#Out of Cruxis [ OOC ]
originskey · 2 years
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I’ve updated Kratos’ relationships page!
People added: @serpernts, @fellstcr, @serpentsbreath​
People updated: Lloyd, Anna, Martel, Yuan, Baizhu, Hunter, Zero, Klaus, Olga, Karna, Zelos
If your muse isn’t on there and we’ve had a few threads, let me know and I’ll put them on there!
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originskey · 2 years
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Now that the event info is up, here’s an interest check for interactions! The TL;DR is:
Kratos dressed up as a demon
Is still largely Kratos, but less uptight and disciplined than usual
Is mostly around to observe other people, and is still a bit of a loner
Activities you’ll most likely find him:
MENACING MONSTER MASSACRE (or, namely, getting people out of trouble who go too over their head (especially any of his students!) He may not have his angelic powers, but he does still have his sword!)
If you’re interested in interacting with him, give this a like and we can plot! Or if you’d rather just throw out a starter that’s good and dandy too!
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originskey · 2 years
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(No Longer Accepting)  send me a 💞  and i’ll tell you something I like about your portrayal !!  -- @fellstcr​ asked:  💞 ? ovo
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LISTEN.... I love Byleth. It makes me sad when people say they don’t have a personality. You, my dear, have managed to balance her neutrality with her drive for kindness and loyalty in a way that doesn’t seem out of character in the slightest. I love seeing her interactions and sparks of humor; they have a place in her personality, and you put those pieces in those places organically, and in a very enjoyable way to read.
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originskey · 2 years
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(No Longer Accepting) send me a 💞  and i’ll tell you something I like about your portrayal !!  -- @dendrothecary​ asked:  💞  ( i know u don't go to genshin, but persnaps..?  :eyes: )
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YOU’RE RIGHT I don’t really go to Genshin, so I don’t have anything to go off of except pure vibes. And in that sense, I really like Baizhu. In particular I like the mischief he gets up to and the general knifecat vibe he has going on sometimes.
When he describes what he can sense, or how he feels, it seems very sweet and genuine. The language you use to describe how Baizhu perceives the world around him delights me (or hurts me irreparably, and then I start wailing)
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originskey · 2 years
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As a bonus to the earlier character sheet post for meme day, here’s Kratos’ english VA singing a cover of “I Will Survive”
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originskey · 2 years
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(No Longer Accepting)  send me a 💞  and i’ll tell you something I like about your portrayal !!  -- @inheritedname​ asked: 💞 💞
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Big Robin Bias, I adore him. I’ve only seen in in FGO’s portrayal, though, not the canon point you have him at. But that doesn’t matter too much I think!
True to his nature, he’s laid back and humble, and very go-with-the-flow in his actions. In particular, when it comes to Kratos, I absolutely love the mutual drinking-buddy relationship they have. Sometimes you just need to kick back a couple beers and people watch at a tavern, u feel me
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originskey · 2 years
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(No Longer Accepting)  send me a 💞  and i’ll tell you something I like about your portrayal !!  -- @divineshadows asked: 💞 
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I think Emil deserves little a violence. As a treat.
All jokes aside, knowing the series, I like how in-tune Emil is with himself. Both aspects of Ratatosk perceive the world around them in a harmonious way, and they work well together to focus on tasks at hand. Emil’s relationships also seem to accept him for who he is, and most people I’ve seen don’t have that “These are two separate people in one body” mentality.
It’s been very enjoyable to watch him befriend others, and to see Ratatosk out of his element (but doing his best) to navigate the people around him.
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