#Petrol Diesel Shortage
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
इन राज्यों में हुई पेट्रोल-डीजल की कमी? जानें इंडियन ऑयल ने क्या कहा
इन राज्यों में हुई पेट्रोल-डीजल की कमी? जानें इंडियन ऑयल ने क्या कहा
Image Source : FILE PHOTO Petrol-Diesel Shortage Highlights राजस्थान, उत्तराखंड और गुजरात में पेट्रोल-डीजल की कमी आपूर्ति में कमी को लेकर इंडियन ऑयल कॉर्पोरेशन का बयान भारत में तेल आपूर्ति पूरी तरह सामान्य है: इंडियन ऑयल Petrol-Diesel Shortage: श्रीलंका की तरह भारत में भी पेट्रोल-डीजल की किल्लत पैदा हो सकती है, इस तरह की बातें चल रही हैं। राजस्थान, उत्तराखंड और गुजरात जैसे राज्यों से…
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forestchat · 12 days
South America, a place of nature containing the wildest and most beautiful areas left on this planet. It’s where nature still displays some of its greatest wonders, and where the giant condor spread their wings as they fly into the thin air above fifteen thousand feet. It’s here that man struggles to breathe being unable to draw sufficient oxygen to exist. The wonders of snow covered peaks stretching for miles down the spine of this vast continent, where flowers bloom and transform the often barren landscape into natures wonderful garden. Places where once David Attenborough took us to see the amazing wildlife. Where the air was so pure they set up telescopes to look into space. Today this is where man is mining for Lithium, to save the world? whilst you drive around in your electric cars feeling content that you are doing your bit to save the world remember where everything comes from and how it gets to you.
Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and into El Salvador they mine, producing millions of tonnes of lithium.  All along the high salt plains a vast industrial expansion is taking place as governments look for finance and investment, to move their countries forward into the 21st century. Many of these people have suffered from bad management of their economies, currencies being destroyed by hyper-inflation and in some cases corruption, so these politicians are looking for a shortcut back to prosperity.
Humans are working shiftwork to keep these industrial monoliths working continually, a few weeks at a time is all that sea level humans can handle before their bodies give up. However, machines can continue working endlessly, adjusting the flow of air and increasing petrol and diesel flows into these machines as CO2 is pumped out into the upper atmosphere. This clearly accelerates the amount of CO2 going into the stratosphere at a much faster level, do they care? NO! the other problem is the amount of water consumed. To produce one ton of lithium carbonate requires five hundred thousand gallons of water much of which is recycled, however, as with any industrial process water is contaminated and so are many water courses. This results in less natural drinking water for both humans, birds and animals, who will be the winners when industry has destroyed the natural clean water we all need to drink to survive? Who will care?? Certainly not governments or industry.
I have highlighted South America because of the rapid effect of their operations on the atmosphere and damaged to a delicate environment. But lithium is being mined in many countries around the world most countries in North and South America, giant mines in Australia, vast tracts of Africa and Asia are being ripped up. So when there are water shortages just for drinking in many of these places, to prioritise washing out brine or crushed rock to extract this element are we really saving the planet or just destroying it another way?
The measurement of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen dramatically in the past year, which goes against what is being carried out by many countries using wind and solar energy. By rights there should be a slowing into the atmosphere, so where is all the extra Carbon coming from?
I am sure many of you have seen Gold Rush, get rich by extracting the glittering metal to put into a hole in the bank, hard work, in dangerous conditions, but one common factor is giant diesel and petrol machines and so it is with all large mining operations.  However, in modern society money talks even rules so I ask again  are we saving the planet or just destroying it another way?????
M D Bosc  -  Author
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lizseyi · 3 months
What Does Automotive Demand For Aluminium Look Like, Heading Into 2024 - McAlloys
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The automotive sector may have traditionally been strongly associated with the extensive utilisation of steel, but that picture has changed rapidly in recent years, as the industry has undergone one of its most profound evolutions since the invention of the internal combustion engine (ICE).
Aluminium is gaining in importance in the automotive industry
On a backdrop of environmental pressures, safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness being some of the defining priorities for today’s automotive sector, it shouldn’t be so surprising that aluminium now sees such strong demand for use in personal and commercial vehicles.
Aluminium’s combination of recyclability, light weight, corrosion resistance, great strength to weight ratio, and extremely impressive energy absorbency, allows for a rigid body structure to be achieved that also promotes weight saving and emissions reduction, without compromising safety.
But at a time when the automotive industry is shifting towards electrification – another trend in the sector that is driving the use of significantly greater aluminium content – what trends can be observed for aluminium usage in cars for 2024?
Could a potential slowdown in car production have implications for aluminium demand?
Recent research has found that the average amount of aluminium used in European cars went up by 18% between 2019 and 2022, from 174kg to 205kg. It is anticipated that this trend will continue, with the average aluminium content in a European car set to reach 237kg by 2026, and 256kg per vehicle by the end of this decade.
There can be little doubt about the extent to which electric vehicles (EVs) are set to contribute to such growth; a European-produced battery electric vehicle (BEV) contained 283kg of aluminium on average in 2022, as opposed to a mere 169kg in an ICE-only petrol or diesel car.
