#Paul Joseph Goebbels
bluegalaxy7 · 4 months
Let's celebrate Valentine's Day in our own way
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ein-der-traum · 1 year
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~Paul Joseph Goebbels~
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Bette Davis (All About Eve, Now Voyager, Jezebel)—She is a bitch and I like her so much. Also: unf. She does it all: rage, vulnerability, romantic passion, hauteur that invites beholders to say "step on me" under their breath. Her work in the 1930s, from melodramas to romantic comedies, is excellent, but I've mentioned 1940s films above because I feel that she really was at her best once the studio allowed her star image to get edgier. Also her decades-long platonic friendships with male co-stars (e.g. Paul Henreid, Claude Rains) are very important to me. Anyway: bow down before Bette Davis, HBIC.
Lilian Harvey (Die Drei von der Tankstelle, Der Kongreß Tanzt, Glückskinder)— Lilian Harvey was one of the most popular German film stars of her time, appearing alongside frequent co-star Willy Fritsch like a European version of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. She had it all: she could act, she could dance, she could sing, she was hot, and she wasn't afraid to stick it to the Nazis. During the 1930s, she remained in contact with her Jewish friends and colleagues, which earned her the scrutiny of the Gestapo. When choreographer Jens Keith was arrested for having a sexual relationship with another man, Lilian posted his bail, allowing him to escape to France. She was eventually forced to flee Germany herself, and her film career never recovered. She is perhaps best known to American filmgoers from her brief mention in "Inglourious Basterds," when Joseph Goebbels insists that her name not be mentioned in his presence.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lilian Harvey:
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Bette Davis:
"The absolute GOAT of vintage cinema. An icon. Her EYES. Any time you see Bette on screen you know she's about to steal the spotlight. Her range is incredible, she can play coy, shy, mischevious, innocent, evil, hideous, beautiful, cunning, and wise all with the same self assurance and talent. I live in awe of her ability. And, of course, she's gorgeous. I think she peaked in 1950 with "All About Eve", at the age of 42- she was in full control of her craft, she's a milf, and her scratchy voice makes me nervous in a good way."
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"She’s Bette fuckin’ Davis! She had a great sense of humor and a lovely pair of eyes! She was a camp icon and fuckin’ knew it. And she wasn’t afraid to make fun of herself!"
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"shes got a whole song of saying how hot someone is bc they look like her"
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"She's got Bette Davis eyes! Incredible character actress, charming, witty as all hell. Her favourite accessory was a lit cigarette."
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er1chartmann · 3 months
Albert Speer
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These are some facts and curiosities about Albert Speer, the Fuhrer's architect:
He was born in  March 19, 1905.
He spent his youth in the Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg, the luxurious family home in Heidelberg, and cultivated a wide range of interests, including skiing, mountain excursions, rugby and, above all, mathematics, a discipline towards which he had a fervent passion.
However, due to his father's opposition, Speer ultimately chose to follow in his uncle's footsteps and study to become an architect.
After studying at the University of Karlsruhe, he moved to Munich, where he studied at the Berlin Institute of Technology, under the guidance of the famous architect Heinrich Tessenow.
During his university years Speer never adhered to any specific faith or political opinion.
This substantial "apoliticality" ceased during his discipleship at Tessenow, when Albert was persuaded by some of his students to participate in a Nazi party demonstration
Speer came into contact with Hitler in 1933 through the intercession of Rudolf Hess, by whom the architect was commissioned to design the apparatus for the Nuremberg rally that year.
Despite some initial doubts, the project met with the sympathy of the Führer and, above all, of Joseph Goebbels, who asked him to renew the Ministry of Propaganda.
An immediate understanding was established between Speer and Hitler: the Führer, in fact, was looking for a young architect capable of giving life to his architectural ambitions for a new Germany and therefore immediately included Speer in his closest circles.
Upon Troost's death in 1934, Speer was chosen by Hitler to replace him as chief architect of the Party.
In 1942, after the death of Fritz Todt (which occurred in a mysterious plane crash), Hitler surprisingly appointed Speer, who had no experience in industrial production, "Minister for Armaments and War Production".
In 1945 Speer refused to carry out the "scorched earth" strategy (established by the Nero decree), which aimed to completely destroy everything in German territories that would fall into enemy hands.
