perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Perfect Score Conference: The Big day!
Hello Perfect Score fans! Can you believe it’s been over a whole week since the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference, our music industry careers event designed especially for young people?
The day was a huge success: massive thanks to the exhibitors, panellists, speakers, performers, tutors, funders, gophers, teachers, guardians and (of course!) the enthusiastic young attendees for making it so special.
The event kicked off at around 9.30am as the young people arrived keen and ready to learn, already the atmosphere was buzzing as they excitedly perused the 15 exhibitor stalls and chatted to representatives from organisations across the music industry.
At 10am the attendees hustled into the auditorium to hear the keynote speeches. First, Pedestrian’s Director Bob Christer welcomed everyone to the event, and encouraged the young people to start devising some burning questions to put to the panel later! Louise Rickwood of The Creative Industries Federation started the keynote speeches by setting the scene of the event, revealing that the music industry is worth £5.2 billion to the UK economy and engaging the audience with some energetic live interaction, welcoming their contributions. This was then followed by some words from Oliver Morris of UK Music and Skatta, a young grime artist from Coventry.  They spoke about pathways into the music industry, and shared Skatta’s latest music video.
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The young people were then let loose to explore the exhibition stands in more depth, including enjoying displays and demonstrations by organisations such as OHMI Trust, The National Foundation for Youth Music, Intasound, Confetti, Normans Musical Instruments, Youth Education Project, Leicester Music Education Hub, Steinberg Media Technologies, Musicians’ Union, The Mighty Creatives, Rock School Limited, Amara Publishing, Horus Music, DeMontfort University and Voice Magazine. The attendees had a fab time interacting with the exhibits, including music technology, software and instruments (including some unusual home-made varieties!)
During this time, young people who have been involved with the Perfect Score project developing and rehearsing their own original music met with UK Music to present their tracks and receive personalised feedback about ways to advance their music industry career. These young performers are known as the the Press Start Musicians and Trainees, and include Estar, Sly, 11, Usman, Muzi, TM, Aaliyah Essence, Nidah Hanif, and Dulzo.
At 11am it was time for the workshops.  One was lead by Leicester music-scene veteran and beatboxer Akshay Sharma (a.k.a. Mr. Shay), which was a journey into music technology: how it used, by who, and covering the evolution of music technology from the piano to modern-day samplers. The young people really got involved and enjoyed the session.
The second workshop was by event and stage manager Kelly McCormack, which was all about the role of the stage manager.  This included defining what a stage manager does, the skills and personality required, the pros and cons of the job, some insights from other people in the business, as well as good ways to get experience if you’re interested in pursuing stage management as a career. It was a fun session, which had the young people very engaged and interested.
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It was then time for lunch, a busy time when the young people chatted to exhibitors and listened to music. Perfect Score Project Manager Kate Rounding even got the chance to show them her flute playing skills, accompanied by music tracks created during Pedestrian’s Concept music project!
The next activity for the day was the panel discussion, our panel was comprised of Oliver Morris, Louise Rickwood, Kelly McCormack, Skatta, Perfect Score Press Start musician Estar, and Tanyel Gumushan and Niall O’Connor of PPLPRS. Questions posed to the panel included those around collecting royalties and registering with PPLPRS, how the organisation operates, and the kind of corporate work that ensures people are licensed. There was also a lot of discussion about inspiration, why artists make their own music and the challenges that the panellists have faced in their music careers. The key message to the young people was that there is no straight pathway in anyone’s music career - everyone’s journey is different, but each time a door closes a new opportunity opens elsewhere. Young musician Estar spoke very confidently about her own musical journey with the Perfect Score project, and the work she’s doing towards getting her music known.
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In the final part of the day the young attendees were treated to performances by the Perfect Score Press Start musicians. The performances were incredible and the atmosphere amazing as the musicians performed a diverse range of music including rock, hip-hop, R&B and reggae-inspired pieces in response to smiles, big applause and back row singing and dancing by the audience! Sly and Estar’s performance celebrated their home in the the city of Leicester, referencing lots of Leicester landmarks and features. All of the Press Start musicians showed great bravery and confidence, to the admiration of everyone watching.