Such factors as the COVID-19 pandemic and a shortage of semiconductor chips have exerted downward pressure on automotive demand for aluminium over the last few years; overall output in the automotive manufacturing sector in the European Union (EU) was still, in 2022, 24% shy of 2019 pre-pandemic levels. High stock levels also saved automotive manufacturers from having to acquire as much aluminium as may have otherwise been necessary, and high metal inventories continue to depress aluminium demand.
All of this makes it a worry for the aluminium industry at a time when there are signs of a further potential slowdown in car and vehicle manufacturing. It was recently reported, for example, that new car registrations in Europe recorded their slowest growth rate of the year during September 2023.
However, the number of new cars sold in Europe in September was also still 10% above that seen in the same month of 2022. So, it is important to maintain perspective on the likely demand picture for aluminium in the car industry for 2024.
Concerns about the affordability of electric vehicles remains a headwind for the industry potentially limiting the part EVs will play in the further growth of the automotive sector.
But with the global automotive aluminium market industry still forecast to grow from USD $50.94 billion in 2022 to USD $133.51 billion by 2030, distributors of extruded aluminium products in the EU and UK will still hope for at least gradual recovery in demand for such materials throughout 2024.
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The Ultimate Solution for Your Fuel Storage Needs: The 75L Poly Petrol Tank GM7801
Are you tired of constantly worrying about fuel shortages and the inconvenience of frequent trips to the gas station? Look no further! We have the perfect solution for you - the 75L Poly Petrol Tank GM7801. Not only is this tank perfect for gasoline, but it can also store diesel, kerosene, and other non-corrosive fuels. It's a versatile solution for a variety of applications, from home backup power to agriculture and industrial needs. Act now, and secure your Poly Petrol Tank GM7801 while supplies last!
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swvaux · 9 months
UK considering postponing new ICE car ban until 2035
The United Kingdom is considering pushing back the ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by five years, to 2035. This is due to a number of factors, including the cost of living crisis, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the global chip shortage. Continue reading Untitled
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The Best Mileage Car – The Most Fuel-Efficient Models
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What is the best mileage car in the world? – this is probably one of the first questions that come to mind when we consider purchasing a vehicle. Fuel efficiency is a deciding factor for many, as it determines how much they will have to spend on gas. With the shortage of petrol supplies and the upsurge in prices, now it’s become more important than ever to use less gas.
Numerous factors can affect the fuel economy of the vehicle, however, its characteristics play the biggest role. If a car has a beast of an engine, the chances are you won’t be able to increase mpg substantially. Thus, it’s reasonable to examine the most fuel-efficient vehicles in the auto industry.
Top non-hybrid models
If you want to purchase an affordable vehicle, then fuel economy is one of the first things you should be considering. Low initial costs won’t mean anything if you have to waste a substantial amount of money on gas. But that doesn’t mean that you should necessarily buy a hybrid. Diesel and gasoline engines can also be budget-friendly.
Here’s the list of the most fuel efficient cars that aren’t hybrid or electric.
Mitsubishi Mirage
If fuel efficiency is your priority and you don’t really care about horsepower, then Mitsubishi Mirage is a perfect choice for you. It won’t blow your mind with speed and quick acceleration. In fact, you’ll need nerves of steel behind the wheel. However, we can turn a blind eye on that considering how fuel-efficient this fella is. It has an impressive 39 mpg combined!
Hyundai Elantra or Accent
Both Hyundai Elantra and Accent are reasonable choices for those who want to invest in high-mpg cars. The former delivers 37 mpg combined, while the latter can travel 36 miles per gallon. Both of these models are interesting, comfortable, and fun to drive. Satisfactory acceleration and horsepower will make your drive even more enjoyable.
Kia Rio
Kio Rio has the highest range among other cars on this list. This puppy will easily cover 490 miles with a single tank of fuel. With 36 mpg combined, this fella certainly deserves a place on the list of the best gas mileage cars!
Honda Civic
With increased horsepower, comes reduced fuel efficiency. But with Honda Civic, the reduction isn’t significant. This vehicle can travel 36 miles with a single gallon of vehicle, yet it still has 174 hp. This means that you’ll receive desired functionalities and capabilities without visiting the gas station every hour.
Toyota Corolla Hatchback
Seeing Toyota on this list shouldn’t be surprising for anyone. Their Corolla Hatchback is one of the most fuel-efficient non-hybrid models. It has a 2.0-liter engine that will drive you 36 miles with a gallon of petrol. It mightn’t be the most exciting model out there, yet it’s not the least impressive one either.
Nissan Versa
Nissan Versa with automatic transmission is also a great choice for those who want a budget-friendly car. Whether you buy it new or used, it still won’t break the bank. It will remain affordable while driving as well since its mpg is 35 combined. Plus, Nissan improved a thing or two to make the new version of Versa even more attractive.
Lexus UX 200
Naturally, we couldn’t complete this list without including at least one SUV. You’ll enjoy Lexus UX 200 a great deal if you prefer a more spacious vehicle. Even though it’s less fuel-efficient than sedans, it’s still worth our attention. After all, it’s an SUV that will drive you on a highway with 37mpg.
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Top hybrid and plug-in-hybrid models
After discussing non-hybrid models, it’s time to take a look at the most fuel efficient cars in the world i.e. hybrid and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) vehicles.
Hyundai Ioniq
Similar to other fuel-efficient vehicles, Hyundai Ioniq isn’t an exciting model in terms of handling, acceleration, or speed. You could potentially drive better cars if you wanted to, but those fellas won’t deliver astonishing 58 mpg (or 24.7 kmpl). Ioniq is available both as hybrid and PHEV models, so you can choose the one that speaks to you more. Either way, you’ll drive a car that will force you to forget about frequent visits to the gas station.