He was a great friend of Karl Brandt (one of the major exponents of Aktion T4) and they acted to save each other's lives: in 1944 Brandt used his powers as General Commissioner of Medical Services and his friendships to save Speer , already ill, from the assassination attempt plotted by Himmler. In 1945 Speer saved Brandt from the death sentence for ''treason''.
Speer was arrested by Allied forces in Flensburg immediately after the end of the conflict, and tried in Nuremberg on charges of using slave labor to run the German war industry.
He was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, to be served in Spandau prison in West Berlin.
Prison and solitary confinement provided Speer with the opportunity to write his memoirs, which made him an international celebrity and a very wealthy man.
He died on September 1, 1981, in London.
Some documents discovered after Speer's death prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that as early as 1943 Speer was aware of what really happened in Auschwitz.
Wikipedia: Albert Speer
The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton ( for the part of Brandt )
Hitler and his loyalists by Paul Roland
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
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Look closely at the copy below this portrait of Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, on the cover of TIME magazine. It reads, “Say it in your dreams: ‘The Jews are to Blame.’”
It is a myth that Americans lacked access to information about the persecution of Jews as it was happening. Throughout the 1930s, many American newspapers reported on Hitler and Nazi Germany, including on the persecution of Jews and even the inner workings of Joseph Goebbels’s propaganda machine.
“In unlacing this straitjacket of a national inferiority complex no Nazi has helped Adolf Hitler so much as the taut, vivid, sometimes hysterical, little man whom all Germany knows as ‘The Doctor,’ famed Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, now Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment,” Time reported.
As Hitler’s master of message, Goebbels leveraged music, film, and the press to convince Germans that Jews were their enemy. His antisemitic propaganda paved the way for people to turn a blind eye when their Jewish neighbors were targeted by the Nazi regime.
“By blaming everything on their Jewish fellow men, other Germans are escaping from their mental prison of inferiority,” the article continued.
Despite access to information about early persecution of Jews in the 1930s, American readers could not imagine that this would lead to Germany’s mass murder of Jews and other civilians by 1941.
Photo: Time magazine
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 
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doitfortheculture · 9 days
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« The Hindenburg air disaster of 1937 »
The LZ 129 Hindenburg is the largest dirigible of the time and its Daimler-Benz engines are very powerful. The machine covers the transatlantic link in an unprecedented way. By exposing it to the eyes of the world, particularly through the media, the company Luftschiffbau Zeppelin tends to promote the technological advances of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. The dirigible was also widely used during the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936.
The aircraft bore the name of Hindenburg in tribute to the German Chancellor who had preceded Hitler (The giant of the air was to be called by the name of Adolf Hitler proposed by his Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels in the spring of 1936, but as a precaution the Führer decided to give it the name of Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg, former hero of the First World War.) Nazi propaganda required that crosses be painted on the dirigible.
In addition to being one of the largest airships ever known during this time, (It was 250m long). He was often compared to the Titanic whose nickname "The Titanic of the Air".
Hindenburg will experience both a period of great success and a tragic end. But unlike the first whose shipwreck did not seal the fate of sea crossings, the forfeiture of the LZ 129 Hindenburg will end the period of dirigibles
The inauguration flight of the LZ 129 Hindenburg took place on March 4, 1936 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. It operates for 14 months without incidents, and operates several promotional flights.
The airship balloon was originally designed to be inflated with helium. But this gas was mainly produced in the United States, which restricts sales to Germany. The Zeppelin company had therefore chosen hydrogen for the lifting of the aircraft, which was more economical, but also more dangerous.
It was during his landing in Lakehurst, New Jersey (80 km from New York), on May 6, 1937, that the irreparable occurred. After a flight without history, the airship is delayed by a storm on the American coast. The dirigible gently approaches its mooring mast; but at the back of the envelope, a hydrogen leak not detected by the crew (the gas being colorless and odorless) forms a highly flammable pocket.
Suddenly, a wreath of flames, probably caused by the contact of a mooring cable with the ground, gushed out at the back of the airship and causes the explosion of the hydrogen from the envelope. In just 34 seconds the Hindenburg ignites and crashes to the ground, forming a gigantic blaze rising from the aircraft's deformed carcass.
The dirigible will cause a total of 36 deaths. (29 deaths on the spot, 6 wounded will die a few hours later.)
Nazi Germany, weakened by this failure, will use the event and the lack of scientific explanation to serve its worst conspiracy theories, and fuel anti-Semitism in the country, under Hitler's impetus.
