farizal · 1 year
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Awas! Ribut. Pokok tumbang. Jalan belakang Masjid Negara to Bukit Aman. @dbkl_malaysia @enforcement.dbkl @pdrmsia_official #ribut #banjirkilat #pokoktumbang #kualalumpur #dbkl #pdrm (at Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComNJNwJWQk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miliyaread · 1 year
[book review] Philanthropists: Inspector Mislan and the Sentul Double Murder by Rozlan Mohd Noor
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The 6th book for Inspector Mislan's series and the second book I read from this series. I think it is better than previous book. Also when I read this, I notice a few things I like about Mislan that I had been missed before. Yeah, I don't want to comment on his love life and family as I see only a few times they had been mentioned.
I really like his relationship with upper officer, as we know as usual, upper officer can be annoying. They can made your work and life easier, or hell. I notice he shows his respect to Samsiah and Samsiah return the favour. He also consult if he unsure what to do or beyond his power. I know some of police novel and annoyed how the detective/police thought that they knew everything and just do whatever they pleased. Not to mention when Integrity and Compliance Standard Department also came into the picture. We can totally see the power play here.
His respect to others (minus politician, illegal refugee and criminal) also can be seen. The good relationship between colleague, boss and people outside department can be handy in many way. And when you are a police officer, get a good relationship with journalist also could be a good idea. I had an experience handling with journalist, but thank goodness, I got a good impression while working with them. It is bad when you have a bad impression while working together for the first time.
How to deal with trauma and how to be a good friend while they are facing trauma. Almost got shot will be the biggest trauma for police officer. Can you imagine the shock? I will probably will not step outside again. But Mislan know how scared it was and it is all in your head. He be kind to his friends and understanding the effect it could cause, as he also been shot before.
No crap and bullshit to be taken. I just found out that Malaysia does not recognise UNHCR, which means that they are basically as illegal immigrant. Seeing today how they act toward local, I definitely have a bad impression on them.
Bad cop with good intention, with grey borderline. Good cop become bad cop because of the hate and desired for revenged. What I can't wrap that why giving your own brother's name? Don't you think that it could be a blown away? Although they found out after that, but still... I agree that they have a good intention, but still, we live in he country with law. Killing still a crime.
But anywhere, I personally enjoy the story. I guess I need to wait for the next story (if any) about why Fie ghosted Mislan and who want to kill him?
Disclaimer: All the opinion about this book is based on my personal view!
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Hytera HM78X Series & PD78X Series @tacticomsystemsolutions @_papaloading . . . #motorolasolution #comms #amateurfunk #radioamateurs #vhfdx #mulheresarmadas #hamradioamateur #c4fm #dmrradio #mototrbo #hytera #motorolaradio #hamradio #mmdvm #pdrm #bomba #antenna #funkamateur #yaesu #tactical #vhf #uhf #cbradio #dmr #tetraradio #Sepura #digitalfunk #tetra #hamradiooperator #hamradioporn (Kota Bharu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3STjOv94B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mohdnoorakbarigate · 3 months
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allenfarissyaz · 11 months
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Baju Korporat Batik Viral
LOCK DESIGN ANDA SEKARANG !! 017 220 8845 (Admin 1) 011 3551 2838 ( Admin 2)
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ytttrophymalaysia · 1 month
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Congratulations to PDRM Peringkat IPD Raub on organizing their Kejohana Badminton and Bola Jaring Sempena HSN 2023! Get your trophy supplies now from your YTT trophy supplier Malaysia!
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My previous number has been banned i don't know due to reasons anyway here is my new phone number
SSM No : 003145993-W
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teacherlailiatschool · 7 months
9th week at Semewah.
(25 September - 29 September)
This week has been quite eventful for me in my role as a teacher. It's my turn to lead the weekly HIP (High-Intensity Program) session, and this time, I've been tasked with creating a captivating poster for our 'Word of the Week.' The word I've chosen is 'bizarre,' and after crafting the poster, I'll be sharing it with my fellow English teachers and distributing it to their respective class groups.
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On Tuesday, I took on the responsibility of being the teacher on duty, which meant supervising the students at Anjung Siaga before the afternoon session commenced.
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Today, I couldn't conduct lesson with 2 Aura, as they were actively engaged in an Anti-Bullying Program led by the PDRM. I had to be with my students in the hall, ensuring their safety and well-being until my designated class time was over.
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Wednesday marked a special occasion at my school as we celebrated Hari Koperasi 2023. This day was filled with excitement as our students set up stalls. These are including bracelets, burgers, takoyaki, and much more.
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I had to monitor the canteen during the recess as I was one of the teachers on duty this week.
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As the week drew to a close on Friday, we, the teaching staff, organized a heartfelt farewell party for two practicum teachers who were completing their teaching assignments with us. It was a touching event. Wish you the best Tasya & Batrisya.
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(I enjoyed the food I got from the party it was delicious! Hehe.)