Toyota Prius Prime
We’ve all heard the appraisals about Toyota Prius Prime. It’s a plug-in hybrid model with impressive fuel efficiency. This fella will drive 54 miles per gallon of fuel. Its MPGe (mpg equivalent for electric vehicles) is 133, which is also incredible for such a car. The electric range itself will leave a lot to desire. However, it reduces fuel costs significantly when paired with an ordinary engine.
Hyundai Sonata Hybrid
It’s not a bad idea to consider purchasing Hyundai Sonata Hybrid if you want to save money on gas. If we compare Sonata Hybrid and ordinary Sonata, we’ll see that their performance is quite similar. They both have excellent reliability scores, satisfactory handling, and comfortable seats. By paying extra for the Hybrid, you’ll save around $400 a year on fuel.
Toyota Camry Hybrid/Corolla Hybrid
With 52 mpg, Toyota Camry Hybrid is also a great option. You may have some complaints about its handling and regenerative breaking, however, it still outperforms other available models. If you don’t like Camry Hybrid for some reason, you could also go for the Corolla Hybrid.
Honda Insight
If you want something similar to the Ioniq, Honda Insight could be a solution. It’s less fuel-efficient compared to the Ioniq, yet its performance isn’t any less impressive. Insight is a reliable, functional, and spacious vehicle, but it still drives 52 miles per gallon. Add modern features and advanced assistance systems to the list and you’ll easily see the perks of Insight.
Toyota Prius
Can you imagine a list of good mileage cars without the Prius? – I can’t. The reason is simple – this car delivers 56 mpg effortlessly. Even though certain parts of it could be better, it’s still suitable for daily commuting and city driving. Prius will reduce your fuel costs significantly.
To choose fuel efficient cars, you should follow simple steps, including determining your needs, estimating the budget, researching available models, comparing prices, and narrowing the options down. These steps might seem overwhelming, but they aren’t complicated at all in reality.
Think about your needs
It’s impossible to buy the right fuel-efficient vehicle (or any kind of vehicle for that matter) without thinking about your needs. Do you need a budget-friendly car to drive to work every day? Do you need something with a lot of cargo space? Do you live alone or with a family?
Answering these questions will help shift your thoughts from “what I want” to “what I need”. As you start scrutinizing your daily routines, you’ll come up with the type of car that will simplify your life.
Estimate your budget
Once you figure out what you need, it’s time to determine how much you’re willing to spend. Be it financing or paying upfront, you should still know what you can afford. You can find fuel-efficient options in every price range, be it under $10,000 or above $20,000.
Do your research
I can’t emphasize enough the importance of research. Nowadays, it’s unacceptable to make such important and expensive purchases without proper research. Examining reliability scores, reading reviews, and exploring other people’s experiences will help you out a lot. It’s one thing to read EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) estimates about mpg – it’s another to drive the car in real life.
Finding the most reliable and durable vehicles will pay off in the long run.
Compare prices and functionalities
Comparing the prices of the best gas mileage cars is also a great idea. Don’t forget to take functionalities into account to avoid overspending on models that aren’t worth the money.
If you want to buy a used model, you can check out the Kelly Blue Book price. That way, sellers won’t be able to rip you off.
Select a couple of options and check them out in person
The final step is to select a couple of options and examine them in person. You can take them for a test drive, check out the interior and exterior, and compare them with one another. By trying out selected models, you’ll be able to see whether you truly like them or not. You’ll also get the chance to ask the dealership about additional fuel-efficient features.
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Higher mileage can affect the fuel efficiency of good mileage cars in certain situations. Even though it won’t happen with every high-mileage vehicle, it does influence the mpg.
We’ve all skipped scheduled maintenance once or twice. We’ve also exceeded the mileage limits of the engine oil. These things might seem like minor missteps, however, they affect the performance of our vehicles. More importantly, they affect the fuel economy. You mightn’t notice the increase in petrol consumption immediately, but you’ll certainly see the changes after a while.
That’s why we might notice that the fuel efficiency gets worse and worse the more we drive.
To compensate for the worsening fuel economy, some people choose to use the mileage blocker with fuel efficient cars. However, there are some tips and tricks on how to increase car mileage. They activate it to stop recording mileage and, thus, increase the value of the vehicle.
You see, high mileage cars are cheaper compared to their younger counterparts. Their price drops even more if the fuel efficiency is affected. Thus, certain sellers choose to mess with mileage to benefit from selling such vehicles.
You shouldn’t forget that the mileage blocker is better suited for the testing environment. Its only purpose is to help you check the functionalities of your car without adding unnecessary miles. Yes, some people choose to use it for the wrong reasons (which is also understandable given the circumstances), but that doesn’t change the ethical purpose of the mileage blocker.
Finding the best mileage car isn’t a difficult task anymore – the market is steeped with fuel-efficient options. Each of these cars has its customers, which is why it’s so important to figure out what you need. By following all the necessary steps, you’ll be able to find a perfect option.
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/05/supermarkets-investigated-over-food-and-fuel-prices
Supermarkets investigated over food and fuel prices
Getty Images
By Michael Race
Business reporter, BBC News
Supermarkets are being investigated by the competition watchdog over high food and fuel prices.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said it would look at whether a “failure in competition” meant customers were overpaying.