The destruction of the LZ 129 Hindenburg is a publicized event around the world. The shot (above) photographed by journalist Sam Shere will forever remain one of his most popular images.
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brasil-e-com-s · 2 years
A horrível postura de Bolsonaro no debate presidencial
Quem está seguro do que faz, não precisa comportar-se como alguém que “manda fichar pra depois condenar”.
Sabemos que houve manobra no governo Dilma para hoje o Brasil e o mundo, estarem suportando o cansativo  “Bolsonaro’s way of life”.
Muito desagradável a postura de Bolsonaro. Não parecia um presidente da República. Usou a mesma tática de Tarcísio de Freitas com Fernando Haddad, a técnica da “lavagem de roupa suja com o sujo condenando o mal lavado”. Neste caso, ele se encaixou nas duas posições.
Em resumo: a tática de Bolsonaro é essa:  a do ministro da propaganda na Alemanha nazista, Paul Joseph Goebbels, outro lunático que disse certa vez: eu “Uma mentira dita mil vezes torna-se verdade.”
Essa “maldita frase”nos leva a refletir sobre as funções das mentiras ou notícias falsas nos dias atuais.
Enganar para dividir e “emburrecer” as pessoas. E o que vemos...pessoas que, embora formadas, mostram ter cérebro de noz. Zero educação, vaidade e posição dez.
Usando as palavras dele mesmo, o que faz no palco foi mi-mi-mi.  Esse foi o nome que atribuiu em relação às reclamações do povo. Espero que o povo não esqueça disso. Nem disso e nem dos quase 700 mil mortos no Brasil.
O que Bolsonaro fez nesses primeiros blocos do debate presidencial foi tentar se fazer de vítima, ou seja, fez  o próprio"mi-mi-mi". Ele disse: "_O sistema está contra mim."...Não. O sistema o favorece e o povo é quem está contra ele. O povo que pensa. Quem segue homem como se fosse um deus é o que não pensa.
Quanto à cadeia, o capitão parece esquecer a trajetória dele antes de ter os militares babando sobre ele, usando-o como uma possível porta para seus interesses. Foi até feito um ensaio, mas não deu certo.
Os brasileiros que tem uma certa idade, sabe muito bem como eram efetivadas as prisões em governos ditatoriais não declarados e existem jornalistas, artistas, escritores, músicos e diversos brasileiros que podem confirmar o horror que o Brasil vive com governos desse tipo.
Bolsonaro está dando um tiro no pé. Queimou o filme dos militares, dos assessores, dos artistas que apoiaram a sua campanha, não falou absolutamente nada de importante sobre suas intenções, embora nem precise.
Nesses quatro anos, a política externa dele foi criar confusão com outros países e apoiar presidentes que não possuem apoio mundial. Ele é o Trump tupiniquim, porém, vemos alguns pontos piores.
São 4 anos de desrespeito com o cidadão, com truculência e inverdades, 4 anos de administração publica voltada para si próprio e seus protegidos, divisões, xenofobia, feminicídio (porque os homens enlouquecidos com esse espírito ditatorial, promovem o abuso de poder dentro de casa), racismo, fobias de todo tipo, ou seja...está evidente qual é o sonho de Bolsonaro.
Seu governo é de opressores, ditadores disfarçados de democratas. Ele monopoliza o debate com suas perguntas e o outro candidato, Lula, só "deve lhe responder perguntas", o que o povo que já esteve com Lula, acompanha a história de Lula, o teve como presidente já sabe.
Aliás, o ponto alto foi quando Lula falou do Viagra para as forças armadas.
Bolsonaro teve alguns segundos de auto-congelamento. 
É o suficiente...nem precisa-se acompanhar o restante.
Decididamente, não dá pra ter mais 4 anos de Bolsonaro.
Inconsistência total. Quase uma hora perdida. O mesmo bla-bla-blá de sempre.
Que a Dilma Rousseff possa dizer:  “Tchau, querido!”
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agape-philo-sophia · 2 months
➝ The Big Lie.
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Lies and Deception are the enemy of the Truth. They are put forward into the minds and hearts of the people of Earth by those who rage against what is. They are spoken, propagated and acted upon by those with a vested interest in keeping the understanding of the Truth from reaching the Consciousness of each individual.
Lies and deception are insidious, for once they have been believed and accepted by well-meaning individuals, these individuals, in their ignorance, become agents for the spread of these falsehoods. This is how lies and propaganda are spread from generation to generation. A parent is indoctrinated into the lie, and then the parent indoctrinates their children, who in turn indoctrinate their children, and so on, down through the generations.
