forlibcrty · 1 month
@paddyfuck asked: "I knew your grandfather, you know."
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connor's jaw slackened in shock. when he'd begun asking around these islands, he'd come across no shortage of men and women who had heard of the once-fearsome captain kenway, but none to date had claimed to know him personally. none, that is, until this woman. he had to physically bite down on the edge of his tongue to stop a thousand and one questions from tumbling off of it. when did you meet him? how long did you know him? is he anything like what they say?
but first, introductions. as giddy as he was with this news, he wouldn't forget manners. he held his hand out for her to shake. "then it is an honour to meet you. my name is connor." perhaps, given the circumstances, she already knew that — but politeness first.
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spiderwarden · 14 days
In discord it has become established here that Minthara's children take a shine to @paddyfuck who becomes an unofficial aunt to them (and not in the murderous Drow way.)
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drkroots · 2 months
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@paddyfuck said: ✐ for cody? :D
          send me a ✐ for a random sentence starter from my muse
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               "I like a little chaos." While playing that human game, he was unable to hide the joyous smile on features while taking in the destruction of the school quad that he and Quinn had worked so hard on the previous night while in their wolfskins. Pure glee graced features as shattered windows, torn up door and the many holes in grass patches were observed.
Those wild eyes flashed towards Anne for a fleeting moment before letting eyes return to the mess that he and Quinn had made, not so subtly wondering if she and her gaggle of friends had any theories as to who had decided to trash the school.
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musamulta · 1 year
@paddyfuck liked for a Josh starter!
"I don't know if anyone's told you today, but you look amazing." The compliment wasn't tinged with anything, it didn't even seem like he was trying to flirt, at all, just compliment. There were far too few of those in the world, in his opinion. People could use some positivity.
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wildlcck · 26 days
ANNE (@paddyfuck): Adds a few little flowers into Sadie's braid
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❛ what are you up to, woman? you better not be puttin' in no stickyweed or bugs! i'm trustin' you... ❜ staying still for anne, at ease, hands on hips and an easy smile on her lips, before bringing her braid over her shoulder, to better examine this handiwork of hers (careful not to ruin her efforts). grinning and nodding her approval. ❛ fine work, annie. but, i ain't sure i can pull it off like you. hold on- ain't we forgettin' somethin' or someones? ❜ plucking a couple more flowers before threading them through bob and apollo's manes with a smile. adding one to the front of anne's hair for good measure. ❛ there. well, don't we look pretty as a peach? best lookin' bunch in the west. ❜
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lighthouseborn · 1 month
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She Creature Starters || @paddyfuck
“You'll drive yourself mad darling.”
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  The laugh that leaves him starts with a snort and stays low in his throat. Mad. He gives up massaging his brow with the heel of his palm to look her way.
  It's quite a combination, red hair and hunting-cat eyes. Like the tigers he's seen, crouched in the brush looking for something to pounce on. But Henry isn't sure if that image was courtesy of the hour of night speaking things into existence, or too much time spent poring over stories of huntings, hauntings. Creatures from the dark. He suspects it's plain exhaustion. He shrugs at her, shuffling away the comment, the low-light gleam, the echo of another teller's tilt to the world.
  “Wouldn't be the first time.” It was rather liberating, in many respects. To be 'mad' — or at least to be viewed that way. Fewer bindings grasp at him that way, and he can simply carry on his way without worry for what people might hope to box him into. He's mad! And none should expect sense or reason. Only for him to do as he pleases. Such is the way. “Better to drive than be driven, anyhow.”
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seeasunset · 4 months
{Starter from s.c. for: @paddyfuck}
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❝I'm not surprised to have crossed paths with you once again. It seems like it's more common than before. What brings you around these parts?❞ The quick pace Vasco picked up, only came to screeching halt when he almost stumbled into a familiar figure. No other than Anne. Although he maintained most of his restlessness down a lot, there is still a little bit to see. The way he seemed to juggle the weight of his body from one leg to the next. Perhaps holding a conversation can do him some good and help him relax.