Supermarkets said they were working to keep food prices “as low as possible”.
But an investigation into the fuel market, which has already started, has found some supermarkets have increased margins on petrol and diesel.
The CMA said evidence suggested at least one supermarket had set a higher target for its margin on fuel prices in 2022, which could have led to rivals following suit and raising prices too.
The BBC has contacted supermarkets individually for comment.
Asda said it would work “in full-cooperation” with the CMA and added it was “focussed on providing our customers with the best value at the pumps”.
Andrew Opie, director of food and sustainability at the BRC, said supermarkets were “confident” that they were “doing all they can to keep food prices as low as possible”.
“The UK has one of the most competitive markets for food in the world, and as global prices begin to fall we are confident that the competitive nature of the industry will help food inflation fall as a result,” he said.
Higher food prices have been hitting households hard in recent months, and some have questioned why a drop in the cost of wholesale food globally has not led to falls in the prices charged by UK supermarkets.
Supermarkets have said there is typically a three to nine-month lag to see price falls reflected in the shops.
But the war in Ukraine has driven up food prices around the world, and the UK has faced other problems on top of this – from Brexit red tape to labour shortages.
Sainsbury’s and Unilever deny prices are too high
Why are prices rising so much?
CMA chief executive Sarah Cardell, said the watchdog recognised that “global factors” were behind many grocery price increases and said it had seen “no evidence at this stage of specific competition problems”.
She added due to concerns about high prices, the CMA was “stepping up our work in the grocery sector to help ensure competition is working well and people can exercise choice with confidence”.
Ms Cardell said the watchdog was “concerned about the sustained higher margins on diesel compared to petrol we have seen this year”.
She said her team was not satisfied that all the supermarkets had been “sufficiently forthcoming with the evidence” on fuel pricing, and said bosses would be called in for formal interviews to “get to the bottom of what is going on”.
The CMA said although supermarkets still tend to be the cheapest retail suppliers of petrol and diesel, evidence indicated “at least one supermarket” had significantly increased its margin targets last year.
“Other supermarkets have recognised this change in approach and may have adjusted their pricing behaviour accordingly,” the watchdog added.
The CMA noted while Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had caused prices to rise, higher pump costs could not be “attributed solely to factors outside the control of the retailers”.
It said the higher prices at the pumps appeared to be in part due to “some weakening of competition” in the UK fuel retail market.
A review of the fuel market has been ongoing for several months, over initial concerns that retailers and forecourts were failing to pass on a 5p fuel duty cut to motorists.
Petrol prices dropping too slowly, says watchdog
Petrol pricing is cause for concern, warns watchdog
Motoring groups claimed the findings from the CMA confirmed what they had been campaigning on for some time – that drivers were not getting a fair deal.
In December, the CMA said it found evidence that so-called “rocket and feather” fuel pricing happened in 2022, when fuel prices rise as wholesale costs rise, but then fall more slowly than costs come down.
“If ever a business sector needed a major shake-up, it’s the fuel trade – critical to the cost of living, family finances, transport costs and inflation,” said Edmund King, president of the AA.
Simon Williams, fuel spokesman for the RAC, added: “Something badly needs to change to give drivers who depend on their vehicles every day a fair deal at the pumps. We hope even better news will be forthcoming later this summer.”
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goldiers1 · 1 year
Funding Boost Helps Secure Greener Freight Delivery in UK
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  - Government funding awarded to winners of the first round of Freight Innovation Fund to decarbonise freight and improve transport links - Innovative winning projects include remote island drones used in the Orkney Islands and lightweight 4-wheeled vehicles for deliveries - New solutions could help reduce pollution and traffic, create high-skilled jobs and transform how people receive their packages and goods   Drones will be used to deliver packages on remote Scottish islands as part of 9 new innovative freight projects which have been awarded £1.2 million in government funding. The first winners of the Freight Innovation Fund (FIF), backed by £7 million overall, have been announced today (11 April 2023) and could help create cleaner, more innovative ways of delivering freight around the country. This could lead to reduced emissions, increased numbers of high-skilled jobs and better delivery services in hard-to-reach parts of the UK. The winners include Skyports Deliveries, which will use drones to improve island-to-island connectivity in the Orkney Islands, and Electric Assisted Vehicles, which is developing a 4-wheel, electrically assisted lightweight delivery vehicle to help reduce road emissions. The fund is one part of the government’s Future of Freight plan launched last year, setting a strategy to work closely with industry to deliver a world-class freight system, which supports economic growth and builds on the measures already taken to tackle the global HGV driver shortage.  