Speaking about the most effective way to propagate the spread of lies and disinformation to as many people as possible, Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the Nazi Third Reich, stated that one should "make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." This statement clearly shows that the real goal of those who are bent on the attainment of totalitarian power is to actually control the minds and belief systems of those upon whom they impose their rule.
If there is anyone who ever live who knew ever more about how to spread lies and propaganda than Adolf Hitler, it would be Paul Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich. Goebbels ordered countless book burnings while he was in power in an attempt to crush even the discovery of any dissenting ideas. Almost every form of communication possible in Germany during the Nazi regime came under the direct control of this mentally ill being. Goebbels made a profound statement regarding lying, an activity at which he quite obviously excelled. He claimed that "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."
This statement touches upon a very important factor to consider that Geobbels well understood. Most people are very prone to a condition that is the equivalent to a state of deep psychological denial. No matter how insane or destructive a lie that they have accepted may be, if the lie is deeply enough embedded within a belief system, people will be loathe to challenge it, for doing so would require them to step out of a rigidly-defined comfort zone and begin to challenge their belief systems themselves. Sadly, relatively few people ever venture outside of this comfort zone and make these challenges to established beliefs in the name of the discovery of Truth.
One could spread a lifetime listing and analyzing all the lies that have been disseminated by systems of institutionalized thought throughout the world. But there is one lie that is bigger and more insidious than all other lies that have ever been told. This is the lie that contends that there is no Truth, or that even if there is, that it could never become known or comprehended by human beings. This is The Biggest Lie that has ever been spoken, written, bought or sold by anyone. If one believes this lie, one's spiritual journey comes to a halt before it has a chance to begin. Many, many people throughout our world are stuck at this point in their evolutionary development because they have bought this poisonous lie, hook, line and sinker.
The Truth is knowable. You can know it. It it weren't, nothing would have ever existed, for the realization of Truth is the very purpose of existence itself. This is not a belief. This is simply what is. Truth can never be destroyed. The Biggest Lie, while it may be capable of dissuading some people from embarking upon a discovery of the Truth, can never, and will never, destroy the Truth itself.
When we begin to challenge our own established belief systems, the discovery of Truth emerges into our own lives and we begin to experience its power. Overcoming of The Biggest Lie is the only stage in this process for which faith is required . One must first have faith in the fact that we are capable of discovering the Truth. From that point forward, faith and belief become no longer necessary, only the Will to go forward and discover the Truth of that which is.
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ein-der-traum · 1 year
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~Paul Joseph Goebbels~
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mirrorballtales · 3 months
Do NOT withhold your vote!!!
You are only silencing YOUR voice and assuaging your guilt. This “activism” will do NOTHING for Palestinians. Look at the results and data from previous elections. Look at 2016. You will not send the message you think you are sending, what you are doing is allowing the other candidate to become more emboldened. You will carve an easier path for the other side. A side that will NEVER support your cause. They are solely interested in isolationist policies.
If you need to look at their handbook, look at the German election of 1932. Paul Von Hindenburg beat Adolf Hitler, then appointed him Chancellor. Within a year, Hitler withdrew Germany from the League of Nations, the Nazi party gained 43% of votes making them the majority. The Night of the Long Knives (in addition to Hindenburg’s death a few months later) helped Hitler and the Nazi Party to consolidate absolute power in Germany by removing their political opposition. From August 20th, onwards, the Reichswehr, who had previously been a separate organization, now swore a personal allegiance to Hitler. The SA were dramatically reduced in size, dropping by 40% to 1.8 million by 1935. Goebbels engineered the media coverage following the attack to present it as a preventative measure, in response to the SA’s ‘plan to overthrow the government’. As the SA were known for being violent and unruly, many saw this as a legitimate move by the government to ensure public order.