The event then drew to a close, the day having been a great success. Altogether 145 people attended the event, including 80 young people. After the young people and their guardians had departed, a partner organisation forum was held which was attended by over 30 people from organisations including HQ Familia, Arts Council England, Soft Touch Arts and Technology in Music Education. This represented a chance to explore future thinking and discuss the development of joined-up approaches to working across Leicester and the East Midlands. All the music industry representatives that attended were very impressed with the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference, and expressed a desire to continue and take it further.
We hope you enjoyed Perfect Score, and that we’ll see you again next year! Keep your eyes peeled for more videos, photos and snippets from the project, which we will share as they become available.
As ever, if you’d like to contact us about this project you can reach Pedestrian’s Perfect Score team by emailing [email protected].
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conceptmusicyourway · 4 years
Concept At Northampton College
This week (17th - 21st February 2020) has been the spring half-term holiday here in the East Midlands, and the Concept team have been in Northamptonshire at Northampton College delivering their latest residency. Young people from the Russian, Tamil and Ghanaian supplementary schools worked with our team of professional musicians and music producers to create their own original music, with extra support provided by students from the Northampton College Music Department.
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It’s been brilliant working with the very talented music students; they are studying Level 3 Music Performance and Level 3 Music Technology and have given up their half term to be involved in Concept. Charlie, a student from the course, was surprised at how fun and inclusive the week had been for all involved: “when we were told we’d be part of teaching music for our work experience I thought it might be boring, a bit school-like. I was really surprised at how much fun it was!”
The music students have been working with the Concept team to help the young people create and record their music, as well as teaching guitar, drums and keyboards. It has been a great opportunity for the students to get fully immersed in inclusive music-making and to gain experience of workshop leading. 
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Emma, one of the students, began her musical journey as a participant on Concept a couple of years ago and is now on the Level 3 Music Technology course. Emma said: “I enjoyed working with the young people, especially helping to write lyrics and playing piano to help create the young people’s song!”
The young Concept participants chose the theme of ‘power’ to draw inspiration from and to help shape their compositions and songs. They have found ways of expressing individual responses to the theme through the choice of instrumentation, the style in which it is played, the use of dynamics and the way in which the music is arranged. Some of the young people have written song lyrics exploring topics including community, politics and women’s empowerment. 
 “I have really enjoyed writing the lyrics with Tian”, says Anton, a young person from the Russian supplementary school. Tian also began his music-leading journey as a Concept participant a few years ago in Leicester, and is now a valued member of the Concept team. 
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Timurs said “I have learnt how to play drums this week”, and Nik shares that: “I have tried the electric guitar and really enjoyed playing it” 
In addition to learning instruments, composing, and recording an album of music, the young participants have also completed an Arts Award qualification at Discover and Bronze levels. One young person has been able to continue their Silver Arts Award journey throughout the residency. It has been a very productive week indeed! 
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Early in the week the young people had the opportunity to learn some new skills in beat-boxing and using the loop station, they then shared their new skills with each other as part of their Arts Award. Music leader Elio Andrade worked with the young musicians from the college to develop a performance, which was enjoyed by all and reviewed as part of the Arts Award by the participants. 
It was great to see the young people trying so many new ways to create music, trying new instruments, playing as part of a band, composing music on the computer and having the opportunity to record in the college’s industry-standard recording studio. They were also able to learn about the music industry and the different ways that a career in music can be developed. 
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The album, titled ‘P6WER’, contains a whopping seven tracks created by the young people, and we can’t wait to share it! We will be performing it to a supportive audience of friends, parents, carers and members of the college team on Friday afternoon. There will be lots more news from the Concept residency at Northampton over the next few weeks, check back to find out how the performance went and where you can listen to the new album! 
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Pedestrian are delighted to announce the launch of their brand new music project, Distant Drums! This project is all about the sound system culture that made its way to the UK with the Windrush Generation and influenced the local music and live performance scene.
Sessions will take place at Pedestrian’s premises in Leicester city centre (29A Horsefair Street, Leicester, LE1 5BP) on Tuesday evenings 6pm - 9pm from 25th February to 14th April 2020. Participants will have the chance to interview the people involved in the sound system scene, create their own music and exhibit their work at the Leicester Riverside Festival.