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avalior · 2 months
@paddyfuck heathens
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"Christ, you're a sight for sore eyes."
The wound at his side throbbed as if in remembrance, puckered flesh pulsing and beating as though the scar was torn anew. The Anne before him seemed a strange commingling, new and old at once; the same Anne of the Avery and an entirely different woman all together. The memory of a suppressed laughter, lofted by a cry of 'We plead our bellies!' and Anne and Kidd both determined to give the British defiance to the last, touched gold at the edge of his mind, bringing the same warm smile to the pirate's lips.
"It looks like you might be one of us!"
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lighthouseborna · 11 months
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Discworld Starters || @paddyfuck
“Is this a dagger I see before me?”
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  “You're kidding?” His disbelief rang through the surrounding shadows, bouncing back as an indistinct whisper off the far side of the sunken amphitheater. “You found it?”
  Henry resisted the urge to lean any further forward. It had been hard enough to get into the damn place in one piece, between the attempts made to conceal it and the years turning even the straightforward parts into a game of chance. For now, they were stable, him the counterbalance, and an early glance at the next puzzle piece was not worth risking their footing. It was a long fall with a landing shrouded in uncertain blackness. (How many had died trying to get here? How many had made it this far, only to fail here, on the precipice?)
  “Can you reach it?” He was already searching for a way to give her more slack, should she need it.
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fatalframez · 2 months
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@paddyfuck liked for a starter
He thought he was alone. Sitting outside - it's pretty late, to be honest. Still, he couldn't sleep and the best way for him to deal with that? It seemed to be sneaking off for a smoke. Typically with Argyle, but the guy wasn't available right now. As in he's probably dead asleep and he doesn't want to bother him. He's not going to go preventing someone else from sleeping just because he can't sleep.
But he wasn't alone. How long Anne was there, but when he noticed her? He's visibly jumping in place. A bit too surprised to think to hide the joint at first though he ends up not doing so anyway because it truly is no secret to most that he was, in fact, a bit of a stoner these days. How that information hasn't come back around to his mother or Hopper is beyond him, but hey, he's not complaining. "Shit - I didn't see you there." He thought to add a you scared me though he's sure that much is obvious to her already.
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aworldofyou · 10 months
How’s the Molly O’Shea adding going? Well-
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visiblesecrets · 5 months
@paddyfuck said: "I think you'd like this." She was an old woman, now, and moving around her home was no easy feat. John had done his best to repair the loose florboards, though they still groaned under the weight of her boot. As she reached into the drawer, she moved to pull out an old pistol of his grandfathers. Oh, she remembered how it felt when he'd gifted it to her after she had thrown her own at the face of a member of the royal navy, and how miserable she'd been when it had scuttled across the deck and into the ocean, never to be seen in again. "It belonged to your grandfather." Anne turned to Connor with a wry smile, and made her way over to him. "Even has his initials carved into the wood of it. Don't know if it'll be much use, but sentimentality is something I've never been able to kick."
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Drafty wooden beams seemed to sway in motion to the breeze as if wind had caught in its sail, had it not indeed been a home in solid need of repair. Yet it suited its occupant, pealing paint flaking and chipped bespoke of better days - weathered and worn a face that matched, etched with wrinkles of adventures long past. However, the eyes that set themselves in the woman that bade him closer, told that they had never changed despite all that had. Soothing, salving, searching his own in mute keenness that told him she knew more than what his letters had prescribed. Though in truth, she had been the unexpected one, eager in her way to help him regardless of the cause that haunted and nearly destroyed all that the kenways held dear. To all affected in unseen explanations of greater power, simply omnipotent.
Sure of foot were steps poised as if he were traversing the weakest point of a branch -- wincing everytime a creak sounded from too much pressure, only to shift on feet balancing like a dancer to mitigate some of his hulking weight as he met her approach in gentle strides. Fingertips grazed the spontaneous curves and grooves that rough hewn wood had been carved to make such a barrel nearly a century old and water logged to the point of warping -- its mass some how heavy compared to the ones hidden in his robes.