You think MAGA isn’t reading the handbook of the Third Reich? You think they haven’t hired their own “Goebbels?” Gleichschaltung was the process of the Nazi Party taking control over all aspects of Germany. It is otherwise known as coordination or Nazification. The process primarily took place between 1933-1934. The Nazi’s started with the Civil Service, issuing the Act for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service on the April 7, 1933. This act legalized removing anyone of non-Ayran descent from the civil service. In the judicial system specifically, this act removed any judges that were deemed non-compliant with Nazi laws or principles. This act was reinforced by the German Civil Service code of January 26, 1937, which retired any judges or judicial official who would not intervene in cases and rule in favour of the Nazis. The People’s Court, a court created by the Nazis in April 1934 with judges chosen specifically for their Nazi beliefs, replaced the Supreme Court. With these measures in place, the Nazification of the judicial system was complete. Gleichschaltung was applied across every possible aspect of government policy. To take control of cultural policy, the Nazis appointed Joseph Goebbels as Minister for Public Engagement and Propaganda on March 13, 1933. Goebbels became responsible for controlling the national media, film, theatre, arts, and other cultural aspects. Goebbels soon radicalized each of these areas, ensuring that they advocated Nazi ideals. Whilst Gleichschaltung aimed to reach every aspect of rule in Germany, this was not always possible. Local governments proved more difficult to infiltrate, and even at the end of 1945 only 60% of local mayors were Nazi Party members. Despite this, on the whole, Gleichschaltung was largely successful. By the end of 1934, the Nazis had managed to infiltrate and take control of every major aspect of German government.
They will scare you. They will tell you immigrants are taking your jobs (what jobs are they actually taking), they will tell you the “other” is at fault. They’ll paint the “other” as the enemy while they steal the riches and leave you in ruins. He is dangerous. To understand the present study the past. Change needs to happen but to stand idle and allow for a change in creed and belief and allow someone to shake the foundation of this nation will leave everyone maimed. I guarantee it. Now enough preaching.
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er1chartmann · 6 months
Joseph Goebbels's time line
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This is Joseph Goebbels,The Nazi minister for Propaganda, time-line:
1897: He was born in Rheydt
1900: His father bought a house at number 140 Dahlener Street, in Rheydt, today number 156.
1909: His sister, named Maria, was born.
1917: He moved to 18 Post Straße in Bonn to continue his studies
1919: He voted for the German Nationalist Party
1919: He moved to Munich.
1920: He moved to Heidelberg University, where he studied under the aegis of two Jewish professors, Friedrich Gundolf, professor of literary history, and Max von Waldberg, author of numerous books on the history of literature.
1922: He worked briefly as an art critic for a newspaper, but was fired; he later gave a public lecture on Oswald Spengler.
1922: He subsequently found work at the Dresdner bank in Cologne, thanks to the family relationships of his girlfriend, Else Janke, of Jewish origins. He remained there for nine months, only to be fired.
1924: He began writing his diaries.
1924: He organized the first political meetings in his father's house in Rheydt
1924: He published his first article in a weekly political magazine
1925: On January 20, 1925, he was fired from the magazine Völkische Freiheit and subsequently became Gregor Strasser's secretary.
1925: He was at the forefront, alongside Strasser, in supporting the campaign for the expropriation of the assets of the fallen nobles, proposed by the communist and social democratic deputies.
1926: on 29 March 1926 Hitler offered Goebbels the opportunity to speak in public, the following 8 April; Goebbels accepted and, from then on, was completely won over by the Führer.
1926: He officially broke with Strasser and definitively switched to Hitler's side.
1926: Hitler appointed Goebbels Gauleiter (regional section head) of Berlin.
1928: He was elected deputy to the Reichstag
1931: He married Magda, the ex-wife of an industrialist, on the estate of Günther Quandt in Mecklenburg: Hitler was his best man.
1932: His first child, named Helga, was born.
1933: Goebbels was called to the position of Minister of Propaganda.
1933: He organized the so-called ''Book Burnings'' in Berlin.
1934: His second child, named Hildegard, was born.
1935: His third child and only son, Helmut, was born.
1936: He became the lover of the Czechoslovakian actress Lída Baarová.
1937: His fourth child, named Holdine, was born
1937: He opened the exhibition of the so-called ''degenerate art'': no ​​entry fee was required, to ensure that it was visited by as many people as possible.
1938: He helped organize Kristallnacht
1938: His fifth child, named Hedwig, was born.
1939: The Second World War began
1939: He visited Poland and in particular a ghetto.
1940: His sixth child, named Heidrun, was born
1940: He became editor of Das Reich.
1941: He read the declaration of war regarding the invasion of the Soviet Union.
1941: He began to take an active interest in the Jewish question. With Hitler's permission, he created a ''special mark for the Jews''
1943: He made the speech of total war.