What is Distant Drums?
Distant Drums is a Heritage Lottery funded project led by arts company Whispered Tales in partnership with Pedestrian. The project will focus on the development of an interactive sound system installation; the final large-scale exhibit will be hosted at Leicester Riverside Festival on the 6th and 7th June 2020 and then again at Grafwerk art gallery in Leicester during Black History Month.
Pedestrian will host a series of workshops in which young people will act as researchers and interviewers, meeting and recording the memories and thoughts of a range of people who have experience of the sound system culture. This will include musicians, producers, technicians and people who build the sound systems, as well as members of the community who have taken part in carnival or have memories related to the sound system culture.
The interviews will be included in the exhibit, allowing members of the public to listen back through headphones. Participants will also have opportunity to create original music to be included in the exhibit.
To sign up and for further information, please contact [email protected].
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Throwback to October 2019 when Perfect Score Tutors Naji and Tyler accompanied Press Start Trainee Tian to BBC Introducing at Tobacco Dock in London. They spent their Hallowe’en trying out DJ equipment, networking and attending master classes by the likes of DJ Semtex, Keith Dube, Craig David, Eats Everything, Maverick Sabre and Rachel Furner. This video gives you a taste of the energy and excitement of the day. Enjoy!
Read more about the visit to BBC Introducing in our previous Tumblr post here: https://perfectscoreblog.tumblr.com/post/189078221389/perfect-score-visits-bbc-introducing?is_related_post=1
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Introducing: The Perfect Score Assistant Music Leaders
The Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference is almost here! This Friday we’ll be welcoming young people, their teachers and guardians, and an impressive array of seasoned music professionals to Curve Theatre in Leicester city centre to network, perform, discuss and learn all about making a career in the music industry. We’re very excited!
In this last instalment before the event we’d like to introduce some of the fantastic, talented and hard working young musicians we’re working with; these young people have been long-term participants of the Perfect Score project and will be performing their original music live at the conference.
Muzi Moyo AKA Muzi Beats
Muziwandile Moyo is an 18 year-old Producer local to Leicester. The young virtuoso began his musical journey from the tender age of 14, having taught himself how to use Logic Pro and play the keyboard proficiently. He is focused on refining his mixing and mastering to an industry standard to allow him to reach the next level in his career.
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Michael Simpson AKA Sly
Michael Simpson AKA Sly is an experienced American/UK hip hop artist with a versatile style. He is a lyricist: dexterous with wordplay, outstanding with themes and clever yet playful with verses. Michael is working with Pedestrian as a Trainee Music Leader as part of the Perfect Score project, and is known across the region for his unique sound and performances that are not to be missed. MSK SLY ALL DAY!
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Tian Mhende AKA TM Official
TM (Tian Mhende) is an 18 year-old Rapper form Leicester. Having only started recording and performing this year, he has already made a major impact, not only on the Perfect Score programme, but also on his peers and the Leicester music community. His willingness to learn and all or nothing attitude in the studio is amazing and inspiring.
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You can see all these up-and-coming young creatives and more share live music at our Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference in Leicester this Friday! This year’s conference is now fully booked, but we hope to deliver a similar event in 2021, drop an email to [email protected] to register your interest.
See you Friday, music fans!
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Introducing our panellists from PPLPRS Ltd.
Our music industry conference designed especially for young people is just over a week away! We’re pleased to confirm our two panellists from PPLPRS Ltd., who will be joining us to share their expertise about the music industry: Corporate New Business Advisor Niall O’Connor, and Theatre and Variety Specialist Tanyel Gumushan.
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Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) and Performing Rights Society for Music (PRS) joined forces to become PPLPRS Ltd..  The former represents performers and record companies, the latter is a society of songwriters, composers and music publishers. Both organisations ensure that the creators and performers of music are paid when their music is used in public.
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Niall’s role at PPLPRS involves generating revenue through identifying new business opportunities and ensuring the accurate licensing of this business by adopting a consultative sales approach. He researches and sources copyright infringement to generate licenses and ultimately collect the royalties outstanding to PPL and PRS members.
