tsukasalover · 4 months
heyyy i’ve been really inactive on here but i Am thinking about tsukasa and planning something. Go think about tsukasa tenma’s duality
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spark-translations · 4 years
Translation: Wonderlands x Showtime Main Story Ch. 18 [The Answer of “The Best Show”]
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Translation under the cut!
Past Classmate: What is that. There’s no way we can do something like that, are you stupid? Be serious.
Past Classmate: Aren’t you just having fun with making us go through dangerous situations?
Past Classmate: ...I can’t keep up with you anymore...
Kamiyama Street
Rui: .........
Rui: So all of you decided to ambush me? I’m sorry, but you can’t change what I think.
Tsukasa: ...There’s something I want you to see.
Rui: It doesn’t matter what you show me. I told you. I’m not going to do shows with you...
Emu: Eeeei!! I caught you, Rui-kun!
Nene: E...ei!
Rui: Emu-kun? Nene, you too...?
Emu: Do it, Tsukasa-kun!
Tsukasa: Ah! I’ll have you see it, Rui! These... are my true feelings!!
Rui: ...!?
The Wonderland Sekai
Rui: This is the place we came to before...?
Miku: Hello, everyone ♪ Tonight's show is a special one that’ll put a smile on everyone’s faces~ ♪
KAITO: Now everyone, are you ready to make the audience smile?
Tsukasa: Ah!! Of course!!
Miku: In a faraway land, there was an eccentric traveling theater troupe~ ♪
Miku: In the troupe was a leader who craved attention, a jester who wouldn’t listen to what others had to say, and a diva who couldn’t sing in front of people!
Miku: Since those were its members, not many people came to the troupe’s shows!
Miku: ...But one day, the troupe met an alchemist who did shows by himself in the woods by chance ♪
Leader: “Your shows are wonderful! If we do shows with you, we’ll be sure to gather a large crowd and become a popular troupe!”
Alchemist: “...Who are you?”
Leader: “Alchemist, I want to create shows! Won’t you lend me your strength?”
Leader: “I’ll be sure to make it a fun show!!”
Alchemist: “A show... ...I see. Then I’ll lend you some of my strength.”
Jester: “Yay! Let’s work hard together!”
Diva: “...I, I wonder if I’ll be able to sing...!”
Rui: Nene...
Miku: The alchemist made the diva who couldn’t sing in front of people a doll that would deliver her singing voice to the people for her.
Miku: And he even made devices that could produce lightning, wind, and even a dragon mechanism!
Miku: However, the doll broke during the show, and the show failed completely!
Leader: “Ah, to think that you would make such a terrible mistake! It’s all your fault!”
Miku: As the leader lost his temper, he stole the smiles away from everyone else...
Miku: And the troupe disbanded.
Miku: But when the leader was by himself, suddenly, he started to feel very lonely. Even though it was so much fun when he was doing the show...
Miku: And then a cute fairy appeared ♪
Fairy: “Why do you do shows? Don’t you actually want to see everyone’s smiling faces?”
Rui: ...!
Leader: “...That’s right, I...”
Miku: The leader remembered what it was like when he first started to do shows, and reflected upon his attacking of his comrades.
Leader: “I wanted to be like the star of the show I saw that day. That star that put a smile on my sister and I’s face.”
Leader: “I had forgotten it somewhere along the line. But I’ve finally remembered!”
Leader: “I...I want everyone to smile. So I want to do shows again with everyone!”
Rui: ............
Miku: The leader apologized sincerely and his comrades rejoined him. But the alchemist cannot bring himself to believe the leader.
Miku: “The leader does not want to do shows. He just wants to become a popular star.” He thinks.
Rui: .............
Miku: But the leader thought hard about how to get the alchemist back... and so,
Miku: He put on a show for the alchemist. After going all-out, the leader calls out to him.
Leader: “...Ah, that’s right. My dream is to become a star. But I want to be a star that makes everybody smile!”
Leader: “The audience will smile, and my comrades will smile! A star to me is someone who puts on the best show like that!”
Leader: “I want you to believe me! This time around, we’ll make everyone smile with a show!”
Tsukasa: ...So won’t you do shows with me again?
Rui: ..............
KAITO: ...Now, what do you think the alchemist did?
Rui: Eh? Isn’t that role your role...
KAITO: No. I’m just a stand-in that’ll leave now. And the story after this point hasn’t been decided.
Rui: ...........
Rui: Did you think that you would get your feelings across if it were through a show?
Tsukasa: Ah, that’s right!
Tsukasa: I’ve always been receiving so much from shows. I would watch them and be so moved, so excited...! My dream of “I’ll become a star and make everyone smile” is from shows, too!!
Tsukasa: So I thought that if I was going to convey my true feelings to you, it needed to be through a show!!
Rui: .........
Tsukasa: Rui!! Please do shows with me!! Please!!
Rui: ..........
Rui: ...Fufu.
Rui: The audience and your comrades smile... the best show, huh. Not bad.
Rui: But there’s still much more to be desired. You can’t move someone’s heart with just vigor.
Tsukasa: ...........
Rui: Now— What kind of stage direction should I put in? Tsukasa-kun.
Tsukasa: Eh...?
Nene: That means...
Emu: M-maybe...!?
Tsukasa: Rui...!
Rui: Oya oya, don’t mistake me for someone else. I’m not Rui.
Rui: I’m an alchemist.
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