1945: He was named plenipotentiary minister for total war mobilization and later general of the Wehrmacht, in charge of the defense of Berlin, this assignment meant a lot to Goebbels, who was unable to join the army during WW1 due to his disability
1945: From 22 to 29 April, He published the last Nazi newspaper in history, the Panzerbär.
1945: Hitler, in his last wishes, named him his successor as Reich Chancellor.
1945: Once Hitler died, Goebbels took over from him as chancellor on 30 April 1945, remaining in office for only almost a day and a half.
1945: He and his wife Magda, after having killed their six children with cyanide, they committed suicide.
Wikipedia: Joseph Goebbels
Hitler and his loyalists: Paul Roland
Joseph Goebbels, the agitator: Documentary
If you don't like it go with your life :))
Note: If I get new information from my research I will edit the post :))
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rockrzone · 4 months
Cacat Logika ‘Banyak Belajar Banyak Lupa’
‘Banyak belajar banyak lupa; sedikit belajar sedikit lupa’ adalah “aksioma” yang kerap saya dengar saat masih menempuh pendidikan kuliah 15 tahun lalu. Saya mafhum sekali bahwa kalimat tersebut sebenarnya hanya guyonan menjelang ujian ketika para mahasiswa tengah berjibaku membaca materi. Pelajaran satu semester yang seharusnya berangsur-angsur dipelajari justru dirapel semalam suntuk. Jadilah, keesokan harinya hasil hafalan ala proyek Roro Jonggrang tersebut tercecer berantakan karena sekedar dibaca tanpa dipahami esensinya.
Menteri Propoganda Nazi Paul Joseph Goebbels pernah berkata, “Jika Anda mengatakan kebohongan sebesar apa pun dan terus mengulanginya, orang pada akhirnya akan percaya.” Walaupun sekedar gurauan, akan tetapi saya khawatir generasi masa depan akan menjadi enggan belajar dengan justifikasi banyak belajar banyak lupa. Apalagi berdasarkan skor Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022–studi untuk mengevaluasi sistem pendidikan negara pada bidang matematika, sains, dan kemampuan membaca–rerata siswa Indonesia duduk di peringkat 69 dari total 81 negara peserta. Sebagai perbandingan, Palestina sebagai negara yang berkonflik menduduki peringkat 72; hanya minus 8 poin dari Indonesia.
Cacat logika atau logical fallacy adalah proses penalaran yang keliru, akan tetapi sekilas tampak masuk akal. Hal ini berlaku pula terhadap pernyataan ‘banyak belajar banyak lupa’, yakni cacat logika dalam kategori whataboutism. Secara terminologis, whataboutism berarti menjawab kritikan dengan mengangkat isu lain yang tidak relevan demi melegitimasi tindakannya. Sebagai contoh, pemimpin oposisi Keir Starmer pernah mengkritik skandal partygate yang melibatkan PM Inggris Boris Johnson. Menanggapinya, Johnson berusaha mengalihkan perhatian dengan (secara keliru) menuduh Starmer karena gagal menuntut predator seksual Jimmy Savile ketika menjabat sebagai kepala penuntutan. Dalam situasi ini, kasus Savile yang dikemukakan Johnson bertujuan agar perhatian publik teralih dari permasalahan utama, yakni peristiwa partygate.
Pada konteks ‘banyak belajar banyak lupa’, terjadi whataboutism berupa keterbatasan otak untuk mengingat informasi dijadikan pembenaran untuk ‘sedikit belajar agar sedikit lupa’. Memang betul, lupa merupakan kondisi manusiawi disebabkan pemodelan ulang sirkuit yang mengatur reaktivasi ensambel neuron atau disebut juga sebagai sel engram. Namun demikian, kondisi ‘lupa’ tidak serta merta dapat melegitimasi argumen untuk sedikit belajar. Apabila konsisten dengan cara berpikir tersebut, lalu apa faedahnya mandi jika akhirnya kotor lagi? Apa gunanya makan jika akhirnya juga akan tetap lapar?
Dunning–Kruger effect
Pada tahun 1995, McArthur Wheeler merampok dua bank di Pittsburgh tanpa usaha sama sekali untuk menyamarkan wajahnya. Perampokan tersebut terjadi di siang bolong di bawah pengawasan kamera keamanan–dan Wheeler jelas menyadarinya. Polisi tentu langsung mengidentifikasi pelaku dengan mudah dan menjemput Wheeler pada malam hari yang sama. “But I wore the lemon juice!” gerutunya saat ditangkap.