Since graduating with a first class degree in Music Business from Leeds College of Music in 2018, Niall has been working within the music industries at PPLPRS. His passions lie in event management, innovation and the arts. As a creative, he has used his entrepreneurial mindset to launch his own app/website, Goobie, as a platform for emerging musicians and promoters to connect. Demonstrating his appreciation for the entertainment sector, he has also organised performances (both live and online) for undiscovered singer-songwriters around the UK as Rhino Session’s Director.
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Tanyel Gumushan is a Theatre and Variety Specialist at PPLPRS. As an Account Manager of high-profile venues and producers across the UK, she is responsible for licensing events and collecting PPL and PRS royalties for their members. This role involves researching events, collecting set lists, checking repertoires, and issuing licences.
Tanyel has worked as a freelance journalist (NME, DIY, Clash, The Guardian) and in PR within the music industries for seven years. During this time she has run a campaign to support young people in grassroots venues, held the position of Music Editor at TMRW magazine (where she secured and wrote cover interviews with the likes of Little Mix and Niall Horan), and has worked with Universal Music artists; including Ramz; on press campaigns. Currently, her work focuses more on theatrical productions as she also runs her own theatre blog.
Both Niall and Tanyel will attend the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference, where they will be on the music industry panel.  They will also be joining Oliver Morris of UK Music in enjoying performances by and giving advice to young people involved with the Perfect Score Press Start sessions, as a way of helping them to advance their music careers.
We hope to see you on Friday 24th January at Perfect Score!
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Meet The Exhibitors: Horus Music and Anara Publishing
The Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference is almost here! We’re delighted that Horus Music and Anara Publishing will be joining us once again as exhibitors to share their knowledge about the music industry.
Horus Music is an award-winning distribution and label services company, distributing music to over 200 digital platforms in more territories than any other company. They have in-house playlisting and marketing teams and with Horus, all artists are given equal chances of promotion within their extensive network.
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Anara Publishing is the sister company of Horus Music, providing a simple solution for independent songwriters to have music publishing and sync licensing representation. They work with a handpicked roster of unique artists from around the globe.
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You can meet both of these music industry companies at our conference, which will take place at Curve Theatre in Leicester city centre on Friday 24th January 2020.  Places are now fully booked, but we do hope to run the evemt again next year so do get in touch to register your interest!
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Perfect Score Press Start at Sirkus Studios
Press Start young people were accompanied by Perfect Score Music Leaders Naji Richards and Akshay Sharma to Sirkus Studios in Nottingham, where they enjoyed a mixing and mastering masterclass with Karl Junga (also known as Robin) to gain valuable insights into professional mastering techniques.
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Robin has a track record of  international chart success, with number 1s as signed artist, writer, performer, producer, mixer and mastering engineer. The team learnt techniques needed to work with music to ensure it is of the highest quality and ready to be played on radio, online, through large PA systems and for vinyl pressing.
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All high-quality mastering begins with a great mix, and Robin worked on two of the tracks created by the Press Start musicians and producers to demonstrate the techniques used to prepare a recording for mastering. He then went on to demonstrate how he utilises a range of techniques and plug-ins to master the tracks so they sound the very best on any platform. Both mixing and mastering of audio requires skill in the use of music technology as well as a tuned and developed ear, along with creative finesse to ensure the tracks are clear, balanced and contemporary. Robin said that the Press Start participants were keen to learn about the processes involved and able to take some new and advanced terminology, skills and techniques from the session.
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Behold the official video for the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference 2020!  Check out this short film to get a taste of what the day was like.
On Friday 24th Janaury 2020 80 young people gathered at Curve Theatre in Leicester to meet representatives from the music industry and learn more about pursuing a career in music.  The event featured exhibition stands, live demonstrations, panels, workshops and live performances.
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perfectscoreblog · 4 years
Meet The Exhibitors: Musicians’ Union and Steinberg Media Technologies
The Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference is approaching fast - it’s next month! We’ll be joined there by a host of high-profile music industry organisations and figures, including the Musicians’ Union and Steinberg Media Technologies, who will be exhibiting at the event.