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Official portrait of Mr Richard Holden. Roads Minister. Photo by Roger Harris. UK Government.   Roads Minister Richard Holden said: Whether it’s drones for deliveries on remote islands or zero emission buggies – we want to invest in future technology that could transform how we move goods around the country while reducing emissions and traffic and creating skilled jobs. The Freight Innovation Fund gives innovators the opportunity to test their ideas and help our freight industry become greener and more efficient – unlocking better connectivity and boosting growth across the country.   The winning projects are led by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have designed innovative technology and are partnered with existing industry companies to explore the viability of these solutions in real-world conditions.   The 9 projects that have been awarded funding are: £150,000 for Skyports Deliveries Ltd (project based in Orkney, Scotland and partnered with Royal Mail and Loganair): improving logistics in ports and hard-to-reach areas through the Orkney I-Port project. It will create an intermodal transport hub to improve island-to-island connectivity using drones to make deliveries, conduct surveys and monitoring. £120,000 for CurbCargo (based in London and partnered with Savills): using data to track the environmental impact of freight deliveries, which will prompt companies to change how they order products to reduce vehicle movements. £119,000 for Lightricity Ltd (based in Oxford and partnered with Bradford Swissport Ltd): using a unique, patented technology that harnesses the energy from indoor and low-level light sources to power battery-free tracking devices. This will help companies realise the benefits of tracking devices without the cost challenges of battery change and sustainability impacts. £150,000 for Electric Assisted Vehicles Ltd (based in Bicester, Oxfordshire and partnered with FedEx): developing a 4-wheel, electrically assisted lightweight delivery vehicle as an alternative to petrol and diesel vans. £145,000 for Otaski Energy Solutions Ltd and Syselek Ltd (based in Gateshead and partnered with Costain): trialling their cost and energy-efficient smart charge and bi-directional converter, which allows electric vehicles to charge from any power grid source and discharge energy back to the grid or storage. This could help create an intelligent vehicle fleet charging system that increases grid reliability, resilience and stability and high adaptations to variable loads. £129,000 for CocoonFMS Ltd (based in Lichfield, Staffordshire and partnered with Simarco Worldwide Logistics): creating a digital calculator to provide automated management of port costs and shipping expenses, providing more accurate invoice information to users, reducing port delays and improving planning of deliveries. £145,000 for Entopy (based in Suffolk and partnered with Fujitsu Services UK and Atamai Freight): creating a digital twin of shipments to track them during their delivery, providing vital information and supporting greater use of digital products in the freight sector. £133,000 for RoboK Ltd (based in Cambridge and partnered with Port of Tyne): trialling the use of their AI system to generate insights from existing video data, such as CCTV, to provide analysis on things like capacity and asset movement in real time to reduce costly delays and inefficiencies. £100,000 for Estudio Cactus (based in London and in cooperation with Portsmouth International Port): trialling the use of their health, safety, security and environment software to provide operators real-time information about their port to increase efficiency through improved resource management.  
Winner Benefits
The winning SMEs will benefit from a freight innovation fund accelerator, which will provide bespoke business support to help them access private investment. They will also be invited to join a “freight innovation cluster”, a community of innovators that will hold events, encourage collaboration and generate new opportunities, and stimulate growth within the wider freight sector. The Freight Innovation Fund aims to accelerate the adoption of existing freight technologies within the freight sector and develop a future pipeline in line with the freight industry’s real-world needs. It is a 3-year £7 million programme designed to make delivering freight across the UK more efficient and cleaner. The winning projects will support ideas and technology addressing 3 longstanding issues in the freight sector including: - a lack of large-scale cross-industry data collection and sharing between different modes of freight transport, such as road, rail and maritime, could improve efficiencies and coordination - difficulties in intermodal transport, such as between rail and road, and ways to improve how large consignments are broken up into smaller ones could reduce emissions and traffic - improvements in freight distribution in ports across different transport modes could create knock-on benefits with timings, efficiencies and predictability of the journey   In 2022, the government published the Future of Freight plan, the first-ever cross-modal and cross-government plan for the UK freight transport sector. Government launched the Freight Innovation Fund competition, which is delivered by Connected Places Catapult (CPC), earlier this year in January.  
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Nicola Yates OBE. Photographer Unknown. LinkedIn.   Nicola Yates OBE, CEO at Connected Places Catapult, said: The freight sector has an enormous opportunity to support jobs and growth across the UK, which is why today we are pleased to welcome the 9 SMEs to the first round of the Freight Innovation Fund Accelerator. Working with innovators and industry partners through our accelerator programme allows us to develop a pipeline of technology and new ideas that promise to help tackle the freight sector’s emerging needs, ensuring that resilience, efficiency and carbon reduction are core to the sector’s future. The Freight Innovation Fund builds on previous government initiatives designed to support increased research and development in the freight industry.   Sources: THX News, Department for Transport & Richard Holden MP. Read the full article
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paradisemotors · 1 year
New Mazda CX-60: What's the Fuel Efficiency?
The new Mazda CX-60 will be rolling into Adelaide dealerships in June of this year, and drivers are already preordering this stylish hybrid SUV. Hop behind the wheel of the CX-60, and the superior craftsmanship and upscale interior will instantly impress you. However, if you're like most drivers considering switching to a hybrid, you really want to know what kind of fuel efficiency you can expect if you take the plunge.
There are three hybrid engine options available for the CX-60. First is the 2.5-litre plug-in hybrid, which boasts a fantastic 2.1L/100km. Next is the 3.3-litre hybrid turbo in-line petrol engine with a 7.4L/100km fuel consumption rate. The third and final selection is the 3.3-litre hybrid turbo in-line diesel motor with 4.9L/100km fuel consumption. Every engine option is available in each of the three trims: the Evolve, GT, and Azami.
Mazda's First Plug-in
Be one of the first to drive Mazda's debut plug-in hybrid vehicle, the CX-60. The 2.5-litre four-cylinder engine is paired with a 355V, 17.8kWh high-capacity lithium-ion battery and a 100kW electric engine. This plug-in packs a punch with a combined system output of 241kW and 500Nm. This engine's impressive power output and steller fuel efficiency make this motor an excellent choice for your CX-60.