Berdasarkan hasil interogasi polisi, Wheeler percaya melumuri jus lemon ke wajah akan membuatnya tak terdeteksi oleh kamera keamanan–walaupun mata dan mukanya terasa terbakar. Apalagi ketika mencoba memfoto dirinya dengan polaroid, wajahnya tak terekam. Dari sini, Wheeler yakin asumsinya memang benar. Padahal menurut polisi, hal ini bisa disebabkan karena: 1) roll film yang buruk; 2) pengaturan kamera tidak tepat; atau 3) Wheeler mengarahkan kamera menjauh dari wajahnya pada saat pengambilan foto.
David Dunning dan Justin Kruger di tahun 1999 mempublikasikan jurnal psikologi dengan hasil kesimpulan bahwa dalam tugas tertentu, orang dengan kemampuan rendah sering kali menilai dirinya lebih kompeten dibanding orang lain. Mereka memiliki beban ganda (dual burden). Pertama, kurangnya keterampilan menyebabkan mereka keliru melakukan sesuatu. Kedua, mereka tidak memiliki cukup informasi untuk mendeteksi ketidakmampuan karena minimnya pengetahuan dan penilaian. Temuan ini lalu dikenal sebagai Dunning–Kruger effect danmerupakan suatu bias kognitif disebabkan kegagalan metakognitif otak untuk mengukur kapabilitas diri sendiri. Filsuf Imam al-Ghazali pernah membahas hal yang sama serta menggolongkan mereka sebagai “orang yang tidak tahu dan tidak tahu bahwa dirinya tidak tahu”. Namun, perlu ditekankan Dunning–Kruger effect tidak berlaku terhadap kecerdasan secara umum, akan tetapi hanya terbatas pada penilaian keterampilan tertentu.
Anak-anak Indonesia tidak tahu betapa bodohnya mereka
Skor PISA yang dirilis tahun 2012 menunjukkan sebanyak 42% siswa Indonesia yang berusia 15 tahun tidak mencapai tingkat kemahiran terendah dalam bidang matematika. Di bidang sains, 25% siswa Indonesia tidak mencapai tingkat kemahiran terendah, sedangkan 42% lainnya berada di tingkat 1. Literasi membaca sedikit lebih baik dengan 45% siswa telah berhasil menunjukkan “tingkat kemahiran dasar”. Menariknya, Indonesia adalah negara dengan anak-anak yang paling merasa bahagia di sekolah. Lebih dari 95% mengatakan bahwa mereka bahagia di sekolah, dibandingkan dengan 85% di Shanghai yang memiliki skor PISA tertinggi.
Berdasarkan data di atas, epidemiolog dan penulis Elizabeth Pisani berasumsi siswa yang kurang kompeten merasa lebih bahagia di sekolah. Dalam artikel berjudul Indonesian kids don’t know how stupid they are, ia menyampaikan keprihatinan atas fakta “anak-anak Indonesia mungkin tidak menyadari betapa parah kegagalan sistem sekolah mereka”. Hal ini berdasarkan statistik bahwa hampir sekitar 95% siswa menilai sekolah telah cukup mempersiapkan mereka untuk pekerjaan di masa depan. Padahal, sekedar bahagia di sekolah tidak menjamin seseorang bahagia di masa depan.
Menghindari whataboutism
Agar tidak terjebak pada whataboutism ‘banyak belajar banyak lupa’, belajar sebaiknya dipahami sebagai proses kognitif untuk memperoleh pemahaman secara menyeluruh mengenai suatu keterampilan atau disiplin ilmu. Walaupun lupa merupakan kondisi alamiah yang tak terhindarkan, akan tetapi tujuan belajar adalah untuk melatih diri berpikir kritis, logis, serta membuat otak lebih siap memecahkan masalah.
Dr. Daniela Palombo menyarankan siswa yang akan menempuh ujian supaya memberi jarak pembelajaran selama beberapa minggu. “Ruang yang lebih panjang menghasilkan retensi yang lebih lama,” ujarnya. Justru yang lebih berbahaya adalah terperangkap dalam bias Dunning–Kruger, yakni minimnya informasi justru menimbulkan ilusi kepercayaan diri yang tidak sebanding dengan kemampuan sesungguhnya.
