#PP: Lucy Burb
katatty · 2 months
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It actually was kind of awakward. Miranda and her had agreed to an open relationship, but she wasn't expecting Miranda to bring along Woody, who she'd aparently started dating on the side? She didn't even get much chance to talk to Miranda and find out where they stood, she she was gigging with Bo all night.
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Plus then her mom found out she was pregnant again...
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potential-fate · 3 years
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Lucy and Alex wandered through the small park next to the Goth manor. It was chilly out today, and the trees had dropped most of their leaves. Honestly, Alex was surprised that Lucy hadn’t brought a jacket. He was cold, and he had far more layers on than she did.
“So why are we hanging out in the park, Luce?” he asked after they had walked far enough from the other park guests.
“Honestly, Alex?” She paused, and he waited patiently, “I just don’t want to go home. And if we go to your house my mom will call pretty soon and ask for me, like she always does.”
“It’s cold though.” Alex complained.
“It’s not even that cold, you big baby. It’s like 45’F out.” She rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know about where you’re from but that is cold, Lucy.” He glanced at her outfit again. “Like how are you out here in short sleeves??”
She gave him a disgruntled look. “It’s not like it’s snowing.”
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katatty · 2 years
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I checked in with Troublemakers Bo Summerdream & Lucy Burb next - though not much to report from them. Lucy’s been using her manipulative streak to get the cow mascot to do her coursework. That means she has more freetime to spend with her girlfriend Jill! She and Jill continue to be super into each other, it’s pretty cute.
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katatty · 2 years
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The date seemed like it was going well, but just when Jasmine plucked up the courage to ask him back to her place he made an excuse and took off! She couldn’t quite manage to feel dissapointed.
(Cute seeing Lucy and Jill together, especially with Buck hanging out there too.)
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katatty · 2 years
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Romantic drama aside, it’s not a bad party.
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katatty · 2 years
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Bo has better things to do than waste time with dating - she recently made Dean’s list and is having a great time practicing her pickpocketing skills. Since Lucy’s so busy being all loved-up, though, she gets a little bored. So she hangs out with Edwin Sharpe for a bit. Poor nerd - she can’t tell if he’s enchanted by her or terrified of her.
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katatty · 3 years
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I’ve been looking forward to playing these two for a while! With their sorta-matching bios (they’re both described as getting into trouble a lot) and their shared “Become Criminal Mastermind” LTWs (rolled totally organically!) they always seemed to me like a really fun match!
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katatty · 3 years
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Lucy: Ricky, was it? It’s been so nice meeting you, but could you keep it down?
Ricky: Anything for a pretty lady.
Lucy: Anything? Oh, that’s good. Maybe instead of trying to play ther guitar, you could fix us up with some sandwiches?
Ricky: Of course! Sorry to disturb you.
Dixie: Bro.
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katatty · 3 years
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The party doesn’t stop when they get home, much to Lucy’s dismay. When she aged up she picked up the light sleeper trait which is already proving a bit of an ostacle in such a small student house - especially with a roommate who doesn’t even sleep!
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katatty · 3 years
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Bo gets a call from her old friend Dixie, and eagarly accepts the invitation to hang out Downtown, dragging Lucy with her. It’s a good oppotunity to scout out some marks and she does manage to snatch Ricky’s wallet. She’s a little dissapointed to see Dixie with a ring on her finger, but that’s not necessarily an insurmountable obstacle... she does love a challenge.
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katatty · 3 years
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Lucy’s in a way better mood once she’s had her beauty sleep. Hey, Dixie’s not a bad guitarist! She does kinda stink, though.
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katatty · 3 years
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Bo: How was the journey down? Pretty rough?
Lucy: Tell me about it. I hate travelling by train! Mom was meant to be driving me down by she had some doctor’s appointment...
Bo: Lame. Don’t you worry, girl, let’s get you unpacked and settled in!
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katatty · 3 years
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katatty · 3 years
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Bo: Make sure you get that spot by the sink! It gets kinda gross and mouldy there.
Dixie: Ew. Remind me why I’m doing this, again?
Bo: Because we’re such good friends, and I’m very persuasive!
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katatty · 3 years
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With all Lucy’s art and dance grants, she decides on Le Tour in the end! It does have the best arts program, she does love painting, and lots of her friends are there... it just makes the most sense.
I’m looking forward to playing her through her college years! Expect another little college intermission when I’m done with Pleasantview :)
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katatty · 3 years
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Lucy spends a lot of time chatting away on the phone. Jacob Martin’s got some games to reccomend her, and Hal Capp sings the praises of Académie Le Tour. She doesn’t like the idea of just going there for Jill, but apparently Bo has a cute place and is looking for a roommate. Plus, she’d be able to mingle with high-society sims, which could come in handy for her future criminal plans. Decisions, decisions...
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