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TERLARIS!! WA 0813-5861-1274, Pabrik Baju Seragam Kerja Kantor Palembang, Produsen Seragam Kerja Safari di Palembang
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kazifatagar · 13 days
Cops release photofit of Faisal Halim’s attacker
PETALING JAYA: Police have released a photofit of the suspect believed to have splashed acid on national footballer Faisal Halim earlier this month. In a statement, Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain said the suspect is believed to be in his 30s and 165cm tall. Fotofit wajah suspek kes simbah asid pemain bola Selangor, Faisal Halim dikeluarkan PDRM hari ini.Jika ada maklumat salurkan…
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mohdnoorakbarigate · 3 months
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realita-lampung · 9 months
Kasus Sabu 35 Kg, Mantan Kasat Narkoba Terancam Sanksi Pemberhentian
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Mantan Kasat Narkoba Polres Lampung Selatan bakal diganjar sanksi pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat atas dugaan keterlibatannya dalam kasus narkotika di jaringan Freddy Pratama. Pemberhentian itu menurut Kapolda Lampung Inspektur Jenderal Polisi (Irjen Pol) Helmy Santika adalah sanksi terberat yang mengancam AKP AG akibat keterlibatannya dalam jaringan narkoba. "Sanksi kepada yang bersangkutan adalah pemecatan tidak dengan hormat atau PTDH sebagai anggota Polri, selain sanksi pidana yang nanti akan dijatuhkan oleh pengadilan," ungkap Kapolda Lampung Irjen Helmy Santika. "Kita tidak ada tebang pilih, Hal ini sebagai efek jera dan menjadi contoh agar yang lain tidak mengikuti," lanjutnya pada, Jum'at (15/9/2023). Sanksi tersebut adalah bentuk komitmen Polda Lampung untuk tidak tebang pilih terhadap segala bentuk penyalahgunaan narkoba. "Ini sejalan juga dengan kebijakan Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit untuk menindak tegas siapapun yang terlibat kasus narkoba, meskipun itu sendiri adalah anggota Polri," kata Helmy Santika. Helmy menambahkan, Polda Lampung akan segera menggelar sidang kode etik kepada AKP AG. Menurutnya, sidang kode etik profesi ini baru bisa dilakukan saat ini karena Polda Lampung sebelumnya masih fokus mengembangkan tangkapan terhadap jaringan Freddy Pratama. "Kita fokus dahulu pengembangan kasusnya, alhamdulillah sudah 27 tersangka, sejumlah barang bukti dan mengkait juga ke pelaku yang ada di LP (lembaga pemasyarakatan) yang merupakan suami dari selebgram asal Palembang berinisial APS," ungkapnya. Secara sederhana, Helmy mengungkapkan peran AKP AG dalam jaringan narkotika tersebut adalah melancarkan pengiriman saat melewati Lampung melalui pelabuhan Bakauheni menuju pelabuhan Merak-Banten. "Peran AKP AG membantu melancarkan pengiriman sabu-sabu yang melewati Pelabuhan Bakauheni. Ini juga sedang kami dalami," kata dia. Diketahui, peredaran gelap jaringan internasional Freddy Pratama, setelah dikembangkan dengan telah ditangkapnya sejumlah tersangka, yang juga melibatkan selebgram asal Palembang berinisial APS yang bersuamikan seorang terdakwa yang saat ini menjalani pemidanaan di Nusa Kambangan berinisial KDF dengan barang bukti 35 kg sabu. Tersangka AG yang sempat menjabat sebagai Kepala Satresnarkoba di Polres Lampung Selatan. AG menjadi kurir melancarkan pengiriman sabu yang dikendalikan oleh tersangka KF yang kemudian terangkap di Djohor Malaysia berkat joint operation Polri dengan PDRM. (Hms/Red) Read the full article
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luhandlily · 1 year
The Jocelyn Chia MH370 Jokes Controversy
Let’s face it: comedy has always had two sides to it. After making jokes about the sad MH370 tragedy, the Singaporean and New York based comedian, Jocelyn Chia, found herself in the center of the controversy. Personally, I think comedy should help us reconsider our beliefs and the status quo. Where do we draw the line between pushing limits and creating needless suffering, though?
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Ahh, cancel culture, the internet age's quick judge, juror, and executioner. With demands for Chia's cancellation rippling across social media channels, the fury over Chia's jokes spread like wildfire. While it's vital to hold people accountable, I can't help but worry whether the culture of cancel has grown a little too trigger-happy. Instead than dismissing someone outright, shouldn't we give them the chance for development, education, and redemption?
Enter the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), stage left, claiming that they’ll ask the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to locate Chia, who is based in the US... Some contend that the PDRM's involvement is required to uphold order and safeguard sensibilities. But I can't help but wonder if monitoring speech goes too far and stifles freedom of speech. Where is the fine line between respecting societal norms and defending individual rights?
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Let's take a step back and encourage productive dialogues rather than abruptly cancelling people. Open debate frequently results in personal development and learning. Understanding the influence of comedy, the delicate nature of tragic occurrences, and the obligations of comedians in traversing these challenging terrains are crucial. We must not lose sight of the fact that humour has often served as a catalyst for social change by encouraging us to challenge established mores and increase empathy. Everyone has time and space to grow, don’t you agree?
While it is difficult to find a middle ground amidst the confusion. We must recognize the complexity of the situation, pay heed to the feelings of those who are impacted, and protect the freedom to express oneself humorously. It involves walking a fine line between being sensitive and having the flexibility to explore difficult topics. But by accepting complex debates and encouraging artists' development, we can move through the murky waters with compassion and understanding. - Lily Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65900089
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terbakordotcom · 1 year
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Panggilan Ujian SPiER PDRM bagi tahun 2023 untuk jawatan Sarjan Polis YA5 dan Konstabel Polis YT1. Semakan boleh disemak bermula dari 21 April hingga 7 Mei 2023.
Lawati: https://www.ptdexam.com/ujian-spier-pdrm-2023-sarjan-polis-ya5-konstabel-polis-yt1/
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