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dirjoh-blog · 6 months
Göbbels Journal entry of December 13.1942
For Hitler to accomplish his goals he needed the support of men who were equally as evil as he was. His most willing henchman was Joseph Göbbels. Paul Joseph Göbbels was born on October 29, 1897, in Rheydt, Germany, an industrial city located in the Rhineland. Because of a club foot that he acquired during a childhood bout with osteomyelitis, a swelling of the bone marrow, the young Goebbels…
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mianurjannah · 7 months
Ketika sebuah negara ingin melakukan genosida, ia perlu pembenaran. Negera itu akan menggiring opini publik terlebih dahulu bahwa mereka ada di pihak korban, pihak yang seharusnya dibantu, dilindungi, dan mendapat dukungan. Setalah dapat simpati mereka akan dengan leluasa melakukan perusakan jiwa dan raga yang membabi buta. Apakah taktik Paul Goebbels yang tadinya dipakai untuk memusnahkan Yahudi, kini dipakai Yahudi untuk pembasmian Palestina? Sungguh ironi di dalam ironi.
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bobmccullochny · 7 months
October 29, 1618 - British explorer Sir Walter Raleigh was executed in London for treason on orders from King James I.
October 29, 1929 - The stock market crashed as over 16 million shares were dumped amid tumbling prices. The Great Depression followed in America, lasting until the outbreak of World War II.
Birthday - Nazi propaganda minister Paul Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) was born in Rheydt, near Dusseldorf, Germany. Considered a master propagandist, he controlled all Nazi newspapers, radio and film production. He was a virulent anti-Semite who advocated the extermination of the Jews. Devoted to Hitler until the end, he died at Hitler's Berlin bunker in 1945 after poisoning his six children.
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onelungmcclung · 8 months
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The exodus of the German 'creative thinkers' as Hitler seized control of Germany.
February 1933 was a busy month in the German Reich. Two days before the month began, Hitler, already Führer of the National Socialist German Workers’ [Nazi] Party, was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg.
Within a month, on February 27, the Reichstag was torched to the ground. Suspicions were widely cast — not least that it was an act of deliberate provocation by the new government — but the Nazi Party was quick to seize and “unconstitutionally execute” Marinus van der Lubbe, a young Dutch communist.
Elections followed on March 5, the Nazis polling 43.9 per cent of votes. Within another three months all non-Nazi parties, organisations, and labour unions would be abolished.
German journalist Uwe Wittstock refreshes these familiar events by exploring their rapid impact on many of Germany’s greatest creative thinkers, who in a few short weeks were forced into an abrupt reckoning with their country.
The general population may have been reluctant to comprehend the force of the Nazi beast that was upon them, but cultural workers swiftly perceived they would be among the first to be targeted, on political as well as racial grounds.
Radical novelist and journalist Joseph Roth was among the first taking the next train out to Paris. He was followed by a haemorrhage of internationally recognised writers and artists who included Bertolt Brecht, Alfred Döblin and more. George Grosz and Thomas Mann were already abroad, as were novelists Vicki Baum (author of Grand Hotel) and Erich Maria Remarque (All Quiet on the Western Front), whose books Hollywood transformed into immensely popular films.
Else Lasker-Schüler (poet, musician, and cross-dressing actor) was typical of many Jews who emigrated to Palestine to be immediately stripped of German citizenship. As Wittstock notes: “A complete panorama would be too large for any book.”
Weimar Germany, for all its glitzy glitter, was widely regarded as “the most cultivated” of European countries. It was certainly the best educated, with the highest literacy rates. And it unquestionably made for a profoundly unsettling contrast with the most vicious repression of free thought — and a free press — that followed.
When, in May 1933, Goebbels declared: “Jewish intellectualism is dead”, cohorts of university students were charged with consigning books with “an un-German spirit” to the pyres.
As well as trawling the literature of the period, Wittstock also researches outside the canon. He is at least as interested in the ephemera of daily life — bus tickets and train timetables; private letters and notebooks; news and weather reports — which help compile a taut narrative in tandem with that of the panic being forced upon Europe.
In his afterword, he writes: “The most vivid and convincing records to me were diary entries, notes or letters that arose in parallel with the events. In instances of doubt, I trusted them most of all.”
Wittstock’s literary tour de force relies on minutely examining what his near-incredible cast of characters managed to seize of a new life or were forced to surrender of the old.
It is a work of major intellectual and cultural impact, not just a significant contribution to further documenting the Nazi reign of terror that changed or ended so many millions of lives but a timeless reminder of what is lost when a regime denies its own writers their voice.
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