérot a participé à des performances d’Ismaël Jude et joué notamment dans La petite et la grande distribution, le premier volet d’un triptyque en cours dont La vie nue | Ce que c’était qu’être est la deuxième partie. Membre du collectif La Générale, elle a joué avec des metteurs en scène comme Maïa Sandoz (Maquette suicide, Nanterre Amandiers), Adrien Béal (Une nuit arabe de Roland Schimmelpfennig, Théâtre de Vanves), Nicolas Kerszenbaum (SODA, Tgp, l’Aquarium), Sophie Hutin et Sylvaine Guyot (Andromaque de Racine, Studio Théâtre de Montreuil), Anaïs Pélaquier (Essai de rêves avec chiens, La Générale), Francisco Moura (Angelus Novus, Théâtre de la Cité Universitaire), Frédéric Fachéna (Roméo et Juliette de Shakespeare, Nanterre Amandiers), Laurent Sauvage (Les Merveilles (chœur des 4 enfances) de Claudine Galéa, Nanterre Amandiers) ou Le collectif 21.29.7 (Au plus près de la mer, Théâtre du Rond Point). Delphine Chuillot, formée à l’école nationale supérieure du Théâtre National de Strasbourg, joue, au théâtre, sous la direction de Gaël Lépingle et Julien Joubert, Philippe Delaigue et Enzo Cormann, Eric Lacascade, David Gerry dans Une envie de tuer sur le bout de la langue de Xavier Durringer,  Jean-Louis Martinelli dans Personnkrets, Catégorie 3:1, Calme de Lars Norén et Platonov de  Tchekhov, dans la performance Acclimatation de Pierre Huyghe, Poil de Carotte de Sylvia Costa. Au cinéma, elle joue entre autres sous la direction de Nicolas Philibert,Léos Carax, Jean-Stéphane Bron, Nicolas Klotz, Arnaud Des Pallières, Léa Fehner, René Féret, Géraldine Bajard, Pierre Huyghe, Pawel Pawlikowski, Brigitte Sy, Jean-Paul Civeyrac, Gaël Lépingle.
Raffaella Gardon, formée comme comédienne (Central School of Speech and Drama de Londres, Ecole internationale de théâtre Jacques Lecoq) et danseuse auprès de Giorgio Rossi et Benoît Lachambre. Elle joue au théâtre notamment sous la direction de Pierre Vial, Alain Batis, Frédéric Fisbach (Studio Théâtre de Vitry), Joris Lacoste (Festival d'Automne, Centre Pompidou, Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil), Caroline Guiela, en France - Teresa Ludovico (Warwicks Art Center UK - Château Rouge Annemasse FR - Teatro Kismet IT), Davide Iodice (Napoli Teatro Festival, Teatro Stabile di Napoli, Teatro Nazionale - Teatro Bellini), Pietra Selva et Eugène Durif (Fondazione Teatro Piemonte Europa-Scène nationale de Gap) en Italie – Madani Younis, Omar Elerian (Freedom studio - British Council) en Angleterre. Elle se forme à la marionnette auprès des compagnies anglaises Thingumajig theatre et Théâtre de Complicité. La jeune fille aux mains coupées ou je me recompose (différemment) est sa première mise en scène qui sera créée en mars 2018 à la Nef-manufacture d'utopies Pantin. Scénographe Sallahdyn Khatir
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