The Perfect Fit
If your family has outgrown the CX-5, but you aren't ready to commit to the seven-seater CX-8 or CX-9, the CX-60 is what you need. Inside the CX-60, passengers will enjoy increased space and luxurious features. If you're wondering if the spaciousness in the CX-60 is simply an optical illusion, you'll be excited to hear that the spaciousness of this model is no trick. The CX-60 is 45mm wider than the CX-5, and the design provides rear seat passengers with a 50mm increase in shoulder room. This model is also longer than the CX-5 by 165mm, giving passengers more room to stretch their legs on long drives.
Ready For Every Adventure
The CX-60 is outfitted with Mazda intelligent drive select (MI-Drive). With this modern feature, you'll feel confident regardless of where your journey takes you.
Normal Mode
This mode balances fuel economy and performance and is designed for everyday driving. In addition, Mazda's kinematic posture control is employed in this mode, providing greater road grip and an increased feeling of security.
Sport Mode
Switch into sport mode and enjoy your CX-60's full potential. Let the robust eight-speed transmission and high-output engine perform at their best, and you'll have the drive to remember, no matter which of the three engine options is under your bonnet.
Off-Road Mode
In off-road mode, the all-wheel drive and traction control systems are engaged to keep you grounded on varied terrain. You'll also have off-road traction assist enabled in this mode, which minimises tire spin by controlling the power directed at whichever tire is struggling.
Towing Mode
This mode maximises your CX-60's transmission and engine output for easier towing. Only available when your vehicle is equipped with a Mazda genuine towing kit, this mode also improves directional stability.
EV Mode
Keep your fuel usage low with this economical mode. This mode prioritises the electric motor to minimise fuel usage in petrol and diesel-fueled vehicles. It's the best mode for stop-and-go traffic, preventing you from using your engine unnecessarily.
Pre-Order at Your Local Adelaide Dealership
Currently, the Mazda CX-60 is expected to be for sale at dealerships in June 2023. While many manufacturers are struggling with the supply chain issues that have caused a global vehicle shortage, Mazda dealerships are not encountering the same struggles. In fact, Mazda dealerships have been able to fill vehicle orders more quickly than other brands. This promptness is due in part to the fact that Mazda has most models at local dealerships ready for immediate purchase. Choose the CX-60 and discover how enjoyable life can be with a hybrid. Swing by your local dealership and tell them you're interested in the CX-60 today.
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Banking Crisis And UK 2023 Budget Summary, What You Need To Know
Another US bank bailed while Paris burns.
3 Steps To Success Money Management! Join me online on my free live training Wednesday at 8.00PM. Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment. https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH
As expected, Jeremy Hunt’s first budget did little to excite investors and the property industry.
With the country still recovering from the events of the last two years and massive Government debt there was not much money to give away in this budget. Chancellors usually save that for a pre-election budget!
Jeremy Hunt highlighted concerns about the banking sector, following the collapse of America’s Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and a further bailout by the US banks, but reassured us that the UK banking industry is safe.
European Central Bank supervisors see no contagion for euro zone banks from recent sector turmoil, a source said on Friday, after U.S. lenders threw First Republic Bank a $30 billion lifeline and tapped record amounts from the Federal Reserve.
Large U.S. banks on Thursday were forced to rescue the San Francisco-based lender, which was caught up in market volatility triggered by the collapse of two other mid-size U.S. banks.
This week, Credit Suisse went ‘cap in hand’ to the central for an emergency bank loan of up to $54 billion to shore up its liquidity – banking terms for having no money!
The National Residential Landlords Association described it as missed opportunity to tackle the supply crisis in the private rented sector and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said it was disappointed by the lack of housing ambition in the budget.
However, the Chancellor did announce 12 new Investment Zones across the UK and relaxed Immigration Rules to help the construction industry cope with staff shortages.
Most of us will be paying more tax  in the coming years due to the ‘fiscal drag’ caused by tax allowances not rising in line with inflation each year.
Here’s a summary of the main points, but you can read the full budget speech at the commons library - https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9748/
Budget main points
·        Energy cap limiting typical household energy bills to £2,500 a year extended to June
·        £200m to bring energy charges for prepayment meters into line with prices for customers paying by direct debit - affects 4m households
·        Lifetime Allowance – the cap on amount workers can accumulate in pensions savings over their lifetime before having to pay extra tax (currently £1.07m) to be abolished
·        Tax-free yearly allowance for pension pot to rise from £40,000 to £60,000
·        The 5p cut to fuel duty on petrol and diesel, due to end in April, kept for another year
·        Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) predicts the UK will avoid recession in 2023, but the economy will shrink by 0.2%? Economy shrinking but not in recession!