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The Musicians’ Union are a community of over 31,000 members that protects its members’ rights and  campaigns for a fairer music industry. They say: 
‘Join a bigger band [...] We work for you by negotiating with all the major employers in the industry, as well as offering services, benefits and advice tailored to your needs at every stage of your career.’
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Steinberg Media Technologies are the creators of Cubase, which they describe as:
‘One of the most powerful music creation software packages in the world. With its unrivalled range of flexible tools, you can create any kind of music quickly and intuitively. It comes packed with a wide range of virtual instruments, effects and thousands of sounds. Whether you’re a professional composer or a music production beginner, Cubase provides you with everything you need for turning your ideas into music. PC and Mac.’
If you’re booked to attend the conference, you can visit the Steinberg exhibition stand to sign up for a free copy of Cubase LE and see live demonstrations of some of the groundbreaking Cubase features with Manchester’s very own DJ Sappo.
The conference features 14 exhibitors from across the music industry, as well as having talks, panel discussions, performances and seminars lined up.  The event is shaping up to be really exciting, we hope you’ll be joining us then!
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perfectscoreblog · 5 years
Young People’s Music Conference Exhibitor Confirmed - Youth Education Project
At the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference in January we will be joined by the Youth Education Project (YEP), who will be exhibiting at the event as well as bringing along some of the young people they’re working with to participate, learn and be inspired.
YEP was constituted in 2012 as a Not for Profit Social Enterprise, in response to the growing need for an innovative service that could effectively work with young people who are classed as not in education, employment or training (NEET) or hard to reach. They also work with young people with offending histories and those that have been looked after by the local authority.
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YEP typically works with young people aged 14 - 19 years, but also cater for those aged 19+ if they have a statement of special educational needs. In addition, YEP works with young people who have had disrupted educational experiences, have been excluded from mainstream provisions or have complex and/or additional learning needs who have found it hard to engage in mainstream education settings.
YEP aims to be an effective community resource; programmes have been designed and teams developed so that they can effectively engage and work with individuals with complex needs and behaviours. This includes offending behaviour, learning difficulties and/or disabilities, and those with mental health concerns.  
YEP has a skilled team of 17 staff - comprising of teachers, tutors, youth workers, a community engagement worker, a social worker, administrators and senior management. The team reflects the diverse nature of Leicester; it has staff that understand and are fluent in Urdu, Punjabi, Somali, Bengali, French, Hindi and Gujarati as well as English. These skills enable engagement and support of learners who speak English as a secondary language and/or have wider additional needs.
As an alternative education provider YEP offers vocational programmes in motor vehicle studies, childcare, art and design and digital music production, as well as maths and English.
They also offer evening sessions for participants aged 19+, in creative media, textiles, fashion and design, art and crafts, up-cycling and sports.
100 young people will be meeting YEP and and many other music industry insiders at the Perfect Score Young People’s Careers Conference on Friday 24th January 2020 at Curve Theatre in Leicester city centre. Please be advised that bookings for this event are now full.
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conceptmusicyourway · 5 years
Showcase Rehearsal
On Wednesday last week (27th November) Concept participants teamed up with Core Actors to rehearse for their collaborative performance at The Core in Corby.
The young musicians and actors used the themes of light, travel and space. Set in alien landscapes and on distant planets, the theatre production tells stories of life on Earth and journeys through outer space.
Music created by the young people during their Concept project residency is threaded throughout the performance, providing the soundtrack. It also features live performances from young Concept musician Jo, who performs his original song Barren Worlds and Atmospheres.
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The music used in the production is taken from an album created by the young people called Keep The Light On. The songs on the album were shaped by the themes of culture and light, with the young musicians discussing the autumn season and recent celebrations of Diwali, Halloween and Bonfire Night. The group explored light through different lenses, focusing particularly on light, dark, shade and differences. The album embarks on a journey through challenging times but offering solutions and brighter times ahead.
The showcase performance took place on Wednesday 4th December; we’ll be back soon to tell you how it went and share photos!
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perfectscoreblog · 5 years
Introducing Louise Rickwood
The Perfect Score team are delighted to announce that Louise Rickwood, Creative Careers Manager at the Creative Industries Federation, will be delivering the keynote speech alongside Oliver Morris at our upcoming music conference for young people.