"I hope I have not disturbed you at all.", hesitant at first came softness of speech, digits tracing the cracking lettering at the base of the weapon now firmly cradled in his mits. Caramel hues lingering there momentarily, unwilling to look into her gaze that at times seemed to nearly read every thought lain bare in his. Their introduction at her door had been brief, but it had felt as the universe was on its edge, every breath humming with a decision not yet made.
"I was hoping I could learn more about my grandfather. Through your eyes." He continues, his grip on the pistol tightening as if it were going to slip from him -- as he were a child again holding on to a security blanket despite nearly being twice her size. What had remained of his family had only been materialized and no matter how hard he pushed the thoughts away, still there was a shred of him that wished to know his own father. How unless it was to dream of people that no longer existed.
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drkroots · 4 months
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               A boyish giggle to himself escaped lips as he heard the redhead approach, wolf growing somewhat used to the way she carried herself through the school halls. "If you're looking for Q, he's not here yet." Cody knew why, but wasn't able to share the real reason. "Got chewed out by his parental units for staying out too late n' then slept in and missed the bus." What books were needed for the first periods were withdrawn and locker door was closed and locked. "You wanna go looking for him?"
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ncthingistrivial · 3 months
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@paddyfuck said: “ i had normal, and i worked really, really hard to get that normal. but from this moment on, i will never have the normal again! “
          practical magic sentence starters
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               Those dark, dangerous eyes looked down to the woman, harsh features so sympathetic to her plight. Carefully, huge hand was placed on shoulder as a genuine attempt at being comforting but all he got were flashes which were enough to force him to stumble back, grab the nearest thing to keep him upright.
She was on the ground, trying to protect herself with bare hands as verbal abuse was screamed at her. He had his belt in hand and a bottle of whiskey a quarter full on the table next to him. He didn't need to see the rest of the vision to assume what had happened to her, but it progressed until there was another. The feared screaming was replaced with unbridled fury and instead of being on the ground, Anne was standing above him, blood splattered everywhere.
Only once series of images were shown to him was he able to steady himself. Then, eye contact was made again. "He was a very bad man. You did what you had to do to protect yourself."
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haresvoid · 9 months
anne, trying to braid his tentacles and failing horribly at it;
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`THE MIND FLAYER WAS INDEED VERY CONFUSED ON WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Curiosity had been the main reason Omeluum allowed the action // EVEN AS LITTLE JOLTS WENT ALONG THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OCCASIONALLY // watching tendrils be moved and curled and twisted along one another-- - before they would slip or twitch instinctually. Contact atypical with anything it did not directly decide. (IT DID SETTLE THEM, ESPECIALLY AS FURTHER MORE NOTHING WORRYING WAS SENSED). Eventually enough of a shape came to fruition before it would be disturbed again by the nature of body, and they were able to get a gander at what was happening. Recalling something-- - “&– - ... Are you trying to braid my tentacles like others do their hair? May I ask why?” It was not upset, just confused further. // @paddyfuck
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recitedemise · 9 months
"'The banshee of the coast.' The stories shared in your name prove quite the compelling earworm." Gale, now rambling, has finished his wash. Here, he now rests idle by the crackling fire, its humble hearth, gold and autumn-embered, meager before the hour's plundering dark. Yet, it casts in her relief, her red hair all the fiercer, and he wonders, distantly, if her great locks are bloody. He hums, thoughtful, and towels his own. "Legends along the banks of Waterdeep share how sailors would chance upon a voice before darkness claimed them. Even at their end, they found their heavy hearts at peace. Whether by blade or luring lullaby they fell, none could quite determine." My, how thrilling. Gale, over the flickering fire, waits, gauging her response. Watching her dance with her bladed rage today... The legends, he admits, he can't answer. Oh, mysteries.
@paddyfuck liked for a starter.
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