·        Growth of 1.8% predicted for next year, with 2.5% in 2025 and 2.1% in 2026
·        UK's inflation rate predicted to fall to 2.9% by the end of this year, down from 10.7% in the last three months of 2022
·        Underlying debt forecast to be 92.4% of GDP this year, rising to 93.7% in 2024
·        Corporation tax, paid by businesses on taxable profits over £250,000, confirmed to increase from 19% to 25% making the UK a less competitive place to invest
·        Companies with profits between £50,000 and £250,000 to pay between 19% and 25%
·        Companies able to deduct investment in new machinery and technology to lower their taxable profits
·        Tax breaks and other benefits for 12 new Investment Zones across the UK, funded by £80m each over the next five years
·        £200m this year to help local councils in England repair potholes
·        £900m for new super computer facility, to help UK's AI industry
·        30 hours of free childcare for working parents in England expanded to cover one and two-year-olds, to be rolled out in stages from April 2024
·        A £600 "incentive payments" for those becoming childminders, and relaxed rules in England to let childminders look after more children
·        New fitness-to-work testing regime to qualify for health-related benefits
·        New voluntary employment scheme for disabled people in England and Wales, called Universal Support
·        Tougher requirements to look for work and increased job support for lead child carers on universal credit
·        £63m for programmes to encourage retirees over 50 back to work, "returnerships" and skills boot camps
·        Immigration rules to be relaxed for five roles in construction sector, to ease labour shortages
Source: BBC News
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trevorlarkum · 1 year
Electric cars are 'significantly cheaper' to service than petrols and diesels - but we're on course to have a shortage of qualified mechanics to work on them
Average servicing costs for an EV is £103 – petrol car is £151 and diesels is £163 Experts suggest lower bills for EVs is a result of having fewer moving parts IMI is concerned the uptake in technicians earning qualifications to work on battery cars isn’t keeping pace with the growth in EV sales  While many drivers still have their concerns about switching to electric vehicles (EVs) – from high…
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outsourcingbd · 1 year
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creativeregime · 1 year
How inflation has affected Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is estimated as a country with a dire economic crisis. It has highly affected the domestic economy. Inflation has a bigger impact on domestic economic conditions because the rates of essential food items are increased. As a result of this Sri Lankan families struggles to survive. Sometimes it is hard for some people to fulfill even a single meal because their salaries are insufficient to buy essential food items. Sri Lanka has raised income taxes and planning to give some economic freedom to the poor as well as non-poor consumers by reducing imports. The lack of financial stability leads to continuous power cuts. As a result of this, all domestic living beings get depressed.
Furthermore, inflation has affected negatively the healthcare industry as the Sri Lankan government no longer has the cash reserves to import medicine. As a result, Sri Lanka’s healthcare system is also on the verge of collapse today. The growing shortage of basic drugs and medical supplies has affected many patients both economically and mentally as they are told to obtain their required medicine from privately owned pharmacies. Moreover, Kotelawala (2022), states that this has caused certain hospitals to temporally hold some medical treatments as well as surgeries.
Moreover, the Education field has also been greatly affected due to this inflation yet it has received relatively less attention. The latest concern facing both teachers and students I’d the increase in fuel prices and it has made transportation to and from school unaffordable. It is recorded that petrol has risen by 33.1% and diesel by 64.2% in 2022. Fuel shortages have also led to frequent power cuts. The students who faced Advanced Level and Ordinary Level examinations in 2022/23 have been greatly affected by this. Not only that but also due to the paper shortage and inability to print exam papers in March 2022 the scheduled term tests AHAs were postponed indefinitely.
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harboerodgers56 · 1 year
Tips To Create Your Air Tanks To Help Keep Longer When Diving
Moisture can build up in many distinct parts of your compressor anyone need recognize how to touch it. The tanks on the machine will be places from where the most moisture will collect. To get rid of the moisture you will need to drain it using the valves the particular machine. Replacing the AC compressor on a GM 350 engine isn't nearly as hard due to the fact looks. The compressor is held towards engine by an aluminum cradle. The cradle won't have to be removed substitute the converter screw . There are simply three bolts that hold the compressor for the cradle that has to be gotten rid of. A diesel car can have a larger range (with a long range tank in a solid diesel car you can travel a lot more thousand kilometers) and offer much more torque. Petrol engines however have more power but they also need staying revved up more. Beneficial push a diesel engine it can use up to 30% more fuel, whereas a petrol engine may use up to 60% a lot of. This is what comes about when you drive on beaches, or in order to towing a trailer. Diesel Vehicles could be run on vegetable oil (which is very, very cheap) when know how to buy it and you can runs well on the product. Buying a diesel car may assist money in the long run. Could teach the beginning always in order to understand prove. But, you can bet on getting a creation that is solidly engineered, reliable and fun drive an automobile. Click Here produce low emissions and last for some time time. The quality diesel jeans absolutely include shapely looking figure in addition to your personality. Home will find innumerable manufactures of jeans, but some individuals wise selecting the one which illustrates your appearances just properly. Inevitably that Diesel jeans are probably the competitive and popular brands in the business enterprise nowadays. At mobile diesel compressor for sale branded clothes ensure that every person can easily get. It's crucial that the clothes you wear are snug and attractive at once. The clothes are put on regularly for they may be appreciated by most girls. One belonging to the bad points of increasing bio fuel production is the amount of land that may be for you to grow the oil producing plants that are needed. Concern has been raised that farm land used for food production is actually going to used for fuel production, and some lead to food cost inflation, or at worst food shortages that will effect creating nations. It's always smart obtain a compressor that is capable to get more than you need to have. You will probably add more tools regarding future, and almost all compressed air systems can have a leaking hose or coupling in a place that's! If you excessive black smoke out of your exhaust but your car has covered on the hundred thousand miles your injectors did a lot of work along with need exchanging. New injectors or nozzles can build your car drive like new and trim expenses on fuel pretty. Visit the Diesel Injectors UK how do people get advise on changing nozzles and injectors.