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In her role as Creative Careers Manager, Louise is involved with the Creative Careers Programme, an industry-designed initiative intended to raise awareness of opportunities for work across the creative economy.  It exists to inform and inspire young people about careers they may never have even heard of, and discover the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in those careers when they leave school.  The programme is delivered by the Creative Industries Federation, ScreenSkills and Creative and Cultural Skills.
Before assuming her current role, Louise was the Education Programme Manager at the Roundhouse in London; engaging young people with music, spoken word, theatre, film and circus skills.  She has worked extensively in youth arts participation and cultural education, having worked as a youth theatre practitioner and youth arts producer across a number of theatres, museums and heritage sites.
Louise is also a trustee of Lewisham Arts Education Network (LEAN), which champions arts education in Lewisham.  She is passionate about spoken word, theatre and music and can often be found at a gig or theatre performance.
The Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference will take place at Curve Theatre in Leicester city centre on Friday 24th January 2020, bringing together top industry professionals who will impart their wisdom to 100 young people along with their teachers, carers and guardians.  We hope to see you there!
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perfectscoreblog · 5 years
Perfect Score 2020 - More Exhibitors Announced!
We are pleased to share details of two more music organisations who will exhibit at our Perfect Score event in January 2020: The Mighty Creatives and Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies.
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The Mighty Creatives is a charity who believes that access to play, creativity and culture is vital to support the growth and development of every child and young person aged 0 - 25 years. They believe that creative talent is everywhere, but that opportunities for young people to be creative are not.
They exist to generate more creative interventions through promoting, developing and designing high quality work that has the creative voice of children and young people at its heart.
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Confetti is a creative institute in Nottingham and is a part of Nottingham Trent University.  They deliver college and degree-level courses in music technology, music performance, live events, film and TV, visual effects, digital media, games technology and games art. Their courses are vocational, connected to the industries learners want to work in and are designed to give students the very best chance of success.
You can meet both these exhibitors and more at the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference 2020, which will be held on Friday 24th January 2020 at Curve Theatre in Leicester city centre.  Join us then to take the next steps in your music career!
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perfectscoreblog · 5 years
Press Start Sessions Begin This Week!
The Perfect Score team is very excited as the project’s Press Start sessions begin this week!
These drop-in music sessions for young people focus on advancing their knowledge of mixing, mastering and sound production; developing their music skills.  Participants will enjoy masterclasses from Robin Junga (KJAMM Mastering), who is a lecturer at DeMontfort University and works out of Sirkus Studios.  You can check out his work here: www.kjamm.com
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Attendees will have the opportunity to learn new skills and create their own original recorded music, which they can then share at the Perfect Score Young People’s Careers Conference on Friday 24th January 2020, where they will be presented to the teams from UK Music and PRS.  The work in the Press Start sessions will also prepare the young people to deliver a performance, leading to the chance to perform live at the Perfect Score event, demonstrating their expertise.
If you’re a budding young musician, producer or MC, come along to Press Start and get your sounds ready for sharing at the Perfect Score Young People’s Careers Conference! Sessions begin on Wednesday 20th November 2019 and run every Wednesday and Thursday 7pm - 9pm until Friday 24th January 2020. They will take place at Pedestrian’s premises in Leicester city centre (29A Horsefair Street, Leicester, LE1 5BP).
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conceptmusicyourway · 5 years
Concept Young People To Perform in Shared Showcase
Today we’re looking ahead to a shared showcase event between Concept and The Core in Corby that will bring together Core actors, the youth theatre group at The Core and the young musicians and producers who have taken part in Concept.
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The Core actors have been working with innovative theatre practitioner Jenny Sheehan to develop a range of new devised and scripted performances around the themes of light, the moon and space travel with The Martian Chronicles as an inspirational starting point. The Concept young musicians and music producers have the opportunity to share and perform their recorded and live music in collaboration with the talented young actors in the youth theatre group, and have developed music inspired by the themes to share at the showcase.
The Concept Shared Showcase will take place on Wednesday 4th December 2019 in The Lab at The Core in Corby, full information and booking is available by calling The Core Box Office on 0153 647 0470.
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