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creatiview · 1 year
Move comes after the bloc found new supplies of diesel from the US, Middle East and India to replace Russian energy supplies.Europe has imposed a ban on Russian diesel fuel and other refined oil products, slashing energy dependency on Moscow and seeking to further crimp the Kremlin’s fossil fuel earnings as punishment for invading Ukraine. Sunday’s ban comes along with a price cap agreed by the Group of Seven (G7) allied countries – the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Canada. The goal is allowing Russian diesel to keep flowing to countries such as China and India and avoiding a sudden price rise that would hurt consumers worldwide while reducing the profits funding Moscow’s budget and war. Diesel is key for the economy because it is used to power cars, trucks carrying goods, farm equipment and factory machinery. Diesel prices have been elevated because of recovering demand after the COVID-19 pandemic and limits on refining capacity, contributing to inflation for other goods worldwide. The new sanctions create uncertainty about prices as the 27-nation European Union finds new supplies of diesel from the US, Middle East and India to replace those from Russia, which at one point delivered 10 percent of Europe’s total diesel needs. Those are longer journeys than from Russia’s ports, stretching available tankers. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6v2MwkdXk[/embed] Neil Atkinson, a former International Energy Agency analyst, told Al Jazeera the EU sanctions on Russian products were unlikely to have a big impact on prices, at least initially. This is because companies worldwide have been building up stocks of Russian products ahead of the well-advertised ban, Atkinson said. “There is the possibility that if demand growth is very strong in the Asian economies … we could find that the lack of investment in parts of the oil industry infrastructure could lead to shortages and spikes in prices,” he said. G7’s price cap The G7 price cap of $100 per barrel for diesel, jet fuel and petrol is to be enforced by barring insurance and shipping services from handling diesel priced over the limit. Most of those companies are located in Western countries. It follows a $60-per-barrel cap on Russian crude that took effect in December and is supposed to work the same way. Both the diesel and oil caps could be tightened later. The diesel price cap will not bite immediately because it was set at about what Russian diesel trades for. Russia’s chief problem now will be finding new customers, not evading the price ceiling. However, the cap aims to prevent Russian gains from any sudden price spikes in refined oil products. Analysts say there might be a price bump initially as markets sort out the changes. But they say the embargo should not cause a price spike if the cap works as intended and Russian diesel keeps flowing to other countries. Diesel fuel at the pump has been flat since the start of December, costing 1.80 euros per litre ($7.37 per gallon) as of January 30, according to the weekly oil market report issued by the EU’s executive commission. Pump prices in Germany, the EU’s largest economy, fell 2.6 cents to 1.83 euros per litre ($7.48 per gallon) as of January 31. The ban provides for a 55-day grace period for diesel loaded on tankers before Sunday, a step that aims to prevent ruffling markets. EU officials say importers have had time to adjust since the ban was announced in June. Russia earned more than $2bn from diesel sales to Europe in December alone as importers appear to have stocked up with added purchases ahead of the ban. Europe has already banned Russian coal and most crude oil, while Moscow has cut off most shipments of natural gas. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUdTwBYBzcc[/embed]
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holdenlane01 · 1 year
Daikin Air Con - Tips On How To Choose The Perfect One
A diesel car may have a larger range (with a long range tank in a great diesel car you can travel on the thousand kilometers) and they have much more torque. Petrol engines however have more power nonetheless need to be revved up more. When push a diesel engine it may use up to 30% more fuel, whereas a petrol engine may use up to 60% many more. This is what the place you drive on beaches, or you might be towing a trailer. Diesel Vehicles could be run on vegetable oil (which is very, very cheap) a person have know how to buy it and you can runs well on the situation. Make sure you exactly what you are buying. You have to take all critical factors in to consideration. On the road intended for that compressor as well as how big and how powerful means that have to be the right size if you would like to get the very finest air compressor for you might. One of the bad points of increasing bio fuel production is the amount of land which could be necessary to grow the oil producing plants that are required. Concern has been raised that farm land used for food production possibly be used for fuel production, and this will lead to food cost inflation, or at worst food shortages that will effect developing nations. The higher cost of diesel fuel in contrast to gas is a deterrent for many people considering a second user diesel construction vehicle. However, buyers should take note that diesel has a very high energy density than flatulence. In Link , it takes more gas than diesel to get the same power output. Therefore, https://www.sunritaac.com/18-5kw-mining-diesel-piston-air-compressor-w3-0-5/ is substantially more cost-effective than gas over-the-counter life in the truck in all of circumstances. Gas trucks may efficient if always driven very short distances. You might be neglected if that you're hungry for casual shoes, either. Diesel sneakers include a piece of attitude your sports shoe wardrobe. Leather sneakers by using a soft lining will keep feet comfortable, and the lighter colored heel and tongue set these inspite of other boots and shoes. Diesel sneakers have a rubber sole for excellent traction, on the go. screw up 2. You mail your list offers that are unrelated from what the existing list email is of. You have several different prices for solutions that you given to your list, but you present them in no specific order, therefore even if promoting a $97 product in week one and a $17 product in week 20. After all of the glacier white snow has melted, well-developed your onyx or ruby red paint to shine brightly, so before the cold, snow and ice has a negative effect using your ride's closure.coat your diesel with a solid coat of wax. And, be towable air compressor to wash your truck frequently in the winter months and to pay attention to the wheel wells and undercarriage.
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